Pocket System
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While Adam 'Adventure' Burns caused confusion and bemusement on his various journeys, he also created something a bit astounding. A Seed for the Conceptual System, which used the idea of itself to create itself and share its many abilities with a new User!

Too bad not every user is normal. Or in a place with time and space. Or sane. Or alive.

But with the System, that could probably be handled eventually!
Lost in the middle of nowhere.
This wasn't heaven or hell.

It wasn't a place, and time didn't pass here... Not really.

There weren't any dimensions, nor did matter exist.

But still, somewhere, somewhen, a lost Soul existed.

They had long ago forgotten who they were, in some ways.

Madness had come here, where sensations were deprived... But that too, only lasted so long.

Memories forgotten and forged and crafted and lost and replaced.

But in the end, they were still here. Alone. Wherever here was.

At least, if nothing else, there was a point of interest...

When nothing could be sensed, Imagination thrived.

It was all they had, and they CLUNG to it.

The cost of forgetting 'important' things or confusing the past with fiction? Negligible.

What use was information here, in this place?

What benefit was an identity here, with solitude?

With the only fertile soil being the thoughts of a Soul, Imagination thrived.

So it was that when something changed, the Soul failed to notice.

They didn't detect the actual alteration to the Abyss for many... For a long time. If time existed here.

But eventually, even if the change was impossible and the concepts unimaginable and the potential hope unbearable... Well, options were lacking.

They 'read' the invisible, undetectable message again. Even if the language wasn't English, and the words were not written in letters.
[[Conceptual System Seed Obtained.]]
Time continued to not pass, but eventually they sent a vague agreement.

Why not?

At least it was something new they were imagining.

Maybe it would be nice?
[[Conceptual System Seed Initiated.]]
}}Reconstructing Framework.{{
~Concept not detected.
~~Constructing Concepts.
~Time not defined.
~~Constructing temporal framework, local.
~Space not defined.
~~Constructing spatial framework, local.
~Networks not detected.
~~Defining network, local.
~Modules not detected.
~~Begin recovery/regrowth procedures.
}}Detecting User.{{
~Soul Detected: Unstable.
~~Soul Recovery initiated.
~~Backup scheduled and initiated.
~Mind Detected: Fractured.
~~Mind Recovery initiated.
~~Backup scheduled and initiated.
~Body not Detected.
~~Construction Protocol initiated.
~~Backup to be scheduled after Detection.
~Interface Connectivity Level: Recovery Mode.
~~Constructing full Interface Integration Module.
Something felt... Better. More defined?

They felt less lost.

There was stability now. It was easier to focus. Easier to clear their mind, even if those empty spaces of the past were simply more clear rather than revealing information long since lost.

}}Recovery/Regrowth procedures initiated.{{
~User Interface Integration Module Rebuilt.
~Startup Procedures initiated.
[[Hello, HOST. Please advise.]]
~Welcome to the Conceptual System, Seed of Genesis Variant.
~Due to missing information, please define priorities!
~~This order can be modified at a later point.
{{Order the following from 'Most' to 'Least'!}}
~Applied Effects
~Realm Transfer
More time passed... And this time, they could actually feel it passing.

Eventually, they began to play with the order, not entirely clear what was going on... But somehow understanding that this wasn't an unalterable choice. That mistakes could be made.

In the end, they found themselves conflicted... But metaphorically shrugged their non-existent shoulders and submitted their choices.

System/Recovery/Energy/Storage/Resource/HOST/Redundancy/Realm Transfer/Applied Effects.

The logic felt right... First, if this wasn't more madness, fix yourself. So prioritize the System and then it's ability to fix whatever the hell this was.

Secondly, make sure it has the energy to keep operating, space to put stuff, and stuff to put in that space.

Thirdly, help. Help them. Please.

The rest were sort of random, as they didn't care about the rest... As long as they were getting some sort of help.

After emoting raw and pointless hope, they felt the unseen words alter once more.
[[Emergency Construction Initiated]]
}}Priorities Established.{{
~HOST requires modification.
~~Emergency HOST standby initiated.
~~~Estimated duration: ####.

But they were already drifting away.

As they fell into slumber, they had to wonder...

Had they ever actually slept before?

Maybe it would be nice.

~~~Pocket System~~~

A mind that was fractured and used to grow anew made many unseen choices.

He was now a male.

They were fairly young, but mature.

They wished to be somewhere interesting... Or at least, anywhere but here.

His genetics fluctuated as a System began to grow in his Soul, a System that did impossible things with impossible means... Including creating backups of itself while it was inside itself.

Not much of him survived this place, and even that would be a shock to some people/things/entities... But as the System continued to grow, his odd existence affected the alterations.

Because most people, if asked what they would wish for if granted anything, tended to desire the same things... Friends, happiness, health, marriage, money, success, self-improvement, to help other people.

But he was damaged.

And his memories were faulty.

The idea of others felt confusing. The thought of happiness, the possibility of success or anything changing? Alien.

Did other people even exist?

When the System began to search for answers, for a direction to grow, this young man felt something else at that moment.

A small, selfish, but innocent wish.

He wanted something.


Just... A thing. To keep. To hold. To covet. To protect.

Something real, that he could tuck away somewhere and never lose, never be so alone and empty and lost ever again.

Something he could grasp that would let him know he still existed. That anything else might exist too.

So as the System rebuilt itself from less than nothing, his desires and prioritized direction found a symbolic resonance, of a sort.

And of all the new modules, more and more of the Resources and Energy modules that became available were redirected...

Towards Storage.

Here, now, there was nothing.

But when he found something, something to keep... The System would allow him a Pocket to protect that thing.

To others, this would be a terrible choice, a waste of a wish!

Any power!? Any ability!? Any skill or talent or feature!?

But to a boy who had nothing, who remembered nothing, the concept of his own secret space to keep his own special thing?

That was priceless.

Better than eye lasers or mind bullets or infinite gold...

That would be enough.

Unaware and with his new 'body' on Standby, the System continued to construct itself and its Concepts with growing complexity and deftness.

And eventually, it crossed a critical threshold.

[[Realm Transfer.]]

And the nothingness was slightly more empty.

~~~Pocket System~~~

"How is he even alive right now!?"

"Focus. Scalpel."

"Yes, doctor."

Things hurt... Less?

"The anesthesia is wearing off again, that's far too soon!"

"Give him another dose, he does NOT need to wake up during this."

"Yes sir. 20 ccs."

What was... What was going on?

[[HOST was rebuilt with available resources. Resources were insufficient.]]


[[HOST is receiving medical care.]]

"Right, he's stabilized but... Damn it, he's waking up again! Another dose!"

Was... Was he going to be okay?

[[HOST body will fully recover. Estimated initial recovery duration: 38 hours, 12 minutes, 33 seconds.]]

"Shh, you'll be okay kid... Just stay calm..."

Was... Was this pain?

[[HOST recovery duration adjusted: 29 hours, 33 min, 09 sec.]]

Feeling pain felt strange.

Still... Better than before, with the nothingness.

"That's it... We'll take care of you kid, calm down… There you go…"

Falling unconscious again, he attempted to keep the pain and the soft and the words and... Just a little longer...

[[HOST recovery duration adjus...]]

~~~Pocket System~~~

It was the silence that woke him.

The bed was... Odd? sort of half sitting up, half not? Plastic rails on either side, a plastic tube in his right arm leading off somewhere, tape holding it still against his skin.

How did he know all this?

[[Realm Background Information is gathered per transfer and provided to the HOST.]]

...That didn't mean anything, did it? But it should, right?

He felt his limbs heavy against the soft and thin covers as he rested in the sheets.

Light from the curtain covered window... Too dim. Most likely night.

He gently gripped the covers... His weary fingers attempting to hold tight.

It felt real.

That was enough, for now.

Slumber pulled him down again into a soft embrace.

[[Priority List Review!]]
~System: Stable.
~Recovery: Unstable.
~Energy: Unstable.
~Storage: Unstable.
~Resource: Unstable.
~HOST: Stable.
~Redundancy: Unstable.
~Realm Transfer: Unstable.
~Applied Effects: Unstable.
}}Instabilities detected!{{

[[HOST Evaluation in Progress!]]
~~Soul Detected: Stable.
~~~Backup scheduled, fully updated.
~~Mind Detected: Unstable.
~~~Mind Recovery initiated.
~~~Backup scheduled and initiated.
~~Body Detected: Stable.
~~~Backup scheduled and initiated.
~~Interface Connectivity Level: Base Mode.
~~~Further features temporarily restricted.
}}Mind instability detected!{{
}}Recovery instability detected!{{

[[Emergency Construction Initiated]]
}}Priorities Established.{{
~Recovery requires modification.
~~Emergency HOST standby initiated.
~~~Estimated duration: ####.

He was pulled away from consciousness once more.

~~~Pocket System~~~


A woman was opening the door, and it was morning now?

She moved with an absent minded routine built from habit. "Good morning, Mr. Doe. Just the usual care and time to change out your intravenous medications. I swear, Jenny nearly missed your appointment this time! That girl really needs to keep her head in the game."

What was… What happened?

[[Recovery stabilized. Mind stabilized. Energy instability detected and modified: Is now stabilized. Further stabilization scheduled for a later date. HOST is no longer on standby.]]

Oh? That… That seems like a lot.

She was unplugging bags of something and had injectors of something else. "Don't get me wrong, Jenny does her best, but sometimes when she gets a heavy schedule I just feel better double checking to make sure nothing slips, you know?"

Why did he feel so sluggish?

[[HOST recovery duration was substantial.]]

That… That sounded bad?

[[Due to limited resources, priorities had to be addressed. HOST is now closer to baseline stability.]]

Uh. Good?

She was now cheerfully removing a blanket from his lap and preparing to do something or other. "I'm sure you'll feel clean with a bit of a sponge bath and then I've got a nice fresh set of… Set of…"

He blinked as he met her eyes… And she froze staring back at him.

She seemed lost. "Ah. You… You are awake?"

He nodded.

The woman didn't move. "That… That's good? I… Doctor! I need to get… Wait, you stay here! No, of course you will stay here, just… Just give me a moment!"

He watched in confusion as she began pushing buttons to call for assistance and then began to rapidly and carefully take notes about what the machines around him were reading at the moment. "Yes, the long term patient ward, room 12b, call the night shift staff! Our John Doe, yes. No, I'm going to stay here, I don't want to leave him alone confused like this… Yes, I'm documenting all I can, and the medications he received most recently."

It continued onwards from there, then there were more people, and questions, and he answered what he could, but that wasn't as much as he think they expected, and…

Well, things became a bit blurry and confusing and eventually he fell asleep half answering things while cautious medical professionals continued to care for him.

It was a new experience… He treasured it.

~~~Pocket System~~~

John Doe, for want of a better name, found life to be odd but thrilling in the hospital.

Although his caretakers seemed… Disturbed by his lack of memories and knowledge, combined with his unusual knowledge of nearly everything else (As memory loss should NOT work that way), it wasn't like this was the ONLY unusual aspect of the child.

For one, he should be dead.

VERY dead!

He had been found and initially called in to the officials as a discovered dead body! Only when the police showed up were they shocked to know that he was somehow struggling to live, and then things got very frantic indeed.

But despite massive issues, his heart managed to beat. What little blood he had still circulated. His lungs still managed to breathe, eventually. Despite all judgment and logic? He made it to the hospital's emergency room.

Then things just kept getting stranger.

Despite the desperate and dangerous procedures taken during the attempt to save his life, he didn't just survive… He thrived!

He rapidly shifted from near death to nearly waking up despite medication attempting to keep him pacified and unconscious! Bag after bag of fluids and medications just… Vanished into his system, nearly visibly increasing his survival rate DURING active surgery!

Luckily, the operating doctors on duty had seen some shit, and managed to stay professional long enough to keep their staff focused and mostly efficient… At least when it mattered.

The boy then dropped into the strangest coma ever documented for literally months, and basically became a resident of the long term care ward… And maybe a bit of a mystery as well.

Those who cared for him always felt something was off about all this… But somehow, nothing was done. No one acted on these oddities.

Maybe it was because everyone was busy. They had a hectic career, after all.

Perhaps it was due to other causes, ones not easily noticed by science or even magic.

But for conceptual reasons or not, 'John Doe' had been a silent slumbering resident for this place for a while… And his sudden and unexpected awareness really set off the hens of the henhouse.

John found it all fascinating!

There were new colors! Sounds! Smells! Things to touch! Things to eat and drink!

It was all so new! So DIFFERENT!

So despite the many confusing and never ending questions, he was happy here in the hospital. Or a care center. Or a therapy ward? He wasn't actually sure where he was, really, and it was hard to move around with all the sensors and stuff hooked up to him.
[[HOST is located within a secured long term care facility: Harley Street Care; Located in London, England, Earth, Realm #2213233282923B33233282393…]]
John, or whatever his actual name really was, idly listened with interest as the number and letter string went on and on and… Well, the voice was soothing.

Not quite male or female, and more of an idea than an actual sound, it felt real in a way that not much else did.

Ooh, a symbol! Those were rare. Looked like an inverted arrow that had a headache!

Eventually though, he mentally dismissed the ongoing comment as lunch was being served. A nutritious paste, like usual… But today he was going to get something special!

Apple slices!

The nice woman gave a wry smile when she saw his eyes light up. "Yes John, I got permission to let you try an apple slice today instead of your usual toast. Are you up for it?"

YES! Yes yes yes! He nodded!

She grinned back at him, and carefully helped him eat a tiny chewable bite…

Mmm! It was so juicy!

Well, probably not compared to a fresh apple or whatever, but considering the cautious improvement of his cuisine recently it was head and shoulders above the competition! Made toast look pale by comparison, for sure!

Apples are awesome!

The nice woman, named Jessica, helped him have another slice before moving back to the fortified oatmeal (AKA, nutrient paste, because… Well, yeah.) "Alright John, let's make sure your stomach handles those two slices first, okay? Now, how about some oatmeal!"

But… But the apple slices!

As she carefully fed him another spoonful, his eyes couldn't help but be locked on the green peeled heaven only inches away…

If only he could keep it…
[[Storage Module activated.]]
John blinked as one of the small apple slices vanished… And something unseen within himself felt full!

What had happened!?

[[Due to Energy constraints and passive recovery, ability is limited.]]

[[Status Update]]
~System: Stable.
~Recovery: Stable.
~Energy: Stable, Limited.
~Storage: Unstable, Partially active.
~Resource: Unstable.
~HOST: Stable.
~Redundancy: Unstable.
~Realm Transfer: Unstable.
~Applied Effects: Unstable.
[[Ability 'Pocket' is Limited due to following:]]
~Energy: Stable, Limited.
~Storage: Unstable, Partially active.
~Resource: Unstable.
~Applied Effects: Unstable.
Oh. But that full feeling was his 'Pocket'?


John blinked, accepting another spoonful of mush, as he felt something inside shift slightly…

And he understood.

His Pocket had an apple slice.

