[] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.

Sometimes you need to take the high road. Today you will be more than a monster.

Be what they thought you could be.
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[] . . . know that you cannot be anything other than what you are. You strike the girl down.

We fail the check to talk and lezi gets convinced she is a monster for pretty much ever. We just put a kid out of it's misery and we might be able to rationalize it into a good thing and that we are not a monster anyway. True redemption can come out later. We can't finish a character arc this early into issue 1
[X] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.

The world as we knew it is over, we can't be the dark hand of the team anymore, we're the leader now. We have to make the more difficult choice, the heroic choice.
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We fail the check to talk and lezi gets convinced she is a monster for pretty much ever. We just put a kid out of it's misery and we might be able to rationalize it into a good thing and that we are not a monster anyway. True redemption can come out later. We can't finish a character arc this early into issue 1
Her. Not. "It."

We're talking about a kid after all, not some monster.

And even if your points are true… what would make LL feel worse in the long run? Knowing she did her best to resolve things peacefully?

Or knowing that she killed a scared and traumatized kid, someone who's just like her younger self?

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. But I can't help but hard disagree.
[] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.

Lady Leizi can't guide Black Swan properly if she herself can't commit to doing the right thing even if it'll hurt and likely fail.

It reminds me of a quote from Arknights.
Młynar said:
I don't care, Father. Must knights prove themselves through victory? The men in the arenas never seem more brilliant simply because they manage to maul more of their opponents.

Knights should stand with those in distress, those with nothing but the clothes on their backs. This alone I will always believe in. When you stand with the weak, failure is hardly unheard of. Rather than relishing in victory, I would rather believe that the spirit of the knighthood also encompasses the endurance of failure.

It's just as our family motto goes, "Fear neither hardship nor darkness."

When you stand with the weak, failure is likely, but that doesn't mean we should let that fear paralyze us from doing the right thing. Better to endure the consequences of failure from doing the right thing, than to bask in the fleeting light of easy choices and expediency. I would rather Lady Leizi try to save someone than give up at the first sign of difficulty.

If we need practical reasons to do this, our goal for the 1st turn is to get 5AP. That requires recruiting another super, and this is our recruitment roll. It's a gamble I'm willing to take because Action Economy really is king in plan quests. The alternative has a high chance of killing the girl and that's a even worse gamble.

That said, yeah, we're definitely going to need to talk to New Dawn. A escaped mind controller is incredibly deadly if left to their own devices. Not to mention the other horrors that escaped Wonderland.
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Speaking of Missions we need Ap for

Who's Left Behind (AP 2, HIT 6, ESPIONAGE 5, REPUTATION 4): Les Quatre Saisons, or The Four Seasons as they were better known, were a four-person hero team with powers themed around the seasons. They were also all family members. Which makes the death of Automne, their youngest and most powerful member, all the more painful. The team is desperately proud, so the fact they're requesting a meeting and possible alliance with you means they must truly be in dire straits. You can give them a meeting, if for Automne's memory if nothing else. (Chance of recruiting ???, Intel about ???, Chance of new metahuman DNA, Chance of Income, Chance of +1 to control of OID) [2 Turns Until Expiration]

I will vote for this along with new dawn next turn. Being able to hopefully recruit the rest of the seasons would be great. But also I feel like it would be really good for Dr. Mammoth to be able to mourn another one of his friends like with the picture with Torre.

Granted getting new Territory would be great especially since Power will probably coopt them instead. But I just personally prefer WLB compared to olympus.
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[X] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.

You know, I sort of forgot how it's a good thing that Black Swan wasn't actually here to see all the carnage first hand.

Imagine this girl with the animals from doctor Ibis' base. Or Valiant Kabuto?
[X] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.

The 2 hour morataroum is up, time to vote! The people who voted before that should probably recast their votes to make sure they're counted.
wow so many close calls!!!! good job with the dice, team!! gambling rules am I right!!!!
um... killing mentally damaged children.. also rules... a-am I right..?

[X] . . . know that you cannot be anything other than what you are. You strike the girl down.

if black swan was here to see all this it would definitely mess her up. but on the other hand if she were here she would be able to maybe talk sense into this kid. but she's not.
I don't wanna know what would happen if leizi can't get through to her and I don't wanna risk finding out, especially if it puts leizis life on the line (even true gamblers need to know when to quit... amen.)
Knowing our roll luck this is goijg to suck HARD, but damn if It aint, at least morally, the right choice, just hopimg we dont end up leaving Black swan the leader of the organization after this....*Deep Breath* into the brink we go....
[X] . . . know you can be more. You try to talk to her.