Pro Patria (Valkyria Chronicles)

[x] 3man75

Seems like a good start, the plan will start to come apart as contact with the enemy occurs, but every plan does.
Forgot who talked about probing attacks but their are two reasons I stand against that.

1. Our enemy thinks their surrounded but that were not going to attack suddenly while their boarding their transports/defense. Element of surprise basically.
2. Probing attacks will take more time and give time for our other forces to come.


Ya pretty much. It's kinda why I want our guys on the reserve to deploy where needed in the town. I doubt their defending the battery that well enough.
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In order to be more consultative you have your majors propose plans for seizing the capital and critique them.

[] Plan Vorbeck

1. 11th, 33rd, + arty
2. 24th, 7th
3. 17th, 82nd

Vorbeck: My unit, the artillery and the 33rd light infantry will split up and methodically advance through the north bank, searching for hidden enemies. We will then meet up and take the coastal fort, afterwards moving onto the northern port facilities.

Raeder: Too much meandering in the north. We are not going to be ambushed by tribal bugaboos. That fort must be taken quickly.

Nivelle: Caution couldn't hurt up there. Time is not critical, we have our own artillery on hand.

Raeder: Time is always too important to waste.

*They both have a point*

Vorbeck: From the western staging point, Mueller and the 24th heavy foot will steadily advance through the northern half of the city. Moving between the main roads and suburbs to keep the enemy off balance.

Surena: I don't think that would work. It would only give the federation better ground to defend in the narrow streets in-between houses.

*Why wouldn't it work? Thats not a good enough explanation*

Raeder: You have no experience in urban fighting do you Miss Vorbeck?

Vorbeck: Neither does anyone here apart from Major Nivelle.

Nivelle: Not in this large a scale and I was only enlisted back then. The plan looks sound to me.

Raeder: Hmph, its unwise and moving along the river road predictable.

Vorbeck: Moving on, the southwest forces will consist of Major Nivelle's light foot and the 82nd Line who will move in from the south. Once they enter the city they will split up, the Luneburgers will move to take the Port Office while Raeder's soldiers move through the slums and take the southern end of the port.

Nivelle: Using the undefended nature of that area throughly, I like it.

Raeder: Ugh, awful idea. Trying to move men through there will be a pain considering the state of housing and controlling them will be harder, but I suppose it is a good enough plan from a guardian.


Giruad: Really now, maybe you just want so-

Raeder: Shut up.

*Well, at least this plan has both of them on opposite sides of the city.*

[] Plan Surena

1. 17th + arty
2. 24th, 11th, 7th
3. 33rd, 82nd

Surena: My plan has only one battalion up north with the guns, Nivelle's unit.

Nivelle: But is that enough to protect the artillery and could be take the fort with light infantry?

Surena: You answered your own question Maurice, if you run into trouble you can use the artillery early.

*Who is she to question someone almost twice her age? And that would take time to achieve as well*

Nivelle: But my first concern still stands. We would be alone and unsupported.

Raeder: What else could be up there old man?

Vorbeck: Bugaboos maybe.

Raeder: No really, there's nothing there that going to come down on you. Unless you consider Baumann's brigade an enemy. The whole position is clearly untenable for the enemy. I agree with this part of Major Surena's plan.

Surena: Thank you Aloysius, for the city proper my plan is to advance through the main roads in force like on the map. It would cover the most ground and minimise disruption for the residents.


Raeder: The rest of your plan is terrible. We would have to go through every road block they put up, not to mention possibly being ambushed from the sides. This concern for ordinary masses has no place in war.

*Wait a minute, behind the veneer of concern her battalion would be the one securing the major administration buildings around the central park. She wants the glory*

Surena: What... but advancing on several different axes would split their attention and forces! Causing maximum confusion among the locals. And concern for the commoners does matter, the city needs to be run afterwards. I would rather we handed it back to the ducal government-in-exile intact.

*Can't control herself from outbursts, obviously reflects poorly on the quality of her ideas*

Raeder: You never know what could be lurking to strike us from the alleyways.

GIraud: What exactly is lurking? I'll tell you, its a bunch of barely trained militias, whatever poor trooper who couldn't escape and fanatics. All armed with outdated weapons and obsolete equipment.

Surena: Please stop sniping you two, if you haven't noticed I want you both to work together from the southwestern base. I trust there won't be any incidents between you two.

Giraud: Thanks for the vote of confidence Ali.

Raeder: Fine.

