Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

The cameras. Duh.

Block them?

So you're suggesting RED MARKER could see us through the camera while they were writing that line? Uh... I suppose that's possible if the very next room is a monitoring station, and that they saw us in the first room, or the astrology room. Or that they were referring to the people looking through the cameras, defiantly saying that they knew they were being watched. I'm kinda skeptical, though; all the previous writings were addressed to us (or at least assumed the person reading it was a fellow prisoner).
So, to re-iterate. There is a portrait of a man in one room, the recorder player with a Mercury rune opposite him, as well as a chest with a padlock. There is a portrait of a woman in the other room, the blank records and vinyl press beside her, with a Jupiter rune under the glass case. We need to find two more.

here it is. the small machine that makes the music. wow.
This marker note is not in RED. Clearly, it means there must be a WHITE MARKER person!

[X] Throw the infuriating portrait.
-[X] Stomp on it, just to rub in your point.
--[X] Spear it with the trident
[X] PUNCH it.
-[X] Do it on camera. That'll show them!

next to a MICROPHONE STAND that is hooked up to SOME SORT OF MACHINE next to a STACK OF RECORDS.
The MACHINE seems to a VINYL PRESS, for RECORDING MUSIC on RECORDS. Isn't that cool! You can't remember ever having seen one of these, but given your LOVE OF MUSIC, just seeing one cheers you up a little.
There is a space for SHEET MUSIC - two spaces, in fact, with the left one being marked MOVEMENT 2 and the second being marked MOVEMENT 1.
-[X] Take the MICROPHONE, move it to the ORGAN if possible
---[X] Play the C, A, G, E, D - F, A, D, E notes on the ORGAN (MOVEMENT 2 + MOVEMENT 1)
----[X] Pick up the WRITTEN RECORD out of VINYL PRESS
-----[X] Play it on the RECORD PLAYER in the other room.

Are votes like this accepted?
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music music music will you play me a song? will you play the music of the spheres? will you play the hymns of angels? if music be the food of love then there is no music here
Interesting that RED MARKER wanted us to play a hymn of angels when we examined a recorder player. Maybe some more clues will become available after DFD-ing the Bible.

As a third vote...
[X] Throw the infuriating portrait.
-[X] Stomp on it, just to rub in your point.
--[X] Spear it with the trident
[X] PUNCH it.
-[X] Do it on camera. That'll show them!
You're not a VIOLENT PERSON. Your FISTICUFFS have never been especially high, and you've never once been in a FIGHT, even though you've dedicated YEARS OF YOUR LIFE to hunting down the WORST OF THE WORST in the world of CRIMINAL SCUM, the lunchbox-stealers and library-book-defacers and catnappers of your neighbourhood. Those kinds of people disgust you to your very core with their LAW-BREAKING DEPRAVITY, but you've managed to always treat even those DASTARDLY CRIMINALS with gentleness and civility. But this is a bit of a stressful situation, so you think that nobody could really blame you if you take it out on this portrait.