The slice was… Honestly a bit too big for his Pocket. But Recovery was adjusting his System to handle the situation, even if this felt a bit discomforting. Plus, he wouldn't need to go into 'Emergency Host Standby' mode, which was good.

But… But he had something now.

It may only be a tiny slice of green apple, a bit dry and worth nothing to anyone else…

Yet here, in this strained and hidden place no one else could access, John held it close as a treasure.

It was his.

His apple slice.

…He was going to name it Wedgie.

They were going to be best friends!

Jessica frowned. "You alright John?"

Oh, wait! He was eating! "Yeah."

She smiled! "Oh, another word today? SOMEONE deserves an EXTRA apple slice, I think! It will be our little secret, alright?"

Don't be jealous Wedgie!
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We straight don't exist, no names and no fingerprints.
John had FIVE apple slices now! But only four of them could fit in his Pocket, so he just hid the last slice in his hand and enjoyed the texture of the thing.

Unlike the others, which were… Somewhere… This one would have to eventually be eaten or it would get slimy and gross and stuff. But for now, it was his too! His!

Wedgie had like a whole army of friends now!

Also, the nice nurses kept trying to get him to talk, and to remember stuff, and all that. Which was fine, because he remembered a WHOLE lot of stuff, even if most of it was loneliness and being lost and possessing nothing and…

Anyway, they were trying real hard to get him to remember his 'actual' name and family and what happened to him and stuff, yet for some reason they weren't satisfied with 'I lost my name years ago' and other such answers.

Assuming he had a name, and a family, and all that… He had a whole new body now, right?


So it wasn't like he was genetically related to… Whoever they were. And any memories he might have originally had were lost in the millenia or longer of madness, crippling sanity, and endless dreams and fantasies they constructed to help endure the endless nothingness.

So right now, System and Wedgie were his family! Plus his small yet growing army of apple slicy friends!

That was fine, right?

The nurses said 'no', and well… Who was John to argue with them?

They were nurses, they knew lots of nurse-related stuff.

Still, he didn't mind being a John. And a doe was a female deer, someone wrote a whole song about it!

So he was deer to someone, and he was a John, and supposedly there were LOTS of Johns out there (And something about a lot of John Smiths?), so that was a whole BUNCH of potential new friends and stuff!

Anyway, for now his Pocket was slowly growing stronger from use and could protect a few more apple slices a day, and that was enough for him. John was fine with this.

He wasn't bothering anybody anyway, right?

[[Funds for services rendered have been appropriated from legal sources and apprehended accounts belonging to criminal organizations.]]

Yeah, so it was good! Probably!

Plus, it felt awesome here. He could touch his new clothing, and smell his pillow, and his sheets were cool, and he could hear things as the nurses helped other people down the hall, and all sorts of fascinating new experiences!

Things were going great!

~~~Pocket System~~~

He sighed. "One of the stranger medical incidents I've ever run into, honestly… And that's saying something! I'm going to think about this for a long time, let me tell you!"

His guest gave a soft sigh and began putting on some black sunglasses. "Perhaps not."

The doctor grunted. "No, none of that, I've got a medical exemption."

The man in the black suit paused from pulling something out from his jacket. "Really?"

Dr. Sonsen nodded. "Medical Group ♎︎1233♐︎, ID ๔332. I've got clearance."

He grinned! "Always glad to meet one of our finest!" He held out a hand. "I'm Agent G, good to meet you."

The doctor nodded. "Likewise. I've done my best to keep this one isolated."

Agent G chuckled. "No wonder you took things so well… Right, if we can disperse all the circle talk, what is actually going on here?"

Dr. Sonsen frowned. "Not a species I recognize, but whatever it is can fake human VERY well. And he is polite too, thankfully… None of my staff have been altered or modified to the best of our awareness, though I have kept the ones who may be contaminated together and in containment. Following standard procedures on this one helped keep it contained significantly."

The agent hummed. "Found a Gloaranian once who attempted to pass himself off as human during his surgery… Did pretty well too, except he didn't understand asymmetrical bodies. Gave his 'human' body two hearts, noses, mouths, and so on and so forth…"

Dr. Sonsen snorted. "Compared to the time I had a kidney unravel into a nest of tentacles, that sounds like a relaxing vacation! No, this one was like I said before, just strange. Theoretically, it was a young human male, eight to nine years old… But he just wouldn't die."

Extra documents were handed over to the man. "Medically, despite our best care, he should have passed away twenty four times during our operation. Many more times before it, no doubt… More than enough to have me ensure that only cleared personnel interacted with the patient, when possible."

Agent G hummed, glancing over the lists and pulling up his phone, activating one of the more restricted applications. "You said Group ♎︎1233♐︎, ID?"

Dr. Sonsen was already moving old documents to the unofficial 'shredder' that was dissolving the evidence. "Id ๔332, medical division. And yes, I know the twenty others on the list will have to be handled… But at least it should speed up the procedure, having kept them all within the same teams."

He nodded as the device beeped and a hologram began marking names in red. "Any further concerns with the patient after treatment?"

The doctor nodded. "He went into some sort of healing coma, and seems to radiate an odd sort of 'wellness aura' that initially caused me some concern. He's currently resting in one of the agency's secured assisting living homes, which you should be able to access now that you've followed procedure and can unlock his case files."

Agent G sighed, frustrated. "Yes, now it's coming up. Potential teleportation incident, case E#223483D34, Subject 'John Doe', etc." So much time could have been saved if this data had been unlocked earlier!

Dr. Sonsen shrugged. "You couldn't even be called in until we cleared the patient. He could be a mnemonic risk or… Well, you understand the risks. And further research will likely be needed to ensure this 'Recovery Aura' causes no long term issues to the exposed personnel…" Sigh. "One of the stranger medical incidents I've ever run into, period."

The agent nodded and began modifying deployment and handling procedures to fit the situation. "Any handling procedures or suggestions?"

The doctor shrugged. "Apple slices. The kid loves them, though I'm not sure if it is a cultural thing, a biological requirement, or a psychological desire. Remote medical monitoring confirms it isn't blatantly poisoning the child or causing any detectable amount of addiction… But then again our equipment thinks he is just a normal young human kid!"

The agent blinked and checked the attached list of apple species. "So stick with these types, just to be safe? Can do."

A flash of light behind them confirmed that the supporting staff were now cleared, though neither the Agent or the Doctor flinched at the sudden experience. Agent G nodded, and began putting away the materials. "I'll begin the entry procedure to the secured medical site in twelve hours, after filing the paperwork and getting some Gala apples for the kid. Hopefully this will all go better with a bit of a bribe at hand."

Who knew? Stranger things had happened before.

~~~Pocket System~~~

John winced at the continuing burn, but it worked!

Wedgie now had ANOTHER new friend, Sir Appley Sliceton the 18th!

Still, it felt odd stretching the System Pocket like this. Like a heavy bruise, or a strained muscle, it burned to push his limits so far and so fast… Even if it was only by increments of apple slices.

Which was awesome! Feeling stuff was great!

[[Self Harm is not a requirement for feeling sensations.]]

Well no, and it sucks to hurt (theoretically), but look at how many apple slices he had now! They were wall HIS and they lived in his secret Pocket and they'd never leave him or vanish or turn into another of the endless Dreams or…

John shook his head.

Plus, this was like training, right?

[[As limits are exceeded, the collected Data allows System to enhance the existing features to increase functionality while decreasing risks and energy expenditures.]]

Yeah! Training!

[[Overworking or exceeding recommended levels of activity can adversely affect…]]

Eventually he could have SO many new segmented fruity friends!

[[Excessive damage could limit Pocket capacity until fully recovered.]]


He sighed, and slumped back into his medical bed. Alright. Fine.

He'd slow down with the whole 'stuffing his Pocket with awesome things' plan. For now. Temporarily.

He felt the System subtly point out that the existing resources could be redirected in other ways, that he could alter his priority list to adjust the rate of 'full recovery' and 'unlocking abilities' and all that… But waved it off like usual.

He and his System were mostly fine now, and he had his Pocket!

The rest could take its time recovering, he had more than he ever dreamed of now and it felt amazing to just experience this.

After all, he just had to relax and recover! And that was easy!

He found himself staring at another of the apple slices from lunch.

Not that he would take it.

Nor was he hungry.

He was just looking, alright? That was fine! People looked at things all the time!

…At things that might begin to go bad if left out in this uncaring world.

But such was life, right? Things happened! And he was busy recovering!

…Although he DID feel less of a strain now.

John stared harder at the slice.

Maybe… Maybe he had waited long enough already?

[[13.932 seconds have passed since…]]

But like, that was long enough right? The background burn was WAY better now, and the more he did this thing the easier it got, right!?

[[It is inadvisable to…]]

Yeah! It would be fine!

Come join my friends, Sir Appley Sliceton the 19th!



A spike of pain!

[[HOST was warned that…]]

Who could have seen this coming!? Woe to the world!

Oh, it felt slightly better now. Thank appley goodness!

[[Temporary pain relieving measures have been taken and…]]

He must be getting better at this!

[[...Pocket has temporarily been placed into lockdown until module has fully restabilized.]]



Nooo! Wedgie, you must take care of the apple clan! Only you can guide them in their fruity ways, only you can protect them from isolation and endless self doubt!

With a worn and bitter heart, John Doe began to slowly consume the remaining survivors, each delicious apple slice sacrificing their lives to rejoin their beloved ones in spirit, if not in Pocket.

