Collecting things and gathering friends!
- Location
- Here
Security was VERY laid back as long as Jessica claimed to be testing out an experimental 'Inator' effect caused by John. It transformed her initially complicated plan to gain access to all sorts of expensive and dangerous 'waste' materials into a trivial affair, since some of the paperwork her little brother had filled out apparently streamlined the approval process.
After all, anyone who goes with the 'Super Secret' option MUST be one of the few and proud budding evil scientists to be, right?
At least, that was the logic everyone had as far as Jessica could tell. And to be fair, they weren't THAT off the mark... John was certainly able to pull off the effects of a crazy not-a-pharmacist with the best of them.
So she just had to fill out a form, declare that she would be testing the features of her recent modification, and bam! Full access to lots of locked down and restricted areas.
Oh sure, her inner secret agent was freaking out a little bit about having all these technicians recording the process and the sensors and stuff documenting her ability while in use... But 'operational security' had a different tone in this world.
When any random animal or plant or whatever could be transformed into a ghost or god like being or cheese or who knew what, society either learned to adapt or perish.
So with far less paperwork but mountains more oversight than expected, she was being led from a sealed vault to a secured 'infinite pit' to a zoned exclusion facility (And so on and so forth)... And then allowed to act with impunity.
She winced at the glowing mountain of... Maybe jello? Yeah, let's assume that at least. "Are the doors open?"
One of the OWCA interns double checked. "Yes ma'am!"
Good. Last time she'd nearly hurt everyone when grabbing something this large due to causing a sudden vacuum. "Then here we go!"
A torrent of wind flooded the vault as her mental grid gained a hillside of VERY deadly... Pudding. THAT was pudding!? Why did it GLOW!? It wasn't radioactive, it wasn't bioluminescent! No, more than that: Why had it been MOVING!?
From what she could feel in her mind, there was NOTHING alive in it, no muscles to cause vibrations, no nothing!
With a wince as her ears popped and the air pressure restabilized, she mentally shrugged her shoulders and tagged the new material for disposal. Weird stuff was probably valuable, in her opinion... More likely to have rare or odd materials or energy fields or something.
Though so far, the most 'expensive' material she had sent off for recycling had turned out to be that restrained Wheel of Cheese.
No, it hadn't been alive.
Nor had it been weird colors, nor did it have an odd smell or texture or sound or anything.
But her temporary team had found it with her in the eleventh secured vault, held up on a pedestal and COVERED in thick solid silver chains with golden bolts locking it down tight.
Actual gold, actual silver.
No, no one knew why. Hell, no one remembered that cheese wheel being secured here in the first place!
There was no documentation. No warnings. No one working here or at headquarters even remembered vault eleven being occupied in the first place!
The terrified technicians who had attempted to document the aged delicacy had been unable to discover anything either. From all the detectable methods available to her overly prepared surveillance team that was witnessing her new powers, this Wheel of Cheese was simply that: A gouda example of fine cuisine.
What had set Jessica on edge however was how everyone ELSE was reacting to the bolted and chained down wax covered milk related product.
Fundamental, uncontrollable fear. Of a Wheel of Cheese.
Thankfully, Jessica had been in some odd situations before and had bag and tagged the entire pillar (Chains, bolts, and all the electric wires as well... Why had they been SHOCKING this thing!?) and vanished the entire structure into her Pocket for disposal.
From the tightness in her chest and her sweat covered body, it had apparently been a close call too. A cold core inside her, a primal part of her existence, simply KNEW that only her fast actions had prevented... something.
The fact that an hour later no one else remembered vault eleven when they moved on only confirmed her suspicions.
So uh... Yeah. No taking of samples, no attempt to recover the wires made of rare alloys and expensive materials, no reclaiming of the massive silver chains or the enhanced golden bolts.
All of it, gone. And good riddance.
That said? Her strange connection to John's Pocket had actually PURRED when she had sent that whatever-it-is over for processing.
And for the record, having a memory in the back of your mind reacting like a kitten was a VERY off putting experience... But useful information at least.
