Project Ludovico

Volcano Pt 1
Volcano is a disaster movie set in the universe of As Seen On TV infomercials. A universe where people stumble their flesh golem bodies around from injury to injury. Eating, drinking and gravity are strange and dangerous concepts. A four year old can tell you what lava is in our reality, and could look at and identify a Volcano. In this reality however, the head of the office of emergency management for LA has never heard of "Magma" or "Geological Activity". Journalists seeing a lava flow struggle for words to describe this indescribable phenom. Its like some sort of LIQUID HOT ROCK THAT MOVES.

Tommy Lee Jones plays Mike Roarke, a man that gets an erection when a tornado hits a trailer park. Emergency management is passions 1 through 9 for him, which is why he's divorced. Also why he's divorced is that when a minor, almost damageless earthquake hits, he ditches his daughter to go poke at it with a stick. He moved from the midwest to LA to sate his disaster boner. He's the aforementioned person that doesn't know what a geological event is. Don't worry though, he's smarter than the actual experts. Said experts are played by Anne "Literally the Devil" Heche and "Who even cares because she's dead almost immediately".

I'm getting ahead of myself though! I need to introduce all the myriad sub plots that any disaster movie requires. First, there's the asian doctor, who's character is that she is both asian and a doctor. Her husband, Chris in the Morning to anyone old as fuck like me, has a building that only exists to be foreshadowing. He wants her to move to a different hospital because his job is to be a jerk. He mostly isn't in the movie. There is also the MTA guys who are extending the subway and their supervisor who exists and is a thing, with his sole character trait being that he's quitting smoking. They don't like Roarke. That's about it.

Next is the tensions between black people and the police, introduced via two white guys who got into a fender bender having to hide in a church until rescued by police. The police officers are kind of jerks? The movie apparently thinks it has a few things to say about the issue, because of course it does. It will get immensely painful about it.

There's Roarke's daughter who has come into town for visitation that thinks she's some kind of person with agency and desires. She wants a tattoo. Don't worry, she's useless luggage and will be reduced to holding her teddy bear in terror later. Roarke frequently abandons her. Roarke himself has a subordinate played by Dan Cheadle whose sole character trait is he wants his bosses job and handles all the things he's supposed to do. This is because Roarke also abandons his actual job which is to coordinate things and pokes around in the field all the time.

The movie begins in earnest when some public works guys get roasted while working on a tunnel near MacArthur Park, after an earthquake earlier in the day. Everyone dismisses it as steam but well, its obviously not. Roarke abandons his daughter at home and goes to poke at it with a stick with his best bud Frank Griga, sorry, "Gator". They're forced to bail when all their shit starts melting. The USGS then sends two geologists, Deady Mcgonnadie and Anne Heche. They point out that the temperature of the lake has gone up 9 degrees in a matter of hours. They then have to explain what geology is to a man whose job it is to handle earthquakes. What are the qualifications for this job? I keep stressing this because this is like if you were watching Twister and they had to explain "clouds" and "wind" to the storm chasers. Its like if they had to explain what "water" and "fire" was to the firefighters in Towering Inferno. This is like if they had to explain "Oxygen" and "Space" and "NASA" in Apollo 13. Are we sure that he actually works there and isn't some lunatic that broke into the building and everyone is too afraid to tell him he doesn't work there?

With his newfound knowledge of "plates", he puts a ban on their thinky smarty stuff because I dunno, the fault line can smell menstruation? They mock his sexist patronizing of course. The one who isn't Anne Heche does an impression of him telling them its too dangerous for womenfolk to be down in holes in the ground and that they need a big strong man like him to protect them.

She's dead less than three minutes later.

An earthquake hits and Roarke's daughter is pelted with bookcases and assorted furniture. Why would the head of emergency management for LA secure his furniture? Are you going to let some /Swedes/ and their genderless pictograms boss you around?! Not in Roarke's America!