Plus, she does look really punchable. Pow! Blam! Wallop! You say these sound effects aloud as you brutalize the inanimate object, just so that anyone WATCHING can get the FULL IMPACT and understand how ANGRY YOU ARE. Hell yeah! You feel like nobody would even DREAM of messing with you after this! [+5 ÉLAN]
[X] Pick up the screwdriver
-[X] Try to pry the glass display case open
You take your TRUSTY SCREWDRIVER back into your and, and set about trying to PRY OPEN the GLASS DISPLAY CASE. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of struggling, it becomes apparent that the SCREWDRIVER is FAR TOO SMALL to get the LEVERAGE you'd need to open this.
[X] Try to pry open glass case with the Trident if the screwdriver fails
Unfortunately, the TRIDENT is just a DANG INCONVENIENT SHAPE for this sort of thing, and your efforts prove completely fruitless.
It's quite a STRANGE AND CONFUSING READ - although you struggle to understand a lot of the more technical language about ORBITAL MECHANICS, you glean that the general gist of it is centered around a theory that ascribes irregularities in the orbits of planets to the gravitational pull of an ENORMOUS NINTH PLANET far further away from the Sun than the others. The AUTHOR seems prone to going off on a great deal too many ideological tangents about the weakness and corruption of mankind, and honestly, in your humble opinion, seems like a bit of an EGOMANIACAL NARCISSIST.
[X] open up the HOLY BIBLE to see if it has been CONVENIENTLY HOLLOWED OUT.
The HOLY BIBLE, as you cunningly predict before you even OPEN IT, has been HOLLOWED OUT in order to hide a SILVER KEY INSIDE THE PAGES.
A passage in which an ANGEL appears before MARY AND JOSEPH has been ANNOTATED IN RED MARKER.
Bible passage said:
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people."
what does an angel look like, that the first words it must say upon arriving are 'do not be afraid'. i wish i was that terrifying. imagine a perfect being. how could such a being not be, inherently, terrifying? imagine being perfect. does it terrify you? it should.
It seems FAIRLY INCONSEQUENTIAL. The thought of perhaps SWAPPING IT OUT for another GEM, crosses your mind, although you don't know where you could find such a thing, and this isn't really any time for fashion anyway. At least, not until you find a COOL TRENCHCOAT befitting a JUNIOR SLEUTH like you usually wear.
-[X] Take the MICROPHONE, move it to the ORGAN if possible
---[X] Play the C, A, G, E, D - F, A, D, E notes on the ORGAN (MOVEMENT 2 + MOVEMENT 1)
----[X] Pick up the WRITTEN RECORD out of VINYL PRESS
-----[X] Play it on the RECORD PLAYER in the other room.
The MICROPHONE looks OLD-FASHIONED to match the AESTHETIC OF THE CATHEDRAL, but a careful examination reveals it to be EXTREMELY MODERN. It is EASILY MOVED, although the EXCELLENT ACOUSTICS here mean that you think it would PROBABLY PICK UP ANY MUSIC YOU PLAYED HERE ANYWAY. The VINYL PRESS happily accepts a BLANK RECORD, and after some intense TRIAL AND ERROR, you find the button to RECORD MUSIC.

You sit down at the PIPE ORGAN, stretch, and, with a curious sense of apprehension, play the nine notes on the keys. C, A, G, E, D, F, A, D, E. Caged, fade, you think to yourself. You picture yourself, trapped in a series of rooms, solving puzzle after puzzle in some great old ouroboros, never getting closer to escaping. You think about the labyrinth of legend, and the Minotaur that lives in it. Caged, fade. The notes keep reverberating through the cathedral, and the echoes go on for so long that you feel as if they're building up into some cacophony, like the frantic whispers of a crowd before the first person cries out and a riot breaks out. Like tiny spiderweb cracks spreading on the ice as someone has just enough time to regret a risky step before they plunge into icy water, never to be seen again. You think about angels. Caged, fade.

There is someone behind you. You have never been more certain of anything in your entire life. There is someone behind you. You can hear their breathing, or is that just the echoes of the notes? There is someone behind you. You think about fear. Your hands are shaking. You don't want to turn around, but you know that each second that you don't turn around will just increase this terrible sense of uncertainty and certainty at the same time, this feeling of dread. That if you wait too long to turn around, you'll pass a certain point and the fear of seeing what's behind you will prevent you from ever turning around. You'll end up a statue, bones and ashes made into stone like the fossils your dad always took you to see in museums. You think about people who died in the eruption of Vesuvius, ancient Romans turned into stone, captured forever in the throes of their death. Caged, fade.

You turn around.

There is no one behind you. You laugh, first a little, then a lot. Silly you! Getting so worked up over nothing! Still laughing, you go to TURN OFF the VINYL PRESS. It seems like someone has already- no, no. It seems like it's the sort that TURNS OFF BY ITSELF after enough time passes. Yes, that makes much more sense. Your hands NO LONGER SHAKING, you take the (CAGED, FADE) RECORD and insert it into the RECORD PLAYER. Once more, the NOTES SOUND OUT, and you hear a resounding CLICK.

The ROUND PLATE bearing the MERCURY SYMBOL has come loose.

[-100 ÉLAN]
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[X] Do some breathing exercises, stop for a few moments and just clear your mind, try to calm yourself.
[X] Play the new RECORD in the RECORD PLAYER
This turned out really dark.

