Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

I feel a disturbance in the fandom, as if millions of pieces of griffon fanon cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
I feel a disturbance in the fandom, as if millions of pieces of griffon fanon cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

I wouldn't say silenced, just adjusted. For instance my head canon is that while Griffonstone was a major Griffon nation in its time, and the hub of griffon civilization near Equestria, it is not the only griffon nation in the world just as Equestria isn't the only pony civilization.

Not to mention we've already seen examples of Griffons that are clearly not from Griffonstone meaning that there are either griffon communities that are part of Equestria, independent griffon settlements apart from Griffonstone, or entirely different Griffon countries.

I mean do you really think that Griffonstone could have put together a team to compete in the Equestria games? Not with that combination of poverty and complete devotion to self interest.

And That Griffon pastry chef with the french accent certainly didn't act like a Griffonstone Griffon.

I like to think that Griffonstone is the laughing stock/target of pity among other griffon communities, a once mighty capital fallen so very far. Possibly a slur among griffons is to call someone a 'Stoner'.

Still the episode was pretty good, although Rainbow and Pinkie didn't really solve anything. Granted its not the kind of problem you could solve in a day.
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By the way... has anyone seen the news on Equestria Daily yet? About the 100th EPISODE!?


By the way... has anyone seen the news on Equestria Daily yet? About the 100th EPISODE!?



Bahahaha that second preview.
I just realized that's a Honey Panda.... :V


*Headtilt* Nope totally missing where you were going with that.

I would have called it a Bugbear.

Because its Equestria, everything has to be named with either a Mythology reference, reference to previous hasbro stuff, or be named with a terrible pun.

Also I love how subdued the towns reaction to a monster attack is. Like it happens so frequently that at this point its a minor inconvenience, whereas a scheduling error for a wedding is something that inspired panic and chaos.
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I'm sorry for the double post here, but... they finally finished the animation for "Lullaby for a Princess" and... just... My God, you guys have to see it:

Now, where's my tissue...
So, I got a Bonbon/Sweetie Drops Equestria Girls doll yesterday. Wacky pics of her with Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Masterpiece Soundwave are incoming. You have been warned. :p