… I know he has a busy schedule and I hate to waste his time when I am so far behind like this."

Carl the package transportation porter hesitated… And placed his clipboard aside while removing his snazzy jacket.


"Carl! You're naked in public!" Oh. "Also, you're a platypus."

Then Carl put on a very nice looking fedora and… DOUBLE GASP! "PERRY the platypus!?!?"

Who would have guessed indeed.

It's hilarious that a MIB Agent finds this Reality bizarre and implausible, considering the rampant weirdness occuring in theirs.

At first I thought that the story started in the SCP verse and was expecting the worst.
Hardware secured, Update MWF.
Alright, 'Google Backup' of my tablet MOSTLY worked... Except for my crap browser. I got one browser I use for posting, etc etc, and ANOTHER I use for anything insecure or annoying or boring or whatever. THAT browser is what I use when I begin wondering about generic genetic artificial intelligence used to play nes games or want to break down in tears again from a children's movie. Or other things.

So uh... Those billion bookmarks with one off sites is gone, which sucks, but whatever.

The important part!? I gots me a working system for the typing/editing! Hopefully! Crossed fingers!

I mean, there is some teething issues and maybe it turned off my alarm clock this morning and I don't know why, but woo! Update today like expected!
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if I could give you a hug I would after asking if it was ok to hug you some people get real upset if hugged out of the blue
Good luck! I seriously hope I don't have that issue, I'm working on a full on book, writing 5,000 words per day is my goal. If I lose some progress, I'll be upset.
The power of permanence and the prominence of pinecones.
John felt that things should be fun now!

Jessica loved the new secret base/house/whatever this was, HE loved having an address to ship all kinds of strange chemicals and materials to using this world's strangely easy going marketing systems, and things in general were looking up!

They were both safe, no one was hunting them, he had time and materials to heal himself up and she had managed to get some sort of office job working for some place called O.W.C.A., which apparently stood for 'Organization Without a Cool Acronym'.

So… They had a steady income, Jessica got to pass time doing whatever it was they did there (Her supervisor was apparently Agent S? But then again, having a snail boss was kind of cool on its own…), and John could go and explore the world with Spike and Tadeo Taco, to boldly go where no (extradimensional) John had ever gone before!

Then he had vomited up a small amount of blood and his new big sister had freaked out and he was now stuck at home, in bed, to recover.

Which was boring.

Sure, the Pocket System ALSO had been telling him to rest and recover and all that lame stuff… But that was just to show that it was the boring option! The System ALWAYS wanted to do things the 'sane' and 'logical and 'stop-corrupting-your-organs' way, and progress wasn't built on a foundation of scientific stability!

…Well, uh. Technically it WAS built on a foundation of scientific experimentation and theory validation and crafting and stuff, but only in a boring and slightly nerdy way.

In John's opinion, progress SHOULD be built on awesome adventures and exploding baseballs and stuff!

[[Replacing any sporting equipment with explosive components is highly discouraged…]]

Like he said, boring and lame.

But Jessica had asked, and it kind of felt nice to have an older sister who wanted him to be alright… Even if it meant he had to stay inside and properly allow all his organs to regrow and stabilize and stuff.

Heck, John was even willing to let the other spatial and conceptual stuff recover a bit… Just, why did healing have to be so BORING!?

So as the days passed and he slowly consumed the astonishingly large number of toxic christmas stockings (Made in a country with no safety standards, although he wasn't sure why Jessica's new job had so many available to bring home), his thoughts moved to other considerations.

Like Tadeo Taco.

For some reason, he just… Couldn't build up the same amount of care for his new Pocket buddy like he could for the apple clan and Spike the pinecone.

And, lacking many other distractions while recovering, he began to poke the System to determine WHY he didn't care as much about the fun plastic toy.

In the end? It came down to how his Pocket worked.

His most secured 'inventory', with the highest restrictions, gave a fundamental understanding of the contents within. It was why he knew his new sister so well, when he was forced to save her within the thing.

And Tadeo Taco's composition and conceptual history was… Shallow. Artificial. Lacking.

Spike on the other hand had mountains of weight to him, conceptually! Not just the unraveled genetic information that his Pocket fed him, or the non-uniform growth/decay/alteration gradients inherent to organic materials in general…

There was something like a genetic memory, or a conceptual chain.