Fucking pinkos.​

He throws her and her teddy bear into his car and tells her he's going to take her to his office, which is the safest place in town. They never arrive, as a volcanic eruption occurs in the LaBrea Tar- Wait, what?

You've spent 30 minutes building up a volcano eruption at MacArthur Park, then you zip 5 miles away to blow up the Tar Pits? What? MacArthur Park never really becomes all that important after this, so what on earth was the point? The only thing that happens at the literal plot hole is the one womans sudden but inevitable death. You have constructed poorly!

So, fire begins raining from the sky! The posters assure us that the coast is toast but the movie only takes place in an area 7 miles wide. The eruption blasts out windows and flips vehicles from waterpipes bursting with steam. A lava bomb smashes into a firetruck, flipping it. Roarke goes to help them but forgets about it, then his idiot daughter gets squirted with lava and flails uselessly. I guess the head of emergency management never taught his daughter to stop, drop, and\or roll. Roarke saves her as the lava begins to pour out of the volcano and remembers oh right, the trapped men. Does he save them? Do the other firetrucks filled with firefighters save their brothers in arms? Does literally anyone smash out a window and grab the guy? Let this maudlin beat be your answer:


Yeah so only one other dude goes to save them and he actually climbs inside, so they ded. The Lava begins flowing out on Wilshire, or as the news man watching it says: "The tar has caught on fire, melted, expanded and is flowing onto the street!" Its lava you dumb fuck. I knew what Lava was when it looked like this:

It's not like he's some lone fool though. Everyone in this movie is incredibly dumb. Two men were roasted alive by lava and their buddies were trying to put out structural fires in the face of holy shit, actual lava. Meanwhile a subway train below has derailed and the passengers are stuck, because the hydraulic doors won't open. The driver is up and about, and I hate to Monday morning quarterback, but you have a fucking door in the front that you can go out of. Its hinged. You have the key. A fucking crow could figure this shit out, because they possess problem solving! Ok, you aren't going to go through the obviously available door, so will you at least grab something and bust out a window so that people can escape? No? Ok, well fuck, better lay down and die.

Roarke by this point has abandoned his daughter to remain on scene and is sending her with the asian doctor who has been treating people on the scene, up to Cedar Sinai. Roarke in fact tells them to send everyone up to Ceders, because "its the safest place".

Fucking what? Yeah its further away than the other nearby hospital but holy shit, put people farther down range of the ACTUAL VOLCANO Roarke. The elephant in the room is that you are garbage at your job. You live in an area prone to earthquakes and you don't know fuck all about Earthquakes or the workings of the Earth. Your home is not earthquake proofed. You don't actually manage anything, you just run around in the field and yell ideas at people. We're supposed to believe that you are this incredible Emergency Manager when your subordinate does the work. Is Don Cheadle your Leslie Knope?! If you were the emergency guy for some area with no natural disasters and you blew your boss everyday, I could buy it. You work for LA county though. A place with serious face disasters. You are sending people less than two miles away from an active fucking volcano. What if the character of its eruption changes? I mean spoiler alert: It does and it almost wipes out that hospital.

But nobody would do that. He is literally unqualified for his job. 1.5 Miles?! The movie tries to act like its a good distance but you would be able to see the lava flow from the Hospital. This thing is spraying rocks and lava everywhere, are you some kind of fucking idiot? Do you think that Volcanos are stopped by gentrification? You're the guy that blew up that whale on the coast, aren't you Roarke? Did you later get a job with FEMA?

So anyway, it was a scary 6 minutes of having to be a parent but luckily he's abandoned his daughter and can focus on his true calling: Micromanaging first responders. There is a lot to go into but let me close off a plot cul-de-sac first.

The MTA boss has gone down to the subway train to rescue his people. There is Lava flowing through the tunnels. They manage to evacuate everyone from the train except for the driver and he goes back in for him. Unfortunately, the Lava has passed the entrance of the train by the time he gets back to the door. Why didn't they send multiple people in to be able to drag him out faster? Why didn't they pull people out back to front?

