Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

The BLOODY FOOTPRINT looks like it was made by someone ABOUT YOUR SIZE, or possibly a little larger, GOING THROUGH THE NINE O'CLOCK DOOR INTO THE CORRIDOR. Although you can't see any BLOOD anywhere in this room, there also isn't any DUST or DIRT of any kind, so the possibility of it having been cleaned does exist. It's deductions like that make being a JUNIOR SLEUTH so rewarding. That, and the one-liners. And the cool outfits. God, you love being you.
[X] Lick your FINGER and try to SMUDGE the WRITING. Is that really MARKER?
MARKER is definitely what it is! You're not an expert in writing utensils, but you've spent enough time DRAMATICALLY CROSSING OUT PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUSPECTS and MARKING CRIME SCENES ON MAPS to know marker when you see it.
Well, clearly we can't jump into the room full of whizzing blades; no one expects us to do so.

I'd have done that if it was me there, but I was also the type of kid that jumped off first floor balconies with a large umbrella, thinking that it would act like a parachute.

Lucy seems to have a good head on her shoulders; let's keep it that way :D
Well, clearly we can't jump into the room full of whizzing blades; no one expects us to do so.

I'd have done that if it was me there, but I was also the type of kid that jumped off first floor balconies with a large umbrella, thinking that it would act like a parachute.

Lucy seems to have a good head on her shoulders; let's keep it that way :D

We could probably manage it with ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS. In fact, one of the main reasons why I'm not too worried about which CLASS MACHINATION wins is because, if we get AFA, we can potentially go back and head through the trapped hallway if we want to. Of course, given the weight put on this decision, I'm getting the feeling that the door will slam shut behind us in an ominous manner and refuse to budge once we head through, but backtracking might be possible!

Also, low-light vision and extra dodging are both incredibly useful in any situation, so it's all good.
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Guys, don't forget our key class stats.

[X] +5 MOXIE
[X] ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS: You're a smart kid with a keen eye, and you can make detailed observations in real time. Your reaction times might not be the best, but you're great at predicting the places where things will end up being and not being in those places. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to use ACUMEN to DODGE ATTACKS or HAZARDS instead of NIMBLENESS.

We have high Acumen and then using the evasion benefit lets us just timed event walk through the blades.
[X] +5 MOXIE
[X] ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS: You're a smart kid with a keen eye, and you can make detailed observations in real time. Your reaction times might not be the best, but you're great at predicting the places where things will end up being and not being in those places. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to use ACUMEN to DODGE ATTACKS or HAZARDS instead of NIMBLENESS.
[X] +5 VIGOR
[X] ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS: You're a smart kid with a keen eye, and you can make detailed observations in real time. Your reaction times might not be the best, but you're great at predicting the places where things will end up being and not being in those places. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to use ACUMEN to DODGE ATTACKS or HAZARDS instead of NIMBLENESS.
[X] +5 VIGOR

[X] ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS: You're a smart kid with a keen eye, and you can make detailed observations in real time. Your reaction times might not be the best, but you're great at predicting the places where things will end up being and not being in those places. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to use ACUMEN to DODGE ATTACKS or HAZARDS instead of NIMBLENESS.

I'll be tallying the votes and writing the next update around five hours from now, give or take.
Current tally:
5x [X] +5 VIGOR
4x [X] +5 MOXIE
1x [X] +5 GUMPTION


> Lucy: Proceed down creepy corridor
As the last note of the song echoes through the air, you take a deep breath and find yourself feeling just a little BRAVER than before. [+5 VIGOR!]

Carefully replacing your VIOLIN into its CASE, you give it a comforting pat and fondly remember the incident during the Adventure of The Runaway Hamster when you were almost hit by a train - of course, it's not the danger and the panic that you remember with fondness, but rather the adrenalin and triumph that filled you when, head full of angles and velocities and rough calculations, you dived under the locomotive and scooped up Tedison Biggles, a classmate's hamster, in one swift movement. [CLASS MACHINATION GAINED: ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS]

Finally, trusty VIOLIN CASE by your side, you take a deep breath and set off at a BRISK PACE through the NINE O'CLOCK DOOR. Sure, the dark is kind of scary, and the BLOODY FOOTPRINT is definitely off-putting, but you'd rather the oppressive creepy atmosphere of the darkness than the very real, physical danger that lies down the other corridor. Plus, the mysterious person with the RED MARKER wants you to go that way, and you feel like you can trust them. At least, more than the people who put you in this facility in the first place.

The corridor is long, and the ceiling gets higher as you go, your footsteps echoing eerily loudly. They're the only sound you can hear, that and the humming of the fluorescent lights as they flicker on and off. Although you can see pretty well while the lights are on, the intermittent periods of darkness when they falter chills you a little, putting you on edge. You almost jump at every shadow half-seen out of the corner of your eye before the lights come back on and you realize there was nothing there. [The FLICKERING LIGHTS lower your ÉLAN by 100!]