It was how a group of female strobili, an inflorescence, inside the scales of some ancient pine cone had become the seeds that left to explore the world and found rich soil and sprouted and grew and grew and spread and one day began to grow it's OWN pine cones hiding its OWN seeds within its scales and…

His Pocket just kept following the history of Spike, every odd fact and detail a heavy weight holding John down to existence, proving this was real, establishing undeniable fact and historical precedence that he wasn't back in that nothingness.

Compared to all that, Tadeo Taco just felt lacking.

In the end, John began altering his Pocket's distribution of protection.

A small space, one barely large enough for Spike himself, that could be applied to future Pocket pals in future reality clusters. Each new Pocket partner a history of the new worlds visited, a further confirmation of his ongoing existence.

The rest of it was a bit more varied. An established and allocated block for Jessica, for future travels. Another block of space for her things… Maybe he should give her access to it? Let her have her own 'borrowed' Pocket to make life easier for his sister?


Though first he would have to make sure there was some sort of interface or filter in place first… Just inserting the raw data into her mind like how HE handled all that information would probably make her head explode, or at least melt.

…Yeah. Put that entire plan into the 'Maybe' category.

Anyway, there was now much MORE space for food and water! Both stuff HE enjoyed as well as 'normal' people and pets and organics and stuff.

So, one was full of chemicals and metals and stuff that would keep him going if he was stuck somewhere in the future and the System needed resources… While a good chunk was being filled with food and meals and stuff that Jessica could enjoy if some world was a desert or something.

That chunk of stuff didn't need much protection at all, just be basic stuff and the preservation protocols, so now there was a huge chunk of unallocated space that John simply tossed random crap into.

Clothing, toys, tools, knick-knacks, get well cards (The neighborhood kids were nice!), crayons, coloring books, normal books, used wrappers, bits of string, napkins, plastic wear, paper plates and cups and stuff, extra shoes, umbrellas, hats, a whole bunch of sticks, both natural and carved, matches, inflatable toys and balls, and so on and so forth.

One would think that it would be a mess, and on any measurable reference level they would be RIGHT, but John was deeply interconnected with his Pocket System on a fundamental level. On a Conceptual level, even!

He didn't need to sort them, because he knew where they all were.

There was no need to search for something, because it was within reach.

Even the most unsecured Space in his Pocket was untouchable by most of existence outside of his Domain, and within those Spaces his System Ą̝̙̥͚͖̭͠ͅn̛̯̲͎͝ą̭̜̤̩̱̫̼ḷ̻̫͔y̶̟͖͇z̛͞͏̺̭̮͈ͅȩ̧̲͙̣̦̥d̵̛̳̭̺̥̫ everything.

Something outside himself and untouched by logic seemed to resonate with the entire process, though it was hard to put it into words… It was more an idea, if a fuzzy one. Almost an emotion, or a hint from elsewhere.

[[Judging the concept of creation. Hypothesizing the basic structure. Duplicating the composition material. Imitating the skill of its making. Sympathizing with the experience of its growth. Reproducing the accumulated years.]]

He wasn't sure what the feeling was, and his Pocket System refused to explain any of it, but something from that influence was applied to all of his collected materials and goods and Pocket pals.

John just UNDERSTOOD things he placed in his Pocket to an extreme level.

Which was fine.

It did force him to quickly force the System to create a classification system though… There were many things a young boy just should NOT know about his older sister, in his opinion. Especially when his mind was constantly backed up, making it near impossible to forget or repress the new information.

Not now though. Now there was a big group of tags including 'Too Much Information', and with a bit of argument and convincing his System had filed a bunch of embarrassing and awkward data into that category for future repression.

Yep. Just… Ignore that category. Along with the 'Puberty Sucks' one and the 'So Embarrassing!' tag and… All that.

As far as John was concerned, 'unforgettable' or not? None of that happened.

He winced again, now that he was emotionally healed enough to actually feel embarrassed about some of the shenanigans he had gotten into back when in MIB's recovery ward. The insensitive comments and stuff was cringy enough, but his complete lack of body modesty?

The sponge baths!?


None of that happened.


Anyway, he was now trapped in this very comfy bed eating lead filled boot-leg Christmas socks in boredom. There was television available, but it wasn't exactly the most mentally stimulating choice on tap at the moment… Maybe later in the day, when it wasn't all advertising and boring stuff?