Anyway, since then? Much more relaxing stuff like radioactive chemicals and deadly bees made of shirts and stuff. Nothing else had come CLOSE to the Wheel of Cheese, and hopefully? Nothing would.
"Miss Smith?"
Oh, right. The observation team. "I'm alright, let's move on to the next disposal test subject."
The nerdy woman next to her fidgeted. "Was... Was it about the...?"
Yes, it was about the Wheel of Cheese again. The one none of the others could remember even as they continued to feel instinctive horror. "It's nothing. Let's just move on, shall we?"
Relieved nods and glances towards a place they didn't recall confirmed it: Fuck that Wheel of Cheese and whoever had made it.
Right, what was next for testing? "I think there was a fluid storage tank that kept generating nacho cheese sauce?"
The woman nodded, checking her clipboard. "Yes ma'am, although the cheese is nacho flavored instead of cheese flavored... And it causes anything you eat to taste like unsalted nachos for the following twelve hours or so after consumption."
Hmm. "Am I collecting the sauce itself or the entire container?"
The woman waved the way forward. "Sauce first, to determine in a safe way if there is a rate of collection limitation to your new skill or if it possesses a volume restriction. The stuff is safe to consume or touch and as far as we can tell is available in infinite quantities, so we thought it would be perfect for this!"
The giant mountain of pudding had apparently been a 'max instantaneous intake of materials' test, so the next one also made sense. "Lead on then!"
Hopefully this would help John's Pocket System heal faster... Or at least give it resources to work with.
She wasn't exactly SURE about how useful a few lakes worth of strange tasting nacho cheese sauce with annoying side effects would be, but better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right?
~~~Pocket System~~~
John blinked as enough material was shifted out of the way for light to intrude on his thoughts. "Oh. Hello everyone!"
A weary and unenthusiastic 'Yay!' with one 'About time!' came from the dozen or so children that had apparently been enlisted to help untangle his accidental restrainment.
Phineas looked concerned. "Hey John, are you alright? You went a bit quiet in the middle of us getting you out of there."
Huh? Oh. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my Sister had apparently been collecting a whole bunch of strange stuff all of the sudden while I was in there and it was SUPER distracting."
One of the girls... The one who nearly 'bounced' him? Anyway, she looked concerned and confused. "What do you mean?"
He held up an empty hand which suddenly had a massive spoon in it. "Like this, for example. Why would my sister suddenly start putting a whole bunch of silverware into my... Into our Pocket? It and the other stuff was confusing."
Another boy tilted his head... (He was of Indian descent maybe? John was half sure his name was Balijeet.) "But... I do not believe that is silver."
John wiggled the thing, which was fairly hefty. "Yeah, but I can't be calling it 'Fosilized-Wood-Enriched-with-Platinum-Ware' because that's way too long and confusing. Everyone knows what you mean when you say silverware, even when the stuff is made out of iron or plastic or steel or whatever."
Ferb had moved closely to observe the material while Phineas had gone back to look at his equipment. "Huh... I didn't detect any dimensional or folded spatial manipulation... Oh fiddlesticks, I think that whatever you did is being obscured in a similar way that YOU are. Are you sure that is made out of...?"
John blinked. "Platinum particles and fossilized wood? I'm pretty sure. Let me check."
Bringing the spoon handle near his mouth, he took a huge bite. After all, it was too annoying to reach the actual bowl of the spoon when it was held this way.
Om nom nom.
Hmm. "Yer know, esh maybish ah bish oh ryeraniam ooh..."
The children were staring at him.
Oops! He had been talking with his mouth full! "Rorry."
Right. "I said, while it isn't obvious? I think there is some titanium as well. Not enough to be considered part of the general makeup, but sort of a faint residue or something? Like the spoon had been dipped in some titanium powder in the past and no one bothered to wipe it down later."
They were still staring at him, the spoon, and the bite mark.
