You know, I wonder how many doom/death rays the government has in this world. I don't think any of the mad scientists here would use one, but they just got to build one for traditions sale. It's practically a mad science journeyman test project.
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poor candis she is going to have a weird day with the mc there
Do you mean she finally manages to catch her brothers? Because that would be the only possible weird thing for her.Everything else is a standard day.

Candace schedule
Monday: Kidnapped by aliens and forced to listen to a lesson about broccoli
Tuesday: Stacy learns magic and drags Candace on a quest to find a unicorn
Wednesday: The boys move the whole city 3 inches to the right
Thursday: Thor visits and eats all the pop tarts
Friday: 5 Candaces from the future try to help catch the boys or prevent that
Saturday: Stacy is still magical and hires Candace as assistant for her Vegas show
Sunday: Basketball Q24 match vs. the Cyborg Harlem Globetrotters
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Man, part of the original POINT of this story was to see what it would be like to have reduced powers, simplified abilities, etc.

But damn, when you really start digging into the internals of it? Inventory is STUPID strong. Especially when you start thinking outside the box.

At least I haven't gone the route of 'Using my inventory as a shield so that bullets/etc get stored' yet. That always bothered me... Something that MAY be possible but ugh: I don't like it for some reason. Maybe because it treated the interface as a separate ability that was sort of solid for some people but no one else?

Thankfully, John's focus has always been on the storage part of his Pocket. Still super duper powerful, especially when others get a taste, but he's not going full munchkin on it just yet.
Are Phineas & Ferb going to talk about Candace and the new kids talks about his own big sister?

Are the 3 going to do a music scene?
Man, part of the original POINT of this story was to see what it would be like to have reduced powers, simplified abilities, etc.

But damn, when you really start digging into the internals of it? Inventory is STUPID strong. Especially when you start thinking outside the box.

At least I haven't gone the route of 'Using my inventory as a shield so that bullets/etc get stored' yet. That always bothered me... Something that MAY be possible but ugh: I don't like it for some reason. Maybe because it treated the interface as a separate ability that was sort of solid for some people but no one else?

Thankfully, John's focus has always been on the storage part of his Pocket. Still super duper powerful, especially when others get a taste, but he's not going full munchkin on it just yet.
Well, so far, you have had him touching what he stored. So unless he can suddenly catch bullets, no real worries. Granted, that has its own limits to impose on it based on his perception, but it is far more reasonable than holding up an inventory window and it actually working as a ballistic shield.
Well, so far, you have had him touching what he stored. So unless he can suddenly catch bullets, no real worries. Granted, that has its own limits to impose on it based on his perception, but it is far more reasonable than holding up an inventory window and it actually working as a ballistic shield.

Ok you have to admit, if you saw that in an anime or something, it would look pretty freaking cool.
Tbh it really depends on the kind of inventory you have. Using the 'grid', a pane, as shield; that does seem a bit silly.

On the other hand, if your inventory is kinda a different dimension that opens through a hole in reality - well, using the hole/portal to catch bullets does actually make some kind of sense, doesn't it?
Man, part of the original POINT of this story was to see what it would be like to have reduced powers, simplified abilities, etc.

But damn, when you really start digging into the internals of it? Inventory is STUPID strong. Especially when you start thinking outside the box.

At least I haven't gone the route of 'Using my inventory as a shield so that bullets/etc get stored' yet. That always bothered me... Something that MAY be possible but ugh: I don't like it for some reason. Maybe because it treated the interface as a separate ability that was sort of solid for some people but no one else?

Thankfully, John's focus has always been on the storage part of his Pocket. Still super duper powerful, especially when others get a taste, but he's not going full munchkin on it just yet.
[System: if you store the things that try to hurt you, you can be safe from harm]

John: What?! NO! I don't like them, why would I want things that hurt me?!

[System: If you allow, the system can adjust Hosts body to be stronger, like that Kryptonian's. It would just require a slightly lower safety level for the Pocket & System due to the Conceptual requirements, such as increased susceptability to magic and some unique materials]

John: NO! I already lowered the safety enough!

[System: But, the difference in safety is not really noti-]

John: I said NO!
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I remember seeing the "Catch bullets with your Inventory" one, I forget where though, I think it was a Manhua.