One bad thing about an entire reality with super intelligent children able to do impossible things: They were a demographic that was too busy for consumable media, and so most TV show's didn't bother to target them with their shows or products.

No kid shows, nope. Just… A bunch of stuff aimed at the older demographic. And a good amount of stuff targeting pet and animal fashion, for some reason.

Agent related? Yeah, probably agent related. Otherwise, why would anyone buy pants for a chicken?

~~~Pocket System~~~

She'd had stranger jobs, undercover or otherwise. However, being the assistant to a snail had certainly been an unique experience.

First of all? Sergei the Snail, or Agent S., was actually and hilariously competent.

One would think that being literally and stereotypically slow as people would assume would prevent a secret agent snail wearing a tiny fedora from being a qualified government employee.

That half her job being dedicated to moving the Agent around on a custom platter with a modified bluetooth keyboard was a waste of her potential.

But no.

She'd bring Agent S to a department, he'd very slowly press a few buttons… And somehow resolve a dozen cases, fix a few hangups, solve a case or two, and ALSO double check the paperwork for the local team.

Half her time was not wasted carrying the snail from room to room, no… It was wasted because of all the people trying to thank her passenger, or 'catch up' on recent events, or…

Basically, Jessica had somehow become a snail's social secretary.

It was a surprisingly satisfying job. And her years at MIB certainly helped her get over certain hangups… Aliens could be as large as a mountain or as small as a flea, and you STILL had to work with them.

Compared to when she was forced to be partners with that racist sentient fog? Well, working with a hyper efficient and easy going snail for a boss was a welcomed surprise!

Though this world really had different standards when it came to risk, threat, and danger levels.

On a global scale at any given point you had men and women making giant robots or massive lasers that could create ham balloons or something, but the actual amount of death and destruction was shockingly low.

It wasn't due to her new employment organization either: the OWCA was more a paperwork organization that documented the various evil science going on while ensuring the crazy people didn't blow themselves up.

Heck, half these Agent's treated their 'Nemesis' as annoying friends more than anything, a feeling that was reciprocated to a large extent.

After all… Talented or not, efficient and competent or not? Agent S was a snail.

It sometimes took him an hour to 'defeat' his evil scientist foe. Sometimes that particular scientist would actually have to reschedule his evil events, if Agent S got caught up or something and was late to the case…

And he would.

What kind of 'bad guy' cheerfully agrees to take over his local territory and gain absolute power at a later point because the 'good snail' needed additional time?

Apparently a good number of them. Sergei was so well known and liked, it was common for him to 'step' in and cover for other Agents when they had schedule conflicts or needed downtime or something. It was to the point where many evil scientists recognized Agent S. on sight AND by name…

Watching a man with a hilarious mustache go full fangirl when his dastardly plot was foiled by THE Sergei the Snail had been a fairly entertaining afternoon when she was watching her boss's live 'action' feed during his most recent field work.

What's more? That dude's plot was ACTUALLY foiled by the snail.

Like, each and every step took a LONG time, but as Jessica watched from beginning to end?

A 'normal' snail in a dashing fedora managed to stop an evil scientist from brain washing a festival, captured the man AND his small army of henchmen, AND somehow won a pie eating competition.

All while moving at a literal snail's pace.

It was fascinating.

Honestly, Jessica never expected to gain anything from infiltrating the local government secret agencies, especially not after John had shown her the various forms he had filled out earlier… But at this rate she'd become twice as effective in future missions just from exposure to Agent S.'s skills!

Heck, if he somehow managed to come along for this ride she'd be more than happy to employ Sergei back at home!

Agent S: Snail in Black!

She glanced at her watch.

Right, boss wanted his coffee (No salt, very important) 'as soon as possible', so she only had an hour or so left. Best get to it!
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Wonder what the next few worlds will be...