[] Plan Raeder

1. 33rd + arty
2. 24th, 11th, 7th
3. 17th, 82nd

Raeder: My plan is simple, we launch a massed assault through the centre of the city. The forces from the western base will move faster than the southwestern ones. This will leave an opening to south for the enemy to flee. Offer a man an avenue of retreat and he will take it instead of fighting to the death. This will soften resistance for rest of the city. The 17th light foot will then break off a couple of companies and block of southern route, effectively creating an encirclement. This would cause a quick surrender once mass the rest of brigade. Meanwhile, Major Giraud will seize the shore fort for the artillery instead of Major Nivelle.

Surena: This plan would disrupt the civilians too much. We are effectively bulldozing our way through.

Vorbeck: It also ignores the northern portion of the city and civil buildings.

Raeder: Those forces would be trapped. The value of the buildings are effectively meaningless, being used by cowering bureaucrats. We can take them later. Most of our forces would be close to each other so they could be supported in one runs into trouble.

Giraud: But that concentration would leave large areas of the city alone to its own devices. Not a good idea.

*They are clearly both biased but who do you believe more?*

Surena: Lars why haven't you spoken up yet?

Mueller: I'm not really a planning person. I will go along with whatever the plan is.

Nivelle: I would have preferred waiting instead of attacking.

Raeder: Then we would have lost the initiative, this plan is the most superior one.

Giruad: I would disagree.

Surena: As would I.

Vorbeck: I am not too keen on this plan either.

Nivelle: There is an attractiveness to simplicity.

[] Write-in

Make your own plan or put in additions to the ones above.

OOC: You need to keep it mind who is saying what and why they would say it. Make up your own mind.
There is a certain advantage to ignoring some of the 'critical points' in favor of destroying enemy forces and torching the docks to prevent escape...
Raeders plan is the most effective but I want artillery hitting those northern portions with precise but light bombardment. It's not meant to really kill but to deny staging grounds for an assault as well as to keep an eye on enemy movement. Artillery is not to shoot Government building or residential unless specifically told to.

Plus i'm sure those alleyways have alot more than militia. Fanatics have shown willing to sacrifice their own country men for their ideals. With them up against the wall then I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to attach ragnarite bombs unto their person before blowing up when our infantry are advancing on the main roads.

Plus I like the idea of all the squads being able to contact each other/aid each other in a fight. The quicker we can strategically win over the city the better.

Not to happy about civilians being kicked around too much since after the war their capital will require huge repairs and I doubt the Empire will want to foot the bill. But not our problem.

EDIT: Also no to burning the docks were going to need them for our own ships/industry. In fact leave all industrial sectors without giant holes (Bullet holes are fine they can be repaired with minimal concrete/buffing). Industry will be VERY needed for this country after we tear up their civilian districts.

Civvies will probally have to live in the streets but at least they'll have work for food and a means to rebuild.


[X] Plan Raeder

"Okay were going with Raedars plan but make sure not to punch giant fucking holes into the factories. The Civies are going to need some kind of production after the war to rebuild. The Docks are to be occupied not burned down for the same reason as the factories.

If the enemy occupies it then we kill them all inside and set up shop. One last thing.

Make sure to watch out for fanatics. They may have no training or decent equipment but they have the best tool for war. They have an unbreakable morale that cannot be reasoned with logic or fear. I suspect suacide bombings, charging, and curses uttered against the men and women of our army.

Do not underestimate them. Now get ready I want to start ASAP. "

Step back

"Love live the Empire!"

EDIT: Black text = scratched plan. I Honestly think we should go with the take batteries and hold for reinforcements.
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Do not compromise the essential in pursuit of the superfluous.

Glory is attractive, but glory is fleeting. Being caught up in a race to seize the capital invites haste, sloppiness, and insufficient respect for the ability of the enemy. And this city is doomed to fall in any case. It won't win the war if it does so one day or even one week early. Taking heavy casualties storming the city or allowing the escape of critical government leaders or personnel might have a much bigger impact. Our character choices also established Rudolf as a cautious, methodical commander rather than a flashy and hard-charging one. If Azgle's brigade arrives to help out, and spread out the losses, so be it.