It was a grid system, but it was the type where you actually pushed things into it and then had to pull them out again later, and bullets deposited in a stack.

Inventory gets crazy when you can make things exit it at high speed too, especially if you can do stupid things like make a hydro-cutter out of a lake full of water.

Or there's "I take the properties of this object and transfer them to this object and get a whole new object" (but only for things inside my Inventory, but I can take them OUT of my inventory)
Undetectable concerns.
Phineas narrowed his eyes at the data. "You have no oddities. At all. Which, honestly, should show up in my equipment as unusual, but doesn't! More than that, I can't seem to detect unique markings in your genetic code, clothing, hair style, fingerprints, movement patterns, breathing rhythm…"

Ferb hummed to one side as their new neighbor 'John Doe' happily sat covered in sensors and wires and so forth. "Perhaps we could establish a baseline and monitor everything with detectable distinctions to define his presence by elimination?"

Phineas grumbled! "Yeah, I thought so too… But when I try he somehow ends up on the 'detected' list for just long enough to avoid the process! If you don't actively examine the raw information as it comes in, you'll miss it because it doesn't show up in the logs or even the memory buffers."

A slightly mumbled John tried to say something supportive, but it was apparently hard to be heard with all the random beeping and so forth.

Still, he'd learn to communicate with MANY people and creations over NUMEROUS situations, so it wasn't hard to follow along. "No, no, I'll find a work around for this eventually… Maybe. A summer project for a later day perhaps, detecting something conceptually undetectable! But for now, I need to make sure Isabella is alright and that you don't accidentally get hurt by our many projects, so I'm afraid we will have to go for a less advanced temporary solution."

John seemed interested. "Murple?"

Phineas grinned! "Nope!" And his smile vanished for a moment. "Also: If anyone suggests exploratory surgery as a FIRST fallback option, you need to avoid the situation plus all people involved and find an adult." But back on topic! "Instead, I'll just give you a beacon! I only have to manually adjust it to define rough locations of your body parts and physical orientation and stuff, and BAM! None of our summer adventures or projects will accidentally cause issues from you not existing on their safety routines."

And everyone was VERY lucky that this had been the ONLY close call that John had experienced. The exploding vehicles, various energetic fields to manipulate physics… ALL of them could be a bit risky or troublesome if some undetectable person could somehow wander around into danger.

Right, some probability code to roughly estimate which limb was which, some hard coded stuff to ensure ongoing accuracy, alerts to let him and his brother know if John loses or disables the beacon before some future major construction project or entertainment event…

There we go! "Here, try this out! It's a wearable pin that can run on ambient light/heat/radiation/spacial fluctuations to ensure a stable power supply without needing constant recharging or a custom base station for maintenance. I made it look like my pet Platypus, Perry!"

Perry was cool, after all!

John… Tried to accept the new equipment? But that was a LOT of wires and sensors and… Oops. "Ferb, help me untangle John a bit first, I think he can't get out."

His brother nodded and they both slowly discovered that, next to improperly stored Christmas lights? This might have accidentally became the most complicated tangle of plastic and metal components they had ever come across.

Yeah, uh… That was his bad. Sometimes science doesn't notice all the fiddly bits when in the pursuit of more accurate sensor readings.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Isabella Garcia-Shapiro stumbled out of the 'Bouncing Bubble Ball Debubbler' station still feeling concern and a tightness in her gut! "Oh I hope he is alright…"

As a scout of the 'Fireside Girls', she should have been more prepared for something like this, right!? Although there had NEVER been a close call like that before, even when her potential boyfriend launched children through the air via free fall or things like that.

Oh, he had a mischievous side and that was part of what she found attractive, but she ALSO knew that he put in TONS of work to make sure that no matter how dangerous their various adventures and antics SEEMED to be, that they would all be properly safe and sound through the many events.

But not this time. This time, she had almost… That boy had just come out of nowhere! "Hey, Phineas! Is that boy okay!?" Please be alright, please… At least she had somehow managed to modify the orb trajectory at the last moment to avoid him, but it had been SO CLOSE!

Her heart settled when she saw Phineas pop up, clearly unconcerned about the situation… So clearly that boy couldn't be hurt, right? "Ah, come on over Isabella! John's just fine, you can come see yourself. Turns out that he has some special circumstances that makes him untraceable by technology, magic, moon warbling, theatrical yodeling…"

She held up a hand. Him nerding out was adorable, but her heart needed to know she hadn't hurt someone. "But that boy, John, is fine?"