[X] Slap yourself on the cheek.
-[X] Whip out your VIOLIN CASE.
--[X] Play an UPBEAT TUNE. You are a JUNIOR SLEUTH, and you will not lose to some CRIMINAL SCUM!
---[X]Even if they are of the WORST SORT who don't return BOOKS to the library and leave LITTER on the streets.
----[X] Promise yourself that you will get out and see the WRONGDOERS on their knees, crying TEARS OF REPENTANCE as you tower over them in a COOL TRENCHCOAT, no less!
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Okay, we need to find 2 more runes and a crowbar. Are there any places or objects we didn't examine yet?
The books are all RATHER TEDIOUS-LOOKING ACADEMIC TOMES on matters of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY. Most of them are filled with RED MARKER SCRIBBLES - my, the person who holds that writing utensil has really been industrious.
-[X] See if RED MARKER didn't leave any notes or hints about JUPITER and SATURN

There is an ARROW similar to the ones in the corridor on the WALL by the STAINED GLASS WINDOW, pointing towards it.
[X] Examine the WALL and the ARROW.

On the front of your shirt is what seems to be a name tag, except instead of your name it shows a strange symbol. While most children your age wouldn't recognise this symbol, your high ACUMEN stat means that you've read books far enough above your age level to know it as THE ASTRONOMICAL SIGN FOR SATURN.
Hmm... we are Saturn. What's the Moon, then?
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[X] Play the new RECORD in the RECORD PLAYER
You just did that!
[X] Do some breathing exercises, stop for a few moments and just clear your mind, try to calm yourself.
You take a deep, shaky breath, clasping your hands in front of you. You are LUCY CALLOWAY, JUNIOR SLEUTH, you tell yourself, and there is no way in HECK you're not getting out of here. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. You count the number of seconds each time. Okay. Okay. You can do this. [+5 ÉLAN]
[X] Slap yourself on the cheek.
-[X] Whip out your VIOLIN CASE.
--[X] Play an UPBEAT TUNE. You are a JUNIOR SLEUTH, and you will not lose to some CRIMINAL SCUM!
---[X]Even if they are of the WORST SORT who don't return BOOKS to the library and leave LITTER on the streets.
----[X] Promise yourself that you will get out and see the WRONGDOERS on their knees, crying TEARS OF REPENTANCE as you tower over them in a COOL TRENCHCOAT, no less!
Whenever something was upsetting you back at home, you would close your eyes, and play your VIOLIN. Even here, it still makes you feel a little safer. As you listen to the sound of the strings echo just like the organ did, you feel a little like just staying in here and playing the violin forever. Maybe you'll be safe, here.

But then, you ask yourself, would NANCY DREW or THE HARDY BOYS give up here? Of course not! They'd CRACK THE CASE and CATCH THE WRONGDOER, because that's what a JUNIOR SLEUTH does! Putting your VIOLIN back in its CASE, you take ONE LAST DEEP BREATH and LOOK AROUND. You have a MYSTERY TO SOLVE. [+5 ÉLAN]
Are there any places or objects we didn't examine yet?
You haven't paid much attention to the DOOR in the RIGHT SIDE ROOM yet.
-[X] See if RED MARKER didn't leave any notes or hints about JUPITER and SATURN