Objectives then are to contribute materially to the successful capture of the capital, prevent evacuation as much as possible, and capture the boats that High Command wants. To do this the shore battery must be captured as rapidly as possible. Raeder is our most aggressive commander and his stormtrooper have the skills necessary to overrun whatever defenses the battery might possess. Also, it keeps him away from civilians and the ambush-friendly streets of the city. We also need to get to the docks as quickly as possible, which suggests dedicating our other two heavy infantry battalions to the task of breaking through in the northern sector. Making the thrust look directed at the city center and Ducal Palace before sweeping along the northern roads would probably be a decent strategy to do so. They can also receive direct support from the artillery once the shore battery is taken. Of course, the enemy may attempt to flee to the south, so leaving our armored force in a position to intercept a convoy out of the city that way is useful; and tanks aren't super-effective at urban fighting unless they're being supported, though I could see an argument to deploy them along the northern road.

That leaves the two scout battalions. I'd leave one in-hand as a reserve for the south, to be committed where the opportunity allows, and the last as a screen opposite the southern approaches to the city to support the armor or at least to maintain observation and allow us to react if the enemy tries to escape by a ground route.

A cautious tentative plan would look something like this;

Ops Plan Eins
NW Base: 82nd + brigade artillery
W Base: 11th, 24th, 17th (reserve)
SW Base: 33rd, 7th

NW forces take the shore battery as an absolute priority; once secured, Raeder is to push on to seize the docks while the artillery and any captured guns will drive off the Federation warships and command the harbor. The 11th and 24th will advance into the city at a measured pace, demonstrating toward the Ducal Palace. Once the shore battery is secured the 24th battalion will instead sweep along the north road, supported by the brigade artillery, while the 11th fixes the enemy in place in the city center. In the south the 33rd will provide a screen of observation outside the city and support the 7th's armor if the enemy tries to escape overland. The 17th will remain in reserve to be committed against enemy counterattacks or to exploit any opportunities that crop up.

Alternatively, a more aggressive option might look like...

Ops Plan Zwei
NW Base: 82nd + brigade artillery
W Base: 11th, 33rd, 7th
SW Base: 17th, 24th

The emphasis on capturing the shore battery remains the same. The 11th, supported by the scouts of the 33rd, would be making the demonstration toward the Ducal Palace instead. The 7th's armor would be unleashed on the northern road to the docks once the brigade artillery is in place and the defenders are fixed, with infantry support from the 33rd. The 24th battalion, supported by the 17th, would sweep through the Darcsen slums once the enemy's attention has been focused in the north and directly opposite the Ducal Palace; they would advance to support the 11th's attack on the palace by attacking through a vulnerable flank of the defenders.

I suppose there's a question of how useful the scouts would be in the city. My default assumption would be that, if supporting heavy infantry or tanks by, well, scouting ahead, they can find enemy strongpoints and allow the heavier forces to destroy them with their superior firepower. If that's wrong the plans may need some changes.
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I like the look of that cautious plan. It is a good plan. Even if only an example.

VC game wise, scouts are awesome due to mobility. Here? No clue.
If possible maybe we should wait for the colonel and share half the glory. That said I do like plan Zwei.

Another plan may be to take the shore battery with an infantry regiment and have the artillery set up. The Shore battery and artillery could be used to keep the transports from leaving while the rest of our forces await for reinforcements. Doing this saves lives and prevents enemy leadership from escaping.

Which was my prime concern because leaders/goverments in exile are a pain to deal with in the public arena. Look up Charles De Gault if you want to know what i'm really afraid of happening. That man was not to be triffled with.
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Well, we need to secure the shore battery and put a blocking force in place to keep the city's garrison from trying to leave overland into neutral (for the time being) Zenobia. Capturing the ships High Command was asking about would also be a nice cherry on top. Storming the Ducal Palace would be nice, if possible without exorbitant casualties; but we can afford to share the credit for taking the city as long as it's clear we played the decisive role in setting it up for a far more thorough victory.

I think I'm leaning toward Plan Zwei for the moment myself, but my concern is that we don't have a very good handle on how many defenders there are or how hard they'll fight. Mitigating the risk by making clear that there is no race to the Ducal Palace and that reducing strongpoints methodically is preferred to storming them ASAP is something I'd probably want to make sure was included in the chosen plan.
If glory hogging is a problem we could specify to leave the Ducal palace uncaptured but surrounded. Mccarthur basically did this at the end of WW2.

What we can do is surround the ducal palace with Imperial flags and have a band play the Imperial National Anthem and the Countries old national anthem side by side until the occupants leave. Fun fact Noriega was almost driven crazy when the U.S Marines played hard rock music outside the Vatican Embassy to force him out.