Shut up, this isn't a thinking movie.

His men tell him to leave him behind but he never leaves a man behind, its the Subway Code. You live by the turnstile, you die by the turnstile. He hoists the man up and jumps with everything he has.

I knew this scene was coming. I'd seen the movie before and while a number of scenes had escaped me, this one always stuck with me. Because its the dumbest shit and I love it. I turned around and I began taping my girlfriends as the rescue begins to capture their reaction. I will have to crop it quite a bit since one wasn't wearing clothes, but I have an amazing reaction video when I do. The scene is so narmy. So misguided. So illogical. It brings a smile to my face every time. The fact that the uploaded clip of it that I found is titled "A Hero's Sacrifice" makes me laugh by itself.

Presented without immediate commentary: A Hero's Sacrifice. My only request is that if you haven't seen the movie, please don't spoil yourself with other clips. Because I enjoy describing this movie.

Beautiful. PERFECTO!
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Haha, of course I have commentary:

Holy shit what a scene. There is no way he could have made that jump. It wasn't even close! I guess he can't figure out distance and\or time. Also he's up to his balls in lava and throws a man with pure upper body strength without any momentum being applied to his body? Also the focus on his finger makes you laugh because its pure T2 thumbs up. Also it looks like he's giving you the bird. What in the holy fuck was anyone thinking?!

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PS this part is basically just setup, things get dumber. And more political...if you're an alien that was introduced to racial tensions in America via falling asleep during Forrest Gump. Its mostly just dumb and riffable and entertaining.
does... does anybody in this movie understand what lava is? I get that the characters don't, they can collectively aspire to the lofty intellects of sack of hammers, but did anybody who MADE this movie understand?

Serious question, would you watch an apocalyptic slasher movie, where God was the serial killer?

The possibilities...
It's a rare day when a movie is made so ineptly that it becomes outright laughable.
what I cannot get over is the fact that he just fucking goes blankfaced when he realizes "oh yeah everything below my shoulders has been disintegrated" because that's how fucking lava works it's like a goddamn liquid woodchipper

god bless you for this Athene
also having snuck a peak at a couple of early clips on youtube (Because I swear I saw this movie when I was like ten but I could be thinking of another one) I have to say that there's something about 90s disaster movies and their special effects that I find chilling--not because it's realistic but because it isn't and that makes it really surreal? Like legit something out of a feverish nightmare.

Except for LAVA HERO of course.
also having snuck a peak at a couple of early clips on youtube (Because I swear I saw this movie when I was like ten but I could be thinking of another one) I have to say that there's something about 90s disaster movies and their special effects that I find chilling--not because it's realistic but because it isn't and that makes it really surreal? Like legit something out of a feverish nightmare.

Except for LAVA HERO of course.

LAVA HERO is what you get when you combine the Populous games and Guitar Hero, isn't it.
Volcano Pt 2
When we last left our heroes, everything was fucked. Lava is pouring out of the volcano, Ann Heche's friend...her friend, has died. We lost a real hero and a real human being when the MTA guy...that guy, was consumed by lava. Roarke has abandoned his daughter again rather than have to do any parenting. Volcano is rolling down through a side street, obliterating homes.

What is a Mike Roarke to do? Get Mike Roarkey of course! But before then, Anne Heche emerges from the tunnels below to find that the black people have appeared to loot from everywhere in the city, as they steal her equipment. Yep. They even cut to news footage showing that they're looting the Whole Foods in Beverly Hills!

Haha, no. I have too much respect for black people to assume that if they were going to go loot shit, they would be at Whole Foods. I refuse to believe that they are going to be grabbing carob with both hands and running, because that is our kind of nonsense. Hell, I'm so white that any cassette I own turns into ABBA Gold and I am disgusted by how white Whole Foods is. Are we even sure they're looting? Black people are like Kryptonite to the people that shop there. If they saw three black people in the store buying kale they would probably declare it a riot. Maybe some dudes were buying some organic tap water and they panicked and the produce butcher started throwing organic snap peas at them while shrieking not to hurt him.