I wanna see them in Harry Potter or something... but I just kinda can't picture that being between here and MIB. I could see Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, Kids Next Door, etc... as being between them though... Maybe even Marvel/DC.
I would assume that Jessica would like to head back home for a while once John is in good shape again.
Just think of all the backpay and paperwork waiting for her! It's conceptual weight will draw them back sooner or later, no one is allowed to escape the paperwork.
The bit with the snail agent, just reminded me of the various 'fast snails'. Well, I know there's at least a few settings that have speedy snails.

And I don't know, John making Sergei 10% faster accidentally. Such as with Jessica getting access to the pocket space, unknowingly pocketing it, and bringing it back out. And bam. Somewhat faster Snail Agent. One who is surprisingly ahead of schedule.

And no one realizes what caused it. 'Cause Sergei took up jogging as a hobby not to long ago, so it got attributed to that.
If Jessica could learn efficiency from Agent S what about adaptability from Milo Murphy across a few blocks from the street.
As an IT technician all I can say is thank god for being able to turn to my inventory guys and go "yup, it's a goner, lemmie get you a new one and ship it back to HP to fix the USB / Power controller / whatever"
How did that end up in this thread? I'm positive that was supposed to go to go to Hermione Learns a Thing…
thank you for the chapter sorry it took so long to read i have like 15 tabs open to different fics and I get absorbed into a few and end up spending hours reading
Time passes by and Pocketees get surprised.
A few weeks went by and Jessica had run out of excuses. Damn it. "Fine, you can go play."

John threw his arms up! "WAHOO!"

She gripped his limb and held him up! "But the MOMENT you start bleeding from ANYWHERE you call me and let me know, you hear!? No more of this 'ignoring injuries' or 'hurting yourself' stuff is allowed, got me?"

He nodded, completely unconcerned that he was being held a foot off the ground. "No problem sis! Besides, my System's shut down most of my abilities because I kept hurting myself anyway."

Nope, not even a shred of remorse or guilt there. "And you are healed? Enough for some outdoor activities at least?"

John winced. "Mostly? I mean, physically yeah! But uh… Yeah, need more time for my abilities to unlock themselves. And some training to use them right."

Jessica sighed. "The MOMENT you feel sick or hurt or damaged or something? Stop, stay calm, and call me. My number is saved in your new phone under 'Big Sis', remember?"

He nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Heh. "Good boy. Now get."

Instead of dashing outside as expected however, the child fidgeted. "About my abilities… You know the ones I used to bring us here and keep stuff safe? I've been trying out different stuff and um… Do you want a bit of Pocket?"

She blinked. Huh? "I'm sorry?"

John seemed to flicker in place, here and not and elsewhere. "Well, because I put you in my Pocket that makes you M̮̰̝i҉̗̤̞͖̼n͉̠̱̰̥̮͜è̞ and I can trust you and stuff."

Mental note: Look into that obsessive possession thing going on later, when his health recovered more. Maybe bring it up later when her younger brother wasn't half dislocating himself from reality and feeling mixed emotions?

His existence was too large and didn't exist. "So I won't be GIVING you my Pocket, but more… Lending some to you? Just a bit?"

Jessica cautiously knelt down to his eye level. "John, I don't feel like I understand what you are offering to me right now."

He glanced up and down at the same time while looking away and nervous. "I… I'm going to give some of my Pocket to you. A bit just to hold you while we Transfer to another Realm or Dimension or whatever, and a bigger chunk for storing stuff. But not forever, okay!? Because it is MY Pocket and I NEED it, alright!?"

She cautiously gripped his shoulder, helping him calm down. "I would not take something of yours, John. That would be stealing and that would be wrong." Her eyebrow rose. "Besides, it sounds less like a gift and more like a… Loan? Just lending me this 'Pocket' space, right?"

And his face lit up with happiness! "Yeah! I'm just sharing it a bit! And… And you won't take it away forever because you are my older sister and family shouldn't take things from their family." He nodded to himself. "Yeah, it will be fine. Right? Fine. And she wouldn't betray me, because she shared her fries with me and we ate pizza together and she helped me fine Spike and stuff. It will be fine."

Jessica didn't react to the paranoia or the fear she could feel from the child under her hand. "That's right. And you don't have to loan me 'Pocket' space at all, if you don't want to."

