Privilege, Faith, Charity, Housing, and Work: Oops.
- Location
- Here
This was becoming a thing.
Jessica clutched her tea cup a bit too tightly as she tried to relax between meetings… Meetings where she pretended to act like a minion for some hidden wealthy man somewhere doing some philanthropy for society without desiring praise nor adulation.
Because a woman doing all this shit? Impossible! A man doing it, but being too honest and good and moral to take credit while letting his whore/sidepiece/'Representative' handle the details? What a hero!
It had only taken a few minutes before Jessica had made the smartest decision of her life: Quietly throw all the blame on the Banks family.
Who is paying for this? Oh, a friend of the Banks family. Male, of course, which was technically true since John was the source of all her resources right now.
Why are they buying a large area of poorly maintained and expensive properties? To do God's work.
Or something like that.
She felt her muscles twitch as a massive 'Bang' in the distance signified some progress was being made, which was technically good. Probably.
Why hire local people? The Banks family supported the community.
Why hire the poor and the destitute? The Banks family was charitable.
Why hire the women and children, despite 'not being worth as much' as the men? Sigh.
Arguments about the value of life aside, hiring those children had actually INCREASED the amount of paperwork and headaches she had since she wasn't going to have eleven year olds tearing down these buildings…
So she had been forced to build additional projects to generate jobs for the growing number of little ones under her employ.
Thankfully care and feeding and so forth of the growing mass of women and children and injured people was taken care of by the woman running the show, Gladys Aylward. That woman was a monster when it came to organization!
While Jessica was floundering over what to buy and who was needed, that angel just rolled up her sleeves, calculated a dozen things in her head absentmindedly, and began providing quotes and estimates for taking care of this entire mess.
Side note: She had rented a few buildings to house her massive new employee (and child) army while all this construction was going on. Which was a headache, and now there was chaos in a few buildings stuffed with hyperactive and actually fed children and…
One step at a time.
She took another slow sip of tea.
Right, another two weeks for demolition alone (No massive machines to speed things up), and it was only going THAT quickly due to her throwing money at the problem and hiring a LOT of people.
Oh, goodwill and praise? Send it that way, we don't need it. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Banks!
Then she had scheduled some teams to take all that rubble away, and then the building design teams would start investigating the cleared properties closely and she could start pushing her ideas onto the grumpy people.
Yes, three meals a day, even if most families only had two. Yes, she was limiting how long per day people could work, no it won't lower your pay as long as you put in effort. Sick leave alone was a shocking concept apparently… Uh. Actually, wasn't that introduced 70 years from now?
Meh, whatever. She wasn't going to let her entire workforce become a pit of sickness and disease just because one of the children feared being thrown on the streets if they dared to stay in bed when ill.
By this point, according to Mrs. Banks, there was a growing number of people who believed that the actual finished project didn't matter… That the building project itself WAS the charity work being done.
Done on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Banks, thank you very much random person twelve.
She sipped… Oh. Damn it, the tea had gone cold.
Meh. At least it still tasted fine, and she was thirsty…
No, the biggest issue was that Jessica wanted to ensure this entire mess was self sufficient.
Putting money away was helpful, but could easily vanish due to financial issues… Better to convert that financial wealth into property and resources that would develop over time rather than trust the institutions.
So, the new Workhouse direction for this facility? Production.
Specifically, food production.
Oh, the usual standard work for children would still go on, such as bone grinding to generate better fertilizer… Just, instead of shipping that out as a final product it would be used internally.
Basically? Farms.
'Glasshouses' or Greenhouses existed on a small scale for years here, though never to the scale she was intending now.
The plan was to raise food to feed the workforce and the staff… THEN produce goods for sale to keep the place solvent even if money issues develop in the future.
Let's see… Crop rotation was a basic necessity, and would be established as policy so that each greenhouse would have healthier soil. Some crops were helpful to make the soil recover lost nutrients and stuff, and so it was an easy way to boost productivity!
But uh… She didn't know much about the topic.
Right, she had time before the next meeting, right? She scribbled a note to John and put it in her inventory.
A few hours (and only ONE meeting) later, and she felt the memory of a response get shoved in her Pocket.
Let's see… Uh.
[[...In the Norfolk four-course system, wheat was grown in the first year, turnips in the second, followed by barley, with clover and ryegrass undersown, in the third. The clover and ryegrass were grazed or cut for feed in the fourth year. The turnips were used for feeding cattle and sheep in the winter. This new system was cumulative in effect, for the fodder crops eaten by the livestock produced large supplies of previously scarce animal manure, which in turn was richer because the animals were better fed. When the sheep grazed the fields, their waste fertilized the soil, promoting heavier cereal yields in following years…]]
She blinked at how LONG the document was. Skipping ahead…
[[...Arguably the most important of these new alternative crop options was the potato. Potatoes yielded about three times the calories per acre of wheat or barley, due in large part to only taking 3–4 months to mature versus 10 months for wheat. On top of this, potatoes had higher nutritive value than wheat, could be grown in even fallow and nutrient-poor soil, did not require any special tools, and were considered fairly appetizing. A single acre of potatoes could feed a family of five or six, plus a cow, for the better part of a year, an unprecedented level of production. By 1715 the potato was widespread in the Low Countries, the Rhineland, Southwestern Germany, and Eastern France, but took a little bit to spread elsewhere…]]
It went on and on like that.
