I don't think Sayaka will be that difficult to deal with. She hated Homura in the show because Homura was nothing but confrontational every time they met.
It's less that I think it's
impossible for them to get along, it's that I think Homura is going to keep screwing it up. And since Ruby is following Homura's lead, we're probably mostly going to do damage control on Homura's actions.
Case in point...
She had said it was subtle, like her magic was almost made for going undetected. Presuming that the over-affectionate houseplant was correct, Hitomi seemed to be tailor-made to keep the Incubators from interfering with her mission, as she was sure they did once they realised who the cause of their inability to manipulate Madoka into forfeiting her soul.
You had a decision to make, after all. If Hitomi was as useful as Ruby had told you...
You were going to have to decide whether to do something more than a little monstrous.
Damn it Homura!
I want to say she's being a dumbass, but it's not like this is OOC. Especially since Ruby and the magic from her side of the crossover is still relatively new and untested. Meanwhile Kyubey is guaranteed to pull out the magic.
But ignoring the social and ethical ramifications of manipulating or outright forcing Hitomi in a contract, I am hard pressed to call this anything but stupid. And I do not like applying that term to a good author's work, because first it usually means I've missed something important, and second because it's rude, but it's
really hard to see why Homura thinks it would work.
Hitomi's apparent stealth abilities are great because it makes her unknown and undetactable.
Why does Homura think alerting Kyubey to Hitomi's potential is going to help? I see two possibilities. One, Kyubey is going to realize the trick and that Hitomi is worth contracting, and thus be forewarned of the stealth mage's biggest advantage. Hitomi would be
far more effective as a complete unknown that Kyubey is unaware even exists, or that she had potential. Homura should know this; by WOG, her timestop powers work best when nobody knows about them. If Kyubey knows Hitomi's abilities prior to contract, well he's certainly going to come up with countermeasures.
Especially considering how blatantly hostile Homura is, and how she kept him from getting close to the girls before. Kyubey is not stupid, he can see a trap perfectly well.
Two? Kyubey somehow doesn't figure it out, and therefore has no reason to offer a contract in the first place unless Homura somehow makes it worth his while. And there's not much Homura can offer short of unacceptable things like, "Stop killing me, let me approach Madoka, convince Madoka and/or Sayaka to become magical girls."
You knew what Ruby would say if she knew. Perhaps that was one of the only things you could do that would drive her from you, if she knew.
Yeah, congrats, I hadn't considered this angle. Homura really can do something unforgivable to even Ruby.
Homura you idiot.
Yeah I can't hold it in, this entire plan revolves around getting Kyubey to contract Hitomi, and Kyubey never finding a way to use Homura's moral ambiguity against her and alienate Ruby.
This is easy too. Bunnycat uses Mami as a cat's paw to relay the information to Ruby. Bam, done, practically nothing Homura can do to stop it short of killing Mami outright.
Homura has
got to have been burned by these tactics before too.
What was one more life, if it could end this miserable cycle once and for all?
I dunno Homura, how successful has selling your friends up the river been so far?
Sometimes hard men making hard decisions and hard sacrifices just means being an idiot and pissing away everything.
You feel the faintest suggestion of Magic from her, oily and barely there, just as Ruby described.
And Homura has picked up the magic/potential sensing remarkably quick.
There was no more time for prevarication.
Time to make a choice.
She says after this...
You were procrastinating, you knew. It was one of the few vices you could still afford. You had forever to waste, after all; the only thing there was never enough time for was things that mattered.
Anyway, annoyance at Homura aside...
To your great relief, besides somehow unfolding that sword of hers into a compound bow and stapling a few Incubator bodies to the lawn, she had done nothing unexpected, nothing that might squash the fragile flicker of trust that you had for her.
That's pretty stunning progress for Homura, but considering Ruby comforted Homura at her emotional nadir, Ruby got to skip the long, long,
long process of convincing Homura to open up at all.
Well, long for anyone not Madoka at least.
Another thing that didn't make sense, that. Something about her...perhaps the fact that she seemed to have no emotional walls between her and the world...it made her...
Reliable wasn't the word. In your experience, the wildly over-affectionate were those burying the deepest dysfunction.
Honest. The word you're looking for is honest. Homura can ask Ruby nearly any question and get an honest answer.
I am utterly unsurprised that Homura doesn't remember it. She's probably not used to dealing with someone who wears her heart
and her crazy on her sleeve.
Homura's probably used to having to play the long game against everyone's personalities, and that's almost completely unecessary with Ruby.
It had been...was it Sayaka that loop? Determined to ensure her limited time was spent burning as bright as she could, or was that the one where Kyoko had adopted that tiny runaway...Yuma, that had been her name.
The faces bleed together, after long enough. You try to remember the smiles, though, even if you can't remember what face wore them.
It was that, or be left with only the screams.
That is a very poignant mental image.
Humans are social creatures. Solitude can quite literally drive people insane. Homura just needed a reminder on what having a proper friend (that she wasn't manipulating) felt like. It certainly helped a lot that they met when they did, when Homua had her defences lowered and couldn't run away. After that...well, she'd been ensnared, and she won't be cutting herself off unless she feels a need to.
Ruby is helpful as well as cute, remember.
Though if Homura keeps following her current line of thought, she might prove herself to be someone even an eldritch abomination can't tolerate or forgive.
Especially since right now Ruby thinks the girls are Homura's children, and Homura just giving one of them up to the vermin for an advantage is.....actually considering Ruby had good parents, this may be mindbreaking to her.
We'll probably be spending the rest of the Quest trying to fix or work around the divide between Homura and Ruby.