Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Well, the artist has finished the Mane6 set:


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The trait of loyalty is hard to witness, for loyalty is defined purely as a succession of trials.
Seldom does loyalty arise as a byproduct of uplifting moments, prosperous partnerships, or spontaneous adulation.
It is only shown under the light of trying times.
The final line of defense when all else is lost, when no logical reason to continue fighting exists, where nothing is holding beyond the unwavering thread of raw loyalty, binding you to press forward.

Loyalty is tough.

But loyalty is worth it.

It doesn't care how small you are...

...Only how big you aspire to be.


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The trait of magic is the most prominent and versatile to possess, but the most difficult to truly comprehend.
Magic itself is explained as "beyond explanation," a paradox of strength in a mystery.
To the outsider, magic is a tremendous influence that can blow holes through mountains or turn birds into fruits.
But it is a completely different beast to the one who wields it.
Magic isn't at all about what it does to the world, and everything to do from where it comes from.
It comes from within.

Magic is dazzling to witness.

But it is a lifetime of study.

The true magic is the unseen energy of raw thought...

...And making one's thought transcend to reality.


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The trait of generosity is abstract, as the interpretation of generosity varies between those who attempt to possess it.
Many will tie an arbitrary caveat into their own utilization of generosity, usually a belief that their giving nature makes them more deserving of good karma, that their peers will one day be as generous to them in return, or that they can use gifts as a substitution for being a good person.
But one's generosity is not appraised in the value of the gifts they are given, but in how far they will go to ensure they provide what others need.

Generosity is helpful.

But generosity is not about quantity.

The real gift is the endeavor one undergoes...

...To give another some warmth that will emanate in both.


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The trait of kindness is one of the most benevolent, but strangely, can also be volatile.
Perhaps it's by our collective hubris that we simply take kindness for granted, as we assume we are perfectly capable to sharing it.
But kindness is deceptive to those who try to wield it, as it takes a lot of mindfulness and experience to know just what kind of kindness is best.
While it comes in multiple forms, there are some forms of kindness that can leave one vulnerable to being taken advantage of, kindness that can be an enabler for another's self-destruction, or kindness that can go too far and spoil the recipient into adopting an unrealistic standard on others.
Sometimes, the kindest thing to do is put aside the pleasantries, be assertive, and like a true friend, push others in a direction they don't want to go.

Kindness is plentiful,

But kindness can be tough.

It's not just flowing with the current...

...But staying rooted and asserting others to sustain the right path.


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The trait of honesty wears heavy upon those who have been tasked to maintain it.
Honesty is an ugly business sometimes.
It's not for those who wish to make a living on a get rich quick scheme selling snake oil to grannies.
It's not for those who can't tell a close friend when they are being really rotten.
It's especially not for those assigned to guard the door to protect the secret of a surprise party.
Honesty takes strength, wisdom, and a bit of bravery to dive in and take the heat for the sanctity of preserving truth.
A blanket affirmation of honesty encompasses a character exhibiting far more exemplary traits beyond it.

Honesty is rough,

But honesty is a necessity.

It can burn to say what needs to be said...

...But facing the heat of ugliness head-on is the best way to endure a harsh truth.


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The trait of laughter is the most envied.
A number of problems can be solved accidentally in the pursuit of a joke.
An effort to finding humor in a difficult situation prompts thinking outside the box, looking at it from a different angle, and in a search for a silver lining, an idea springs up so ridiculous it has to work.
Laughter hops, skips, and jumps in mysterious ways, whether its from a twitchy tail, ear flop, or a rumble in the gut.
But laughter maintains a commendable track record, where the science of observing it can't keep up with the cavalcade of proof in affecting others for the better.
Where all other traits have some inference to learning from the past or preparing for the future, laughter exists in the here and now.
And right now, it just wants you to smile, smile, smile.

Laughter is a wonderful feeling,

But it's even better when it's shared.

It brings the weight off your shoulders when life gets heavy...

...And with a little giggle at the ghostly it can encourage perseverance.
Wait...there Bugbear is a panda. We Bronies joke about pandering as them "throwing pandas at us"... Yep, they know where the money is and are giving us an episode as thanks!
Wait...there Bugbear is a panda. We Bronies joke about pandering as them "throwing pandas at us"... Yep, they know where the money is and are giving us an episode as thanks!

But wait... the Bugbear is part Wasp... i.e. the unholy abomination of hatred. So combining it with a panda... does that mean they hate pandering to us?:confused:
"You said you could print them off for half the price of anyone else in town, faster and better! BUT YOU PRINTED THEM OUT FOR TODAY! What do you have to say for yourself?"

*Nervous.* "Muffin?" *Apology muffins.*

Oh god, Time Turner is awesome and went full Doctor. With a hefty implication that he's been around way too darn long. Also, Vinyl going terminator-vision and not having a clue what he was saying and leading him to the dudes, who then distract him by making him their fourth for a set of bowling, and oh god this is going to be a glorious trainwreck even as Derpy is the accidental bringer of doom.

Oh, god. What. Bon-Bon, what R you doing? Bon-Bon, stahp.

My god, the mane six are saner than the entire goddamn town.

Oh, god, Luna, Celestia, why you so sisterly? Wait... oh, you sly bastards. You sly bastards. Allonsy indeed.
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"You said you could print them off for half the price of anyone else in town, faster and better! BUT YOU PRINTED THEM OUT FOR TODAY! What do you have to say for yourself?"

*Nervous.* "Muffin?" *Apology muffins.*

Oh god, Time Turner is awesome and went full Doctor. With a hefty implication that he's been around way too darn long. Also, Vinyl going terminator-vision and not having a clue what he was saying and leading him to the dudes, who then distract him by making him their fourth for a set of bowling, and oh god this is going to be a glorious trainwreck even as Derpy is the accidental bringer of doom.

Oh, god. What. Bon-Bon, what R you doing? Bon-Bon, stahp.

My god, the mane six are saner than the entire goddamn town.

Oh, god, Luna, Celestia, why you so sisterly? Wait... oh, you sly bastards. You sly bastards. Allonsy indeed.

Me: "What the fuck is Richardson talking abou- wait. What day is it?" *checks calender* "Oh right, there's a thing happening today that I need to watch." :oops: :whistle: :lol
Inanity, glorious, glorious insanity. All in all great fun but I don't think I'll head-cannon much of it.
Great wickering stallions! That whole thing was pure indulgence and I loved it.

Also, thanks ED for saving me from having to freeze-frame my way to the hidden frame.
