Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Marble and Mac are... oh dear. The MMM-hmmms and Eeyups are making beautiful harmonies.

Also, Applejack might be about to cause trouble.
So the video about the Shattered Kingdom presentation from 2015 has been relased

I am really excited for the project since Pen Stroke is the lead writer. But they really need help with programming. If anyone knows someone who is a Brony and knows how to code Ruby (or is willing to learn it) this can be an great project for him or her.
You know the question, "has science magic gone too far?"

I think in this case, the answer would be a 'yes, magic has gone too far'.As adorable as she might be

Her backstory as provided by badumsquish on Derpibooru said:
This is the tale of Looseleaf, the little paper pony who exists in a two dimensional plane. The colored pencils used to draw her were made from the wax drippings of Charon's lantern, colored with the pigments of Tartarus itself and wrapped in the wood taken from the lone tree left standing in a canyon where a fierce three-way battle between ponies, gryphons, and changelings ensued. The paper she was drawn on was made from leaves of the Plunderseed plant, cooked with dragon's breath and whitened with the magic bleach used by Channers to travel to Equestria. The permanent marker used to outline her was unremarkable and purchased on sale for 1 bit because the package was already opened. She was drawn on the 13th day of the 4th month since GMHAA came to Equestria, an act which took exactly 666 seconds and finished at precisely 1:08 in the afternoon of a friday the 13th during a blue moon.

Being precisely 15 minutes old, she thinks her puns are incredibly funny and clever, and was particularly bummed that the name Doodlebug was already taken.
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Eh, that was okay to good-ish. Nowhere near the greatest, but good message that needed to be said, and seeing Discord finally getting roped into the friendship circle properly was nice, as was beating him amusingly at his own game, and seeing the rest of the mane six bemused-exasperatedly pulling her back from pulling a Lesson Zero.

Biggest lesson of the episode: Don't tell Twilight your *Wiggles fingers and talks spooky* Eeeeeeee~eevil plan to trick her into being jealous */Silly voice*. She likes her amusing karmic backfires.
Well, some new MLP merchandise arrived for me today...


I haven't had a chance to free them from their cardboard prisons, and I don't think they've got their cutie marks yet. ;) Hmm, there's a website that specializes in Transformer decals, for sprucing up old figures and third-party toys. I wonder if there's some sort of cutie mark market out there...
So, the latest episode regarding conflict resolution...

Is this a shoutout/reference to Teddy Roosevelt's quote about foreign policy?

Speak Softly (Fluttershy) and Carry a Big Stick (Twilight Sparkle)?