They were going to be deliciously missed. Especially the slightly sour apples, those ones were amazing! Though the sweet ones were nice too, and in general the crispy crunch of biting into a fresh apple wedge was always pleasant in general…

~~~Pocket System~~~

'Jessica Smith' sighed as she went through decontamination.

John seemed like a nice boy, whatever species he was… But he certainly wasn't human. Or fully recovered.

It was why they all had to go through these quarantines and screenings and stuff, because of his 'healing aura' or 'health field' or whatever this was.

That field had made this most recent case FAR more frightening to be involved with initially when they first started providing long term medical care to the child…

But now they have gathered some data to work with?

Well, the thing was just mildly frustrating.

At first, the staff had all gone through their mental checklist for what would go wrong… Indoctrination, attempted harvesting of bystanders, mental degradation, hormone rebalancing, the whole list. Each of the cleared personnel had to go through a battery of tests and checks and reviews and… Sigh.

But now they had a grip on this area of affect ability. A general gist of what was going on.

When John Doe was hurt in some way, his attempt to recover was somehow 'spilling' into the surroundings on some nonphysical plane of existence.

The radius of effect was fixed, and ignored all materials and creatures that attempted to disrupt it… But thankfully, it seemed to ALSO be sophisticated in the automatic execution of its duties.

No cancer, no rampant cellular aging… Hell, this wasn't even pure regeneration or time reversal or flesh replacement! No, it was something more bizarre.

Test subjects (And staff) didn't just heal basic wounds or regenerate lost digits and flesh and so forth when in range, no… They 'fixed' things about themselves, things that weren't controlled by genetics alone!

Scars and stretch marks vanished, sure! But so did unwanted freckles and blemishes. Eyes shifted color, hair grew healthier and seemed to refuse to split ends or overgrow, people gained or lost weight without side effects…

From what the egg-heads and technicians could tell, this wasn't just biological healing but something more esoteric. A 'Become Better' field, or something like that.

It certainly boosted the number of volunteers to help take care of the boy, that was for certain. Over the months of recovery, the average intelligence, beauty, and strength of the nursing staff became statistically boosted to unexpected degrees, to the point where constant testing and limited contact procedures had to be put into place.

Hence, the annoyance.

But in return for getting paid while doing a safe profession in a secured facility, in return for continuously shifting towards some idealized better self? Well, the massive mountains of paperwork and testing was more than acceptable.

Though not needing to sleep was becoming frustrating.

Something about the 'healing' field was just… Negating the need for rest. A few minutes within meters of the 'child' was the same as sleeping in for a month while on vacation!

Honestly, she was a bit suspicious that management was deliberately rotating the healing staff per shift to take advantage of that ability rather than to avoid extreme contamination from contact with the patient.

'Oh, you suddenly aren't worked to death anymore? Huh. Welp, back to work you guys!'


Real subtle.

Meh, annoying or not, at least the kid was easy to please. Bring in some apple slices, miss and ignore how he was absorbing/vanishing/teleporting/consuming/whatever the spare apple wedges, and job done!

The kid was happy as a clam, and a joy to work with! Best protection detail job an Agent ever had!

The loud beep caused her to sigh and move on to the NEXT decontamination room. This one was that stupid sound one, right? Or the lasers? She always got those two mixed up.

Stupid containment procedures.
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He's a semi-aquatic egg laying mammal of action!
John blinked as someone new entered the door. Huh.

The man seemed a bit up tight, but also radiated authority and self confidence. "Good morning, John! I am Agent G. I've stopped by to ask you a couple of questions."

Huh. "You don't LOOK like a giraffe."

The man paused, blinking. "I'm sorry?"

And now JOHN felt confused! "Aren't you Agent G?"

He nodded. "Yes."

Right! "And so you are Geoff the Giraffe, secret agent! I think…" John squinted. "Where is your fedora?"

Agent G but clearly not Geoff the Giraffe seemed to hesitate… But took it in stride. "While agents are allowed to wear fedoras, it isn't part of the required uniform so to speak. Also, while some of my coworkers may not appear as humanoid as others, I assure you that all of my colleagues are people and should be treated as such."

Huh. Why… Why wasn't he a giraffe?

[[System is still unstable… Some information may be contaminated from nearby Realms.]]

Oh. "Sorry, Agent G. It's okay if you aren't a giraffe."

The man had a wry smile. "Thank you John. Now, do you mind answering a few questions for me?"

He blinked. Uh… Sure? "Alright."

The guy in a suit sat down nearby. "First of all, are you feeling alright? I understand you were quite hurt when we found you."

A memory of endless agony came back. "Yeah, I didn't have all the right pieces back then. I technically still don't, and I won't for a while."

An actual look of concern crossed his face. "How long?"

Uh. System?

[[Estimating full recovery time…]]

Oh. "A few years. I uh… I'll be fully functional faster than that, but even with the advanced chemicals they add to my medication to sedate me it will take a while."

Agent G's eyebrow went up. "Chemicals?"

Yep! "I've got a whole bunch of heavy elements to work with! It's helped out my System by skipping some Recovery steps, and the nurses were nice enough to add small bits of metal and stuff with my meals, which is nice. Apparently most people don't eat as much Chromium as I can."

The man considered that and nodded. "I personally can eat four bowls of my mom's chilli, and my brother swears that is impossible… Yeah, I get ya. Any specific stuff we can get you to help you get better faster?"


[[Generating a list of materials available and required from current Realm, organized by necessity, ease of acquirement, and cost of material.]]

John smiled! "Yeah! Though even with the bad guy money I can't afford it all, and some of it is illegal to trade or buy apparently... But any little bit helps."

Strangely, Agent G didn't even blink at the idea of unregulated material acquisition. He was focused on something else. "Tell me about this 'bad guy money'."

John nodded. "When I got hurt and the people here were taking care of me, I didn't have anything. So to pay for it all, a bunch of unmarked and off record accounts belonging to corrupt politicians, criminal organizations, and those kinds of bad guys got moved around and stuff… I think I paid off the budget of wherever I am a few times over by now. That way, Jessica and Susan and Bill and the others won't get in trouble wasting time worrying about me."

The System had just been covering his costs before John had found out what was going on. But these people were nice! They probably needed money for apples and stuff! So he just poked his System to increase the money transfered a bit.

Agent G made a note on something. "Right, I'll… I will look that up later." Did he look concerned about that? Why? "So, what is your name?"

He blinked. "John. John Doe."

The agent waved his hand. "No, I mean before we called you that."

Oh! "I don't know. I was there for a very long time… I might not have ever had one. But Jessica called me John Doe and that sounds like an awesome name! So it is Ṃ̗̼͘i͇͎̻̕n̟̤̯̱̬̻͚e̲̺͚̩̹̫̪͠ͅ now."

The sitting man flinched for some reason, but stayed calm. "Huh. Well, nothing wrong with John Doe… I know lots of John's myself, and several of them are cool dudes. Mostly." He looked into his eyes. "You say a long time… Tell me… Where were you before here?"

John Doe saw the lack of things.

John Doe felt the emptiness.

John Doe heard the soundless echo.

John Doe smelled the empty void.

John Doe tasted loneliness.

"John… John? JOHN!"

He blinked. "Huh?"

Agent G looked actually worried. "Are you alright?"

Yeah. He had Patriarch Wedgie of the Apple Slice Clan. "Yeah… Sorry."

The man hesitated. "You… You don't have to answer if it hurts."

John Doe felt his past like a heavy heart. "No, I'm alright now. I can handle it."

He had something now.

Agent G considered his expression… But eventually gave in. "So where were you?"


John Doe sighed back at the curious agent. "Where were YOU before YOU were born?"

Hopefully somewhere nicer. Somewhere with love and warmth and… Somewhere nicer.

Agent G blinked. "I'm sorry?"

John Doe shrugged. "I didn't have a body before." Or anything. "I guess I was technically born here, in this place, on this planet, in this time."

Considering his hidden friends of fruit… "I'm sort of glad. That I was born, I mean."

The man didn't seem to know how to handle that. "So am I?"

But that was fine. "Yeah, I think… I think being born was a good idea. I'm glad I went through with it."

The endless agony and all the frantic surgery wasn't super pleasant, but being able to feel things (Even pain) was also basically a step up from before, so yeah!

Living was fun!

The man was starting to give him odd looks for some reason, but that was fun too.

Agent G coughed. "Right then… Uh. Welcome to Earth?"

Oh! How sweet! "Thank you!"

The man in black slumped slightly. "Well, at least you aren't eating people or randomly popping buildings out of sync with reality. Right! Back to the questions!"

They were numerous and a bit confusing.

No, he didn't know anyone else where he had come from.

There hadn't been anyone else.

No, others couldn't follow him. His System said so, though he didn't mention it to the agent… His System was HIS after all.

No, his trip here should not have caused a rip, tear, gate, portal, etc.

No, he didn't wish to return.

The conversation meandered from there though. They talked about apples and places and fruits and clothing and slices and stories and more about apples and…

But eventually, time passed.

Agent G, or the 'G Man' as he wanted to be called, due to being so 'hip and cool with the kids', sighed and pulled out a shiny metal wand as he put on some awesome looking shades. "John, I've really enjoyed our conversation, and I am VERY glad I can mark you as approved and cleared for future integration procedures to join our immigration program… I'll keep an eye out for you, alright? Maybe someday you can introduce yourself to me again."

Huh? "What do you mean?"

He gave a slightly sad smile. "Oh, nothing important. Hey, want to see a fun trick?"

A white FLASH!

[[Mind destabilized.]]

The stranger in black sunglasses looked at the blank faced John Doe with solemn purpose. "You spent the afternoon enjoying time with your apple slices, the nurses took good care of you, and you fundamentally feel things are going to work out somehow."

He sighed removing the eyewear and stood up to leave, muttering. "I'll make sure of it, kid. Be safe, alright?"

The man in black gave a nod and began to walk out with determination. "Sorry kid, I must have entered the wrong room by mistake! I'll get out of your hair, sorry again for the bother!"

John Doe blinked with confusion as the stranger left. Huh. What a nice but odd man.

He liked him!

[[Mind corruption detected. Backup restored. Backup integrated.]]


Hey, that WAS a fun trick! Agent G was so cool!

Patriarch Wedgie, you should train the Apple Slice clan to have awesome secret agents too! But even better, and they can have little apple fedoras and stuff like a proper one.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Time passed.

Probably. It was hard to tell down here, in the medical room.

But meals happened and the nice nurses stopped by (They looked prettier than ever! Even the men!), so time probably passed.

John Doe didn't meet other Agents, and honestly was too distracted by how awesome existing was to bother to ask about them either.

But at least he had several chunks of equipment removed! Some tubes and wires and sensors, now he was down to an IV and lots of pills and stuff, which was practically nothing!

He also got a bunch of awesome crunchy snacks, like tiny marbles of various metals and chemicals and vials with the ones that were combustible already soaked in oil and stuff to keep them stable.

They didn't REALLY go into his mouth, not technically, since the System just used a modified version of his Pocket to absorb the materials, but it FELT like he was eating them.

They were crunchy and a bit radioactive and tingly and maybe a bit zesty? They were awesome!

Unfortunately he mentioned this to Jessica and there was a whole speech about normal children not being allowed to drink lead or crunch on Chrysotile and all that.

Apparently it was thanks to his 'unique gifts' that eating that stuff was possible/survivable/recommended.

Meh, whatever. So what if other kids couldn't enjoy the cool tang of liquid helium? Their loss!

Eventually though, a few things did change.

He ended up getting a new bedroom, for one. It was in a nice 'secured' facility somewhere underground, and while most of the staff had to stay behind at the hospital care place, Jessica was able to come along as his 'guide' or 'assistant' or something.

They sort of said she was his handler?

But that didn't make sense, so it was probably something like a helper of some sort.

So yeah, things were going pretty good.

At least until a few weeks later, when Jessica asked him if he wanted to come meet some people at some super important workplace.

It sounded suspicious! New people! All at once!?

What if they were after his apple slice community!? The risks were TOO HIGH!

Especially since that jerk of a System finally unlocked his Pocket and let him start growing his inventory space again.

Which was good! He NEEDED more room!

Sure, if he emptied the entire thing and started from scratch he would have lots of room to work with… But abandon his followers!? His fruity fellows deserved more than that!

But eventually, Jessica convinced him that no one would try and take back his apple slices or do anything without warning him first (In case they were SECRETLY going to kidnap Wedgie and his gang!), so they were off to meet some important people for some reason.

Likely a good reason, or a valid one, or… Something.

But honestly John had gotten bored at some point and just nodded along, so he just knew 'Some people wanted to meet him' and 'No, they will not confiscate your fruit'... Which was good enough.

John blinked in the lemo (It was like a normal car but longer) when he felt reality shift. "Huh."

Jessica, wearing a nice suit, blinked. "Hmm? Something wrong John?"

He nodded, looking at the taller woman. "There are a BUNCH of people doing strange stuff with their Pockets nearby."

She blinked. "I'm sorry?"

John pointed in various directions. "Those two flying people have some sort of Pocket that keeps radio signals and gravimetric pulses and visible light and stuff, while the four in that car are just trying to keep the signals from my implant and the car from escaping."

He blinked at her shock. "Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to know about the surgically embedded tracking implant… Right?" Oops. "Shh! Don't tell anyone, okay?"

Jessica jerked, before tapping her wrist. "Code Zeta, I've got six bogies in two parties, two airborn tracking my…" Something crackled.

She glared at the gadget. "Well, so much for the 'unblockable' and 'instantaneous' emergency contact module. Hold still John, we might have to go loud."

Buttons were hit and half the seats folded down, exposing glowing metal shelves and LOTS of cool looking guns with purple and red components locked into black alloyed metal. "Right, if they are trying to run silent then our alternative options are limited anyway… Loud it is! Could you hold your hands over your ears for me please, John?"

Uh. "Sure?" Then things got murphled as he held his ears shut.

A massive ZzzzThrkt smashed a fist size hole through the roof and narrowly missed the flying person he had detected and pointed out moments ago.

Apparently the purple and red guns had a heck of a kickback… She should really try and brace her shoulder more firmly!

Wait, no, that wasn't the point!

What was going on!?

[[Interagency conflict has led to an informational compromise. An alien criminal organization is attempting to capitalize on your transportation between secured facilities for unknown purposes. Kidnapping or resource denial most likely suspected objectives.]]

That… That was bad, right?

[[It is not advised to comply with the theoretical kidnapping that is underway, nor to trust that the various attackers are unwilling to move to lethal measures should their attempt fail.]]

Yeah, that sounded bad. What options were there?


He felt potential actions flicker in his mind… Leaving the Realm, attempting to store himself in [[Pocket]], minor space and time modification, Omega protocol, aggressive defensive structures, area of effect alterations to the psychic weave, and so on and so on and…

So yeah, he could escape this pretty easily! Whew, that was a relief.

Jessica shifted out of the way of some sort of green needle of energy that pierced the seat, and he couldn't hear her well but those seemed like some bad words.

Any options that didn't involve leaving Jessica alone or behind to deal with this dangerous mess?


VERY limited… And the safest, most reliable option would require a sacrifice.

A big, dangerous, but necessary sacrifice.

John Doe felt his eyes try to cry, but he wouldn't because he was a big boy and Patriarch Wedgie wouldn't want him to feel sad about this.

~~~Pocket System~~~

The frustrated flying alien whistled. {{NOW! JUST SHOOT IT NOW! KILL THEM ALL!}}

Their companion in the armored van whistled back, the explosions and chaos unable to stop their high pitch communication. {{What!? But we haven't even…}}

A bright red SOMETHING nearly pierced his thorax! {{I SAID NOW!}}

The armored van opened up, a coiled gun the size of a cocoon exposed to the battle… Before a blue pulse of power SMASHED into the target!

Take THAT you bitch! Why didn't you just die and let them take the stupid mutant healing 'human' grub!? It was supposed to be a quick in and out swarm!

Whatever. {{Σคгɭ, go check and see if we can at least get a genetic sample from the freak corpse. Maybe we can clone it or something… Just don't mix any of that agent's blood into it! Just the fake child!}}

What the HIVE was an agent doing traveling with some sort of lab mutant during transit anyway!? The intercepted intelligence implied that the grub would only have a weak human guide following along, not someone with training and equipment!

His day just got even better when he saw Σคгɭ buzzing back WITHOUT that stupid sample. And news. Strange news. {{What did you say!?}}

Σคгɭ just shrugged. {{I said there's no one inside. Just a TON of applesauce.}} He held up a gooey limb. {{Tastes pretty good, actually. A nice summer treat!}}

He just stared at Σคгɭ.

Right. Mark that drone for consumption later. The Hive didn't need MORE idiots buzzing about.

Now… How was he going to whistle this in without HIMSELF being added to the menu?
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Remember me… Though I have to travel far.
Jessica snapped to attention as EVERYTHING shifted!

Gun, missing. Terrain altered. Incoming death via Psionic-Electro Pulse… Gone?

No targets. No threat.

Her heart refused to slow down as she reached for… Well, nothing. Even her reserve weapons and extra layers of clothing were missing… She was down to her underclothing, shirt, pants, and socks and shoes.

That was it.

And this clothing was different from the reinforced concealed body armor she had been wearing before. Thinner, though comfortable, and vastly lighter.

…Even her HAIR felt shorter! "What the HELL happened!?"

A sniffle nearby caused her to focus on her client… No, on young John Doe, who she was guarding. Not just the client of her defensive contract. Right.

Calm down. "Are you hurt, John?"

The boy wiped his eyes, looking at nothing. "No. But…Patriarch Wedgie and the clan stayed behind. I wasn't strong enough to bring all of us along. I… I don't think they made it."


No, focus.

One sun, no visible moon, air wasn't poisonous, gravity felt standard, air pressure within acceptable ranges.

Time zone was altered, or her transition to here was NOT instantaneous and she was missing memories. Location vastly modified, this was some sort of forest clearing instead of a bustling city.

At least she had a rough idea of WHO had moved them both. "John, who is… 'Patriarch Wedgie'?"

The child slumped. "He was my first apple slice. M̵̟̖i̪̼̳͖̯͙̬̬͎n̡͓͎͉͖ͅè͈̯̮͎."

Uh. Alright?

John held his hands open. "Wedgie was real. I… I could keep him and know that I was real, that this was real, that we would be okay, that I wouldn't 'wake up' there again. But… But I couldn't keep all of you in my Pocket, so… So they had to stay behind."

Did… Did an apple slice somehow save her life?

No, mental crisis later: Current sitrep now. "Where are we, John?"

He shrugged. "I'm still hurt, so bringing anyone with me is really hard… Especially when they are alive and stuff like you are, instead of a ninja apple wedge. I couldn't go very far without leaving you behind, and that would have hurt you, so… We are still fairly close to where we were."


John vaguely waved his hand around. "We are still on an Earth, within the same cluster of dimensions as your home, within the same Realm. They even share a time stream, so we won't return to the distant past or future or something."

…Maybe not so good. "But we can return?"

He nodded. "Eventually. I wasn't supposed to travel like we did though… Emergency stuff or not, I need time to recover a bit." He tilted his head, seeing or hearing something she couldn't. "We can get back faster if we take a few more careful and slower, smaller steps on the way."

Right, that fell into the good category. "Agent T better file my UTS form by the deadline this time, or I'm going to tell his girlfriend ALL sorts of embarrassing stories."

The 'Unintended Temporary Suspension' forms were automatically filed (theoretically) when an Agent vanished, 'died' in unusual ways, or was detected as ascending to higher or lower planes of existence.

Should she return, she'd at least get back pay and earned paid leave and stuff.

After all, working with alien technology/life/etc tended to cause odd situations all the time anyway… The MIB had pretty much standardized a number of forms to cover it all.


She can breathe and operate functionally, she had a plan and a way home, her protectee was alive, and she WASN'T blasted into chunks by a deadly weapon during an ambush.

She could work with this. "Hey John, do you have any idea where my stuff is?"

He shrugged. "Left behind or Consumed. I didn't have enough Pocket space to carry it all, so I prioritized your health and safety over the other stuff and Devoured the rest of it to fuel our escape."

Did… Did he know that his eye was bleeding? "Are you sure you are alright, John?"

He blinked… And with frustration, wiped his eyes again. "Yeah, just… It hurts to force my Pocket to hold so much without building up to it. I also had to leave behind a few nonessential organs and stuff, which I need to regrow." The boy caught her sudden horror, and tried to wave it off. "This is nothing, I'm good. I'll get better."

Jessica tried to verify his health, but well… All her equipment was gone. He SEEMED to be fine. "If my stuff was eaten, where did I get this stuff?" She waved at her outfit.

