Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Dear God. :o Twilight ran out of books to read. She read All the Books.

And then it turns out bored-Starbutt is Sassy Starbutt.

Wow. Much references, much funny.

We've got Peanuts and more, and Applejack's slowly been getting city-phobic, and now we see the setup for the 'brotherhooves social' episode, as Rarity and Applejack are missing the Sisterhooves Social.

Poor Applejack. Humiliation Conga, Ahoy. Call in the Oranges and Babs already, willya?
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That's so last season.

Applejack: But all of them are special to me, really!

Its probably not that a specific hat is all that special to AJ. But Hats Are Important.

To quote an excerpt the work of the Late Great Terry Pratchett:

No one knew better than Granny Weatherwax that hats were important. They weren't just clothing. Hats defined the head. They defined who you were... It wasn't the wearing of hats that counted so much as having one to wear. Every trade, every craft had its hat... Hats had Power. Hats were Important.

Note that before Rarity gets her a new one, Applejack is still wearing her old hat despite how damaged and beat up it is. Its not that that particular hat cannot be replaced, but The Hat is part of Applejack's identity, part of how she defines herself. She literally wears her rural farmer heritage for all to see.
You know, the new EQG movie is actually giving a lot of insight into what the writers consider to be magic.

One: It is partially an EM frequency, or at least generates one measurable enough over a large distance as a side-effect of its presence.
Two: It has some sort of a tachyon component, possibly linked to one.
Three: There seems to be a distinct 'frequency' between the EQG generated magic and Equestrian-generated magic, as Sunset remained relatively untouched and didn't set off the device.

This suggests that a magic field may be an expression of a grander universal constant. Possibly a component of a Grand Unifying Field. (Which might also explain why harmony is so powerful, it's going along with a natural tendency of the universe.)

Bosslight Sparkle. I'm pretty sure she should have two horns here, her normal one and a shrapnel one.