Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance discovered how to fuse their bodies into one. So here we see Brilliant Heart, guardian of the Crystal Empire, introducing herself to her younger sister.
#Twilight is a slob who hangs around her castle in Applejack's pajamas
#cause they're big and they feel nice
#and she wasn't planning on going outside today
#but now she's got some new magic to study
#all she wants to do
#is see them turn into
#a giant woman


So it begins ponies the dawn (evening) of a new mlp pairing art blog that will be called Twijacky weekly reason for this is because somebody already has the name Twijack, besides its a nice quirky name that suits my personality when it comes to naming my work.

A certain princess needs a good clean :)

Good Evening Twilight Sparkle

LyraBon Daily Rarijack Daily returns. Happy St. Patrick's Day! <3

Everypony! We missed you~! <3 <3

Strife Kind Abstrata: Cannonkind

my god, that sounds awesome^

Land of Balls and Slides (LOBAS)

First of my God Tier Ponies.

For these, I took that simpler God Tier quiz, (not the take forever to do one, the 15 question one), and pretty much answered each question in character as best I could ouo!

Pinkie Pie as our Light player this session!

Strife Kind Abstrata: Bladekind – Equipped: Wreck-Spectrum

Land of Speed and Thunder (LOSAT)

Second of my God Tier Ponies.

For these, I took that simpler God Tier quiz, (not the take forever to do one, the 15 question one), and pretty much answered each question in character as best I could ouo!

Rainbow Dash, our Blood Player! Utilizing the power of friendship like never before! Really steps up the power on her blade, the aptly named "Wreck-Spectrum, or "Bitch-Prism" as she prefers to call it..

I'm just wingin' it here..

God Tier Twilight - Mage of Mind
Strife Kind Abstrata: Bookkind (As if it could possibly be anything else..) - Equipped: The Chrome Tome

Land of Text and Hexes (LOTAH)

Twilight Sparkle as our Mind player this session. Not surprising really, though she could have been the blood player too.

God Tier Fluttershy - Page of Life
Strife Kind Abstrata: Staffkind - Equipped: Wood Whisper

Land of Song and Patience (LOSAP)

Fourth of my God Tier Ponies.

Fluttershy as our Life player this session. Big surprise there!

Hesitant to join the session, she found herself compelled when Angel jumped in the Kernelsprite and having no idea what that involved. Slow to grasp the flow of the game and much too passive, she's hardly slayed any imps. Pretty much all of the kills she's made have been either Server Player Rarity's doing or dumb luck, such as them tripping too hard over a branch, or falling off a cliff chasing her. She's collected very little grist on her own (much to her server player's creative dismay), and hasn't done much upgrading, hence her relatively basic weapon, really just for self defense on her part. But she's trying.

Twilight Magics up a bath

Celestia as Kiryuin Ragyou and Luna as Hoomaru Rei.

Swarm of the Century
"Pinkie Pie, you are so random." Twilight Sparkle criticized.
"And you are all so stubborn!" Pinkie Pie screamed in return. Not a single friend of hers believed she had any real contribution to what was going on. They were so wrapped up in their own solutions that they didn't or couldn't pay attention to the solution being formed right beneath their noses.

In spite of Fluttershy's knowledge of nature and critters she was absolutely clueless on what a parasprite was. As a result it was assumed nobody knew how to fix their pest problem, but Pinkie sure knew! None of her friends, or any pony she knew of had to deal with a crop of well cultivated rocks being devoured in a single week, but that was a memory Pinky Pie could not let go and she was determined not to let it happen again.

Pinkie was distressed. She had moments where she held out hope, but she was ignored at every turn. Every pony seemed to have things handled as best they could. "Pinkie is just being Pinkie" as some have put it. A terrible insult to a beautifully glowing personality. And unfortunately something that may come back to bite her and her friends later on..

She stashed her arsenal in the bushes at the southeast end of town so that the parasprites wouldn't find them easily. (the flute was a nasty casualty of this war) As soon as she got the necessary items together, she went to work fixing the problem and saved the day! Good thing she found that trombone first, it was the most important instrument after all.

She was alone in her fight! Pinkie Pie, the unsung hero with all of the music.
Shining Armor and Princess Cadance discovered how to fuse their bodies into one. So here we see Brilliant Heart, guardian of the Crystal Empire, introducing herself to her younger sister.
#Twilight is a slob who hangs around her castle in Applejack's pajamas
#cause they're big and they feel nice
#and she wasn't planning on going outside today
#but now she's got some new magic to study
#all she wants to do
#is see them turn into
#a giant woman


Heh heh, Celestia is my kind of pony.
Celestia isn't just "a morning pony". She's The Morning Pony. Duh.

Looks good so far. Cheerilee is in for a world of pain.

Celestia: "Haha, what are these glasses even good for?!? We look absolutely ridiculous."

Luna: "…I really hope this marker ink comes out of my coat."

Celestia: "……………………HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Infamous outlaw Troubleshoes Clyde returns to terrorize the Appleoosa rodeo and the Cutie Mark Crusaders set out to bring him to justice and finally get their cutie marks.