Uh. "It's not like a LOT of titanium, and uh... I mean, it wouldn't be enough to really show up on most of the measuring equipment you had been using on me for example and..."
One of the rougher and thicker boys grunted. "They're staring like that because you took a bite of that wood metal spoon stuff! Sheesh."
Oh! "I'm so sorry, I didn't even consider that. Would anyone else like a bite? There's plenty enough to share! I didn't even touch the other end!"
That was how you did this right? You made friends by sharing stuff? Right?
A few polite 'No thank you' and 'I am good' and one 'Maybe?' from the bully looking kid later (named... Buford? Maybe?), and thankfully whatever awkwardness had built up had seemed to evaporate.
Apparently these children had gained a certain amount of adaptability from spending time around the two boys who had been examining him earlier.
Speaking of which, Phineas was grinning as he hit some buttons on his console! "Hey John, could you take another bite of that for me but slower this time?" He hesitated. "But uh... Only if it is safe for someone of your species or origin to consume that kind of material."
John smiled! "Oh, no problem! And I can eat anything, my internal System can either use the materials or convert the excess into raw energy or other needed components. It's why my sister got me all those poisonous seasonal stockings to chew on between meals."
The gruff bully-like kid grunted. "And I'm out. Call me when the next crazy thing is set up, I'm going to go home and secure my emergency snack supply."
As the children began to disperse (Or in the brother's case, set up NEW scanning equipment that DIDN'T require such complicated hookup requirements that could lead to future tangle messes again), the 'ball girl' seemed to have caught herself from whatever thoughts she was having and moved up. "Hey John?"
He blinked. "Yes?"
She gripped her hands together. "I am SO sorry that I nearly squashed you outside! I had been moving so fast and I hadn't expected..."
Uh... Alright? "It was fine, you missed me entirely."
The girl winced. "But it had been SO DANGEROUS and if I had actually hit you..."
John nodded. "Oh yeah, even with the strange materials those balls were made out of I would have fractured twenty four bones, pierced some organs and perforated my skin, and..."
Her wide eyes of horror caught him off guard. Uh. Oops? "I mean, uh... I would have been fine? I mean, I accidentally sundered a good chunk of my brain when I first entered this reality and cannibalized a BUNCH of my organs and all sorts of stuff, and that was easy enough to fix."
He missed the expression of the children who hadn't left yet as he glanced at his flexing hand. "I mean, I don't ENJOY having my body pulped or anything... But as long as it is only a physical wound or injury I can easily walk it off."
The girl was pale. "I... What?"
John nodded! "Yeah, I have recovery plans in place now! As long as it is simple mental, physical, or spiritual damage? I can walk that off, no problem."
Well, most spiritual damage. Anything that crippled the Soul at least. If it was faith or magic based ongoing curses or something, that might take a few weeks to fully recover from.
She didn't seem to know how to handle that. "What are you?" Then she blinked and blushed bright red! "Ah! I'm sorry, that's not polite at ALL and..."
He waved it off. "Nah, it's fine. And I am mostly a human! Well, the physical bits at least. I didn't have a body when I was... I didn't have a body before, and my memory was a bit spotty because of the insanity cycles and madness loops and... Well, I assume my Soul was originally humanish?"
No idea. And System was suspiciously quiet about the topic too.
Anyway. "Point is, when I was recovering there were people around and I didn't have much of an opinion about the entire situation one way or another... So I went human! A boy too, which is fine. Some cultures argue about which gender is preferable, but I can always just get a new body if it becomes too much of an issue either way."
As long as he had his Pocket.
As long as he knew this was Real.
Then everything else was fine.
The girl did NOT know how to handle that. "Huh."
John nodded. "Yep! By the way, do you mind if I ask you something?"
She blinked. "I... I mean, go ahead?"
He grinned! "What is your name? I just keep calling you 'ball girl' in my head since I met you doing those AWESOME jumps in that freaking sweet ball thing earlier!"
Ball girl seemed fully off balance. "...Isabella."