Pictured: Whiteness
Also they don't show them looting any other stores in Beverly Hills, so I can't help but feel there is some coding going on here for a white audience. "NO, NOT THE WHOLE FOODS"

Anyway, she relinks with Roarke who is micromanaging the guys on the scene while leaving everything big picture to his assistant. He has them start pushing random shit in the way of the Volcano. City bus, parked cars, anything that will be absolutely ineffective but make him feel like he's doing a lot. In the course of this, he tries to personally save some homeless man with her and gets trapped between the lava and a bus by a fallen flaming tree. I have to ask how much he understands what his job is supposed to be?

He is not a lifesaver. His job is not to beat this thing. His job is to manage the response to this emergency. He doesn't have to do a single part of this shit in the field and in fact, his ability to do so is harmed by him being in the field. He has a stolen cell phone and no data. You couldn't run an LA Fitness like this. He's supposed to be coordinating tens of thousands of emergency personnel for a county of 10 million people. He's in charge of coordinating 87 separate cities and more than 200 districts. He needs his ass in a chair in an office, telling people what to do. Maintaining his command post is literally one of the key components of his job and he's fucking dragging homeless dudes around and almost getting killed.

So he finds himself in a self made death trap as the news reports that they've been told its "Lava" from a "Volcano". Fucking christ, is this the first Volcano in existence or some shit? How did you report on Mt St Helens? "HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT WAS THAT CLOUDY BOOM BOOM?! GODS DANDRUFF IS EVERYWHERE". So they're trapped by their own stupidity and the firefighters lower a ladder for them and then swing it out over the lava as they hang off it. No really.

"This is fine"
So lets talk about Lava Physics in this movie: There are none. The hose catches on fire because it passed through some flames but these people suffer no ill effects except their shoes getting a little hot. Their cotton chinos and dorky shirts are like Achilles wearing a salamander apparently. People can just spend all day next to it and be fine. It can push a bunch of loose barriers apart but never leak through and never transfer its heat anywhere. The lava never interacts with any other object unless it directly touches it. When it pushes its way inside, it rolls across a wood floor, burning none of it. This isn't how anything works. A puppy is able to bark at it from inches away and grab a plastic toy that should have melted. They probably jam marshmellows directly into the fire at a campout because they don't understand how cooking works. It also doesn't follow any kind of fluid dynamics. It obeys all signals and routes, never diverging or shifting from its path down the street. Roarke's plan to stop it is to drop a bunch of water on it after damming the intersection with concrete.

Hey look at all the ways that can go wrong because its not travelling down a fucking concrete trench. It erupted in an open space near an intersection. You showed it rolling through a residential area earlier, whatever happened to that? Is it racist lava? Did the Volcano roll up its windows, lock its doors and turn around when it realized it was in a black neighborhood? There's nobody stopping that lava and that's a plot point for some bullshit lesson on racism! Is there a deleted scene where black people have to realize they've been dicks to the Volcano and are equally to blame? Even if it was only going the one way, its not going to respect that barrier and the amount of water you poured on it was tiny as fuck. What should happen is that the Volcano keeps erupting, which it obviously does because it keeps growing, and then the lava spills through all the gaps and buildings. This operation is so poorly planned that Roarke's plan is literally just him drawing a U on an intersection. They don't even realize the ground slopes south until Anne Heche puts a basketball on the ground. Motherfuckers, do you not have surveying?! That seems like something they should have at your actual headquarters Roarke.