John shook, then seemed to realign to the floor and walls and such. "No, no… You need this. Last time was emergency Transfer protocols, and you only survived by shunting most of the damage to unused resources. A dedicated Pocket allocation for your Concept and Mind and Soul and Body is needed at a minimum for long term travel, at minimum."

That… Huh. "Well, I guess you would know best." Not like she had ever learned interdimensional travel tech in the past. Most of her expertise was focused on social manipulation, interspecies networking, and 'aggressive negotiations'.

AKA: Blam Blam, thank you ma'am diplomacy.

Field agents weren't researchers or lab workers after all, they needed to face the public and collect information for the other teams to work with… Maybe with a side of actually APPLYING the solutions they create to the various problems at hand.

John seemed to still feel hesitant. "Alright, here you go… Oh, and if you feel your brain getting hot or your spine shrinking, tell me like SUPER quick, alright?"

Jessica blinked. "Wait, whaaaaaAAaaaaa͕a͟a̜̻̻̘̮̤̺͠a̸̭͇ͅa̪̩̲!?"

Colors! An ocean of colors that couldn't be seen!

Textures! Unrestricted to surface or material, untouched yet known!

Tastes! Too complicated for flavors, too strange for context!

Her back carried a weight of nothingness, heavy and nonexistent, massive yet without space, and her mind grew into that lack of existence! Every blob of empty allocation was known and understood and examined and…

Distantly she heard an 'Oops' and the raw information dropped down to… A blue floating grid?

But the grid was invisible, untouchable, and not in any way real.

Yet she could taste it, and hear it, and smell it and… And not.

Her attention was brought back to the young boy looking worried and waving a hand. "Sis? Are… Are you alright now?"

Yeah. "Murple."

John winced. "Oh crap, hang on…"

And the grid became a memory. Still not there, still known and somehow a part of her innate understanding of her surroundings, but no longer a spike in her mind. "Ow. My head."

John wilted. "Sorry, sorry… I had already heavily reduced the feedback and connection rate initially so I thought it would be fine, but apparently 'normal' humans only use parts overlapping sections of their brain at a time in pulses through chemical stuff and not ALL of it at ALL times, and I may have left some of the synesthesia compatibility modules enabled because it's more comforting to… Uh. It should be fixed now?"

Jessica blinked. When had she fallen to the floor? "I… It feels better I think?"

Her brother sighed with relief. "Oh good, and you don't seem to be melting or whatever." I'm sorry, what? "Here, put this in your Pocket."

And he handed her one of those toxic holiday stockings she'd brought from work. "Huh? How do I…"

Wait, no. It was obvious, wasn't it?


And one of those memories of a grid now had a filled square.

Though… It wasn't actually a square? It more represented a bubble somewhere or nowhere, one that perfectly contained that holiday stocking and now B̡̢͓e̡̛̜̣̹̬̘̣̤̼̻͡l̵̸̖͇̤̳̲̕ơ̢̪̭̝̻͓̹͔ń̷͙̝̦̙g̡̛̗̞̣̼̗͟éͅd̶̞̪̳̀͠ in that space.

Less than a thought and the soft material was in her hand… Then gone again. Then back. "Wow… That's actually really amazing!"

John grinned, looking at something unknown and seeming far less worried. "Isn't it? It's only safe enough for stuff we don't care about getting lost, since it only prevents the corruption of materials, the passage of time, and the shifting of temperature and all that stuff. None of my good defenses though, not on the Storage allocated for your access."

Huh? "What do you mean 'good defenses'?"

And for a moment, a different 'memory' flickered in her mind. A space that was for her, to be safe and K̴̯͉͢e̯̻͘p̣̳̗͞t̵̠͔̞͎̹͟͞ between worlds and realities, a Pocket that could ignore the end of many things including causality and fate.

If her memory grid was a lattice of soap bubbles, this Pocket cell was an entire reality folded into itself. It carried its own rules and laws, it didn't rely on any power or ability to continue to exist indefinitely.

Jessica felt her grip on reason slip a little bit… This almost felt like designing an entire country to protect a single sugar packet.

Well, since she WAS that sugar packet she wouldn't be complaining, but… Holy crap. "Never mind, I see what you mean."

John however was already running to the door! "Alright! Call me if you start to feel strange or whatever, I'm going to go exploreAndSeeWhatIsGoing…"

And he was gone as she sat on the floor, feeling a connection to a memory of Storage.

When her everything stopped feeling so wonky, she'd probably get up, drink four or five cups of coffee, and then start to plan how to properly take advantage of this new ability from her younger brother.

Right now though, she was just going to rest a moment.


