Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

A lot of people are putting money on those two sisters being a particular set of rather important ponies in a pretty good disguise.

As cute as the idea is, I doubt it. We've never really seen any suggestion that ponies can so thoroughly change their appearance like that, although I'll admit the similarity of motif's is interesting- but eh, people follow the fashion statements or try to emulate the feel of more influential/powerful people all the time in real life, not impossible to think these pair of sisters are doing the same.
Well, I won't be able to watch the episode until tomorrow-phone is horrible with YouTube and the PC I'm on now has problems with its sound-but from what I hear it's a good episode. :)
Okay, saw the episode. Overall, I liked it. A solid B, maybe B+. One thing I really liked was that Canterlot Boutique did NOT close down and Rarity's dream is still going on. Most times in most shows it'd be closed down and that's the end of that.
As cute as the idea is, I doubt it. We've never really seen any suggestion that ponies can so thoroughly change their appearance like that, although I'll admit the similarity of motif's is interesting- but eh, people follow the fashion statements or try to emulate the feel of more influential/powerful people all the time in real life, not impossible to think these pair of sisters are doing the same.

The power of Celestia being a Silly Pony compels you.
So, the episode Scare Master leaked. Oh, god. Poor Fluttershy.

Poor thing is forced by Bunny-Dick 'Angel' to go out on Nightmare Night to go get carrots. Then again, given how absurdly frightened she was getting, it might be good for her to go ahead and get her heart attack over and done with.
So, the episode Scare Master leaked. Oh, god. Poor Fluttershy.

Poor thing is forced by Bunny-Dick 'Angel' to go out on Nightmare Night to go get carrots. Then again, given how absurdly frightened she was getting, it might be good for her to go ahead and get her heart attack over and done with.
I kinda sorta wanted to kick Angel through a wall at the beginning, there. Then give Granny Smith a 'what the HELL is the matter with you?!' shake.
I kinda sorta wanted to kick Angel through a wall at the beginning, there. Then give Granny Smith a 'what the HELL is the matter with you?!' shake.

What, besides being a half-senile old lady who's so far past her prime that she left it huffing and keeling over a century or two back? Just saying, she kind of forgets herself sometimes.

Look at the cutouts she drops to be 'scary'. Fluttershy is an anime fan. Sailor moon, Ramna, Rei, and two others I don't recognize and will probably be mocked mercilessly for.
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