Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Cutie mark crusaders cutie marks and Diamond Tiara turning over a new leaf in the same episode? This is going to take a while to process.
That was a really, really good episode :)

Whole lot of songs, too!

Tiara has... a really strong cutie mark power ^^ And I like super-strong girl.
Well, that was amazing on multiple levels. If I had been losing my enthusiasm for the show (which I wasn't - this season's been all-around awesome), this episode would have made me fall in love with it all over again.

And I unabashedly love that the CMC get their cutie marks once they get over their obsession with getting their cutie marks.

"The crusaders finally learned Nana's lesson that life has many doors, yes?"
From The Royal Sketchbook, a look at the very early days of Celestia and her tendancies when pregnant:

Celestia: "Pregnancy hormones may have made me… less than regal. So yes, I have had foals. Only the first two were biologically mine, though. My later spouses and I adopted. I grew to prefer adopting, anyway. Same love, no awful pregnancy. I don't know why I couldn't conceive after my first two sons. I have multiple theories but a sample size of two isn't really conclusive even if the results are the same.

"Speaking of, I did get Luna back a few years later for her incessant teasing when she got pregnant with her only biological foal. She had even weirder cravings and rougher mood swings than I did!"
So, uh, it's confirmed, then. Mini-armor!

And either the cakes rubbed off on Pinkie, or Pinkie rubbed off on the Cakes.

My god, seeing Pinkie squirm is great. Karma, thy name is Pinkie.

This episode might beat Amending Fences for best episode of the season. This is (*^ing hilarious. Flailing tube arm Pinkie freaking out is great.
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So, uh, it's confirmed, then. Mini-armor!

And either the cakes rubbed off on Pinkie, or Pinkie rubbed off on the Cakes.

My god, seeing Pinkie squirm is great. Karma, thy name is Pinkie.

This episode might beat Amending Fences for best episode of the season. This is (*^ing hilarious. Flailing tube arm Pinkie freaking out is great.
Well, this is the other episode that actually does shit I never thought they'd do. Last weeks was the other one.
Well, this is the other episode that actually does shit I never thought they'd do. Last weeks was the other one.
Is it just me, or is this season intertwining the threads of 'connections to the past' and 'changes' into its episodes?

I mean, not just the last two. Look at even the third ep- when Twilight's angsting about losing the Golden Oaks Library... and how they connected it to the castle. Then Applebloom's panic over her cutie mark, connected to a previous character's gaining of it... The Smooze(GGG + previous series character) and Discord getting over the idea of being locked to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash's pet and mutual faithfulness, Moondancer's party and her character shift, Cranky and Matilda, Gilda's redemption, and the rest. But not every episode really has this: Prince Rutherford, in particular, doesn't seem to like continuity. (He'd better change.)

I see how this ties into the anticipated season finale, but given how much they're putting into it...Applejack?

"Whoo doggy, this'll be a biggun."

Thank you.
Is it just me, or is this season intertwining the threads of 'connections to the past' and 'changes' into its episodes?

I mean, not just the last two. Look at even the third ep- when Twilight's angsting about losing the Golden Oaks Library... and how they connected it to the castle. Then Applebloom's panic over her cutie mark, connected to a previous character's gaining of it... The Smooze(GGG + previous series character) and Discord getting over the idea of being locked to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash's pet and mutual faithfulness, Moondancer's party and her character shift, Cranky and Matilda, Gilda's redemption, and the rest. But not every episode really has this: Prince Rutherford, in particular, doesn't seem to like continuity. (He'd better change.)

I see how this ties into the anticipated season finale, but given how much they're putting into it...Applejack?

"Whoo doggy, this'll be a biggun."

Thank you.

So, uh, yeah. Turns out that time-traveling to undo your de-cutiefication results in alicornification. Who knew? :p

Shining: "The Ponyville announcement went wonderfully… The Canterlot announcement was terrifying."

Bwuhahahhahaahaha. Celestia going Twilight/Pinkie over having a grand-niece would be legendary.
Them's Fighting Herds, the MLP-inspired fighting game with character designs by Lauren Faust, is nearing completion of it's Indiegogo campaign, hours from ending, and already with enough stretch goals for one bonus character, Goat.
.... Pinkie's whole family is just as... eccentric as her.

Amish parents, Maud, Flutter-grade shy Marble, and her slightly (tensy-weensy) anger-issue older sister who's got--issues from doing the same thing as Applejack.
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