Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

I agree with you there. That was easily the weakest of the finales (haven't seen the one for season 6 yet) and thier is such an easy, easy fix for it. Only have one altered timeline and really explore it, have it be about rallying the alternate versions of her friends to save the new world and find a way to turn back time. It might be a paint by numbers MLP finale, but it would be something.

Also Starlight's motivation is comically weak. It reminds me of Alt! Doofensmertz's backstory in the Phenias and Ferb movie, only not played for laughs.
Yeah. There was a perfect setup to have the alt-Mane Six help Twilight and Spike out. Instead they-again-got left by the wayside.

And Starlight's motivation, IMHO, would be a hard sell for a lemonade racket.
The most annoying part about Starlight is that she makes me want to have Sunset on the show, at least for one episode. Also I want an excuse to point this:

Still my favorite song in the whole show.
The most annoying part about Starlight is that she makes me want to have Sunset on the show, at least for one episode. Also I want an excuse to point this:

Still my favorite song in the whole show.

It is a pretty amazing song.

I don't hate Starlight the way some people do, but... I agree that her handling has not been great. (I'd say she's not as good a character as post-reform Sunset Shimmer, but that's an unfair standard. Sunset Shimmer is absolutely fantastic.)
'Every Little Thing She Does' is basically my 'What About Discord' for Starlight. It sank any hope/possibility of me being able to accept her being reformed. Although Discord had 'Twilight's Kingdom part two' and 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', which means that Starlight's 'reformation' is worse than Discord's!
'Every Little Thing She Does' is basically my 'What About Discord' for Starlight. It sank any hope/possibility of me being able to accept her being reformed. Although Discord had 'Twilight's Kingdom part two' and 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', which means that Starlight's 'reformation' is worse than Discord's!

She's someone who is quite well aware that what they did was bad, but has an actual psychological disorder that prevents her from being able to actually grasp what that wrong is. It's like being mad at a computer because it doesn't understand some social concept that ends up with it torturing someone in a way that it's completely unaware of and was never programmed for. She fucked up, yes. She fucked up bigtime. She immediately went 'oh my Celestia, won't do that again! Sorry, sorry, sorry!' over it. She is a social cripple that makes S1Ep1 Twilight look like a social genius, someone who completely understands the depth of their fuckup, but due to their life experiences doesn't even have social '2+2=4'. Twilight isn't the teacher she really needs (she needs Luna and Sunset working together on her), but she is TRYING, and is repentant, but she needs a lot of professional help to get basic social concepts down. Unfortunately, Twilight seems to be the only professional at the moment.

Discord, yeah, being mad at him is pretty fine (though even there, yeah). However, it's because he DOES understand the basics of the concepts and has a problem with applying them to himself and his relationships due to near-omnipotent syndrome.
Discord, yeah, being mad at him is pretty fine (though even there, yeah). However, it's because he DOES understand the basics of the concepts and has a problem with applying them to himself and his relationships due to near-omnipotent syndrome.

So, basically the same problems Q had before his stint as a mortal. Which fits because John deLancie.
She's someone who is quite well aware that what they did was bad, but has an actual psychological disorder that prevents her from being able to actually grasp what that wrong is. It's like being mad at a computer because it doesn't understand some social concept that ends up with it torturing someone in a way that it's completely unaware of and was never programmed for. She fucked up, yes. She fucked up bigtime. She immediately went 'oh my Celestia, won't do that again! Sorry, sorry, sorry!' over it. She is a social cripple that makes S1Ep1 Twilight look like a social genius, someone who completely understands the depth of their fuckup, but due to their life experiences doesn't even have social '2+2=4'. Twilight isn't the teacher she really needs (she needs Luna and Sunset working together on her), but she is TRYING, and is repentant, but she needs a lot of professional help to get basic social concepts down. Unfortunately, Twilight seems to be the only professional at the moment.

Discord, yeah, being mad at him is pretty fine (though even there, yeah). However, it's because he DOES understand the basics of the concepts and has a problem with applying them to himself and his relationships due to near-omnipotent syndrome.
No. No, I will be mad at her. I'll be mad at her for running Pony-Jonestown. I'll be mad at her for stripping the cutie marks of the Mane Six and locking them inside a building while using RL-indoctrination techniques, despite them showing little more than mild curiosity/suspicion. I'll be angry at her for having one of the worst excuses for being the bad guy I have ever seen. I'll be angry at her for stalking Twilight Sparkle, breaking into the Castle of Friendship, fucking with time to the extent that Rasillon would be applauding, and then pretty much getting away with it and becoming the textbook definition of Karma Houdini. Hi, Sunburst!

I'll also get mad at her for her irresponsible use of magic in the beginning of No Second Prances-Big Mac says hi and a bunch of other stuff, unwillingly-and of course, Every Little Thing She does.

Does losing a friend suck? Yes. But the excuses/reasons/explanations don't hold up against what she's done. Eventually, like with her, you gotta say, "Enough!"
It is a pretty amazing song.

