Pro Patria (Valkyria Chronicles)

[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bit of useful information from the locals.
[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bit of useful information from the locals.
[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bit of useful information from the locals.
[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bitof useful information from the locals.
[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bitof useful information from the locals.
[X] No
[X] A man has arrived in town and approached your men, he is claiming to be part of an underground resistance movement. Investigate the veracity of this.
[X] No
-- [X] Send field scouts first. They are to learn if there is an enemy force out there, how many they number, what their defenses are like, and where the likely spots they've hidden artillery and tanks are. And try to squeeze every bit of useful information from the locals.
Vote locked.

You know, you could of ordered to have the artillery be used to attack the cantonment.

Update is mostly done. Expect it in an hour. This post will be used for rolls.
Emdeman threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Casualties Total: 134
76 76 58 58
Shit… I thought I forgot something.

Still, a quick mortar bombardment before our attack to hit pre-determined targets will shake them up.
As your forces prepare to move out there is one last piece of business to attend to. Yes you could delegate meeting the alleged partisan to an underling but you want to handle this personally. You arrive at the company command post where the person is being held. Moving past a few supply trucks you encounter a curious sight, a man in a rather shabby suit is standing up against a wall while there are a row of soldiers holding weapons in ready positions. By all accounts it looks like a firing squad. You turn to the subcommander directing the troops.

"Whats going on here captain?" you ask in consternation.

"Executing a spy attempting to infiltrate our ranks sir", he replies firmly.

"What evidence do you have to confirm this?" you ask curious.

He looks at you rather obviously, "the man was trying to convince a patrol to take him to a higher officer by saying he was part of a resistance group".

"How do you know he wasn't being truthful?"

"Merovians are famous for their cloak and dagger stuff, its obviously an attempt to smoke someone higher up the common chain".

"Did he do anything incriminating?"

"Not yet, but it doesn't hurt to be careful".

You sigh, "I'm going to have verify that further, so I'm going to have to ask you to call off the execution for now", the statement is not a request.

The captain grunts disapprovingly and motions to a sergeant, the troops back off and the would be cadaver breathes a sigh of relief. You go up to him confident that he's already been searched for weapons and begin talking.

"I may have saved you from death for now but I'll need some good information to take to my superior to vouch for your credentials", you effortlessly lie. That interrogation elective you took was quite illuminating. Teaching how to gain information without resorting to loutish methods of coercion. Combined with your age it should deceive outsiders into thinking you're not an important officer. Elegantly removing the concern of an infiltrator trying to take out higher ups.

The man talks quite enthusiastically after your introduction. He is an older fellow dressed in a worn out suit. Apparently he is clerk from the capital, Flume. Part of a network of people that oppose the current regime. They are mostly older people with traditionalist leanings who support a return to the old government. Which makes them natural allies for the empire. Decent people who oppose the illegitimate administration.

Still it seems a little too convenient and you can't rule out a ruse. You don't have the rank high enough or have the connections with the spooks to know if they're associated with the Heritage Foundation. A web of partisan groups and sympathisers within the federation angling for a return to the old ways. Of course, the other side did the same; supporting republican movements in imperial territories. The military power of such groups would be negligible but they should provide useful information. Though you'll have to not trust it completely at least at first. Nevertheless, they are good people.


Your forces leave the town in good order. Once again light battalions lead the advance. Your local contacts say the cantonment is currently occupied by a severely under-strength garrison. And that many military formations have pulled back towards the capital. They know the terrain around the area and are able to provide valuable information.

The sound of firefights in the distance already tells you the scouts have encountered resistance before the first messages arrive. Isolated shots are soon followed by the continuous clanging shriek of volley guns. Some time after the reverberations of armour can be heard. The sounds only intensify as the reserve battalions join in.

The initial reports say the enemy forces attempted to make several stands on agreeable terrain like ridge lines. Your troops managed to dig them out and rout them with light losses. Pursuing them several miles back through the countryside and a couple of hamlets to the cantonment.