Ha! Another friend: Get! "Hi Isabella, my name is John Doe! I put my sister into my Pocket and escaped to your world when bug people tried to kill us in another reality! Let's be friends!"
This 'friend' thing was SO EASY!
After all, anyone who goes with the 'Super Secret' option MUST be one of the few and proud budding evil scientists to be, right?
At least, that was the logic everyone had as far as Jessica could tell. And to be fair, they weren't THAT off the mark... John was certainly able to pull off the effects of a crazy not-a-pharmacist with the best of them.
So she just had to fill out a form, declare that she would be testing the features of her recent modification, and bam! Full access to lots of locked down and restricted areas.
Oh sure, her inner secret agent was freaking out a little bit about having all these technicians recording the process and the sensors and stuff documenting her ability while in use... But 'operational security' had a different tone in this world.
When any random animal or plant or whatever could be transformed into a ghost or god like being or cheese or who knew what, society either learned to adapt or perish.
So with far less paperwork but mountains more oversight than expected, she was being led from a sealed vault to a secured 'infinite pit' to a zoned exclusion facility (And so on and so forth)... And then allowed to act with impunity.
She winced at the glowing mountain of... Maybe jello? Yeah, let's assume that at least. "Are the doors open?"
One of the OWCA interns double checked. "Yes ma'am!"
Good. Last time she'd nearly hurt everyone when grabbing something this large due to causing a sudden vacuum. "Then here we go!"
A torrent of wind flooded the vault as her mental grid gained a hillside of VERY deadly... Pudding. THAT was pudding!? Why did it GLOW!? It wasn't radioactive, it wasn't bioluminescent! No, more than that: Why had it been MOVING!?
From what she could feel in her mind, there was NOTHING alive in it, no muscles to cause vibrations, no nothing!
With a wince as her ears popped and the air pressure restabilized, she mentally shrugged her shoulders and tagged the new material for disposal. Weird stuff was probably valuable, in her opinion... More likely to have rare or odd materials or energy fields or something.
Though so far, the most 'expensive' material she had sent off for recycling had turned out to be that restrained Wheel of Cheese.
No, it hadn't been alive.
Nor had it been weird colors, nor did it have an odd smell or texture or sound or anything.
But her temporary team had found it with her in the eleventh secured vault, held up on a pedestal and COVERED in thick solid silver chains with golden bolts locking it down tight.
Actual gold, actual silver.
No, no one knew why. Hell, no one remembered that cheese wheel being secured here in the first place!
There was no documentation. No warnings. No one working here or at headquarters even remembered vault eleven being occupied in the first place!
The terrified technicians who had attempted to document the aged delicacy had been unable to discover anything either. From all the detectable methods available to her overly prepared surveillance team that was witnessing her new powers, this Wheel of Cheese was simply that: A gouda example of fine cuisine.
What had set Jessica on edge however was how everyone ELSE was reacting to the bolted and chained down wax covered milk related product.
Fundamental, uncontrollable fear. Of a Wheel of Cheese.
Thankfully, Jessica had been in some odd situations before and had bag and tagged the entire pillar (Chains, bolts, and all the electric wires as well... Why had they been SHOCKING this thing!?) and vanished the entire structure into her Pocket for disposal.
From the tightness in her chest and her sweat covered body, it had apparently been a close call too. A cold core inside her, a primal part of her existence, simply KNEW that only her fast actions had prevented... something.
The fact that an hour later no one else remembered vault eleven when they moved on only confirmed her suspicions.
So uh... Yeah. No taking of samples, no attempt to recover the wires made of rare alloys and expensive materials, no reclaiming of the massive silver chains or the enhanced golden bolts.
All of it, gone. And good riddance.
That said? Her strange connection to John's Pocket had actually PURRED when she had sent that whatever-it-is over for processing.
And for the record, having a memory in the back of your mind reacting like a kitten was a VERY off putting experience... But useful information at least.
Anyway, since then? Much more relaxing stuff like radioactive chemicals and deadly bees made of shirts and stuff. Nothing else had come CLOSE to the Wheel of Cheese, and hopefully? Nothing would.