Oh right, Anne Heche is in this movie. Her role is to move the plot forward with new problems, exposit basic shit about the Earth and be a Volcano Defeatist. She exists to be wrong. Every instinct she has is apparently wrong. She suggests pulling back and managing it to make sure they save the entire city and reduce loss of life? Nah fuck you bitch, Roarke is going to stick his dick in this "magma" and piss it into submission. Volcano erupting at a hospital? "Well lets save who we can". Nah fuck you bitch, Roarke is going to knock down a building in six minutes and blow up a street to channel it all out to sea! Do you ever get tired of opening your mouth and being wrong? HUH, DO YA?

She finds out the Volcano is being a dick and is secretly building pressure in the subway tunnels so it can blow out. Where does the subway tunnel lead? CEDARS SINAI. DUN DUN DUNNNNN. Man, its almost like staging people a mile away was a bad idea or some shit, even though it acts like they're in Jersey or the Moon thanks to a mile of distance. This feels like a movie about LA written by someone who has never left Manhattan.

So the Lava is rushing towards the hospital under the treacherous ground and everyone is in danger. They only have 20 minutes to do something or the hospital will get money shotted by "magma". Anne "Secret Volcano Sympathizer?" Heche suggests grabbing some random assholes and saving them BUT ROARKE WON'T LET SOME STUPID EARTHS CORE BEAT HIM. Chris in the Morning's new building is beside where the lava will be! So, they're going to rig it to explode, knocking it over like refrigerator box in front of the lava, and then blowing up the street to channel it all to a storm drain system which will deposit it in the ocean. They just need to do it all in 20, sorry, 19 now, minutes.

Holy shit, are you kidding me? No. Nuh uh. Its going to be hard to perfectly drop a building like this and sourcing the explosives, briefing everyone on the plan, preparing everyone? Nope. Sorry. You idiots needed a basketball to figure out which way the ground sloped earlier. You're telling me you can napkin this out and have enough explosives to make it work? NOPE. Don't worry though, there are additional complications. Roarke's daughter is missing because she let one of the kids she was watching wander off through a kitchen and into the blast area.

To recap: Roarke has abandoned his daughter, who is now lost, because she wasn't able to watch a handful of kids and now one of them is lost. I hope that she never plans to have kids because they will have to be raised by wolves or super intelligent rats from UCLA.

So does he go off to save her? Nah, he tries to find someone else to do it and takes over working a jackhammer on a hole digging project. He's only the general leading this army, why should he be overseeing anything when he can do grunt work? Stonewall Jackson was known to dig every latrine in his army himself and Patton was known to walk 568 miles of sentry posts every night. Delegation is never what a leader should do! Well, he delegates responsibility for his family but you know, priorities.

So they drop the buildings, Roarke having to race to save his kid at the last minute and the guy who they never bothered to give a character to, is blown up in the basement of the building. After a minute or so of lava spraying all the patients and setting them on fire, the crisis is averted! Keith David scoops up the kid and asks where his parents are. The boy looks out at everyone covered with ash, and says "I can't tell, everyone looks alike now" as Keith David chokes up. "Yeah, they do"

Hahaha, fuck off. So I mentioned racial politics and there is an entire subplot devoted to it. A black man who was angry at police earlier, in the face of his neighborhood literally being covered in lava, goes up to the main task force. He gets in their face demanding to know why they're saving museums and stores when a whole black neighborhood is being consumed by fire. The police officer promptly arrests him for no reason and has him handcuffed and forced to follow along behind him. His partner is like "woah man" and he's like "GRRR" and so the guy is like "Alright, fine, you can waste our time and resources on this". So the black dude begins riffing them because of course he does, he has been arrested while his neighborhood burns down. Finally, the bald fuck cop gets really mad and approaches him. The black dude declares that he's going to be the Rodney King of the Volcano (HE IS ALMOST THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN RECOGNIZE IT AS SUCH) but the cop just uncuffs him. They then proceed to shame him into "actually helping for a change" and giving them a hand to lift stuff.

Fuck. Off.