Defaced textbook said:
i let them take and take and take and take how many moons were there before me was i the first that let them take enough was i the first to bloom to blossom to grow to twist to change to better to die to live to be reborn to be new. the scientist has a need for everything to be about him. he is more important than everyone in his own little world. no matter. i have my own little world. it is better. i can think about hats. and cats. and lizards. and chocolate cookies. much better things to imagine than delusions of grandeur grand plans big dreams he has for himself and his darling little girl. i don't like it when he calls her that. i don't know if she likes it or not. there are other men that aren't particles man. i don't like them either. i don't like it here. no sky down here. can't see the stars. can't see the moon. can't see the moon. can't see the moon.
You decide not to read any more.
[X] Examine the WALL and the ARROW.
That sure is a WALL! The ARROW continues to point. There's nothing remarkable about either.
[X] Take silver key
-[X] Open the padlock
You take the SILVER KEY and open the PADLOCK on the FANCY CHEST. Inside is...
Another KEY? Seriously? At some point you feel like this is just going to get SILLY. This KEY is GOLDEN, and seems to be acting as a PAPERWEIGHT to HOLD DOWN a PAIR OF PHOTOGRAPHS. If this KEY opens something that gives you ANOTHER KEY, you mutter to yourself in protest, you will EAT YOUR HAT. Except probably not, because you don't think you could quite stomach eating an ENTIRE SOLID GOLD CROWN.
[X] Stomp on the portrait some more. It's been thoroughly hecked up at this point but you need to take all these emotions out on something.
You don't think you have the energy to DESTROY ANYTHING right now. You half-heartedly step on the portrait, but it just isn't the same. Take that, inanimate object, you murmur dejectedly, without much enthusiasm.
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Funny. The camera registered in my memory, but the DOOR didn't.
On the wall to your left is a DOOR with some sort of WALL-MOUNTED CAMERA next to it.
[X] Examine the DOOR
-[X] Try to open it. (is the GOLDEN KEY from this door?)

Hmmm. No sudden flashbacks?

The KEY is unremarkable. It's silver, small, and looks quite MODERN, like a set of car keys more than any OLD-FASHIONED NONSENSE. It has the letters 'GSC' etched into it. For a second, looking at the KEY makes you feel like you might REMEMBER SOMETHING... but then it's gone. You wonder if ENCOUNTERING MORE KEYS might lead to you REMEMBERING PAST EVENTS. Then you stop wondering that because such a thing would only happen in some sort of SILLY, CONTRIVED, ADVENTURE GAME.
Gah! We need to DFD them!

[X] DFD on the GOLDEN KEY.

Can someone use their vote on DFD-ing the SILVER KEY as well?
(I probably should hold my horses and stop hogging all the actions, even with a 3 votes limit)
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[X] Ask yourself the QUINTESSENTIAL QUESTION - WWSD? (What Would Sherlock Do?)
> Lucy: Remember a thing or two
The PAIR OF PHOTOGRAPHS depict the RED-HAIRED MAN that you've seen in PORTRAITS. He looks just as COLD AND SMUG in these PHOTOGRAPHS as he does in his PORTRAITS. In one of them, he has an arm around the RED-HAIRED GIRL from the PORTRAITS, who looks around your age and is presumably his DAUGHTER. She ALSO LOOKS SMUG.
[X] Examine the DOOR
-[X] Try to open it. (is the GOLDEN KEY from this door?)
The DOOR is ELECTRONIC and has NO KEYHOLE. Your excellent JUNIOR SLEUTH DEDUCTION SKILLS tell you that a door without a keyhole can probably not be opened with a key. God, sometimes your own intelligence astounds you. If you had to GUESS, you'd say that the THICK WIRES connecting the DOORFRAME to the WALL-MOUNTED CAMERA next to it might indicate something. But you don't want to LEAP TO CONCLUSIONS.
Hmm. It certainly is a KEY, that's for sure. Definitely isn't any other thing that it is, a KEY is the thing that it is being, has been being, and presumably will continue to be be being. The letters GSC are etched into it.

Something FLICKERS in the back of your mind. A set of keys. A question. A test. There was a test, you think, and then suddenly you lose your train of thought. What were you thinking about? How cool you look in a trenchcoat, probably. You think about that a lot.
[X] DFD on the GOLDEN KEY.
The GOLDEN KEY is shaped like a KEY. It looks SUBSTANTIALLY MORE OLD-FASHIONED than the SILVER KEY, and is ABNORMALLY SMALL. On the side of it, the letters GSC have been carved.