~~~Pocket System~~~

Sis was fine, right?

[[Full access to Pocketee's 'Guest Storage' will procedurally progress over the course of…]]

But she was FINE, right!?

[[...Confirmed. Enabling new access node and control hub via Guest will however, as documented, require a significant 'adjustment' period with minor and inconvenient amounts of temporary discomfort.]]

Well… That sucked, but as long as she was fine. And he had to do this eventually ANYWAY or the next time they traveled to another Realm or Dimension her strained existence would actually crack or even shatter.

Still, he hadn't expected granting her partial access to one of his abilities to actually hurt her. HE hadn't felt anything too bad when his components and units and stuff were being burned and rebuilt and stuff!

[[HOST's pain tolerance levels are abnormally high. Other users would likely have mentally broken down or developed a variety of long term neurosis.]]

Oh. But not sis, right?

[[Correct. The scope and limit of the modifications are well within targets tolerance ranges and age group related statistical boundaries.]]

Dang it, he still felt guilty. "Maybe I should do something for sis? Like as an apology?"

Yeah! Something small since they were trying to 'be on the down low', but still heartfelt and showing that he was sorry for almost exploding her brain (even though he had tried really hard NOT to do that and stuff)!

But what should he do?

John tapped his foot on the sidewalk outside his new secret base/infiltration point/home, considering his options.

Get her a Pocket pal? No, other people didn't need to validate their own existence like he did.

A snack? But she didn't really seem obsessed about candy or whatever, or even that interested in sweet things compared to savory.

OH! Maybe some sort of awesome hat! Agents needed a fedora after all!

John's thought process was suddenly interrupted by a young girl in a transparent inflatable ball nearly squashing him.


And she was gone.


…Yeah, let's go see what THAT was all about!

~~~Pocket System~~~

Phineas Flynn and his brother Ferb Fletcher winced when one of the 'Boosted Bouncing Balls' nearly hit a kid on the street. "Oooh… That was too close. Ferb, pull in the attraction field, we can't risk people getting hurt or kids put in danger."

His sibling nodded and adjusted the controls while Phineas moved to the other side of the observation platform/ball launch tower. "I still don't know how the safety scanners didn't detect him… I'll be right back, I'm going to make sure he is okay!"

The other neighborhood kids were mostly unaware of the near incident, although Isabella was clearly shaken up… He'd make sure she was alright too, after trying to find out why his safety mechanisms seemed to avoid the new kid on the block.

One rapid fire pole drop later and he managed to get close to the boy. "Hey, are you alright? That was a near miss just now!"

The child shaped whatever-he-was turned and had an eager expression. "Did you see how HIGH she bounced!? That was amazing!"

Yes, everything was following the estimated bounce heights and average vector velocities calculated. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride. "Yeah, Ferb and I had to do some complicated math to ensure proper elasticity… Too sturdy and it can cause damage, anything else and it loses velocity pretty fast. But really man, are you alright?"

The concern was clearly misplaced as the worry was waved off. "Oh, if she had actually hit me I might break a few bones or something but compared to Conceptual damage that is trivial to medicate. But holy cow, what a cool ride you guys made!"

Yeah, that wasn't a standard human response. Not clearly supernatural either like the giant floating baby head, nor alien like Meap. Didn't seem to be magical like Klimpaloon (the magical old-timey bathing suit who lives in the Himalayas) either!

His name was John right, from the Smith family? "Thanks? And I'm glad you aren't in shock or something."

Assuming whatever he was could GO into shock. Something to investigate later.

Well, whatever. Everyone had their own story in the end… So why not put his best foot forward? "Hey, your name is John, right? I'm Phineas, and the guy up on the observation platform is my brother, Ferb! We're the ones who organized this whole bouncy ball pit experience thing. You want to come hang out and play with us?"

And suddenly something unreal about John faded away and the innocence of childhood shone like the sunrise! "Can I!?"

Why not? They could always use some more friends! "Sure! Come on, I want to scan you first to find out why my security systems didn't prevent anything dangerous from happening near you in the first place. Then we can hook you up and let you have a bounce or two! Sound like a plan?"

From the frantic nodding, Phineas assumed yes!
A s soon as Jessica Smith noted the DOINK outisde she knew she would need to [[Pocket]] some over the counter headache medicine before talking to John.
Later. But now it was time to tastetest the results of the Bacon Vanilla Milkshake-Producinator she got on the down low from discounted office supply discounter snail service man Sebastian.