"Miss Smith?"
Oh, right. The observation team. "I'm alright, let's move on to the next disposal test subject."
The nerdy woman next to her fidgeted. "Was... Was it about the...?"
Yes, it was about the Wheel of Cheese again. The one none of the others could remember even as they continued to feel instinctive horror. "It's nothing. Let's just move on, shall we?"
Relieved nods and glances towards a place they didn't recall confirmed it: Fuck that Wheel of Cheese and whoever had made it.
Right, what was next for testing? "I think there was a fluid storage tank that kept generating nacho cheese sauce?"
The woman nodded, checking her clipboard. "Yes ma'am, although the cheese is nacho flavored instead of cheese flavored... And it causes anything you eat to taste like unsalted nachos for the following twelve hours or so after consumption."
Hmm. "Am I collecting the sauce itself or the entire container?"
The woman waved the way forward. "Sauce first, to determine in a safe way if there is a rate of collection limitation to your new skill or if it possesses a volume restriction. The stuff is safe to consume or touch and as far as we can tell is available in infinite quantities, so we thought it would be perfect for this!"
The giant mountain of pudding had apparently been a 'max instantaneous intake of materials' test, so the next one also made sense. "Lead on then!"
Hopefully this would help John's Pocket System heal faster... Or at least give it resources to work with.
She wasn't exactly SURE about how useful a few lakes worth of strange tasting nacho cheese sauce with annoying side effects would be, but better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right?
~~~Pocket System~~~
John blinked as enough material was shifted out of the way for light to intrude on his thoughts. "Oh. Hello everyone!"
A weary and unenthusiastic 'Yay!' with one 'About time!' came from the dozen or so children that had apparently been enlisted to help untangle his accidental restrainment.
Phineas looked concerned. "Hey John, are you alright? You went a bit quiet in the middle of us getting you out of there."
Huh? Oh. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my Sister had apparently been collecting a whole bunch of strange stuff all of the sudden while I was in there and it was SUPER distracting."
One of the girls... The one who nearly 'bounced' him? Anyway, she looked concerned and confused. "What do you mean?"
He held up an empty hand which suddenly had a massive spoon in it. "Like this, for example. Why would my sister suddenly start putting a whole bunch of silverware into my... Into our Pocket? It and the other stuff was confusing."
Another boy tilted his head... (He was of Indian descent maybe? John was half sure his name was Balijeet.) "But... I do not believe that is silver."
John wiggled the thing, which was fairly hefty. "Yeah, but I can't be calling it 'Fosilized-Wood-Enriched-with-Platinum-Ware' because that's way too long and confusing. Everyone knows what you mean when you say silverware, even when the stuff is made out of iron or plastic or steel or whatever."
Ferb had moved closely to observe the material while Phineas had gone back to look at his equipment. "Huh... I didn't detect any dimensional or folded spatial manipulation... Oh fiddlesticks, I think that whatever you did is being obscured in a similar way that YOU are. Are you sure that is made out of...?"
John blinked. "Platinum particles and fossilized wood? I'm pretty sure. Let me check."
Bringing the spoon handle near his mouth, he took a huge bite. After all, it was too annoying to reach the actual bowl of the spoon when it was held this way.
Om nom nom.
Hmm. "Yer know, esh maybish ah bish oh ryeraniam ooh..."
The children were staring at him.
Oops! He had been talking with his mouth full! "Rorry."
Right. "I said, while it isn't obvious? I think there is some titanium as well. Not enough to be considered part of the general makeup, but sort of a faint residue or something? Like the spoon had been dipped in some titanium powder in the past and no one bothered to wipe it down later."
They were still staring at him, the spoon, and the bite mark.
Uh. "It's not like a LOT of titanium, and uh... I mean, it wouldn't be enough to really show up on most of the measuring equipment you had been using on me for example and..."
One of the rougher and thicker boys grunted. "They're staring like that because you took a bite of that wood metal spoon stuff! Sheesh."