It was a very, very, special test, you were told. Your teacher explained to the class, chipper as she always was, that today you'd all be doing a very special test, and the people who did best on the test would get to go on a very special field trip. You thought that a very special field trip sounded SUSPICIOUS, so of course, as any self-respecting JUNIOR SLEUTH would, you told yourself you HAD TO GO. You... you... your head hurts. What were you thinking about? Maybe you were thinking about HATS. You love HATS. They make you look COOL AND HARDBOILED, not that you don't LOOK LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME anyway.
You approach the STAINED GLASS WINDOW and press the MERCURY SYMBOL into the appropriate ROUND SLOT. Although NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN, the MERCURY SYMBOL stays in the SLOT after you let go of it, and doesn't seem like it'll be leaving any time soon. You idly wonder how it STAYS AFFIXED. Magnets, probably. How do they work?
[X] Ask yourself the QUINTESSENTIAL QUESTION - WWSD? (What Would Sherlock Do?)
SHERLOCK HOLMES would KEEP HIS WITS ABOUT HIM and SOLVE THIS MYSTERY, you remind yourself. He certainly wouldn't PANIC, so that's not what you'll be doing either.
[+5 ÉLAN]
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[x] Examine THICK WIRES

Edit: And in case we missed anything...
Frustrated, you take the PORTRAIT down and HURL IT at the wall opposite. It bounces off disappointingly, but behind the PORTRAIT is a small ALCOVE, in which a CAMERA is mounted.
[x] Examine the ALCOVE

The SILVER KEY is shaped like a KEY. It looks SUBSTANTIALLY MORE OLD-FASHIONED than the SILVER KEY, and is ABNORMALLY SMALL. On the side of it, the letters GSC have been carved.
It looks more old-fashioned than itself? That's a weird paradox if I ever saw one! :whistle:
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[x] Examine THICK WIRES
You stand in front of the WALL-MOUNTED CAMERA to get a good look at it. The CAMERA stares blankly back, as cameras do. After a few seconds, you hear a BUZZING NOISE, and a SMALL SCREEN underneath the camera lights up with the message 'UNIDENTIFIED PERSONNEL: NO ACCESS'
[[x] Examine the ALCOVE
There is absolutely nothing of interest.
[X] Show the camera a PHOTOGRAPH of the punchable RED-HAIRED GIRL back when she was your age.
[X] Show the camera a PHOTOGRAPH of the RED-HAIRED MAN
[X] Show the camera a PHOTOGRAPH of the punchable RED-HAIRED GIRL back when she was your age.
The PHOTOGRAPHS seem fairly recent. She's probably still your age!
There is another pause as the CAMERA stares at the PHOTOGRAPH. Eventually, there is another BUZZING NOISE, and the SMALL SCREEN lights up with the message 'INSUFFICIENT CLEARANCE: NO ACCESS'
[X] Show the camera a PHOTOGRAPH of the RED-HAIRED MAN
There is barely a second's delay before you hear a BUZZING NOISE and a CLICK. The DOOR appears to be unlocked. The SMALL SCREEN bears the message: 'PERSONNEL: DR. BRIGHTON'
> Lucy: Climb stairs like a JUNIOR SLEUTH
[X] Open the door with caution
Beyond the DOOR are a FLIGHT OF STAIRS. Squinting up into the darkness, you take one step, and then stop to take a deep breath before you take the next one. At the end of the staircase, you can make out a DIMLY LIT ROOM. God, you really wish this place wasn't so dark. Although you hate to admit it, the dark has always kind of freaked you out. But you have to get out of here, and you're not going to let some silly DARKNESS get in the way. You start to climb, and-
What was that?
You just felt something MOVING PAST YOU. Something FAST. You turn around. Nothing. Maybe it was just your IMAGINATION?
You sure hope so.

At the top of the STAIRS is a large room, as big as the MAIN ROOM and the SIDE ROOMS downstairs COMBINED. An INDOOR BALCONY overlooks the ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS, although it's ALMOST TOO DARK TO MAKE ANYTHING OUT. Against the BACK WALL is a MAHOGANY TABLE atop which sits an ORNATE CLOCK. Hanging from the ceiling on the left side of the room is a GOLDEN BIRDCAGE, while on the right, considerably higher up, hangs a MOBILE of the SUN AND MOON. On the the RIGHT WALL are a TAPESTRY and a BLACK-AND-WHITE ABSTRACT PAINTING. On the FLOOR is a PACK OF MARKERS, and there is a SAFE set into the LEFT WALL.

You crack your knuckles and adjust your DETECTIVE'S CROWN, detective's crowns being a thing since RIGHT NOW WHEN YOU DECIDED THEY WERE A THING. You're pretty sure that by this point you qualify as a PUZZLE MASTER.