I don't hate Starlight the way some people do, but... I agree that her handling has not been great. (I'd say she's not as good a character as post-reform Sunset Shimmer, but that's an unfair standard. Sunset Shimmer is absolutely fantastic.)

Likewise. I still like Starlight, but Sunset is the protagonist I'm most interested in now even above the Six! Some of which is I've already got so much six stuff, but still.
IMHO the best part of every EG movie after the first.
I haven't seen the 4th one yet but EG is essentially Sunset Shimmer's story as much if not more so than Twilight's.

I tend to jump around episodes based on what I think I'll like, and I just caught up on 'To Where and Back Again.' And... while S6 has some good episodes and new characters (Gabby!), including some eps I probably haven't watched yet but'll like, I do kinda feel it's the weakest season in awhile. Both 4 and 5 were really strong on the whole, while I think they were a bit less sure where to go with the mane six in S6. In TWaBA itself, the gang of four together was pretty great, but the ending was a bit easy- I mean, biologically easy, it obviously was plenty hard for them to get there ^^ Sunset's village was bizarrely eager for her to take charge in part 1 too.
I'm not sure whether such assessment is accurate, or is a consequence of a mixture of nostalgia-vision and later episodes getting penalized for being repetitive even though they hit the same note just as well. Or possibly Starlight Glimmer hate, seeing as she has been the center-piece of the Season Premiere AND Finale of the last two seasons.

I'm not sure why people dislike her so much. She's supposed to be flawed, she's supposed to be a "what if Twilight went off the deep end?" while still being her own character, she's a way for Twilight to fully move on from student to teacher.
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I guess the thing is, I don't think of Starlight as "evil" so much as... OK, somewhat evil, maybe. But, mostly? I think of her as mentally ill. She really doesn't get it. She doesn't have an operational moral compass.
But she's actually trying, and, I do believe Twilight can help her build a moral compass.

Discord... Discord was a colossal jackass. But I think to some extent, his evil was motivated by not really thinking of non-omnipotents as real people. I don't mean he thought they weren't real... rather, well, he'd never interacted with anyone as an equal, so he just thought of them as NPCs in the giant videogame that was his life. It's only once he started forming an emotional bond with Fluttershy that he started thinking of the ponies around her as people. And when Discord thinks of you as a person... well. He's still a jerk. But in a "that jerk next door you sometimes want to punch" sort of way, rather than "the monster clown who tries to murder your family" sort of way.

Sunset, in contrast to the other two, was always a fairly functional person, who just happened to get drunk on bitterness and ambition. Once she got that slapped out of her... well, becoming a decent person was much more of a straightforward deal for Sunset.
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I haven't seen the 4th one yet but EG is essentially Sunset Shimmer's story as much if not more so than Twilight's.
Especially since it's just the one Sunset, but divided between two Twilights.

I'm going to laugh if Human!Sunest is somehow the villain of the MLP movie.

On an unrelated note:

Finally finished season 6, overall I think it wasn't as strong as season 4 or 5, but better than season 3. The opener was mediocre, but the finale was actually pretty good and actually made Starlight an interesting character for the first time since The Cutie Map.

The stand out episodes for me this season were "Spice up Your Life", "Flutter Brutter", "Viva Las Pegasus", and "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks". I don't feel their were any especially face palming episodes, though Newbie Dash had a lot more cringe than I like. The Crusaders didn't have a bad episode this season, on the other hand the pushing of Twilight to the background is almost palpable, there really isn't a Twilight Sparkle episode for this entire season. You can also tell they are starting to run low on ideas as they are doing episodes that are normal stories but play with the format, "The Saddle Row Review" used it to make an okay story into a solid one, but Pony Point of View was a complete dud.

The Crystaling, Pony Point of View, and A Harthswarming's Tale are probably my least favorite. The Crystaling is a generic MLP opener/closer without even having a proper villain, Pony Point of View is the same not very interesting story thrice told and the Rashomon elements are weak, and A Harthswarming's Tale is the generic A Christmas Carol story, but doesn't even have a decent spin on it.
I'm not sure whether such assessment is accurate, or is a consequence of a mixture of nostalgia-vision and later episodes getting penalized for being repetitive even though they hit the same note just as well. Or possibly Starlight Glimmer hate, seeing as she has been the center-piece of the Season Premiere AND Finale of the last two seasons.

I'm not sure why people dislike her so much. She's supposed to be flawed, she's supposed to be a "what if Twilight went off the deep end?" while still being her own character, she's a way for Twilight to fully move on from student to teacher.

Well, speaking as a Starlight-liker, I think there's a feeling some steps went a bit fast. And while Sunset had multiple movies hit it out of the park with her character growth, Starlight's had some good episodes, but also some weaker ones.

Also, sidenote, I do feel magic got inflated in season 5 and 6, of which Starlight is a major symptom, and the non-Unicorns have thus presence in some of the big conflict. And, hm, the rest of the Mane Six really haven't played a major role in a season opener/closer since... well, Starlight's village at the start of 5 (sometimes it seems like unnecessarily so- Dash totally should've been helping the Princesses fight the winter in the Crystalling!). So I bet some of the resentment is the other characters we like being sidelined a bit.