Her eyes narrowed, and she scribbled another note.
The response was quick.
[[...Yeah, I may or may not have asked System and it may have downloaded a lot of stuff from the internet over the last few trips… But this is all technically true, for at least ONE variant of Earth! Not like I know much about farming and stuff anyway, I'm like less than a year old or something chronographically although I'm cute enough to get away with it. Although I'm like 10 or so biologically and like… An indeterminate number of years old spiritually? Whatever, I'm going to go back to playing with the kids over in our dormitories.]]
She snorted. Ever since the Banks' children and John had seen the small army of tiny tots that were now under her 'employ' they had been visiting near constantly for weeks now. Of COURSE they would go back to playing.
Suddenly the paper vanished from her fingers and was replaced.
[[Wait, are we going to make a farm!? NO, are we going to get ANIMALS!?!?]]
Oh dear.
Within moments a small blizzard of paper fragments and strips began to rain down on her. 'Can we get cows', 'Goats are scary', 'Lambs are cute', message after message began to make a big mess of the area as they began to spawn FAR too quickly for one boy to actually write such things by hand.
Which means he had the ability to convert thoughts into text.
A paperwork ability.
She needed it NOW.
Jessica waved at the assistant the bank had provided, the poor man baffled by her new aura of drifting paper slips raining down within the room. "Cancel my meetings for the rest of the day, I have an unexpected incident I must take care of."
He didn't respond due to his shock, but he probably heard her.
Now John! Tell your older sister how to never get cramped wrists from writing thousands of lines of text! She'd never suffer from triplicate forms again!
With purpose Jessica strode to the dormitories. The children were likely near the fourth floor, the windows were bigger up there and it was easier to get sunlight.
~~~Pocket System~~~
John grinned! "So MAYBE we are going to get baby cows! I hope so, I've seen them before in books and things and I love how they taste, though my big Sis keeps giving me weird looks when I ask for an edible pet…"
Strange looks like those ones, yes.
The smaller girl on the left frowned. "I've seen horses and cats and dogs stuff, but I haven't seen a cow. Lived in London my whole life."
One of the scrappier boys snorted. "Eh, you ain't lived in London till ya lived on the streets. Bad times, wat that."
Jane had adapted to having a massive army of new friends after only a few days, and managed to not wither under the gaze of the crowd. "Is there room for animals?"
John shrugged. "Probably? If not, I'll just help make some space below ground or something. Or have Sis buy more properties and maybe set up a shipping industry or something."
Adults could do things like that, right? Phineas managed something similar with only a few forms back on the last world, so it shouldn't be THAT hard to pull off.
The 'streetwise' boy, Charles, huffed. "How rich ars you two? 'Buy more properties', I'm still chuffed over a full stomach and clothing what with no holes in em!"
Jane sighed. "Mother thinks they both are secretly old money out having a bit of a look a bout holiday as it were… But I'm not sure about that."
John blinked. "I mean, you could always just ask me? I haven't exactly been keeping much secret from anyone."
Nor had anyone asked him to do so, either. Why anyone would hesitate to ask him something was beyond confusing to the boy, but people be strange sometimes.
The little girl, Susan, wasn't even eight yet. "How rich are you? Can you buy like… ALL the cake!?"
Uh. "No, because some of it hasn't been baked yet and a lot of the old stuff went bad or was eaten. Also, if I buy cake from far away it would go bad before I could get access to it, and if I went to collect it myself there would be more to pick up behind me as I gathered them. I mean, the stuff I put in my Pocket wouldn't go bad or get cold or anything, but even if there were only five hundred places that sold cake in the world… Well, the first place would have a WHOLE LOT of cake by the time I got to the fiftieth."
Could I set up a cake purchasing/teleportation network? It'd have to work across dimensions and Realms and stuff though, so his friends could get it for any of Phineas and Ferb's parties.
[[The needed resources and power requirements would be astronomically…]]
But like, COULD he do it?
[[It would require reallocation of System priorities. Security of Pocket materials will need to be degraded by at least seven orders of magnitude, and while representing only a negligible amount of safety degradation prior opinions of HOST imply…]]
Lower the protections around Poppy the Balloon and Spike the Pinecone!? Never!
Shaking his head, he turned back to Susan. "So no, I can't buy all the cake. I can however purchase all the cake or whatever in a single store without problems… So uh. How rich is that?"
The street worn boy whistled. "Pretty bloody rich, mate."
Huh? "But I mean, buying all this property and stuff costs WAY more than a shop of pastries. Unless they are French pastries, because the French tend to add additional costs to French food depending on how French they want it to be and how badly you ticked them off."
Seriously, that fancy French cafe charged SO MUCH money for only a thin half a slice of French Toast! Mind you, that was an American restaurant and when you go to a fancy restaurant the expensive cost of dishes is half the point of going, so you can brag to people how much cash you wasted, but STILL!