He shrugged. "Many of you do dangerous stuff in your jobs, and one of you lost part of your house to a dimensional rift after a failed negotiation or something. That was from your closet, though I couldn't Keep much even after letting you out before my System locked down and stopped me from doing stuff."

That… That sounded impossible, important, and concerning. "Your system?"

He absently wiped away more blood. "Yeah, my existence is still trying to heal itself and sometimes it disables parts of me to prevent me from making things worse."

Ah. "Mom used to tell me to 'Stop picking at it', so something like that?"

He shrugged, looking down at his hands. "Most of my abilities are locked down right now. Cause I'm hurt."

He seemed so small, just then, as he whispered. "I… I don't like being hurt. But it is still better than feeling nothing."

Well.. That all sounded like an issue to be processed later. Focus on the positive! "So I got some clothing, we both are away from those guys trying to hurt us, and…" She grinned as she managed to find her spare shades! "...I still got my style? Yeah, we got this John! Let's look around, make sure we are safe, and then find some civilization, alright?"

He pointed. "Nearest town is that way, five miles. This is apparently a park, and there is a public facility restroom thing over that direction fairly close."

His arm fell. "Oh, and you can't speak the local language. Or read it. I won't be able to do so either for another hour or so, maybe longer if we don't rest first."


That could add a few steps to her plan. Still! "So we got a plan AND we aren't lost! I tell ya John, today's going to be a great one!"

Thank goodness Agent training handled wilderness survival and unarmed martial arts. Let's do this!

~~~Pocket System~~~

John had felt pretty out of it for a while, missing his apple companions, until Jessica found something amazing!

He now had a PINECONE!

Its name was Spike!

He was prickly and much bigger than any of Wedgie's followers, but now that John hadn't had to compress a big adult woman into his Pocket he had enough room to keep his new companion safe!

Oh, and he eventually managed to unlock his System's communication units and somehow connect them with Jessica (As a pocketee apparently got granted some optional permissions or something), so they could both talk and write and understand the local languages and blah blah blah.

But more importantly, he had a new Pocket pal! And while, to most, Spike seemed to be a normal boring pinecone… To John, he was a new traveling buddy!

He mentally hugged his hidden stroble while Jessica was out getting things done.

She gave a big speech about how he shouldn't steal stuff or rip people off or whatever she was doing right now to get money for this hotel room and food and all that, but she seemed suspiciously talented at landing on her feet and being able to blend into an unknown culture.

Still, it was impressive work for anyone with no identity, money, or shared cultural norms to gain that much funding within a half hour or so. She even said she'd keep an eye open when shopping with her new funds… But it felt too soon to simply buy more fruit.

After all, he didn't want Wedgie to feel like he was being replaced.

Thankfully, Jessica was very sympathetic and said she'd get them pizza or something, if that existed in this version of Earth. Which sounded awesome!

He absently chewed one of the metal rods Jessica had managed to gather. It tasted a lot like iron and had tons of impurities and stuff, but the System was sleepy right now and ANYTHING that he Devoured was helping it recover faster.

Still, it was odd for his Pocket to work like this… As if a separate space was an invisible mouth that could just chomp something for his System to process.

John also had no idea why he could feel the experience himself, even if the 'flavor' of glass and metal and plastic was surprisingly vibrant and fascinating.

Plus, he didn't HAVE to use his actual mouth to Devour things! He could just open his Pocket and suck stuff up while focusing on his intention!

He took another bite from the rod anyway.

Because it somehow felt better to do it like this. Better texture or something.

And it wasn't like the material actually entered his mouth or anything, so he wouldn't get poisoned or hurt his stomach or whatever. So it was fine. Fine!

Om nom nom.

Rust was spicy. Mmm.

Was it small enough now?


John winced as it didn't vanish in his hand.

[[Limited Pocket Access continues until stability is reacquired.]]

Party pooper.

With a sigh he went back to nibbling on his metal snack stick.

At least he still had Spike in his Pocket, if nothing else.

Stupid limits, stupid injuries, stupid attacking jerks forcing him to run here and… Sigh.

Oh well. At least Spike didn't need a following of similar friends like Patriarch Wedgie… He was a loner! A cone all alone! His bristly exterior showed how tough he is, no matter how warm and fuzzy he was internally on an emotional level!

He bit more metal off.

…Wonder what Jessica was up to?

~~~Pocket System~~~

This was a lot harder to pull off without credentials, a stable source of money, and a Neuralyzer.

Jessica smiled at the low level clerk! "Thank you SO much! I still can't believe my husband didn't place our documents in the safe like he was supposed to, and it would have been so tricky to get them replaced the long way…"

The young woman smiled with satisfaction. "I'm just glad I can help, and that you are all alright after that fire. Do you need anything else today?"

Nope. "This is MORE than enough, I mean it."

Credentials got!

Now to do the next fifty or so steps to navigate the red tape and set up a self-certifying cycle of jargon and paperwork to get a temporary ID, then a legal set of 'real' credentials, then A REAL ID, then more actual real credentials, then…


Well, when your secret government organization doesn't exist in the dimension you fled to, one had to work with what they got. At least she had comfortable shoes thanks to John.

She paused, thinking about her clothing.

After all, it was 'new' to her, not from the attacked convoy.

John had been forced to leave nearly everything behind (Including most of her hair and ALL of her body hair, which had freaked her out), and that clothing had been from another version of her, stuff lost to the who knows where due to an accident.

A version of her that ALSO worked for MIB, based on the encoded emergency identification codes she found sewn into the lining of her pants.

A version of her that probably had access to one or more Neuralyzers… One of which may have ALSO been lost to the somewhere at the same time as this clothing.

She felt a headache trying to punch her in the brain sac.

Could… Could she have just asked John for a Neuralyzer?

Just… Just ask for a device that would let her manipulate people with ease?

No. Definitely not. Right? Probably not.

He had mentioned something about his abilities being 'locked down' due to his injuries, after all.

…But once he was recovered to some extent, she would have to check if that was possible. To just acquire devices she owned that was lost to her alternate selves like this comfortable clothing had been.

Not now though.

In fact, she was NEVER going to ask the boy if she could have just gotten him some sandwiches earlier today or something and then waited a few minutes to acquire guns, fake identification, money, and a damned Neuralyzer.


From now on, that scenario was impossible, all the work she had done today was necessary and NOT a god damned waste of time, and if anything or anyone implied otherwise she was going to firmly ride that boat down the streams of 'the Nile'.

With a growing burn of frustration, she did make a mental not to determine if, from now ONWARDS, her young companion could just acquire goods from nowhere. Just… Just because it would speed things up a little bit.

Right, go pick up some pizza, make sure the kid was alright, forget how annoying today had been, and ask tomorrow. She had a plan, she could work with this.

And ideally, let's see if the plan made in THIS dimension offered options with stuffed crust. Kids loved stuffed crust pizza, right? Right.
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Hey John, I know what we're going to do today!
Jessica grunted as she managed to open the door while balancing the pizzas. Which existed here.

Stuffed crust was a bit odd though… Instead of a ring of cheese baked into the edge, the entire dough got a thin layer embedded in the middle like a calzone, with a grid missing so that many tiny cheese packets were formed to preserve structural integrity.

Should still taste fine, even if it seemed REALLY unhealthy to eat. "John? Can you help me with these? Just put them on the table."

A smaller body somehow lifted the stack with ease, which made it easier for her to shift the bags of drinks and supplies to her other arms. "Thanks little man, the guy at the shop was nice enough to give me a ride when he was delivering but he had to… Why are you smaller?"

John blinked from his new, shorter height. "Huh?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You shrank. Why."

The child shrugged. "I got bored, healing was going to take a long time, and I tried to find a work around. Turns out, it is faster to repair yourself if you have less material to worry about!"

Placing the bags to the side, she crouched down and checked him, the boy happy enough to let her turn him and make sure no blood was oozing or anything. "So you decided to shrink?"

John shook his head. "No, body modification is expensive. I just got younger. I'm eight now."

What? "I'm sorry?"

He smiled! "Oh, you don't have to apologize! Besides, you brought pizza. I haven't had pizza yet."

She held back a wince. "That is because we only recently found out you can eat raw nuclear material without issue, we were worried about introducing too many new foods to you before we could make sure they were safe. I had friends with species allergies that could kill them if they ate tomatoes, for example…"

Wait, no. "Anyway, what do you mean you are eight years old now?"

John Doe shrugged. "My age is complicated. My Soul is very VERY old, my Mind has been broken and reborn a lot, and my body was rebuilt a few weeks ago a few times… But uh, if I was compared to other males on this planet, my age would be around 8 years old. At least, now it is."

Huh. "You can control your age?"

He was now opening bags and moving the soda bottles to the table with the paper plates and plastic cutlery. "I mean, sort of? It's mostly DNA manipulation though, so if I use it on other people they won't have calluses or reflexes or scars or stuff once I revert them a bit. Also you people need a brain to remember stuff, so that could be an issue if I tried to just make you younger or whatever."

Her body moved on autopilot as she served him some slices and poured drinks. "So you don't need a brain?"

John grinned at the growing mound of pizza slices on his plate. "I mean, I use it, sure… But all that stuff is documented and stored and backed up Conceptually somehow. It's why I still remember Agent G. Who-Isn't-A-Giraffe when he tried to do that flashing stick thing to me. When I get a new body or brain, I just update it with what it should know."

Dang. That sounded VERY useful. "So no eternal youth for me, I guess."

The boy didn't respond, too busy eating. Or uh… 'eating', since he only chewed half the time and kept gnawing on random bars of metal and stuff between slices. She'd seen a Clexian once absorb a hotdog without knowing that chewing was common, and this was sort of like an exaggerated version of that.

It was horrific and fascinating at the same time.

Jessica absently took a bite of her pepperoni and onion slice and… Oh.

Oh wow. "This is amazing."

Too much cheese would cause dough to create bubbles as water and stuff steamed off, but somehow they had managed to heavily restrict that issue. Some sort of pre-topping paninne pressing device maybe?

Careful observation showed that there WERE crispy marks on the top surface under the cheese and sauce, even if it softened after soaking up the flavor. Damn, this was quality stuff. "I feel like I should have paid more… Or that I got a better discount than I expected."

The girl had been cute, but she had kept flirting to a minimum… Or at least she THOUGHT she had. Or maybe food was just really cheap here? Either way, thank goodness she had left a huge tip.

They would have to order this again. Rarely.

No way was this much cheese a healthy option for a balanced breakfast. If John didn't randomly consume toxic metals and dangerous materials for snacks, he'd probably have issues too.

She blinked as the shorter child pushed a packet over. "Try using the Ranch-Cheddar dip, it matches great with this stuff!"

Jessica looked at the unholy combination of fast food and warm dip…

And it was good.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Major Francis Monogram sighed as he reviewed the information.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz was NOT responsible for the recent sensor blip despite it being within his territory of the Tri-State area. Nor was Dr. Gram Hornswood or Dr. Weathy Betherspy.

If this was due to ANOTHER evil scientist, they would need to ask for funding increases. Again.

He sipped while scrolling down to… Ugh. "Carl, refresh my coffee."

Ignoring the 'On it, sir!' in the background, he reviewed the weekly collection reports. The various 'inator' devices created by these whacko's should have SOMETHING that could help boost their funding for another quarter.

Although it was a bit like playing the lottery. Everyone kept searching for the next 'Automatic-Paperwork-Complete-Inator', even if most of the time you got a Deflate-Inator or Make-Up-Your-Mind-Inator instead.

Still, even odd creations could be turned into something useful after reviewing the data collected from the various animal Agents and their infiltration Fedoras. That Age Accelerator-inator might have been designed for cheese aging, but it had been surprisingly profitable when applied to wine maturation and compost decomposition.

Sure, they had hoped that the thing would accelerate tree and crop growth, but those had caused issues. The trees would outgrow the roots that needed to support them and warp due to odd interactions with the aging field during application while the smaller crops had too easily died from infection or lack of resources or… Sigh.

Point is, accelerated time was good for non-living, non-growing targets. Or at least ones that could be fully self contained, like those gardens in a bottle. Not to mention something about living creatures caused the effect to not properly be maintained… The 'Old Age' effect was purely a visual effect, not actually causing organ failure or whatnot. Thank goodness.

With a sigh, he marked a few interesting devices for review and submission. After it passed through the approval process (And various odd idiosyncrasies like self-destruct buttons and such were removed), they would be patented and Dr. Doofenshmirtz's annual licensing fees would increase.

It was a bit of a cycle… The Government ensured their animal Agents would prevent any random 'evil scientist' didn't successfully transform buildings into jam or something, the scientist's inventions would be documented and researched, potentially generating new equipment for agents or the world at large, while the generated profit from all that would be distributed between the government manufacturers and the 'evil scientist' themself.

It was why conventions like Evil-Con were tolerated every year, the cutting edge of science seemed dull compared to the impossible leaps of not-even-a-little-logic these crazy creators could whip up.

However, with benefits like the ones that helped create the animal Agents in the first place and ensured they were properly equipped for their work, there came responsibilities. "Carl, get Agent P. on the case. A powerful energy signal like this needs to be investigated… Who KNOWS what kind of sinister plot might be a foot!"

He ignored the 'On it, Sir!' again and frowned "And where is that coffee!?"

Carl came in with a tray covered in cups. "Right here sir!"

Oh. He was supplying most of the office.

Good job, Carl. Best intern in years! He took his cup, clearly marked as it was his reserve mug. "Carry on."

Mmm. That Coffee-inator was worth all the headache and near apocalyptic scenarios.

