Project Ludovico

I know people don't like Gushing so I'll get back to poking bad stuff with a stick.
It's always nice to break the pattern. And your review certainly made me interested in watching this thing.

Though, if you are looking for suggestions, have you heard of Zebraman and Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City? They're both pretty bad, though in their own way.

The latter also has one of the oddest moments I've ever seen in a movie.
Well, if you want something weird, there's Sunspring. Apparently it was bad enough that some film festivals were willing to give it an award if the people behind it promised to never make another film.
If anyone would like to support Project Ludovico, I have a paypal account in my dead name here.
The police chief exudes weariness but when shit gets suspicious he won't deny the reality in front of him, he'll reach inside and pull out the fluff.
Eyyyyyyyyyy (this is a good joke for people who've seen the show)

I actually really liked the police chief. He was like, maximum ACTION COP. He won't let inconveniences like "jurisdiction" or "government run facility guarded by actual military officers" stop him from getting to the bottom of a mystery. Not when it involves a missing kid from his town, damn it. Men in Black? More like Bitches in Black. I'm excited if they have a season 2 to see what he's up to -- also I have a sneaking suspicion he's going to turn out to be a Vietnam vet or something, he's too good for just a regular cop.

And yeah, it definitely looked, felt, smelled, and tasted like a Stephen King work, which is funny to me because there aren't many Stephen King televised adaptations that I like.
The plot of Stranger Things is basically ET meets Stephen King's Firestarter (and as Athene pointed out, a bit of The Thing from the backseat). Eleven's backstory is basically the same as the main character in Firestarter; but once escaped she's hidden and protected like ET is.

Which I find really neat because I liked Firestarter but it's not one of King's more well-known works. It also lead to a funny conversation with my mom, who was only on Episode 2 and is a big, BIG Stephen King fan:

Mom: "It's really good so far. I'm getting a lot of Stephen King vibes!"

Me: "Yeah, it's got a lot of references. And the plot is a lot like Firestarter."

Mom: "With Eleven? It was different though. In Firestarter they had the whole LSD experiments on kids thing as a cover, and she could do more stuff with her mind."

I wished there was a camera to directly stare into.
It's funny because in Episode 7 one of the side characters is watching The Thing with his wife.
It's funny because in Episode 7 one of the side characters is watching The Thing with his wife.
The boys also have a poster of it in uh... whathisname's basement.

Speaking of, I have to imagine somewhere a vintage toy collector was crying when they kept dropping the Millenium Falcon playset over, and over, and over.

Like imagine the props department aquiring that -- "Hey, we need to get an almost mint-condition millennium falcon toy so we can repeatedly abuse it on-screen"


The plot of Stranger Things is basically ET meets Stephen King's Firestarter (and as Athene pointed out, a bit of The Thing from the backseat). Eleven's backstory is basically the same as the main character in Firestarter; but once escaped she's hidden and protected like ET is.
There were also elements of It, what with the group of friends, bullied and somewhat outcast, becoming heroic due to supernatural circumstances, the otherwordly monster, and its defeat by the power of friendship.
Mom: "With Eleven? It was different though. In Firestarter they had the whole LSD experiments on kids thing as a cover, and she could do more stuff with her mind."
That's some awesome real life foreshadowing right there.
The plot of Stranger Things is basically ET meets Stephen King's Firestarter (and as Athene pointed out, a bit of The Thing from the backseat). Eleven's backstory is basically the same as the main character in Firestarter; but once escaped she's hidden and protected like ET is.

I viewed it through the lens of a Delta Green fanboy, which was even more rewarding.

The men in black were Majestic, the Demogorgon was a Dimensional Shambler/Hound of Tindalos, and the sheriff is a Delta Green friendly who knows something is going down but not the creepy details.
I think there was one moral we can all take away from the show

Don't cast direct damage spells, you're a goddamn Wizard not a jumped up Swordjock.
I haven't actually, but judging from the trailer I'm going to hazard a guess that it turns out he's a clone purpose made for this job and that after his three years are up he's going to be recycled.
Well.... yyeeeeeeessss, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. But it's all about the execution.

Full disclosure, I haven't actually seen it yet, I've just had the soundtrack cycling on my Google Playlist. It's a very lovely soundtrack and it's what caused me to investigate this film further. I'm planning on seeing it myself sometime soon, but Kubo and the Two Strings is coming out this Thursday and I happen to have that night off.
I was avoiding spoilers for the purposes of the review but some random things I liked, and spoilers obviously

  • The horny teenagers that would be monster chow in every 80s movie not only survive but kick it's fucking ass. That moment when 80s Edward rolls back in and starts beating it with a spiked bat, then flips the bat to show off and continues beating it is amazing. They hunted this motherfucker down because they were sick of its shit and made it retreat.
  • Speaking of 80s Edward, holy shit an asshole bully in a show that realizes they're an asshole and tries to fix it?
  • Speaking of assholes, man Modine is a fixed point of evil in this show. This guy isn't even a hard man that tries to justify it, he literally just doesn't care, he's that amoral. He also manipulates the feelings and emotions of other people to get his way in a pretty chilling way. He is the avatar of the Banality of Evil.
  • Dustin is always right, always listen to Dustin. He also apparently makes the same face I do when people don't know what he's referencing.
  • Holy shit 11 has a body count in this show. They are unafraid to show her absolutely curb stomping government agents by snapping their necks or melting their brains.
  • The uʍop ǝpısdn is fantastic. It feels empty and evil and just so fucking malevolent
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I was avoiding spoilers for the purposes of the review but some random things I liked, and spoilers obviously

  • Dustin is always right, always listen to Dustin. He also apparently makes the same face I do when people don't know what he's referencing.
Always listen to the cleric.
Oh my god I keep getting ads for a month free on Pureflix. 5000 Christian movies, no brakes.

Should...should I do it?