Air Date: May 2nd 2015

Ask Technolestia

Artist: Caluriri on Inkbunny

Among freeborn changelings, surnames aren't something they are hatched with, they are something that are earned for service both mundane and unusual. The nomadic queenless swarm survives in the badlands by every 'ling knowing their place and performing their duties flawlessly, a prospect made more challenging without the oversight and group coordination provided by a hive queen.

Meander was just curious. She wanted to be an explorer, not a tunneler. Unfortunately, her attempts to find new resources and uncover new pathways through subterranean caverns lead to her nearly flooding the lower levels when she blundered upon an underground river while tunneling in a direction not indicated on her orders.

The loss of time and effort when the tunnel she should have been lengthening had to be abandoned earned her a surname. She became the 37th Gadfly, an 'honor' which saw her ejected to the surface and the passage collapsed behind her. Solitude is nightmarish for any 'ling, freeborn or hiveborn, and Meander found herself wandering almost mindlessly in horror of her new 'life' as an outcast.

Continuing her streak of brilliant decisions, she followed a lazy brook because the sound of it was soothing to her frazzled nerves. It lead her into a forest which she had no name for. Everfree isn't a nice place to be after dusk, especially for a lone 'ling who has no idea of its dangers.
Artist: Noben

The Switcheroo


Shining: "Sooo… What happened? Why are all the connections to Twily's card but one gone?"

Cadance: "Oh… Oh boy."

Artist: glacierclear
Hmm... *Reads the letter and then starts laughing and cringing*
Second-latest Twilestia Prompt fic comes to mind.

Twilight Sparkle wanted to die.

Well, not really, she'd really prefer living on for a while. But at this moment, death seemed more preferable than that what was about to happen. It was the most awkward thing she ever experienced and worse than anything she ever imagined. It was worse than turning in an assignment late. Even worse than the time she got a B+ in school. There was nothing that could ever be worse than the situation she was in now.

Well, except for being expelled. And her friends abandoning her. And actually dying. And several other things.

Still, at this moment, it seemed like the worst thing ever. And the amused smile of Princess Celestia didn't change that at all. Although it did make Twilight wonder why she doesn't have a more... negative reaction.

"I guess you know why I asked for you?" she asked, comfortably sitting in her throne.

"...I think so." The purple unicorn replied.

"And I guess you meant to send me a friendship letter, not that... story?"

Twilight's stomach twisted. "...Yes, I did."

"And if I were to guess the author, I'd be correct if I chose you?"

"...Yes." Obviously. Who else could have done it? Actually the thought of someone else writing such a story about her and Princess Celestia was pretty creepy and she hoped that this would never happen.

Then there was silence. Pretty painful one, that made Twilight's mind nearly rampage with thoughts. She didn't know what to do, except for apologizing like mad. But this could make her look desperate and clingy, so she refrained.

"...Not bad."

"Come again?" Twilight wasn't sure what she meant.

"Your story, I mean." Celestia answered. "It was pretty good. Although there were some things that bothered me. First of all, I prefer strawberries over bananas. When it comes too that, I mean. Also, while plain socks are nice, striped ones are more enticing. And I really can't imagine Luna calling us 'adorable', even in that situation, although my sister would certainly give us her blessing."

Twilight's mouth hang open in shock, while she was blushing furiously. She wasn't sure what to make out of this and even if she did, her brain refused to function correctly, hearing all this.

As if oblivious to her student's reaction, the princess went on. "While it's quite flattering, I'm not actually that big there. I think that's pretty obvious. Also you really overestimating my physical skills. And underestimating my ability to hold my liquor. It's actually Luna who has trouble with that. This would have made the scene more entertaining, but would have probably shifted the focus too much. And as much as I enjoy cakes, I don't like them that much. Although it is an interesting idea. Lastly, certain scenes would have benefited from more detail. They are fine as they are, but I would have liked to see what exactly happens."

"I... also have more graphic stories." A part of Twilight's brain cried out to her, that she shouldn't say that. That part wasn't working correctly right now, though.

"Oh you wrote more?" Celestia seemed to be a bit too happy about that. "Can you send me your other stories too? I would really like to read them. And, if you don't mind, give you critique, so your future endeavors are more realistic."

"Sure, whatever pleases you, princess." Another part of the unicorn was very happy about what she heard.

"Thank you, Twilight. And if you need to do some... research, you can always come to me. I'm open for everything."

Twilight Sparkle didn't want to die. But as she was passing out and thought that she did, she was content with her life.
392. Fanfiction by Ragabash

by glacierclear

Cruel moon, bring the end…

AU in which Twilight walks into Rarity's boutique after Rainbow Dash messes her mane up, and Rarity makes her vow right that second to never again straighten those fabulous curls.
#Rarity has that mirror because she wants everypony who looks into it to see a star looking back at them
Hey, there's something you don't see often. Anthro body-designs that aren't deliberately "sexy".