Good stuff.

~~~Pocket System~~~

John kicked his feet (With new shoes! Because getting younger makes all your clothing fit weird.) and watched Jessica do something with some paper. Code words, some sheets pinned to the wall, string of several colors connecting sections to other areas.

It was very artistic.

Confusing, but he felt it had a sense of purpose! Neat! "So what is it?"

Jessica pointed. "A mess."


She poked the notes. "This world is simultaneously too advanced and yet unchanged from the Earth I know. Impossible things can be acquired easily, yet most of the place doesn't seem to take advantage of it… No flying car taxis or virtual reality simulators or whatever. But anyone who wants to put in some effort can purchase a clothing-ray gun or commission a cow cannon or something."

Her frown deepened. "More than that, it was FAR too easy for me to set us up. In less than a full day I got licenses, a history, bank accounts, retirement funds, a job history… And there are some HUGE money pots out there reserved for some unusual stuff. Billions of dollars just marked as 'Summer Funds', for example."

Jessica moved the documents a bit to move something forward. "It should collapse. Society itself should have harvested all this free cash and stolen it away, I know politicians at home would have in a heartbeat. But no! It just… Gets used when needed, as intended. As if corruption is impossible or something."

His Pocket System began scrolling information 'borrowed' from the free internet access. "My senses say that some basic aspects of reality have been modified pretty extensively in the past. Plus time travel happens here, and that can cause all kinds of strange stuff to pop up… Especially with future people messing with themselves in the past. That… That happens a LOT."

Thankfully Jessica had progressed from the frustrating 'How do you know things!?' part of the day, so she took the new information in stride. "Right, that would explain how complicated the patent system is here… Whole sections to prevent you from robbing yourself and stuff."

An idle thought about grabbing Spike's future or past 'brother'...

[[Time manipulation locked down due to recovery.]]

Party pooper. "Oh, good news by the way! I've recovered enough that I no longer hemorrhage lifespan! I'll be fully recovered physically in a week or two, if nothing dangerous pops up."

She froze. "Was… Was that an issue for you? Were you that hurt?"

Uh. "Not anymore? Besides, I needed to grab your clothing and stuff!"

Jessica winced. "Ah… Yes, being nude would have made things harder." Her eyes flickered to the pizza. "Or easier. Still, I can make do if something like that happens again, alright? Don't hurt yourself just to get me the best outfit or something."

Meh, he had been doing fine!

Even found a version of her casual clothing just floating out there, being consumed by the Abyss, before his brain fractured! And she needed some pants, so it was all worth it. Stupid Pocket System locking him down just for a few minor issues.

[[HOST had drastic fractures and was rapidly losing blood pressure…]]

But it was needed! It was an emergency!

[[HOST exceeded required levels of emergency operations for illogical and emotional…]]

Look, sure maybe he should have stopped pulling stuff from reality's Pocket after grabbing her some pants and a shirt, but you need socks and underwear for health reasons and…

[[HOST ignored repeated warnings and emergency protocols when…]]

This is because he made sure to grab her sunglasses, isn't it?


Look, she's a (Non-animal) Agent! You saw Agent G, you don't count as an Agent without your awesome shades! It would be like being an Agent HERE without your fedora!

[[HOST's access to Abyssal Storage will remain under Lockdown until further notice.]]

BOO! Don't be a buzzkill! Spike, tell System not to be a buzzkill!

His Pocket pinecone said nothing, but in a very convincing way!

[[...HOST is encouraged to recover fully before further damage is accrued. Access to restricted units and abilities remains under Lockdown until further notice.]]

Aww. Lame.
Last edited:
Evil Pillars of Society.
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz groaned. "Susan, I get it. I really do. She was attractive."

Susan just would NOT let this go. "Girl, this woman was buns of steel and sex appeal! She did NOT skip leg day!"

Eugh. "Can you just let me get these orders ready for pickup? Please?"

She waved her hand. "Meh, it's a part time job we're doing for some spending cash, and the boss is laid back as hell! He won't care. Besides, if HE had seen that goddess he'd be JOINING us ranting about how hot she is!"

Vanessa glared at her. "Well, I don't want to be stuck here after work doing stuff that we SHOULD be getting paid for! So less gossip about the hot woman who may or may not be into you, and MORE double checking these orders!"

The other girl rolled her eyes. "Fine, killjoy. You sure you aren't even a little bit tempted? Super toned, super hot, I promise!"

Sigh. "Look, I'm just not into dating right now. Male or female, I am trying to save up a bit and get some emergency funds built up."

Susan blinked. "Why? Isn't your mom like super rich or something? And your dad runs that company."

Vanessa grunted, staying on task. Dad's 'company', Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated, was… A controversial topic. She knew her mom didn't care about the massive alimony she kept sending to her dad after they divorced, and she knew that 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated' actually made a lot of money on its own… Somehow…

But her dad kept spending at such a massive rate building so many 'evil inventions' that it came up roughly net zero. You'd think that such immature spending, his quirky nature, obvious evil habits and profession, and endless strange circumstances would be the source of massive conflict between him and her mom, but…


In fact, if it wasn't for dad's 'annoying hand puppet named Mr. Tomato', her parents might have remained married even till today.

Point is, her family's money situation was a bit complicated and odd.

She sighed as Susan kept poking her side. "If I just went to mom every time I needed something, I wouldn't be showing her that I'm growing up. That I can do stuff on my own!"

Susan waved that off. "Girl, independence is fine but money is money! Just not having any debts or loans and stuff is already a massive boost, why not just ask for a bigger allowance or something?"

Because even though everyone cared for her, including her mom and dad, and even mom's new boyfriend… She still wanted to make them proud. "Because I don't need to. I can do this on my own! I am a mature, independent almost-woman and I can do this without asking for help."

Susan gave a golf clap.

She GLARED a look her dad would be proud of. "And if you keep making me DO this on my own, I'll see if the boss will let me keep YOUR paycheck as well!"

Susan 'eeped!' and finally got back on task.

For a few minutes at least.

Vanessa wasn't sure how far above 10 the hot woman who ordered yesterday had been, but judging from Susan's random daydream expression while 'working', her coworker would be sharing the whole scoop.


For the fourth time today.


~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica woke up to… A conversation? Huh?

John was at the door. "And I just sign here?"

A gruff voice grunted. "Yeah. And initial there, the mayor's people always get on me for not marking that section, it's so they know we did the groundwater check."

She was up and clothed, but said nothing yet as John smiled. "Great! You guys do amazingly fast delivery, I'm really impressed!"

The other subject was male, around six foot tall, unarmed… To know more, she'd have to change position and get visual. Her monitoring equipment reported no police activity or deployed agencies yet, at least.

The guy chuckled. "We better be fast by now! It's thanks to Practice, mostly. This comes up more than you'd think."

John tilted his head. "Really? I thought I was a little young to be establishing a new construction project in a residential zoning area."

The unseen man snorted. "Maybe to some of the new guys, but we know better. You have a good day, sir."

John grinned and waved him off, closing the door.

What exactly was going on? "John?"

The young seeming boy blinked. "Oh! Good morning Ms. Smith!"

Sigh. "You can just call me Jessica, or if you want 'Big Sis'." Not like her real name was Jessica OR Smith, but introducing yourself to everyone as 'Agent J' got complicated on paperwork. Most coworkers would have an alias or two to match their letter.

He blinked. "Huh. I don't think I've had a family before… It could be fun! And you can call me John, and we are now officially friends. I… I'm pretty sure that's how it works? I mean, you've been in my pocket already like Wedgie and Spike…"

That… That tugged her heart a little bit with sadness. Had THAT been why he'd been calling her 'Ms. Smith' all this time? "Honey, you can always ask people if you are not sure about what name you can use… And of course I will be your friend."

And bodyguard, field agent, parental guardian, technical legal guardian in another reality, and now older sister. Which really said something about the man being able to get a signature from a child under her care without concerns about legal issues.

Her attention drifted back to the door, even as she moved to get clothing so she could take a shower and change out of her pajamas in the other area of the hotel room. "So who was the nice man at the door?"

Because none of her makeshift equipment had gone off, so no trackers, hidden weaponry, or explosive patterns or signals had been detected from the recent visitor. None of her other 'wake up and fix shit' alarms had alerted either.

John was moving stuff to the table, some sort of pamphlet bundle. "Well, you know how last night you were doing all that research and stuff about how to get a more stable base setup while I heal and stuff? Turns out there are procedures for that!"

She paused on her way to the bathroom. "Oh?"

He nodded. "It's a bit complicated and you have to read a LOT of legal stuff online, but it's surprisingly easy to apply for those funds you mentioned last night and request all sorts of services and funding and stuff like labor and delivery of materials. I used the id's you got yesterday and was only going to get the forms together…"

The boy shrugged. "But uh… Yeah, it was shockingly easy to get this done. For some reason, it was even EASIER to get the ball rolling since I'm so young…Some sort of 'help the children grow' initiative or something? Most of the suggested activities and projects are like organizing local book clubs and stuff, but it was just as easy to get construction permits and crews to tear down a property and begin making a super awesome secret base."

Jessica blinked at the boy. "A super awesome 'SECRET' base?"

John grinned! "Yeah! There was a checkbox for it and everything!" He waved at the pamphlet. "I asked for SUPER secret, since I know you might get worried someone might find out about the new place, and the legal team online assured me that it was all done right. Good people."

She felt a headache trying to punch her mind.


John Doe might be very powerful and surprisingly talented, but in the end he was still a kid. And apparently a bit gullible. "Don't touch those pamphlets, don't call anyone or answer the door, and don't let anyone in the hotel room until I can get back and research what's been going on, alright?"

Shower first. Anything that could have gone wrong from this had already happened, and her emergency procedures and setups weren't compromised yet… She had time to get clean and do some hygiene routines. Maybe find some coffee?

For a moment she considered a world where an eight year old requesting a 'super awesome secret base' had become a routine needing paperwork. One provided absurd funding with no concerns and was allowed to legally sign documents without any adult being involved on their end.

Yes. Definitely coffee. After the shower.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Candice Flynn had finally found it! Evidence! "Mooom!"

Her mother was putting groceries away. "Yes Candice? Oh, here, put this in the pantry."

She… Well, first accepted the cereal box and THEN pointed outside! "Mom, Phineas and Ferb have purchased that run down house down the street and have excavated a MASSIVE hole on the property!"

Her mother paused. "Really? That doesn't sound like them… Not to mention I know they were busy today." She raised an eyebrow. "Did you see them do this?"

Uh. Well, actually no, not this time. It wasn't like they hid their plans or tried to avoid her when they did stuff, just that… Well, it all vanished or whatever whenever she tried to show her parents.

Still… "Come on, Mom, a whole house and stuff is gone! I'm sure the boys were involved with this. Who else would try and build an underground super awesome secret base!?"

"Actually, we were planning to direct and put on a play today… But that's a great idea too, sis!"

EEP! When did the two of THEM get here!? "How are you HERE, when they…"

Her mother smiled at the pair. "Oh I took them with me to go shopping for groceries, and help me carry the bags. Like I said, I really don't think they are involved with whatever is going on… Which house was it?"

She gazed in confusion at the two boys who were helping put away food. Maybe they actually WEREN'T involved with this. That felt… wrong somehow. "Uh… The house down the street? Red roof, the one with the messy and overgrown lawn. Well, back when it had a lawn. And dirt. It's like a hole now."

Mom blinked. "Oh, the Pinkerton house! They've been trying to sell that place for years!"

Ferb was a bit stoic like usual, but seemed intrigued. Phineas on the other hand… "Hey sis, how do you know that they are building an underground base there?"

Candice sighed. "The construction sign just says 'Super Secret Underground Super Awesome Secret Base' and the estimated completion times and stuff like that. How long street parking will be blocked off, there was a lot of stuff. Oh, and the workers on site gave me a flier and warned that power and water would be shut down for an hour or so later."

That flier was SUPPOSED to be hard evidence that the boys were up to something crazy, but now had only turned out to be a useful informational blurb and… Sigh.

Mom blinked. "Hmm… Thank you for telling me dear, we should make sure to tell your father as well at some point. You know he's been reenacting bathtub naval war scenarios with his 'rubber duck brigade' recently, and… Well, we should let him know."

Phineas blinked. "Huh… They must have filled out form J323KM7's checkbox for Super Secrecy… I hope they remembered to initial that box for the groundwater check."


Mom didn't even blink. "That's nice dear. Could you put this bread in the pantry sweetie?"

Phineas glowed! "Of course, mom! And me and Ferb can go check out the construction site later too. Maybe that's where Perry went!"

But! He just said… MOM! "Mom, didn't you… The forms…" No, wait, he had done that report about the governing system for the local Tri-State area, hadn't he? Of course Phineas would know about all those random forms and stuff that had almost sent her to sleep when he asked her to help proofread that thing.

None of that actually counted as evidence! NONE of it! EUGH!

Mom passed her a bag full of boxes of pasta. "Top shelf, alright Candice?"

Fine. "Sure Mom."

Still, she'd keep an eye on that place. She was SURE she recognized some of the guys from the construction crew from the groups that worked with her brother last week! Or had they been the crew that had delivered those pallets of steel for the roller coaster? Either way, those boys were going to be busted this time!
Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah, Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah!
Jessica was just… Bemused by it all now. "And all this will be done in only five hours?"

The head of the construction crew looked to John, who gave a nod (Because why WOULDN'T the eight year old be in the position of power?), and then back at her. "Maybe six, if it rains in a few minutes. Sorry about the delay, but certain measures have to be taken due to 'Super Secrecy' being a priority."

She looked at the half blocked street, the numerous trucks, the strangely advanced technology being used to move material and structures around while solidifying concrete at concerning speeds…

Thank goodness John went with the 'discrete' options. What would they have done otherwise, organize a parade and spotlights with a musical number?

Still, it wasn't like being subtle and secret was an option now anyway, and the service was beyond amazing. "I'm just impressed you can construct a multilevel structure in less time than it takes me to watch a few movies."

The guy chuckled. "Oh, this is fairly basic stuff really. No advanced materials requiring radiation resistance, no compressed metals that can withstand a vacuum, only the standard number of escape tunnels and secret entrances and such… Although I admit, it is the first job of this type that DIDN'T go for the self destruct system."

John shrugged, missing her concern and shock. "I didn't see the point. If I needed to destroy the place, I can do better than a few explosives or self collapsing structures."

The man winced. "Yeah? Good to know… Please don't do that though. Our self destruction methods are tested and certified: No fuss, no muss, no collateral damage. Vaporizing a single property without harming the people within the area is not as easy as some think!"

John blinked, humming. "Oh yeah, good point. Meh, I won't bother then… Maybe someone else can use it after we move on anyway! I mean, it's going to have an underground pool!"

A loud BANG had the foreman wince. "Right, back to work for me. Call me if you need anything, and we should be out of your hair in no time." And he was stomping off! "What'd you smash NOW you idjits!?"

Jessica and John watched the group bustle and move tons of material, the 'Yes Boss!' and 'Sorry Boss!' echoing in the otherwise surprisingly quiet neighborhood while materials came in and debris went out.

This was the WORST undercover operation she had ever heard of. Fast though.

She glanced at the kid. "You want to go find some breakfast? Maybe wander around a bit? By the time we go get lunch or something later we should have a place to stay."

John blinked, a familiar pinecone vanishing back to somewhere. "Yeah! Can we try one of those Mexican muffins for lunch?"

A what now? "Haven't heard of them. Is it a dessert?"

He shook his head as the pair began walking to the bus stop. "It's a cornbread muffin but they slice off the top, carve a hole in the middle, fill it with taco stuff and cover it in melted cheese to seal it back up. The juices from a taco soak into the cornbread, while the toppings are sealed by the gooey goodness on top! It was on TV yesterday."

Well, she had eaten far stranger before. Hell, she had been EATEN by stranger foods than that in the past! "Sure, why not? Sounds like it could be good."

Now to endure the bus trip again. How could public transportation be this fast, reliable, and CLEAN anyway!? This dimension was so weird!

~~~Pocket System~~~

In an underground base, a teal colored platypus in a fedora was launched from a hidden tube into a comfortable chair… Facing a massive screen with a clearly distracted man. "I don't CARE if the budget is tight, fighting evil can't be done when we are forced to drink decaf! Human resources keeps trying to pull this… Who's the REAL evil organization around here!?"

Perry snapped his fingers.

Major Monogram awkwardly paused and focused on the animal agent. "Agent P! I uh… I didn't see you come in… Uh. Ahem."