Their equipment is laughably outdated but it still poses a threat. You pass the burned out hulks of several obsolete interwar and even great war federation tanks along with a couple of your own.

There is no artillery to attack the base, as its still back at the baggage train. But that's no matter as there's plenty of armour and mortars to soften up the strongpoint. The assault is carried out and the cantonment is taken within a few hours. Resistance was stiff but ultimately futile as you outnumbered the foe even before superior equipment came into play. Surrender eventually comes and you have a few hundred prisoners to send back.

Most of the supplies and equipment in the cantonment have already been destroyed, probably days ago. Though some of the bigger stuff was spiked weeks ago like a couple of ancient great war siege howitzers. There's not much that will be useful here.


Roll 2d100 = 134 * 0.8 Intelligence = 107

4872 - 107 = 4765 effectives

Your first fallen... You're not sure how to feel. Men and women have now died due to your decisions. It is a heavy burden. You will have to make better decisions that put your soldiers at less risk.

Once the base is taken you have a few different courses of action. There are two towns of sizeable magnitude from here. One is somewhat closer than the other. The resistance says there are modest regular forces defending both along with some town militia. They have some support in one of the towns and can try convincing local forces to give up the town, the attempt could fail. The other town is home to a group of firebrand radicals who will try to stir up revolutionary fervour so resistance is almost certain.

You could try to take both towns simultaneously which would involve splitting your forces. Or you could just take one town after another. Though doing so could make resistance heavier with the extra time.

Along with that you've received a request for assistance from other imperial forces. There is apparently a significant enemy presence holed up in a fortress that is currently being invested by another brigade. Moving to assist immediately will involve leaving both urban centres to your rear which could be a problem. Or you could hold it off for later.

[] Split your forces and attack both towns at the same time.
- [] Which battalions will be split off and who will lead the detached force.
[] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
[] Ignore both towns, move to the help other imperial forces take the fortress.
[] Write-in.​
Hm. Is this plan good?
[] Split te forces into two havily unequal group. The larger one will attack one of towns, the other will guard the other, so its garrison could not come to help the first and stike into back of the first group. Then take the second town with full force.
[X] Mueller's battalion and Reader's battalion shall move to assist in the capturing of that fortress. Meanwhile, send word that the artillery is to be moved to support the attack on the fortress. While the rest of the battalions will move to attack the town with sympathies with the traditionalists, the show of force should make it easier to get them to surrender. If not, begin mortar strikes across the town to soften it up for the rest of the army.
-[X] Go with the detachment heading towards the Fortress, and leave Vorbeck in charge of dealing with opposition.
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[X] Mueller's battalion and Reader's battalion shall move to assist in the capturing of that fortress. Meanwhile, send word that the artillery is to be moved to support the attack on the fortress. While the rest of the battalions will move to attack the town with sympathies with the traditionalists, the show of force should make it easier to get them to surrender. If not, begin mortar strikes across the town to soften it up for the rest of the army.
If sent off to aid the siege of the fortress the battalions would necessarily fall under the command of the officer in charge of the siege. That is a terrible decision from the viewpoint of how armies work; we may not get those battalions back, and in any case we'll have no influence on how they are used or how the siege is prosecuted. If we split the command it should only be on the tactical level, not the operational level.

[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.

Rudolph is a cautious and methodical commander. Reducing the enemy right in front of him with all of his available resources, thereby eliminating any potential threat to his rear, is the most congenial course of action to him. Also, testing the Resistance contact by letting his organization try to organize the surrender of the town is a fairly low-stakes way to check their credentials. Granted they could be organizing some kind of elaborate ruse involving allowing the occupation of the first town, but that kind of paranoia is unlikely to be productive. And if they fail we'd have had to assault the town anyway.
If sent off to aid the siege of the fortress the battalions would necessarily fall under the command of the officer in charge of the siege. That is a terrible decision from the viewpoint of how armies work; we may not get those battalions back, and in any case we'll have no influence on how they are used or how the siege is prosecuted. If we split the command it should only be on the tactical level, not the operational level.
To clarify with IC knowledge that Rudolf would know; the request was from another brigade. So the highest ranking officer there should be another colonel.