Phineas blinked. "I mean, he's not worse? But apparently he hasn't been able to come out and play until today because of a previous injury unrelated to us. I'd originally thought he had the flu or something, and when Mom stopped by to visit his older sister we sent some cards… But it was something more complicated than that. Me and Ferb are still taking readings and stuff to see if we can help with his situation, but uh… Well, I did say he was untraceable? He's basically unscannable too."

He shook his head. "Anyway, you didn't hurt him and he isn't angry or worried about it. Actually, that's a great idea!"

And her potential boyfriend was RIGHT THERE and eep! "Why don't you come in and help us try to untangle him from my hardware? That way you can see for yourself that he is mostly healthy and happy and maybe help gain some experience working towards your 'Untying' merit badge!"

She hesitated, already walking forward. "When you say untangle?"

And then she entered the garage where all sorts of equipment and tubes and wires and coils and… A big ball of material, basically, wiggled.

Ferb had somehow become a part of the ball, something that surprised Phineas. "Huh… I guess we did it wrong, if it has gotten this bad." He gave Ferb a thumbs up! "VERY impressive attempt though! I didn't even KNOW you could accidentally tie yourself up with transom knots without assistance!"

Isabella winced at Ferbs' unamused expression. "Ah… Yes, maybe some help would be a good idea. I'll go call in the other Fireside Girls from their bouncing… Milly, Katie, and Gretchen would be annoyed if I didn't call in some support."