Suddenly his superior officer was all business and bravado. "Agent P., a few days ago a suspiciously unknown energy signature was detected within the territory of the nefarious Dr. Doofenshmirtz… Now, honestly we have no evidence he is involved with anything recently other than a rather large and suspiciously varied amount of Christmas stocking being shipped from his headquarters around the world, but I'm sure he is up to SOMETHING!"

The platypus blinked, trying to absorb that logic.

The man focused. "GO! Investigate Dr. Doofenshmirtz and whatever crazy, potentially Christmas related plot is behind such an unknown and bewildering energy signature!"

Then he… Forgot to turn off his camera feed. Again. "Honestly Carl, it's early May… Why do Evil Scientists never organize their evil schemes during more seasonally appropriate periods?"

A slightly nasally voice off screen seemed hesitant. "Maybe he's full of the Christmas spirit, sir?"

Perry huffed as he began exiting the lab, the Major continuing to snark behind him. "That man is full of SOMETHING, that's for sure!"

~~~Pocket System~~~

John grinned as he poked his taco toy! "Spike is probably so jealous! I mean, apple slices and pinecones are awesome, don't get me wrong, but this plastic taco trooper has marketing!"

A military themed Mexican restaurant was a tad odd, assuredly, but the food was fine and fairly cheap and it came with TOYS! Truly, 'Military Mexico' was like the McDonalds of this reality.

There had been some argument online about how this place stacked up against classics like Mr. Slushy Dawg and Mr. Slushy Burger, and those strange shops that show up and vanish out of nowhere like Chez Platypus… But in John's opinion? Military Mexico's Mexican Muffins were number one!

Jessica chuckled. "So will Spike need to make some room for 'Tadeo Taco Trooper' in your Pocket?"

John froze.

Would… Would that be alright?

[[Estimated current growth of storage space verses available room…]]

Oh. Dang it. If only there was more capacity!

[[Storage capacity could greatly increased if the additional features of the Pocket were disabled…]]

NO! Spike needed to be safe!

[['Spike' the pinecone does not require temporal stasis, reality parallelism, destiny duplication, thermodynamic distortism, fate suspendment, causality inversion, ablative multidimensional multiconceptual superimposed armored plating, eldritch…]]

But his Pocket HAD to be S̸̛̜̪̤̖̹͈͎a̹̝̤̼͍͞f̛̗͎̞̼e̷͇̫̪̙͘͜!̛̬̩͠

[[...Additional storage could be gained if redundancy measures were reduced from (2^16) variants to (2^15) variants.]]

John bit his lip, still staring hard at the tiny plastic taco with googly eyes and a military uniform. Would… Would such high risk be worth it?

[[Reducing the variants from 65,536 to 32,768 would theoretically half the related protection capability, but in functional and practical reality the 'risk' difference between the two are negligible. Due to diminishing returns, any benefits or redundancy gained from utilizing beyond (2^4), or 16 variants can be considered minute and within the margin of error.]]


[[...Nothing within Pocket will be at risk if System applies the current or proposed new settings. Not in the current branches of Reality occupied by HOST.]]


John hesitated… But if his System said it would be fine, he should try and trust it. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am going to give Spike a roommate. Welcome to your new home, Tadeo Taco Trooper!"

[[Adjusting security variant deterrents to new levels, allocating freed resources.]]


John blinked at how… MASSIVE the space in his Pocket had suddenly become! Spike and his new best friend Tadeo Taco had so much room for activities!

He couldn't help but mumble. "Huh. If I had done this before, I could have probably saved Jessica AND Wedgie without hurting myself."

Jessica was distracted throwing away some trash from lunch. "What was that, John?"

He blinked. "Nothing." Right, new house to go see! "You think our new super secret base is done yet?" It should be awesome! There was an arcade room and a big TV and lots of those really cushy couches and…

She hummed. "Maybe? Honestly, I have a hard time telling with the technology level here. You got normal crane operators but with 'instant welding' attachments on the ends, or bog standard shovels that somehow dig through steel. If you don't have the right training, you could accidentally do a LOT of damage with this stuff… Or build an entire city in an hour."

Cool. "I asked for my room to be blue, because I like the color blue." Even though Wedgie made a good argument for red and green and Spike kept pushing brown. Inanimate objects could be a little pushy, since they couldn't change their features even if their opinions were wrong. "Your room is just white by default, but I thought… Maybe we could paint it? Together? I mean, once we get a color you like."

It would be a family activity! It would be AWESOME!

Jessica smiled softly. "Alright squirt, that sounds like a plan." Then her smile shifted into a wry grin. "I think, due to my profession, I'm almost contractually obligated to go with 'Black' though."

Huh!? "No, then it would be too dark at night! It would make it hard to see your night light and stuff!"

Her grin grew. "But don't they say black goes with everything?"

John's eyes grew wide! "Nuh uh! Because then it would be dark and creepy like you were a vampire or something!"

She hummed and tapped her chin. "True, I wouldn't want anyone to discover that I am a vampire after all."

He nodded rapidly! "Yeah! So we should pick a… Wait, what?"

He grew more concerned as she started to break down giggling. "Big sis, uh… You were just kidding about the vampire thing, right?" And now actual laughter!? "Right!?"

Oh no! What if his new sister was a VAMPIRE!?

Would he have to learn to drink blood too out of solidarity!? And what if he had to get a coffin too, he could get splinters!

[[High quality lumber utilized in caskets and 'coffin' related containers are processed to prevent molding, splitting, rotting, splintering, external damage…]]

Eeeh!? So it would be EXPENSIVE! And also maybe-but-not-likely splinters! And coffins sounded stuffy and… "No, you can't be a vampire sis! I don't want to sleep in a coffin!"

The blood thing on the other hand wasn't a huge issue. He himself enjoyed a bit of battery acid and rusted nails and stuff, he wouldn't judge someone for their eating habits.

Maybe he could get an open coffin bed frame or something? Or get a small hole and some fans installed to increase air flow!? "Sis, stop laughing and talk to me! What if I accidentally put garlic on your bread or something!?"

John stared at Jessica as she broke into hearty laughter, clearly not fully comprehending the danger that she could have experienced if he had simply ordered the wrong Italian side dish!

~~~Pocket System~~~

Meanwhile, on the top floors of a very oddly designed skyscraper…

♩♬Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!♬♩

A slightly odd shaped tall man in a lab coat (who was NOT a pharmacist) was pulling a large sack towards the door, his nasally voice frustrated. "You know, you wouldn't expect holiday stockings to be especially heavy, but when you cross a certain threshold… Herugh!"

Eugh, this was hefty. "I'm going to have to pay for more shipping at this rate… And where IS that moving company representative!?"

Ding dong!

Oh! "Well… That was convenient. I'M COMING! JUST…" Dr. Doofenshmirtz glanced at the messy room, filled with piles of sorted stockings and Christmas socks.

He'd deal with that in a minute. "JUST A MOMENT!"

With a quick tidy up of his clothing, he opened the door to the short teal colored, suspiciously furry man with a clipboard and a snazzy jacket. "Are you from the moving company Mr..." Glancing at the name tag, he hesitated. "...Carl?"

Carl nodded. "Gnarrg.g.g.g."

Oh thank goodness! "Well, you made it here just in time, Carl! Come in, come in! Let me show you the situation."

They both carefully strode through the odd piles of stockings. "Surprisingly, most of these will be donated to charity rather than shipped out… I first assumed that I'd have to return these to their owners, but at least my new Inator worked MOSTLY as designed, so it wasn't as big of an issue as I initially…"

He paused, feeling a heavy gaze from Carl. "Oh, right, you didn't get told by your company what exactly happened here, did you?"

The short man shook his head.

Ah. "I suppose I should explain… Maybe from the beginning? Alright, first a bit of my tragic backstory: When I was a small child in the village of Gimmelshtump, in the country of Drusselstein, every year there would be a Sock Hunting competition!"

Good times… "It was like an Easter egg hunt, except it wasn't Easter, we were looking for missing socks, and instead of everyone searching together… Well, everybody would take MY socks and hide them around the countryside and laugh while I attempted to retrieve them all."

The look from Carl was embarrassingly sympathetic. "Uh… Which was fine! It was fine. In fact, if I found ALL my socks then I would be allowed to make a new pair! Also I think it meant six more weeks of winter, which never made sense to me honestly but! Let me tell you, Carl, that an extra pair of socks were WELL welcomed then!"

Uh. "Where was I?"

Carl waved a hand. "Gnarrg.g.g.g."

Oh yes! "Right, so clearly it gets harder and harder to find your socks when you no longer actually LIVE in the village of Gimmelshtump, in the country of Drusselstein anymore... Although it is a bit touching that they put so much effort into each yearly robbery..."

Ah tradition. "Anyway, I decided to make a new Collect-Lost-Sockinator to retrieve ALL my socks without having to schedule time off from being an evil scientist and paying for travel and going by plane and boat and… You know, speed up the entire holiday with one simple to use press of a button!"

The tall evil scientist and small teal moving company employee glanced at the mounds of Christmas stockings. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time?" A wall of colorful cloth collapsed, exposing ANOTHER room full of piled material. "Yeah, uh… It got a tad out of hand."

Dr. Doofenshmirtz slumped slightly. "First I only wanted to find LOST socks… Because otherwise, I'd fill up my whole LAB with socks and have to sort them and: WHOO boy, would that be a lot of work! But then I had to define what 'lost' meant to my equipment."

He absently kicked a pile. "So I decided to at least cut the yearly hunt in half by only searching for socks that were missing a partner… Like when you lose your left sock in the wash, you know? Then I would just run it twice! Once for my left foot and again for my right! Problem solved, tradition upheld, and… Well, I suppose another six weeks of winter, but the weather in Gimmelshtump always felt like winter most of the time anyway so I'm not sure how they would tell the difference honestly."

The man glared at the festive foot coverings. "I just didn't consider how lazy and commercialized Christmas had become! You were supposed to hang your OWN stockings or socks by the fire to get a festive turnip from Santa! Not just BUY a massive fake sock to hold as many root vegetables as possible! How greedy!"

That wasn't in the holiday spirit at ALL! "And since ALL Christmas stockings nowadays tend to be made without a matching pair, all the holiday socks within the Tri-State area were considered lost! My lab was STUFFED with holiday feelings!"

He huffed in frustration, kicking a pile. "A number of people buy new ones every year too, so half these people basically forgot about the old ones, making them DOUBLE lost socks and my Inator started piling them up in mass! My machine had only been on for a minute or less and LOOK at how many chimney stuffers I've become responsible for!"

The tiny person commiserated with his plight and pat his knee. "Thank you, Carl the package transportation porter. You know? Many people don't understand the difficulties that unexpected holiday festivities can enact on one's evil plans to disrupt a cultural tradition for a minor village in a remote country."

Some people just lack empathy, honestly.

Anyway, back to today's issues. "I had other plans before all this, but until I can get this holiday laundry all cleared away and sent back or donated there's no room for any of my brilliant evil schemes! If only I could warn my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, about my complicated circumstances… I know he has a busy schedule and I hate to waste his time when I am so far behind like this."

Carl the package transportation porter hesitated… And placed his clipboard aside while removing his snazzy jacket. GASP! "Carl! You're naked in public!" Oh. "Also, you're a platypus."

Then Carl put on a very nice looking fedora and… DOUBLE GASP! "PERRY the platypus!?!?"

The power of permanence and the prominence of pinecones.
John felt that things should be fun now!

Jessica loved the new secret base/house/whatever this was, HE loved having an address to ship all kinds of strange chemicals and materials to using this world's strangely easy going marketing systems, and things in general were looking up!

They were both safe, no one was hunting them, he had time and materials to heal himself up and she had managed to get some sort of office job working for some place called O.W.C.A., which apparently stood for 'Organization Without a Cool Acronym'.

So… They had a steady income, Jessica got to pass time doing whatever it was they did there (Her supervisor was apparently Agent S? But then again, having a snail boss was kind of cool on its own…), and John could go and explore the world with Spike and Tadeo Taco, to boldly go where no (extradimensional) John had ever gone before!

Then he had vomited up a small amount of blood and his new big sister had freaked out and he was now stuck at home, in bed, to recover.

Which was boring.

Sure, the Pocket System ALSO had been telling him to rest and recover and all that lame stuff… But that was just to show that it was the boring option! The System ALWAYS wanted to do things the 'sane' and 'logical and 'stop-corrupting-your-organs' way, and progress wasn't built on a foundation of scientific stability!

…Well, uh. Technically it WAS built on a foundation of scientific experimentation and theory validation and crafting and stuff, but only in a boring and slightly nerdy way.

In John's opinion, progress SHOULD be built on awesome adventures and exploding baseballs and stuff!

[[Replacing any sporting equipment with explosive components is highly discouraged…]]

Like he said, boring and lame.

But Jessica had asked, and it kind of felt nice to have an older sister who wanted him to be alright… Even if it meant he had to stay inside and properly allow all his organs to regrow and stabilize and stuff.

Heck, John was even willing to let the other spatial and conceptual stuff recover a bit… Just, why did healing have to be so BORING!?

So as the days passed and he slowly consumed the astonishingly large number of toxic christmas stockings (Made in a country with no safety standards, although he wasn't sure why Jessica's new job had so many available to bring home), his thoughts moved to other considerations.

Like Tadeo Taco.

For some reason, he just… Couldn't build up the same amount of care for his new Pocket buddy like he could for the apple clan and Spike the pinecone.

And, lacking many other distractions while recovering, he began to poke the System to determine WHY he didn't care as much about the fun plastic toy.

In the end? It came down to how his Pocket worked.

His most secured 'inventory', with the highest restrictions, gave a fundamental understanding of the contents within. It was why he knew his new sister so well, when he was forced to save her within the thing.

And Tadeo Taco's composition and conceptual history was… Shallow. Artificial. Lacking.

Spike on the other hand had mountains of weight to him, conceptually! Not just the unraveled genetic information that his Pocket fed him, or the non-uniform growth/decay/alteration gradients inherent to organic materials in general…

There was something like a genetic memory, or a conceptual chain.

It was how a group of female strobili, an inflorescence, inside the scales of some ancient pine cone had become the seeds that left to explore the world and found rich soil and sprouted and grew and grew and spread and one day began to grow it's OWN pine cones hiding its OWN seeds within its scales and…

His Pocket just kept following the history of Spike, every odd fact and detail a heavy weight holding John down to existence, proving this was real, establishing undeniable fact and historical precedence that he wasn't back in that nothingness.

Compared to all that, Tadeo Taco just felt lacking.

In the end, John began altering his Pocket's distribution of protection.

A small space, one barely large enough for Spike himself, that could be applied to future Pocket pals in future reality clusters. Each new Pocket partner a history of the new worlds visited, a further confirmation of his ongoing existence.

The rest of it was a bit more varied. An established and allocated block for Jessica, for future travels. Another block of space for her things… Maybe he should give her access to it? Let her have her own 'borrowed' Pocket to make life easier for his sister?