An the Chinese did something similar to the soviets when the red divide happened.

This sets apart in terms of legend and stops anyone from gaining too much prestige and threaten us later. I propose "National Anthem" added to the plans. Who's with me? :D
I'm sure there are some musicians inside the capital that could be encouraged/payed with rations for playing the songs. Plus I'm sure our reinforcements will have something like that since our General will come.

QM do we have anything like that?
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I suppose there's a question of how useful the scouts would be in the city. My default assumption would be that, if supporting heavy infantry or tanks by, well, scouting ahead, they can find enemy strongpoints and allow the heavier forces to destroy them with their superior firepower. If that's wrong the plans may need some changes.
Just a minor reminder about the battalion system, light infantry =/= pure scouts, heavy infantry =/= pure stormtroopers, armour =/= pure tanks.

I was brainstorming the quest at the start of the year and how to reconcile the larger scale with the VC classes. I thought it would be very silly having 600 scouts in one formation, after all wasn't there a lot of variety in Welkin's squad/platoon and the enemies he faced? So in the end I decided to focus on themes and thats how I got the battalion descriptions on page 1 (post #3).

For example, taking one of your light infantry battalions, its platoons would have (numbers are very rough estimates):
30% scouts, 30% snipers, 15% shock troopers, 15% light tanks, 4% lancers, 4% engineers, 2% Medium Tanks

So light infantry would be okay at urban fighting but not as good as heavy infantry. They generally fight better out in the open and manoeuvre a lot faster. Though they would be less able to fight tanks like the other two battalion types.

Heavy and armoured battalions have compositions listed on the front page.

Missed some stuff.
None are allowed to leave! Roumanias (that's their name right?) president is most likely on board wanting to leave. We must stop him.
I never mentioned that. Pretty much all the high ranking government officials have already left the country. One of the earliest updates mentioned that they already set up a government in exile before the invasion even began (after war was declared). It was that much of a foregone conclusion.

If glory hogging is a problem we could specify to leave the Ducal palace uncaptured but surrounded. Mccarthur basically did this at the end of WW2.
Bear in mind that Rudolf's internal narration may not accurately describe whats actually happening. Your main character is a fallible human being who can interpret things wrongly. Sometimes he gets it right, other times he get it right but misses the underlying motivations completely. Occasionally he gets on the right track only lose it completely and reach a ridiculous conclusion. Make up your own mind, and not whats being told to you. Unreliable narrator and all that.

Edit: Usually you can expect him the get military details alright. But anything involving a personal opinion can result in... creative narration.

I'm glad I got the last update out. Fleshes out the sub-commanders more and showcases underlying tensions to players who may have forgotten. I like putting in hints and clues that pay off months later. In fact I put in some extra ones in the last update. I also remember tiny details and past votes, so if you don't see them immediately referenced rest assured they will probably be on my mind when the time comes.
What we can do is surround the ducal palace with Imperial flags and have a band play the Imperial National Anthem and the Countries old national anthem side by side until the occupants leave. Fun fact Noriega was almost driven crazy when the U.S Marines played hard rock music outside the Vatican Embassy to force him out.

An the Chinese did something similar to the soviets when the red divide happened.

This sets apart in terms of legend and stops anyone from gaining too much prestige and threaten us later. I propose "National Anthem" added to the plans. Who's with me? :D
No electrical loud speakers invented yet... Also it would take time. By the time fighting would get there would be no one important left apart from militias and minor military commanders defending it.
I'm sure there are some musicians inside the capital that could be encouraged/payed with rations for playing the songs. Plus I'm sure our reinforcements will have something like that since our General will come.

QM do we have anything like that?
The fighting hasn't started yet, this is a bit premature.

I plan on splitting this battle up into 2-3 updates. So you'll have a few decision points.
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Alright, since the light infantry does have some combat capability in the city that makes me a little more confident in being aggressive. Also, Eins may be too cautious if it allows the enemy to focus entirely on fighting the north flank until Azgle shows up. I think we can refine Operations Plan Zwei a bit, with more emphasis on capturing the docks to prevent the port facilities from being sabotaged and to secure the boats, and also to cut off any route of escape.