Oh! "I'm so sorry, I didn't even consider that. Would anyone else like a bite? There's plenty enough to share! I didn't even touch the other end!"
That was how you did this right? You made friends by sharing stuff? Right?
A few polite 'No thank you' and 'I am good' and one 'Maybe?' from the bully looking kid later (named... Buford? Maybe?), and thankfully whatever awkwardness had built up had seemed to evaporate.
Apparently these children had gained a certain amount of adaptability from spending time around the two boys who had been examining him earlier.
Speaking of which, Phineas was grinning as he hit some buttons on his console! "Hey John, could you take another bite of that for me but slower this time?" He hesitated. "But uh... Only if it is safe for someone of your species or origin to consume that kind of material."
John smiled! "Oh, no problem! And I can eat anything, my internal System can either use the materials or convert the excess into raw energy or other needed components. It's why my sister got me all those poisonous seasonal stockings to chew on between meals."
The gruff bully-like kid grunted. "And I'm out. Call me when the next crazy thing is set up, I'm going to go home and secure my emergency snack supply."
As the children began to disperse (Or in the brother's case, set up NEW scanning equipment that DIDN'T require such complicated hookup requirements that could lead to future tangle messes again), the 'ball girl' seemed to have caught herself from whatever thoughts she was having and moved up. "Hey John?"
He blinked. "Yes?"
She gripped her hands together. "I am SO sorry that I nearly squashed you outside! I had been moving so fast and I hadn't expected..."
Uh... Alright? "It was fine, you missed me entirely."
The girl winced. "But it had been SO DANGEROUS and if I had actually hit you..."
John nodded. "Oh yeah, even with the strange materials those balls were made out of I would have fractured twenty four bones, pierced some organs and perforated my skin, and..."
Her wide eyes of horror caught him off guard. Uh. Oops? "I mean, uh... I would have been fine? I mean, I accidentally sundered a good chunk of my brain when I first entered this reality and cannibalized a BUNCH of my organs and all sorts of stuff, and that was easy enough to fix."
He missed the expression of the children who hadn't left yet as he glanced at his flexing hand. "I mean, I don't ENJOY having my body pulped or anything... But as long as it is only a physical wound or injury I can easily walk it off."
The girl was pale. "I... What?"
John nodded! "Yeah, I have recovery plans in place now! As long as it is simple mental, physical, or spiritual damage? I can walk that off, no problem."
Well, most spiritual damage. Anything that crippled the Soul at least. If it was faith or magic based ongoing curses or something, that might take a few weeks to fully recover from.
She didn't seem to know how to handle that. "What are you?" Then she blinked and blushed bright red! "Ah! I'm sorry, that's not polite at ALL and..."
He waved it off. "Nah, it's fine. And I am mostly a human! Well, the physical bits at least. I didn't have a body when I was... I didn't have a body before, and my memory was a bit spotty because of the insanity cycles and madness loops and... Well, I assume my Soul was originally humanish?"
No idea. And System was suspiciously quiet about the topic too.
Anyway. "Point is, when I was recovering there were people around and I didn't have much of an opinion about the entire situation one way or another... So I went human! A boy too, which is fine. Some cultures argue about which gender is preferable, but I can always just get a new body if it becomes too much of an issue either way."
As long as he had his Pocket.
As long as he knew this was Real.
Then everything else was fine.
The girl did NOT know how to handle that. "Huh."
John nodded. "Yep! By the way, do you mind if I ask you something?"
She blinked. "I... I mean, go ahead?"
He grinned! "What is your name? I just keep calling you 'ball girl' in my head since I met you doing those AWESOME jumps in that freaking sweet ball thing earlier!"
Ball girl seemed fully off balance. "...Isabella."
Ha! Another friend: Get! "Hi Isabella, my name is John Doe! I put my sister into my Pocket and escaped to your world when bug people tried to kill us in another reality! Let's be friends!"
This 'friend' thing was SO EASY!
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