Every now and then, you see another bloody footprint, made by someone around your size. You don't like to think too much about what it means. As you continue down the corridor, you notice that somebody's been WRITING ON THE WALLS. A lot of it seems to be completely incoherent, rambling about PLANETS and ANGELS and MONSTERS and BEING WATCHED and DARKNESS. Some of it, however, seems to be encouraging you to keep going. You pause to read some of it.
they think they see angels but there's only darkness there where eyes should be only darkness only darkness THEY CHANGE YOU and make you better more holy more pure they take and take and take until they can fill you up with light with sun with ichor THIS IS A PRODUCTION LINE FOR MONSTERS always watching they're watching always watching check behind the portraits metal eyes metal eyes KEEP WALKING AND YOU WILL FIND ME or i will find you does it matter we're doomed anyway. i'm sorry
You feel a little worried for the mental health of whoever wrote this. If that blood on the floor is theirs, you probably ought to worry about their physical health too. Unnerved, you decide not to read any more. Eventually, the corridor reaches an end, and you find yourself in a new place: a larger room than the last one you were in. You're standing in what seems to be the entrance to a GLOOMY CATHEDRAL. On the opposite side of the room, dim light filters in through a HUGE STAINED GLASS WINDOW with a DOOR IN THE CENTER. A PIPE ORGAN sits dejectedly in the corner of the room. In the middle of the LEFT and RIGHT walls are ORNATE DOORS that seem UNLOCKED and lead to SIDE ROOMS. The WALLS are covered with MORE WRITING.

There's no point in going back - which means that you're going to have to find a way forward. That's right. Bearing in mind that there might be CAMERAS watching you, you strike a COOL POSE, or at least, a POSE THAT YOU THINK A COOL JUNIOR SLEUTH WOULD STRIKE. It's puzzle solving time.

[] Write-in commands, you all know the drill.

You might have noticed the as-of-yet unexplained VITALITY and ÉLAN on Lucy's character sheets. These are best equated to HP and SANITY POINTS, respectively. VITALITY measures Lucy's physical health and level of injury, and increases with the VIGOR stat, while ÉLAN measures her resolve, strength of will, and ability to stay calm, increasing with the ACUMEN and VIGOR stars. Have fun!

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A cathedral, huh? Definite religious allusions coming in. On a side note, this would've been much easier with low-light vision; we'll probably be okay, though. We've got pretty much the highest ÉLAN possible without being a dedicated ACUMEN/VIGOR build.

Let's start with what I imagine is the most striking thing in the room... well, aside from the WRITING ON THE WALLS. That's probably pretty striking.

[x] Play a tune on the good ol' PIPE ORGAN
You play Für Elise on the PIPE ORGAN. The way the music echoes in the cathedral-like room makes you a little uncomfortable. The PIPE ORGAN seems perfectly serviceable, at least.
[X] Read the writing. Red Marker Person might have something helpful to say.
A lot of it just seems to be MORE PARANOID RAMBLING. The mysterious person, whoever they are, seems to have written NOTES on the walls about the different OBJECTS and DOORS in the room. EXAMINING something in this place will also entail READING THE NOTES IN RED MARKER
The STAINED GLASS WINDOW takes up almost the entire BACK WALL of this CATHEDRAL. There's LIGHT shining from behind it, but you doubt that it's natural. In the center of the WINDOW is a DOOR, which is ALSO MADE OF STAINED GLASS. The window as a whole displays an INTERESTING DESIGN - due to your HIGH ACUMEN, you recognize it as a GEOCENTRIC MODEL OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

In the center is THE EARTH.
Or at least, that's what SHOULD be there. Although their orbits are traced out, there are simply ROUND SLOTS for THE MOON, MERCURY, JUPITER, and SATURN, while the OTHER PLANETS have ROUND PLATES with the appropriate ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL on them.

There is an ARROW similar to the ones in the corridor on the WALL by the STAINED GLASS WINDOW, pointing towards it.
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[X] EXAMINE the designs on each of the ORNATE DOORS
The ORNATE DOORS are decorated with carvings of WINGS and EYES. Who doesn't love wings and eyes?
Someone has graffitied them in RED MARKER:
[X] Go through the left ornate door
The ORNATE DOOR leads into a SIDE ROOM which is SLIGHTLY BETTER LIT by more fluorescent lights. On a small, spindly table in the middle of the room sits a RECORD PLAYER. The wall opposite you bears a FAMILIAR PORTRAIT OF A RED-HAIRED MAN. In the two corners opposite you are a FANCY CHEST and a GREEK STATUE.
-[X] If a RECORD is present PLAY it and then ROCK OUT WITH YOUR BAD SELF

(By the way, I just noticed this, but the screw driver should be our equipped weapon, not the net.)
[X] Examine the GREEK STATUE
[X] Examine the FANCY CHEST
[X] See if your nametag with the Saturn symbol is round