"I…you're impossible…I just…how can you be so
calm about all of this?"
Well, there were several answers to that question, now you come to think about it.
One: you aren't, and what she's seeing is just the result of a combination of severely repressed emotions and a minor psychotic break, and the moment all of this catches up to you fully expect that you'll either be curled up on the floor until you sprout roots or start waging a one-girl campaign of multidimensional genocide.
Two: Because rather than have magic suddenly introduced to you at what seems to be the emotional nadir of your life, at the eventual cost of your mind and soul, you've lived with it so long that some parts come easier than breathing to you.
Three: Your Mama was royalty before she left behind her earthly concerns to be with Papa, and so you were raised to have a certain sangfroid when it came to highly emotional events. True, most of those were regarding duelling to the death, but the lessons have some crossover.
Four: You're a Great One, and she…isn't. Can't be. One or either or both, it was all moot, since a certain fluffed menace had had its way with her.
None of these answers being particularly helpful, you come up with a fifth reason, just for her.
"Because…I suppose because there's no real way to turn back the clock. We are where we are, and I decided that I might as well focus on the positives. There are some, even if it might not seem it right now…does that help?"
"I…I don't know…right now it's all a bit…"
"I know…it took some time for me to put everything together in my head as well. I…I think I can help you with that, if you want?"
"What with?"
"…just if you need something mindless to occupy yourself with while you…put the pieces together."
You don't mention the fact that her presence here,
sans school uniform, implies that she has slightly more free time on her hands than a person of her age would normally have. You can be a surprisingly tactful plant sometimes, when you feel the need to be.
"Doing what? I'm not being a backing singer for your idol band if that's where this is going."
You have absolutely no idea what she is on about, but you chuckle regardless in response to her sarcasm. Jokes are good. Rika being happy enough to make jokes is very good indeed.
Concealing the happy little butterflies that seem to have hatched somewhere inside you, you press onwards.
"One of my friends is in a similar situation to us two and…there's someone that's really, really important to her. She spends almost all her time making sure that she doesn't end up like us…I try to help her out, but…it's hard on her, always having to focus on one thing. I think I can talk her into letting you help out with some things."
"I suppose…I don't want to impose on you though."
"No, no, it's fine. It even makes it a bit more convenient for what I was going to mention sometime anyway, that I can probably give you some help learning the ropes. It certainly helps that in my opinion you've certainly got one of the better types."
You are an utterly impartial judge of magical abilities. Oh yes. Not even one solitary speck of bias here.
"I…thank you…I'd like that…I think. Sorry, it's just that this is all a bit…sudden."
What can you say to that? It is sudden. Given the circumstances, sudden seemed the best way to go about things, if only…if only so there was some hope that there even would be time afterwards for a more leisurely approach.
"Sorry, it's just…well, I like being helpful…"
You trail off into slightly embarrassed silence.
"I didn't notice at all, honestly."
Correction, slightly embarrassed silence with pink cheeks.
An Offer has been made. Do you do anything else SV?
(and here we are, back in canon. Isn't this nice?)