Though first he would have to make sure there was some sort of interface or filter in place first… Just inserting the raw data into her mind like how HE handled all that information would probably make her head explode, or at least melt.

…Yeah. Put that entire plan into the 'Maybe' category.

Anyway, there was now much MORE space for food and water! Both stuff HE enjoyed as well as 'normal' people and pets and organics and stuff.

So, one was full of chemicals and metals and stuff that would keep him going if he was stuck somewhere in the future and the System needed resources… While a good chunk was being filled with food and meals and stuff that Jessica could enjoy if some world was a desert or something.

That chunk of stuff didn't need much protection at all, just be basic stuff and the preservation protocols, so now there was a huge chunk of unallocated space that John simply tossed random crap into.

Clothing, toys, tools, knick-knacks, get well cards (The neighborhood kids were nice!), crayons, coloring books, normal books, used wrappers, bits of string, napkins, plastic wear, paper plates and cups and stuff, extra shoes, umbrellas, hats, a whole bunch of sticks, both natural and carved, matches, inflatable toys and balls, and so on and so forth.

One would think that it would be a mess, and on any measurable reference level they would be RIGHT, but John was deeply interconnected with his Pocket System on a fundamental level. On a Conceptual level, even!

He didn't need to sort them, because he knew where they all were.

There was no need to search for something, because it was within reach.

Even the most unsecured Space in his Pocket was untouchable by most of existence outside of his Domain, and within those Spaces his System Ą̝̙̥͚͖̭͠ͅn̛̯̲͎͝ą̭̜̤̩̱̫̼ḷ̻̫͔y̶̟͖͇z̛͞͏̺̭̮͈ͅȩ̧̲͙̣̦̥d̵̛̳̭̺̥̫ everything.

Something outside himself and untouched by logic seemed to resonate with the entire process, though it was hard to put it into words… It was more an idea, if a fuzzy one. Almost an emotion, or a hint from elsewhere.

[[Judging the concept of creation. Hypothesizing the basic structure. Duplicating the composition material. Imitating the skill of its making. Sympathizing with the experience of its growth. Reproducing the accumulated years.]]

He wasn't sure what the feeling was, and his Pocket System refused to explain any of it, but something from that influence was applied to all of his collected materials and goods and Pocket pals.

John just UNDERSTOOD things he placed in his Pocket to an extreme level.

Which was fine.

It did force him to quickly force the System to create a classification system though… There were many things a young boy just should NOT know about his older sister, in his opinion. Especially when his mind was constantly backed up, making it near impossible to forget or repress the new information.

Not now though. Now there was a big group of tags including 'Too Much Information', and with a bit of argument and convincing his System had filed a bunch of embarrassing and awkward data into that category for future repression.

Yep. Just… Ignore that category. Along with the 'Puberty Sucks' one and the 'So Embarrassing!' tag and… All that.

As far as John was concerned, 'unforgettable' or not? None of that happened.

He winced again, now that he was emotionally healed enough to actually feel embarrassed about some of the shenanigans he had gotten into back when in MIB's recovery ward. The insensitive comments and stuff was cringy enough, but his complete lack of body modesty?

The sponge baths!?


None of that happened.


Anyway, he was now trapped in this very comfy bed eating lead filled boot-leg Christmas socks in boredom. There was television available, but it wasn't exactly the most mentally stimulating choice on tap at the moment… Maybe later in the day, when it wasn't all advertising and boring stuff?

One bad thing about an entire reality with super intelligent children able to do impossible things: They were a demographic that was too busy for consumable media, and so most TV show's didn't bother to target them with their shows or products.

No kid shows, nope. Just… A bunch of stuff aimed at the older demographic. And a good amount of stuff targeting pet and animal fashion, for some reason.

Agent related? Yeah, probably agent related. Otherwise, why would anyone buy pants for a chicken?

~~~Pocket System~~~

She'd had stranger jobs, undercover or otherwise. However, being the assistant to a snail had certainly been an unique experience.

First of all? Sergei the Snail, or Agent S., was actually and hilariously competent.

One would think that being literally and stereotypically slow as people would assume would prevent a secret agent snail wearing a tiny fedora from being a qualified government employee.

That half her job being dedicated to moving the Agent around on a custom platter with a modified bluetooth keyboard was a waste of her potential.

But no.

She'd bring Agent S to a department, he'd very slowly press a few buttons… And somehow resolve a dozen cases, fix a few hangups, solve a case or two, and ALSO double check the paperwork for the local team.

Half her time was not wasted carrying the snail from room to room, no… It was wasted because of all the people trying to thank her passenger, or 'catch up' on recent events, or…

Basically, Jessica had somehow become a snail's social secretary.

It was a surprisingly satisfying job. And her years at MIB certainly helped her get over certain hangups… Aliens could be as large as a mountain or as small as a flea, and you STILL had to work with them.

Compared to when she was forced to be partners with that racist sentient fog? Well, working with a hyper efficient and easy going snail for a boss was a welcomed surprise!

Though this world really had different standards when it came to risk, threat, and danger levels.

On a global scale at any given point you had men and women making giant robots or massive lasers that could create ham balloons or something, but the actual amount of death and destruction was shockingly low.

It wasn't due to her new employment organization either: the OWCA was more a paperwork organization that documented the various evil science going on while ensuring the crazy people didn't blow themselves up.

Heck, half these Agent's treated their 'Nemesis' as annoying friends more than anything, a feeling that was reciprocated to a large extent.

After all… Talented or not, efficient and competent or not? Agent S was a snail.

It sometimes took him an hour to 'defeat' his evil scientist foe. Sometimes that particular scientist would actually have to reschedule his evil events, if Agent S got caught up or something and was late to the case…

And he would.

What kind of 'bad guy' cheerfully agrees to take over his local territory and gain absolute power at a later point because the 'good snail' needed additional time?

Apparently a good number of them. Sergei was so well known and liked, it was common for him to 'step' in and cover for other Agents when they had schedule conflicts or needed downtime or something. It was to the point where many evil scientists recognized Agent S. on sight AND by name…

Watching a man with a hilarious mustache go full fangirl when his dastardly plot was foiled by THE Sergei the Snail had been a fairly entertaining afternoon when she was watching her boss's live 'action' feed during his most recent field work.

What's more? That dude's plot was ACTUALLY foiled by the snail.

Like, each and every step took a LONG time, but as Jessica watched from beginning to end?

A 'normal' snail in a dashing fedora managed to stop an evil scientist from brain washing a festival, captured the man AND his small army of henchmen, AND somehow won a pie eating competition.

All while moving at a literal snail's pace.

It was fascinating.

Honestly, Jessica never expected to gain anything from infiltrating the local government secret agencies, especially not after John had shown her the various forms he had filled out earlier… But at this rate she'd become twice as effective in future missions just from exposure to Agent S.'s skills!

Heck, if he somehow managed to come along for this ride she'd be more than happy to employ Sergei back at home!

Agent S: Snail in Black!

She glanced at her watch.

Right, boss wanted his coffee (No salt, very important) 'as soon as possible', so she only had an hour or so left. Best get to it!
Last edited:
Time passes by and Pocketees get surprised.
A few weeks went by and Jessica had run out of excuses. Damn it. "Fine, you can go play."

John threw his arms up! "WAHOO!"

She gripped his limb and held him up! "But the MOMENT you start bleeding from ANYWHERE you call me and let me know, you hear!? No more of this 'ignoring injuries' or 'hurting yourself' stuff is allowed, got me?"

He nodded, completely unconcerned that he was being held a foot off the ground. "No problem sis! Besides, my System's shut down most of my abilities because I kept hurting myself anyway."

Nope, not even a shred of remorse or guilt there. "And you are healed? Enough for some outdoor activities at least?"

John winced. "Mostly? I mean, physically yeah! But uh… Yeah, need more time for my abilities to unlock themselves. And some training to use them right."

Jessica sighed. "The MOMENT you feel sick or hurt or damaged or something? Stop, stay calm, and call me. My number is saved in your new phone under 'Big Sis', remember?"

He nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Heh. "Good boy. Now get."

Instead of dashing outside as expected however, the child fidgeted. "About my abilities… You know the ones I used to bring us here and keep stuff safe? I've been trying out different stuff and um… Do you want a bit of Pocket?"

She blinked. Huh? "I'm sorry?"

John seemed to flicker in place, here and not and elsewhere. "Well, because I put you in my Pocket that makes you M̮̰̝i҉̗̤̞͖̼n͉̠̱̰̥̮͜è̞ and I can trust you and stuff."

Mental note: Look into that obsessive possession thing going on later, when his health recovered more. Maybe bring it up later when her younger brother wasn't half dislocating himself from reality and feeling mixed emotions?

His existence was too large and didn't exist. "So I won't be GIVING you my Pocket, but more… Lending some to you? Just a bit?"

Jessica cautiously knelt down to his eye level. "John, I don't feel like I understand what you are offering to me right now."

He glanced up and down at the same time while looking away and nervous. "I… I'm going to give some of my Pocket to you. A bit just to hold you while we Transfer to another Realm or Dimension or whatever, and a bigger chunk for storing stuff. But not forever, okay!? Because it is MY Pocket and I NEED it, alright!?"

She cautiously gripped his shoulder, helping him calm down. "I would not take something of yours, John. That would be stealing and that would be wrong." Her eyebrow rose. "Besides, it sounds less like a gift and more like a… Loan? Just lending me this 'Pocket' space, right?"

And his face lit up with happiness! "Yeah! I'm just sharing it a bit! And… And you won't take it away forever because you are my older sister and family shouldn't take things from their family." He nodded to himself. "Yeah, it will be fine. Right? Fine. And she wouldn't betray me, because she shared her fries with me and we ate pizza together and she helped me fine Spike and stuff. It will be fine."

Jessica didn't react to the paranoia or the fear she could feel from the child under her hand. "That's right. And you don't have to loan me 'Pocket' space at all, if you don't want to."

John shook, then seemed to realign to the floor and walls and such. "No, no… You need this. Last time was emergency Transfer protocols, and you only survived by shunting most of the damage to unused resources. A dedicated Pocket allocation for your Concept and Mind and Soul and Body is needed at a minimum for long term travel, at minimum."

That… Huh. "Well, I guess you would know best." Not like she had ever learned interdimensional travel tech in the past. Most of her expertise was focused on social manipulation, interspecies networking, and 'aggressive negotiations'.

AKA: Blam Blam, thank you ma'am diplomacy.

Field agents weren't researchers or lab workers after all, they needed to face the public and collect information for the other teams to work with… Maybe with a side of actually APPLYING the solutions they create to the various problems at hand.

John seemed to still feel hesitant. "Alright, here you go… Oh, and if you feel your brain getting hot or your spine shrinking, tell me like SUPER quick, alright?"

Jessica blinked. "Wait, whaaaaaAAaaaaa͕a͟a̜̻̻̘̮̤̺͠a̸̭͇ͅa̪̩̲!?"

Colors! An ocean of colors that couldn't be seen!

Textures! Unrestricted to surface or material, untouched yet known!

Tastes! Too complicated for flavors, too strange for context!

Her back carried a weight of nothingness, heavy and nonexistent, massive yet without space, and her mind grew into that lack of existence! Every blob of empty allocation was known and understood and examined and…

Distantly she heard an 'Oops' and the raw information dropped down to… A blue floating grid?

But the grid was invisible, untouchable, and not in any way real.

Yet she could taste it, and hear it, and smell it and… And not.

Her attention was brought back to the young boy looking worried and waving a hand. "Sis? Are… Are you alright now?"

Yeah. "Murple."

John winced. "Oh crap, hang on…"

And the grid became a memory. Still not there, still known and somehow a part of her innate understanding of her surroundings, but no longer a spike in her mind. "Ow. My head."

John wilted. "Sorry, sorry… I had already heavily reduced the feedback and connection rate initially so I thought it would be fine, but apparently 'normal' humans only use parts overlapping sections of their brain at a time in pulses through chemical stuff and not ALL of it at ALL times, and I may have left some of the synesthesia compatibility modules enabled because it's more comforting to… Uh. It should be fixed now?"

Jessica blinked. When had she fallen to the floor? "I… It feels better I think?"

Her brother sighed with relief. "Oh good, and you don't seem to be melting or whatever." I'm sorry, what? "Here, put this in your Pocket."

And he handed her one of those toxic holiday stockings she'd brought from work. "Huh? How do I…"

Wait, no. It was obvious, wasn't it?


And one of those memories of a grid now had a filled square.

Though… It wasn't actually a square? It more represented a bubble somewhere or nowhere, one that perfectly contained that holiday stocking and now B̡̢͓e̡̛̜̣̹̬̘̣̤̼̻͡l̵̸̖͇̤̳̲̕ơ̢̪̭̝̻͓̹͔ń̷͙̝̦̙g̡̛̗̞̣̼̗͟éͅd̶̞̪̳̀͠ in that space.

Less than a thought and the soft material was in her hand… Then gone again. Then back. "Wow… That's actually really amazing!"

John grinned, looking at something unknown and seeming far less worried. "Isn't it? It's only safe enough for stuff we don't care about getting lost, since it only prevents the corruption of materials, the passage of time, and the shifting of temperature and all that stuff. None of my good defenses though, not on the Storage allocated for your access."

Huh? "What do you mean 'good defenses'?"

And for a moment, a different 'memory' flickered in her mind. A space that was for her, to be safe and K̴̯͉͢e̯̻͘p̣̳̗͞t̵̠͔̞͎̹͟͞ between worlds and realities, a Pocket that could ignore the end of many things including causality and fate.

If her memory grid was a lattice of soap bubbles, this Pocket cell was an entire reality folded into itself. It carried its own rules and laws, it didn't rely on any power or ability to continue to exist indefinitely.

Jessica felt her grip on reason slip a little bit… This almost felt like designing an entire country to protect a single sugar packet.

Well, since she WAS that sugar packet she wouldn't be complaining, but… Holy crap. "Never mind, I see what you mean."

John however was already running to the door! "Alright! Call me if you start to feel strange or whatever, I'm going to go exploreAndSeeWhatIsGoing…"

And he was gone as she sat on the floor, feeling a connection to a memory of Storage.

When her everything stopped feeling so wonky, she'd probably get up, drink four or five cups of coffee, and then start to plan how to properly take advantage of this new ability from her younger brother.

Right now though, she was just going to rest a moment.


~~~Pocket System~~~

Sis was fine, right?

[[Full access to Pocketee's 'Guest Storage' will procedurally progress over the course of…]]

But she was FINE, right!?

[[...Confirmed. Enabling new access node and control hub via Guest will however, as documented, require a significant 'adjustment' period with minor and inconvenient amounts of temporary discomfort.]]

Well… That sucked, but as long as she was fine. And he had to do this eventually ANYWAY or the next time they traveled to another Realm or Dimension her strained existence would actually crack or even shatter.

Still, he hadn't expected granting her partial access to one of his abilities to actually hurt her. HE hadn't felt anything too bad when his components and units and stuff were being burned and rebuilt and stuff!

[[HOST's pain tolerance levels are abnormally high. Other users would likely have mentally broken down or developed a variety of long term neurosis.]]