Not to mention that the strange conglomeration of materials were already more bulky than a car by this point! This was going to almost be a big project on its own, she could just feel it.

~~~Pocket System~~~

As John felt distant hands tugging distant cords and such, he had time to think to himself.

Being stuck in a ball of stuff would do that.

And in his personal opinion? It was fairly nice here.

Somehow the hardware that the brothers used, while bulky and awkward to utilize, managed to be extremely comfortable. No overheating, no breathing issues despite being unable to see anything, no uncomfortable pinching or tugging or aggressive adhesives or some such.

Aside from being trapped in a ball of junk, it was almost soothingly relaxing here!

…Maybe he should ask them to design a bed. Or a hammock. If it was easier to enter and leave THIS unplanned ball of complexity, he'd be slightly tempted to just pay them to keep it and shove it back home and into his room!

Made the medical beds and even his new 'top of the line' furniture in the secret base feel pretty pathetic in comparison, which was impressive.

It also gave him time to argue with his System.

[[HOST is damaged, safety and security mechanisms dictate…]]

Yeah, well those SAME safety protocols nearly got him squished now, didn't it?

[[HOST would have sustained minor amounts of physical damage, with mental and spiritual pain signals rerouted until full restoration from Body Backup. As no esoteric damage would have occurred it would be trivial to ensure full, near instantaneous recovery…]]

THIS time. But look at the crazy schizo tech in here! What if their next gadget summons black holes or something and I get hurt since their safety protocols can't detect me?

[[Emergency evacuation protocols would…]]

No, Sis just got a new job and I still need to recover. Not to mention she recently became a Pocketee user and she needs time to biologically and conceptually adjust to that! Abandoning the world seems like a less efficient solution compared to allowing their equipment to account for our existence.

[[The risks of being detected by existential threats and the dangers of…]]

John winced at the raw information being provided to his conscious mind. Oh.

Yeah, uh… Avoiding those things seemed good. But he still needed to find some sort of compromise here.

[[It is unwise to allow exclusions or degrade overall protections of the HOST when…]]


[[HOST is strongly suggested to reconsider exposing himself to unknown and unmitigated risk vectors by damaging the integrity of ongoing perceptivity filters and…]]

What about that beacon Phineas tried to pass over? The one you automatically began filtering from detection when I accepted it.

[[...It would compromise the…]]


[[...Hardware supplied is of unacceptably low quality in both material and design. Expected patterns and all results that the equipment would have been providing to designated local life forms can be generated and displayed after constructing a modified simulation within System while still providing some degree of coverage. Alternative option will be developed, designed, and delivered into active operations.]]

Thank you.

[[HOST notification: While the outgoing signal and local non-existent hardware will not endanger the user, third party equipment and recipients of exposed data will NOT be protected or defended to a comparable level as HOST himself. Caution is advised.]]

So while some mind reader or fate manipulation entity or whatever still wouldn't see JOHN or his Pocket or his Pocket (Because even if Jessica Smith was outside his Pocket that didn't mean she wasn't still INSIDE his Pocket as well), they WOULD be able to observe and manipulate outsiders and hardware like usual.

Is the probable risk of that high here? Of Phineas or Ferb or their equipment being used to bypass existing security measures?

[[Risk assessment of said negative or damaging actions occurring within current Realm is statistically low.]]

But 'low' was certainly higher than the prior 'none'.

Still, in the end? John was a kid.

And if he wanted to join in with the group of children being launched hundreds of meters into the air via near magical balloon/ball/orb things, then the risk was worth it!


When he wasn't wrapped up in several meters of equipment and wiring.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica blinked as she felt something slip somewhere unseen… But just added it to the list of things to ask John about later. At least the headache/soul strain/whatever-the-hell-that-was had gone away, and she was BEYOND grateful for that at least!

For now she went back to gathering supplies for her personal Pocket space. Obvious stuff like food, medicine, camping equipment, emergency gear sure… But also personal effects like clothing and hygiene products.

No more accidental nudity for HER, thank you very much! Sure, she had been near death and unconscious when they arrived here until John healed her up and somehow reached outside of existence to find a variant of her clothing for her to wear, but just the concept of being nude and on an unpopulated planet was a good enough reason to take some precautions.

But while having a memory of a grid that kept everything she needed literally at her fingertips was amazing and useful, so far the biggest impact had been a slightly unexpected one.

Bulk was no longer an issue. That turned out to be a game changer!

She had some powerful muscles if she did say so herself, thanks to years of training. But without contact telekinesis or magic or whatever it was that Superman used to lift a train with one hand without the material tearing itself apart, the shape and volume and density of stuff was a bigger deal than the weight itself normally.

Not anymore! Gathering trash? No more overloaded fingers or awkward poses with boxes and stuff under arms, nor did she have to make multiple trips. A thought, a memory of something that no longer existed, and a casual stroll got the job done!

No need for bags or straps or cables either. It was as easy to Pocket a single plank of wood as it was to Pocket a mount of splinters. Cleaner and easier too, since she could theoretically Pocket a haystack and leave the needles behind!

John had only been out to play for an hour or so before she basically started using her Pocket access as a filtering system, one with unreal and amazing results. Pocket the cooked pasta, not the water. Pocket the finished food, then Pocket everything not a pan… Boom, clean pan with the waste stored away and ready for disposal!

It was even more convenient when she found the memory of 'disposal', and discovered she could basically mark things in her mental grid for John to review and recycle later to speed up his recovery.

With her new 'abilities' allowing her to rearrange the house, unpack all the new purchases instantly without needing scissors or whatever, and so on and so forth… Well, time just flew by as things got done!

As she Pocketed some more fresh snacks and stuff to share at the office and with John's (hopefully newly acquired) friends, her thoughts drifted a bit.

…Unlike John, she could gain access to some very dangerous but VERY energetic materials, couldn't she? Her new job made acquiring 'trash' or equipment marked for destruction trivial, after all.

She'd have to discuss it with John first, of course, so he wouldn't pull out a radioactive snack in front of others or anything… But a few Pocket spaces marked for 'disposal' could probably acquire a lot of resources when she gathered a few tons of nuclear waste or unstable temporal isotopes or collected those damaged and disabled degenerative recursion generators…

Hmm. It was a thought.

For now though, she was content with new 'minor' 'powers' like close range material collection/teleportation, impossible levels of filtering/refinement through storage, a personal and protected hammer space, and the ability to always have perfectly preserved food/snacks/drinks.
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Before, John was saying even a little diminishing in security/safety was bad, in terms of his Pocket. And now he's arguing about the opposite. With the same System that was on the other end of the argument. Which is kind of hilarious.
No, it doesn't have any meaning, but it is shorthand for a muffled mumbling question which Ferb replied to. Probably from practice.
I think 'murple' specifically might be a reference to some other series using it for the same purpose. Or just a coincidence. It's not like there's too many variations of 'funny thing to replace dialog with that's not intended to be understood by the audience' or similar.