"Uncle Spider tried to eat me when I was a baby…because he thought it would be funny. So please, when I say I shouldn't, please trust me."
Homura is quiet for a little after that, her eyes distant and thoughtful, widened just a little at the revelation that the adorable snuggle-fiend leaning against her could very well become some sort of insane horror.
Also the bit about her Uncle
trying to eat her.
Seriously, literal baby-eater uncle, that's a new one even for Homura.
Of course, even Homura hasn't realized Ruby was
conscious for this. She hears, was a baby, and thinks Ruby wasn't self-aware yet.
Homura: Wait. You remember your Uncle trying to eat you?
Ruby: Well...yeah? It's not the sort of thing you forget.
Homura: You said you were a
Ruby: I'm not sure where you're going with this.
"Alright…you know I'd have to stop you, if that ever happened."
"If that ever happened, I'd want you to."
If there's a way for Ruby to endear herself to Homura more, I'm convinced it required different choices at chargen. Ruby is easy mode socializing for Homura, completely aligned with Homura's goals, has a core of iron willpower, and a cheery attitude aimed towards making Homura's life
Ruby is legitimately the best thing to happen to Homura since Madoka.
Literally the only way I can see this pulling at Homura's heartstrings harder is if Ruby went dog instead of plant, and Homura was an Old Yeller fan.
"They're too…what's the word…ah, empty. Once we get you nice and filled up with Insight, you might be better than me at some things."
Honestly, Homura getting Ruby's perception may be one of the worst parts of learning Bloodborne magic considering how incandescent Madoka is.
...Also in a crueler Quest, it would turn out Homura is
not immune to the mindbreakage of her own shield, and gaining the ability to comprehend it breaks the Homu.
"I can be really sneaky when I want to…all I need is for them to think I'm cute and friendly and not a horrible Beast that needs to be chopped into little pieces. If…if you talk to them then I find you, then they don't really need to know who I am because I'm your friend, so I can talk to them and show them I'm really cute and nice and things."
Oh huh, we're actually doing this?
Okay then. Here's a game plan.
Be Sayaka.
Like, tackle Homura outta nowhere hello, full blown cute mode, giving all appearances that like Madoka and Sayaka, Homura and Ruby are long-time best friends. I'd say don't tell Homura ahead of time for maximum authenticity, but that might results in us getting shot, so play it safe.
Because Sayaka ain't gonna like Homura, almost certain. She can like Ruby though, especially if Ruby is introduced as the nice, personable friend in the duo of Homura and Ruby. The one who can ride herd on Homura and keep her in check, make her act more like a normal human being.
Obviously Homura is calling all of the shots, but if Ruby can show a chink in Homura's armor to the Moemura beneath, that might help convince Sayaka that Homura isn't all bad. You just need to be the right kind of person to get her to open up. If we're
very lucky, Sayaka starts coming to Ruby for Homu-to-
English Japanese translations.
Plus, if Ruby can get along with Sayaka, then that's less time Sayaka spends suspicious of Homura (and there's a lot of damn reasons to be suspicious of Homura), and more time being distracted by Ruby. Anything that has Homura shoot herself in the foot less is good.
If Ruby can convince Sayaka that she's good people, and by association Homura may not be all bad people, that'll go a long way against keeping Kyubey from poisoning the well of goodwill.
Also, to deal with Mami, we may need to earmark a clone that just...goes around with Mami and keeps her from being lonely.
Be a bit annoying, but keeping Mami from going spare is probably worth a clone, and Ruby's already determined to fix the Mami situation.