Oh. But not sis, right?

[[Correct. The scope and limit of the modifications are well within targets tolerance ranges and age group related statistical boundaries.]]

Dang it, he still felt guilty. "Maybe I should do something for sis? Like as an apology?"

Yeah! Something small since they were trying to 'be on the down low', but still heartfelt and showing that he was sorry for almost exploding her brain (even though he had tried really hard NOT to do that and stuff)!

But what should he do?

John tapped his foot on the sidewalk outside his new secret base/infiltration point/home, considering his options.

Get her a Pocket pal? No, other people didn't need to validate their own existence like he did.

A snack? But she didn't really seem obsessed about candy or whatever, or even that interested in sweet things compared to savory.

OH! Maybe some sort of awesome hat! Agents needed a fedora after all!

John's thought process was suddenly interrupted by a young girl in a transparent inflatable ball nearly squashing him.


And she was gone.


…Yeah, let's go see what THAT was all about!

~~~Pocket System~~~

Phineas Flynn and his brother Ferb Fletcher winced when one of the 'Boosted Bouncing Balls' nearly hit a kid on the street. "Oooh… That was too close. Ferb, pull in the attraction field, we can't risk people getting hurt or kids put in danger."

His sibling nodded and adjusted the controls while Phineas moved to the other side of the observation platform/ball launch tower. "I still don't know how the safety scanners didn't detect him… I'll be right back, I'm going to make sure he is okay!"

The other neighborhood kids were mostly unaware of the near incident, although Isabella was clearly shaken up… He'd make sure she was alright too, after trying to find out why his safety mechanisms seemed to avoid the new kid on the block.

One rapid fire pole drop later and he managed to get close to the boy. "Hey, are you alright? That was a near miss just now!"

The child shaped whatever-he-was turned and had an eager expression. "Did you see how HIGH she bounced!? That was amazing!"

Yes, everything was following the estimated bounce heights and average vector velocities calculated. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride. "Yeah, Ferb and I had to do some complicated math to ensure proper elasticity… Too sturdy and it can cause damage, anything else and it loses velocity pretty fast. But really man, are you alright?"

The concern was clearly misplaced as the worry was waved off. "Oh, if she had actually hit me I might break a few bones or something but compared to Conceptual damage that is trivial to medicate. But holy cow, what a cool ride you guys made!"

Yeah, that wasn't a standard human response. Not clearly supernatural either like the giant floating baby head, nor alien like Meap. Didn't seem to be magical like Klimpaloon (the magical old-timey bathing suit who lives in the Himalayas) either!

His name was John right, from the Smith family? "Thanks? And I'm glad you aren't in shock or something."

Assuming whatever he was could GO into shock. Something to investigate later.

Well, whatever. Everyone had their own story in the end… So why not put his best foot forward? "Hey, your name is John, right? I'm Phineas, and the guy up on the observation platform is my brother, Ferb! We're the ones who organized this whole bouncy ball pit experience thing. You want to come hang out and play with us?"

And suddenly something unreal about John faded away and the innocence of childhood shone like the sunrise! "Can I!?"

Why not? They could always use some more friends! "Sure! Come on, I want to scan you first to find out why my security systems didn't prevent anything dangerous from happening near you in the first place. Then we can hook you up and let you have a bounce or two! Sound like a plan?"

From the frantic nodding, Phineas assumed yes!
Undetectable concerns.
Phineas narrowed his eyes at the data. "You have no oddities. At all. Which, honestly, should show up in my equipment as unusual, but doesn't! More than that, I can't seem to detect unique markings in your genetic code, clothing, hair style, fingerprints, movement patterns, breathing rhythm…"

Ferb hummed to one side as their new neighbor 'John Doe' happily sat covered in sensors and wires and so forth. "Perhaps we could establish a baseline and monitor everything with detectable distinctions to define his presence by elimination?"

Phineas grumbled! "Yeah, I thought so too… But when I try he somehow ends up on the 'detected' list for just long enough to avoid the process! If you don't actively examine the raw information as it comes in, you'll miss it because it doesn't show up in the logs or even the memory buffers."

A slightly mumbled John tried to say something supportive, but it was apparently hard to be heard with all the random beeping and so forth.

Still, he'd learn to communicate with MANY people and creations over NUMEROUS situations, so it wasn't hard to follow along. "No, no, I'll find a work around for this eventually… Maybe. A summer project for a later day perhaps, detecting something conceptually undetectable! But for now, I need to make sure Isabella is alright and that you don't accidentally get hurt by our many projects, so I'm afraid we will have to go for a less advanced temporary solution."

John seemed interested. "Murple?"

Phineas grinned! "Nope!" And his smile vanished for a moment. "Also: If anyone suggests exploratory surgery as a FIRST fallback option, you need to avoid the situation plus all people involved and find an adult." But back on topic! "Instead, I'll just give you a beacon! I only have to manually adjust it to define rough locations of your body parts and physical orientation and stuff, and BAM! None of our summer adventures or projects will accidentally cause issues from you not existing on their safety routines."

And everyone was VERY lucky that this had been the ONLY close call that John had experienced. The exploding vehicles, various energetic fields to manipulate physics… ALL of them could be a bit risky or troublesome if some undetectable person could somehow wander around into danger.

Right, some probability code to roughly estimate which limb was which, some hard coded stuff to ensure ongoing accuracy, alerts to let him and his brother know if John loses or disables the beacon before some future major construction project or entertainment event…

There we go! "Here, try this out! It's a wearable pin that can run on ambient light/heat/radiation/spacial fluctuations to ensure a stable power supply without needing constant recharging or a custom base station for maintenance. I made it look like my pet Platypus, Perry!"

Perry was cool, after all!

John… Tried to accept the new equipment? But that was a LOT of wires and sensors and… Oops. "Ferb, help me untangle John a bit first, I think he can't get out."

His brother nodded and they both slowly discovered that, next to improperly stored Christmas lights? This might have accidentally became the most complicated tangle of plastic and metal components they had ever come across.

Yeah, uh… That was his bad. Sometimes science doesn't notice all the fiddly bits when in the pursuit of more accurate sensor readings.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Isabella Garcia-Shapiro stumbled out of the 'Bouncing Bubble Ball Debubbler' station still feeling concern and a tightness in her gut! "Oh I hope he is alright…"

As a scout of the 'Fireside Girls', she should have been more prepared for something like this, right!? Although there had NEVER been a close call like that before, even when her potential boyfriend launched children through the air via free fall or things like that.

Oh, he had a mischievous side and that was part of what she found attractive, but she ALSO knew that he put in TONS of work to make sure that no matter how dangerous their various adventures and antics SEEMED to be, that they would all be properly safe and sound through the many events.

But not this time. This time, she had almost… That boy had just come out of nowhere! "Hey, Phineas! Is that boy okay!?" Please be alright, please… At least she had somehow managed to modify the orb trajectory at the last moment to avoid him, but it had been SO CLOSE!

Her heart settled when she saw Phineas pop up, clearly unconcerned about the situation… So clearly that boy couldn't be hurt, right? "Ah, come on over Isabella! John's just fine, you can come see yourself. Turns out that he has some special circumstances that makes him untraceable by technology, magic, moon warbling, theatrical yodeling…"

She held up a hand. Him nerding out was adorable, but her heart needed to know she hadn't hurt someone. "But that boy, John, is fine?"

Phineas blinked. "I mean, he's not worse? But apparently he hasn't been able to come out and play until today because of a previous injury unrelated to us. I'd originally thought he had the flu or something, and when Mom stopped by to visit his older sister we sent some cards… But it was something more complicated than that. Me and Ferb are still taking readings and stuff to see if we can help with his situation, but uh… Well, I did say he was untraceable? He's basically unscannable too."

He shook his head. "Anyway, you didn't hurt him and he isn't angry or worried about it. Actually, that's a great idea!"

And her potential boyfriend was RIGHT THERE and eep! "Why don't you come in and help us try to untangle him from my hardware? That way you can see for yourself that he is mostly healthy and happy and maybe help gain some experience working towards your 'Untying' merit badge!"

She hesitated, already walking forward. "When you say untangle?"

And then she entered the garage where all sorts of equipment and tubes and wires and coils and… A big ball of material, basically, wiggled.

Ferb had somehow become a part of the ball, something that surprised Phineas. "Huh… I guess we did it wrong, if it has gotten this bad." He gave Ferb a thumbs up! "VERY impressive attempt though! I didn't even KNOW you could accidentally tie yourself up with transom knots without assistance!"

Isabella winced at Ferbs' unamused expression. "Ah… Yes, maybe some help would be a good idea. I'll go call in the other Fireside Girls from their bouncing… Milly, Katie, and Gretchen would be annoyed if I didn't call in some support."

Not to mention that the strange conglomeration of materials were already more bulky than a car by this point! This was going to almost be a big project on its own, she could just feel it.

~~~Pocket System~~~

As John felt distant hands tugging distant cords and such, he had time to think to himself.

Being stuck in a ball of stuff would do that.

And in his personal opinion? It was fairly nice here.

Somehow the hardware that the brothers used, while bulky and awkward to utilize, managed to be extremely comfortable. No overheating, no breathing issues despite being unable to see anything, no uncomfortable pinching or tugging or aggressive adhesives or some such.

Aside from being trapped in a ball of junk, it was almost soothingly relaxing here!

…Maybe he should ask them to design a bed. Or a hammock. If it was easier to enter and leave THIS unplanned ball of complexity, he'd be slightly tempted to just pay them to keep it and shove it back home and into his room!

Made the medical beds and even his new 'top of the line' furniture in the secret base feel pretty pathetic in comparison, which was impressive.

It also gave him time to argue with his System.

[[HOST is damaged, safety and security mechanisms dictate…]]

Yeah, well those SAME safety protocols nearly got him squished now, didn't it?

[[HOST would have sustained minor amounts of physical damage, with mental and spiritual pain signals rerouted until full restoration from Body Backup. As no esoteric damage would have occurred it would be trivial to ensure full, near instantaneous recovery…]]

THIS time. But look at the crazy schizo tech in here! What if their next gadget summons black holes or something and I get hurt since their safety protocols can't detect me?

[[Emergency evacuation protocols would…]]

No, Sis just got a new job and I still need to recover. Not to mention she recently became a Pocketee user and she needs time to biologically and conceptually adjust to that! Abandoning the world seems like a less efficient solution compared to allowing their equipment to account for our existence.

[[The risks of being detected by existential threats and the dangers of…]]

John winced at the raw information being provided to his conscious mind. Oh.

Yeah, uh… Avoiding those things seemed good. But he still needed to find some sort of compromise here.

[[It is unwise to allow exclusions or degrade overall protections of the HOST when…]]


[[HOST is strongly suggested to reconsider exposing himself to unknown and unmitigated risk vectors by damaging the integrity of ongoing perceptivity filters and…]]

What about that beacon Phineas tried to pass over? The one you automatically began filtering from detection when I accepted it.

[[...It would compromise the…]]


[[...Hardware supplied is of unacceptably low quality in both material and design. Expected patterns and all results that the equipment would have been providing to designated local life forms can be generated and displayed after constructing a modified simulation within System while still providing some degree of coverage. Alternative option will be developed, designed, and delivered into active operations.]]

Thank you.

[[HOST notification: While the outgoing signal and local non-existent hardware will not endanger the user, third party equipment and recipients of exposed data will NOT be protected or defended to a comparable level as HOST himself. Caution is advised.]]

So while some mind reader or fate manipulation entity or whatever still wouldn't see JOHN or his Pocket or his Pocket (Because even if Jessica Smith was outside his Pocket that didn't mean she wasn't still INSIDE his Pocket as well), they WOULD be able to observe and manipulate outsiders and hardware like usual.

Is the probable risk of that high here? Of Phineas or Ferb or their equipment being used to bypass existing security measures?

[[Risk assessment of said negative or damaging actions occurring within current Realm is statistically low.]]

But 'low' was certainly higher than the prior 'none'.

Still, in the end? John was a kid.

And if he wanted to join in with the group of children being launched hundreds of meters into the air via near magical balloon/ball/orb things, then the risk was worth it!


When he wasn't wrapped up in several meters of equipment and wiring.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica blinked as she felt something slip somewhere unseen… But just added it to the list of things to ask John about later. At least the headache/soul strain/whatever-the-hell-that-was had gone away, and she was BEYOND grateful for that at least!

For now she went back to gathering supplies for her personal Pocket space. Obvious stuff like food, medicine, camping equipment, emergency gear sure… But also personal effects like clothing and hygiene products.

No more accidental nudity for HER, thank you very much! Sure, she had been near death and unconscious when they arrived here until John healed her up and somehow reached outside of existence to find a variant of her clothing for her to wear, but just the concept of being nude and on an unpopulated planet was a good enough reason to take some precautions.

But while having a memory of a grid that kept everything she needed literally at her fingertips was amazing and useful, so far the biggest impact had been a slightly unexpected one.

Bulk was no longer an issue. That turned out to be a game changer!

She had some powerful muscles if she did say so herself, thanks to years of training. But without contact telekinesis or magic or whatever it was that Superman used to lift a train with one hand without the material tearing itself apart, the shape and volume and density of stuff was a bigger deal than the weight itself normally.

Not anymore! Gathering trash? No more overloaded fingers or awkward poses with boxes and stuff under arms, nor did she have to make multiple trips. A thought, a memory of something that no longer existed, and a casual stroll got the job done!

No need for bags or straps or cables either. It was as easy to Pocket a single plank of wood as it was to Pocket a mount of splinters. Cleaner and easier too, since she could theoretically Pocket a haystack and leave the needles behind!

John had only been out to play for an hour or so before she basically started using her Pocket access as a filtering system, one with unreal and amazing results. Pocket the cooked pasta, not the water. Pocket the finished food, then Pocket everything not a pan… Boom, clean pan with the waste stored away and ready for disposal!

It was even more convenient when she found the memory of 'disposal', and discovered she could basically mark things in her mental grid for John to review and recycle later to speed up his recovery.

With her new 'abilities' allowing her to rearrange the house, unpack all the new purchases instantly without needing scissors or whatever, and so on and so forth… Well, time just flew by as things got done!

As she Pocketed some more fresh snacks and stuff to share at the office and with John's (hopefully newly acquired) friends, her thoughts drifted a bit.

…Unlike John, she could gain access to some very dangerous but VERY energetic materials, couldn't she? Her new job made acquiring 'trash' or equipment marked for destruction trivial, after all.

She'd have to discuss it with John first, of course, so he wouldn't pull out a radioactive snack in front of others or anything… But a few Pocket spaces marked for 'disposal' could probably acquire a lot of resources when she gathered a few tons of nuclear waste or unstable temporal isotopes or collected those damaged and disabled degenerative recursion generators…

Hmm. It was a thought.

For now though, she was content with new 'minor' 'powers' like close range material collection/teleportation, impossible levels of filtering/refinement through storage, a personal and protected hammer space, and the ability to always have perfectly preserved food/snacks/drinks.
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