Which creates an interesting issue of who would be in charge. Theoretically high command would send someone or just temporarily promote one officer over another. But the rapid pace of the conflict and the slowness of communications means this probably hasn't happened. The most likely scenario is cooperating with an equivalent ranked officer in conducting a joint operation. So Rudolf would get quite a lot of say in how the assault proceeds.

This isn't a protracted siege. Its another brigade clearing its assigned sector; encountering an entrenched, fortified enemy and asking for assistance in taking it out. It isn't an order from higher up. You're not obligated to respond, though it would be helpful and earn brownie points.

If you split up Rudolf's forces and send battalions he is not in the general vicinity of, then he would have no control over them. Which is why he is not considering this barring a write-in. So the plan calls for sending the whole brigade to assist and banking on there assumption there's not enough enemy forces left in the area to cause trouble.
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Hope it isn't too late to join in on this adventure.

Also: [X] Mueller's battalion and Reader's battalion shall move to assist in the capturing of that fortress. Meanwhile, send word that the artillery is to be moved to support the attack on the fortress. While the rest of the battalions will move to attack the town with sympathies with the traditionalists, the show of force should make it easier to get them to surrender. If not, begin mortar strikes across the town to soften it up for the rest of the army.

Looks good enough in my eyes, which is why it gets my vote. Although i admit i am no tactician. :confused:
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[X] Mueller's battalion and Reader's battalion shall move to assist in the capturing of that fortress. Meanwhile, send word that the artillery is to be moved to support the attack on the fortress. While the rest of the battalions will move to attack the town with sympathies with the traditionalists, the show of force should make it easier to get them to surrender. If not, begin mortar strikes across the town to soften it up for the rest of the army.
Just noticed this write in.
[X] Mueller's battalion and Reader's battalion shall move to assist in the capturing of that fortress. Meanwhile, send word that the artillery is to be moved to support the attack on the fortress. While the rest of the battalions will move to attack the town with sympathies with the traditionalists, the show of force should make it easier to get them to surrender. If not, begin mortar strikes across the town to soften it up for the rest of the army.
Which part will you be commanding? If you detach Mueller and Raeder's battalions to assist taking the fortress while commanding the remaining 4 battalions yourself then @Cavalier's concerns are right. They'll fall under the command of the colonel on site and take orders from him.

Really should have pointed this out earlier but I have a bad habit of treating write-ins like normal votes and read over them. Only properly reading them when they gain momentum.

Just to repeat it again; SV's plans can be very good, they can also be very bad.
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[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.
[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.
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[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.
The new plan seems alright on paper, but i do wonder if we don't help the Imperials at the fort, then they will have been repulsed by the defenders by the time we get there to help....
[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.
What if we sent our artillery battery to support the Fort siege, supported/protected by one of our light infantry battalions?

[X] Send our artillery battery to support the Fort siege, supported/protected by one of our light infantry battalions.
[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your remaining force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.
--[X] Failing that, the resistance/traditionalists should shift focus to evacuating civilians from the town.
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On second thought, before everyone jumps on a bandwagon the write in does have merit. If you can live with the fact that you'll be temporarily out of contact with a couple of battalions, its a viable plan.
What if we sent our artillery battery to support the Fort siege, supported/protected by one of our light infantry battalions?
Ninja'd. Its sounds like a decent way of taking the fortifications.
Emdeman threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Temptation Total: 9
9 9
[X] Attack one town first (the closest) and then the other with your full force.
-[X] See if this Resistance contact is on the level. Let them try to convince the traditionalist town to surrender.