Post-Mortem Activities (Undead!Taylor, Slight Crack)

[X] All of the above!

Really, all three POV's are going to have interesting stuff to say. The afterlife crew should be interesting with having someone do something entirely new from there perspective. Piggot will be interesting to see how she feels about undead compared to parahumans, then have a major freakout about parahuman undead. Tattletale might actually have the best one though. Her whole trigger event was her searching for one answer, one that her power can't give her, and here she has the opportunity to find out. The mind fuck she'll be going through will be glorious.
Anyone know if XenForo 2 enabled pinging people if you edit a comment to include a mention (via @) of them? I'm certain this didn't work before, and didn't see this noted anywhere but it worked here.
If there is a quirk in the system with that ping, I'll let you know that I picked your name from the drop down list rather than typing out the entire thing following the @ symbol. Sometimes you can bypass quirky options by always using the systems selection options rather than using options to manually enter data used in methods. Sometimes programmers use different coded methods attached to objects when building systems.

Usually the drop down options are thoroughly tested and work. Usually...

: After thinking on it a bit, the reason I usually pick drop down boxes is that it is a transfer of data rather than user entered data. In this case, the unique identifiers of accounts. That gets transferred by the system through the methods of the objects as data that is unlikely to become corrupted. Hence, usually works well. User input data is usually not that clean. Especially when trying to match identifiers.
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[X] Piggot

Cuz Lisa will come around eventually,.....but I really want to see Emily lose her shit with ghosts in her city. I mean what's next zombies?😂🤣👻👻💀☠
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(X) Piggot

I always like her responses to shenanigans, but I'm waiting for the moment when the PRT realizes that they're going to be responsible for making the policy on all these new undead. It'll probably be hilarious.
[X] Piggot

[X] Piggot

cuz Lisa will come around eventually.....but I really want to see Emily lose her shit with ghosts in her city. I mean what's next zombies?😂🤣👻👻💀☠

You might want to edit it so that the actual vote part is on a separate line to the reasoning. Pretty sure in terms of how the tally works your vote will be counted separate from the the rest of the Piggot ones (How I've altered it in the quote would be an example of what to do).
"I present exhibit A: MY OWN CORPSE!"

Man the legal system is gonna go down the toilet thanks to the reanimated dead.
[X] Tattletale
I kind of want to see her bluescreen when she sees the Verified Undead tag start popping up...
[X] Piggot

I can just see her looking at Colin and Hana shouting fuck it and shooting herself to be rid of all this nonsense freaking both of them out as she just did so in the middle of another debriefing concerning undead and then getting told to go back by i dont know her old C.O.
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[X] Afterlife Processing

Reaction shots are rubbish that adds nothing to the story and is only there for the "ha ha oh so funny".
[X] Piggot

Not only did one of her Wards murder someone, not only did her subordinates let said Ward get away with multiple crimes leading up to said murder, but said murder victim is now up and walking around again, as are at least two other people now. I have GOT to see her reaction.

^^^ THIS. Yeah, voting for Piggot too.

[x] Piggot.
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you know i don't think its a good i dead to tear a literal HOLE through the barrier of death not one at all
Having just started to read this; I'm kind of sad that the response to Taylor going 'I can't be dead' wasn't 'Why not?'

Really: You can't be dead? Why not? What magical force prevents the possibility of your death?