You arrested him for non violently confronting the firefighters and begging for help. He is trying to save his neighborhood. His neighborhood where shit like this is happening:

Sure a bunch of black people are on fire, but we fought hard to save that bridal store

Do you see the people being immolated? The people trying to save everything they own? The devastation as the volcano rolls through? But no, he had to learn a valuable lesson and realize hey, he's really the one at fault here for trying to get help and being a bit of a jerk to the LAPD. When he has helped them save the retail and art district, then they send fire engines to his place along with the satisfaction of having learned a valuable lesson. Several hours later. Yeah his neighborhood is probably gone. They were in Apocalypse Now when he ran for help. Also its a plot hole. You are being less progressive than you think and also having plot holes.

So with this kid at the hospital, who is seeing a color blind world because of everyone being covered in ash? One, that's not deserved. Two, fuck off kid, you can still tell people apart. You didn't suddenly lose the ability to not know what your parents look like, there is more to it than literally just skin color. Also not 30 seconds later, it rains, washing all the ash off everyone. Well fuck, I guess racial equality only lasted less time than a teenager's first time huh? What on earth possessed you, aside from the fact that you were white and thought your volcano movie should have something to say? I can't get over this because I thought this was dumb when the movie came out when I was 12. There are all sorts of other traits aside from the literal color of your skin, you can tell the race of people in drawings without their skin color.

Oh and when it comes down to actually putting the city back together and managing the followup crisis' like raging structural fires, mud slides, and restoring civil order? Roarke tells them he's now on vacation and leaves his assistant in charge. God forbid that you do any managing of emergencies now that its in the boring stage of managing emergencies. Jesus fuck Roarke. But hey, I guess its fine. Everything major is all sorted out and tied up nicely right?

"This is fine"​

I love this movie. Holy shit its dumb yet its got enough polish to work and let you appreciate how dumb it is. Lava doesn't work this way. NOTHING WORKS THIS WAY. It has magma raining down from the sky from a volcano and the news describing it as mysterious falling fire from the sky. Someone mentioned to me that it seems to work on zed movie logic where nobody can ever have heard of a zombie. God its amazingly bad. Definitely a movie to get a few six packs together and watch with a group.
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I mean, there's a visible cone forming in that last shot, and it's been less than 24 hours. That implies a very active volcano sprouting there, one that can be very, very tall and broad in just a few days or weeks. In the middle of the largest city on the Pacific Coast of North America. This is not the time for the local Emergency Manager to just piss off on vacation. You're looking at possibly having to evacuate a city of 10 million people, while they are on fire.

Not to mention what 'Ooops, Los Angeles is kind of gone' is going to do to the US economy. Anyone else aware that the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach is the 4th largest cargo port in the world, and slightly important to the global economy? The screenwriters sure didn't.
PS they actually fought one in Iceland to save an island's harbor, but this movie vastly undersells the difficulty. It required 240 gallons of water per second being pumped at it and a fuck load of time and work. This one they drain a bunch of swimming pools and dump water from like, a couple dozen helos on it.

PS, they evacuated everyone because of fucking course they did.
The actual means to combat a volcanic eruption are pretty fascinating.
Of course your first and most important response it to evacuate everyone - the only question there is how large the area for that needs to be.

But in the case of the Eldfell eruption, there was a huge effort to prevent the laval from closing up the harbor. Because that harbor was utterly vital to the island, so it was worth the effort.
So they tried to slow and redirect the lava flow - for almost 6 months.
This only really worked because it was a pretty slow lava flow to begin with - it's fastest flow was only 3 km/h, but mostly it crawled along at around 1 km/h. Oh, and because there was a literal ocean of water to spray on it.
As an interesting fact - the pipes through which they pumped the water were often layed directly onto the lava. The gallons per second that were pumped through them transfered all the heat away, so the pipes didn't melt.