Ops Plan Drei
NW Base: 82nd + brigade artillery
W Base: 11th, 33rd, 7th (reserve)
SW Base: 17th, 24th

As with Zwei, but the 7th Cuirassiers is to be held in reserve until the enemy has been fixed ahead of the Ducal Palace by the 11th Grenadiers and the brigade artillery has been emplaced to fire on the northern road and the Federation warships have been driven off. Then, and only then, will the 7th be released to sweep along the road with infantry support from the 33rd Chasseurs. It'll be available until then in case anything goes wrong or an opportunity opens up. The 17th Jaegers and 24th Fusiliers will advance through the Darcsen slums, with the 24th Fusiliers detached to secure the south end of the docks and meet up with the 33rd Chassuers and 7th Cuirassiers to secure the boats and cut off escape. The 17th will make a demonstration in support of the 11th Grenadiers by advancing north toward the civil administration buildings, but only until it meets significant resistance; it will only serve as a blocking detachment unless the enemy has collapsed or has left his southern flank completely open.
Been awhile since I posted anything on this quest. Hope to catch up quickly now that I'm back.

[X] Ops Plan Drei
Admittedly, it might also be good to see if the subordinates have any serious objections or if the plan overlooks some obvious or not-obvious details; and more discussion among ourselves to that end would be desirable.
Admittedly, it might also be good to see if the subordinates have any serious objections or if the plan overlooks some obvious or not-obvious details; and more discussion among ourselves to that end would be desirable.
Actually I was planning a releasing an update sometime later today (probably tomorrow your time). I can hold it off if people want. Though your winning plan looks solid. Here are some questions from me dressed up as IC responses:
As with Zwei, but the 7th Cuirassiers is to be held in reserve until the enemy has been fixed ahead of the Ducal Palace by the 11th Grenadiers and the brigade artillery has been emplaced to fire on the northern road and the Federation warships have been driven off. Then, and only then, will the 7th be released to sweep along the road with infantry support from the 33rd Chasseurs. It'll be available until then in case anything goes wrong or an opportunity opens up.
Giraud thinks its unwise making the whole brigade wait for Raeder to take the fort first (it would do bad things to the poor man's ego *snicker*). He wants clarification on unclear wording. Is the 33rd is going to be moving through the outskirts of the city while Raeder takes the fort? Or will it wait to move along the northern road with the 7th once the artillery is set up? Because that will take time. Especially setting up the artillery on the hill and driving off the warships. Does the artillery prioritise firing on the northern road even if the warships aren't driven off? (basically are the bolded words all-inclusive or can the former be done if the latter isn't achieved?)

Surena thinks that you should ignore the warships if they are ignoring you, firing on them only if they make any hostile acts, *because apparently she is a wimp* that way the northern road can be cleared much faster.

OOC: where is the ducal palace in your mind? I never mentioned it though I ran with it when you posted it. In my mind I got the impression its in the patch of woods at the centre of the city. Is this true for you as well? If you had annotated the image I posted 2 updates ago with arrows I'd have a better idea. That way the progress report images I will be posting might better accurately reflect what you want, with less chances of what I think what you want. Don't get me wrong, I have a decent general idea from what you've posted, which is why I can make an update.
The 17th Jaegers and 24th Fusiliers will advance through the Darcsen slums, with the 24th Fusiliers detached to secure the south end of the docks and meet up with the 33rd Chassuers and 7th Cuirassiers to secure the boats and cut off escape.
Will the 17th and 24th be entering after Raeder takes the fort or before it? (OOC: basically from I gather you want them to enter last? or while Raeder is moving?)
The 17th will make a demonstration in support of the 11th Grenadiers by advancing north toward the civil administration buildings, but only until it meets significant resistance; it will only serve as a blocking detachment unless the enemy has collapsed or has left his southern flank completely open.
Surena suggests that you should swap her (24th) with Vorbeck's (11th) because she has better quality troops *doesn't she have a high opinion of herself?* therefore it would only be logical that they should face the heaviest fighting as they would fare better. Your plan would effectively sideline her battalion and have it contribute the least *damn bastard should just follow orders*.

Vorbeck looks like she wants to gut Surena from the glare the older woman is giving her. Surena expertly ignores it.

Hey Cav how did you create that map?
EDIT: This response was made an hour ago before Cavalier posted. (it was the first part of the post I wrote). So ignore the first bit.

What maps have Cavalier posted? I have not seen any by anyone to my mild disappointment. I would have liked some as it helps visualise things but its not necessary.

If you are referring to my stuff I made the map after a couple of hours on Paint. The three proposals I posted later took a few minutes to annotate arrows for on pdf copies of the base map. Then I uploaded it onto a free image hosting site (imgur).
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