Other means of redirecting a lava flow, though few were used, are digging huge channels through which it can flow, and massive concrete blocks to redirect it. Yes, that stuff actually works - but you need a ton of time and effort to set that up, because you're redirecting thousands of cubic meters of molten rock here.
In a few interesting cases, city walls actually halted the flow of lava long enough that the cities could be evacuated - but after a few hours, even a massive stone wall will get crushed by the pressure of all that molten rock, unless there's a very convenient slope the laval would rather follow.

Also quite important: Lava is rarely the only threat about a volcanic eruption.
Aside from stuff such as firebombs, there's also the ash. Volcanic ash is really dangerous, you can't stretch that enough. It's pulverized rock - breathe that in and it'll settle in your lungs almost forever. Heard of miners lung? Basically that. Or cut-up lungs because ash is actually pretty sharp. It's also heavy - because again, pulverized rock. A few centimeters of ash can crush rooftops. And if it settles, it can turn as hard as stone again - and since it can get into tiny pores, it can basically cement anything it's stuck to. There's cases of people being covered in volcanic ash who basically had to have their skin peeled off to lose it again.
Then there's pyroclastic flows - superheated clouds of ash and toxic gas that can move at hundred of kilometers and hour. But those need huge slopes which this movie doesn't have - until the aftermath that is, where there's a volcanic dome.
Oh and speaking of gas - yeah, that'd be there too. Lots of it, and toxic too of course. In fact, lava tends to emit lots of it, nevermind the main eruption point. So all those people would have suffocted on sulfur dioxide.

This movie is really idiotic about it's lava physics, that should be obvious. There are methods to lessen the impact of a volcanic eruption - but aside from being all wrong in this movie, that also wouldn't save the entire city, only parts of it while others get burned because all that lava has to go somewhere. Well, I guess that's what black neighborhoods are for according to this movie.

Oh, and of course the main premise is wrong. And the movie even points out the main reason you can be sure there's no volcano - you don't get fossil fuel deposits (such as tar pits) along with volcanic activity. That's just now that works, for obvious reasons.
Also, volcanoes happen in subduction zones and hot spots - and California simply isn't above one of the former, and the latter don't happen around faultlines.
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The entire movie can be summed up as "someone who thinks they know what they're talking about writes movie about something they know nothing about." The sheer level of ignorance it would take to get this much wrong is staggering.
Hi we're watching Dante's Peak and I am legit mad that Volcano is better reviewed.
I remember watching that in science class given that it was somewhat more realistic when it came to volcanoes and when they blow their tops. (Naturally, we were covering geology and tectonics at the time)
I remember watching that in science class given that it was somewhat more realistic when it came to volcanoes and when they blow their tops. (Naturally, we were covering geology and tectonics at the time)
Not to take away too much of Athenes thunder ahead of time, but Dantes Peak is acutally pretty darn good about what a volcanic eruption is actually like. It has all the non-obvious stuff such as lahars, acidic water, poisonous gas and so on. The only things it does wrong are the lava flows (in that region, it'd be much more viscous and clumpy) and the obvious stuff such as "driving a truck over lava". Oh, and everyone not wearing masks against the ash (aka fine glass splinters that'll cut up your lung), but chalk that up to the necessity of seeing the actors faces.

But this is a movie where you can actually praise more science than critizise it, and that's great. You could actually learn stuff from it!
Not to take away too much of Athenes thunder ahead of time, but Dantes Peak is acutally pretty darn good about what a volcanic eruption is actually like. It has all the non-obvious stuff such as lahars, acidic water, poisonous gas and so on. The only things it does wrong are the lava flows (in that region, it'd be much more viscous and clumpy) and the obvious stuff such as "driving a truck over lava". Oh, and everyone not wearing masks against the ash (aka fine glass splinters that'll cut up your lung), but chalk that up to the necessity of seeing the actors faces.

But this is a movie where you can actually praise more science than critizise it, and that's great. You could actually learn stuff from it!
It even has a reasonable rason for not just evacuating the instant there's a tremor, handled in a mature manner!