Where was his 'All-You-Can-Eat' Coq au vin and Chocolate soufflé bars!? The endless Bœuf bourguignon and mountains of Confit de canard!?
Curse you other nations and your reasonable portion sizes! CURSE YOU!
Suddenly John blinked as the kids went quiet and a hand of iron gripped his shoulder.
Jessica turned him slowly around. "So apparently my little brother knows a trick for generating text? One that could have saved me hours of terrible penmanship and cramped muscles?"
Jessica clutched her tea cup a bit too tightly as she tried to relax between meetings… Meetings where she pretended to act like a minion for some hidden wealthy man somewhere doing some philanthropy for society without desiring praise nor adulation.
Because a woman doing all this shit? Impossible! A man doing it, but being too honest and good and moral to take credit while letting his whore/sidepiece/'Representative' handle the details? What a hero!
It had only taken a few minutes before Jessica had made the smartest decision of her life: Quietly throw all the blame on the Banks family.
Who is paying for this? Oh, a friend of the Banks family. Male, of course, which was technically true since John was the source of all her resources right now.
Why are they buying a large area of poorly maintained and expensive properties? To do God's work.
Or something like that.
She felt her muscles twitch as a massive 'Bang' in the distance signified some progress was being made, which was technically good. Probably.
Why hire local people? The Banks family supported the community.
Why hire the poor and the destitute? The Banks family was charitable.
Why hire the women and children, despite 'not being worth as much' as the men? Sigh.
Arguments about the value of life aside, hiring those children had actually INCREASED the amount of paperwork and headaches she had since she wasn't going to have eleven year olds tearing down these buildings…
So she had been forced to build additional projects to generate jobs for the growing number of little ones under her employ.
Thankfully care and feeding and so forth of the growing mass of women and children and injured people was taken care of by the woman running the show, Gladys Aylward. That woman was a monster when it came to organization!
While Jessica was floundering over what to buy and who was needed, that angel just rolled up her sleeves, calculated a dozen things in her head absentmindedly, and began providing quotes and estimates for taking care of this entire mess.
Side note: She had rented a few buildings to house her massive new employee (and child) army while all this construction was going on. Which was a headache, and now there was chaos in a few buildings stuffed with hyperactive and actually fed children and…
One step at a time.
She took another slow sip of tea.
Right, another two weeks for demolition alone (No massive machines to speed things up), and it was only going THAT quickly due to her throwing money at the problem and hiring a LOT of people.
Oh, goodwill and praise? Send it that way, we don't need it. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Banks!
Then she had scheduled some teams to take all that rubble away, and then the building design teams would start investigating the cleared properties closely and she could start pushing her ideas onto the grumpy people.
Yes, three meals a day, even if most families only had two. Yes, she was limiting how long per day people could work, no it won't lower your pay as long as you put in effort. Sick leave alone was a shocking concept apparently… Uh. Actually, wasn't that introduced 70 years from now?
Meh, whatever. She wasn't going to let her entire workforce become a pit of sickness and disease just because one of the children feared being thrown on the streets if they dared to stay in bed when ill.
By this point, according to Mrs. Banks, there was a growing number of people who believed that the actual finished project didn't matter… That the building project itself WAS the charity work being done.
Done on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Banks, thank you very much random person twelve.
She sipped… Oh. Damn it, the tea had gone cold.
Meh. At least it still tasted fine, and she was thirsty…
No, the biggest issue was that Jessica wanted to ensure this entire mess was self sufficient.
Putting money away was helpful, but could easily vanish due to financial issues… Better to convert that financial wealth into property and resources that would develop over time rather than trust the institutions.
So, the new Workhouse direction for this facility? Production.
Specifically, food production.
Oh, the usual standard work for children would still go on, such as bone grinding to generate better fertilizer… Just, instead of shipping that out as a final product it would be used internally.
Basically? Farms.
'Glasshouses' or Greenhouses existed on a small scale for years here, though never to the scale she was intending now.
The plan was to raise food to feed the workforce and the staff… THEN produce goods for sale to keep the place solvent even if money issues develop in the future.
Let's see… Crop rotation was a basic necessity, and would be established as policy so that each greenhouse would have healthier soil. Some crops were helpful to make the soil recover lost nutrients and stuff, and so it was an easy way to boost productivity!
But uh… She didn't know much about the topic.
Right, she had time before the next meeting, right? She scribbled a note to John and put it in her inventory.
A few hours (and only ONE meeting) later, and she felt the memory of a response get shoved in her Pocket.
Let's see… Uh.
[[...In the Norfolk four-course system, wheat was grown in the first year, turnips in the second, followed by barley, with clover and ryegrass undersown, in the third. The clover and ryegrass were grazed or cut for feed in the fourth year. The turnips were used for feeding cattle and sheep in the winter. This new system was cumulative in effect, for the fodder crops eaten by the livestock produced large supplies of previously scarce animal manure, which in turn was richer because the animals were better fed. When the sheep grazed the fields, their waste fertilized the soil, promoting heavier cereal yields in following years…]]
She blinked at how LONG the document was. Skipping ahead…
[[...Arguably the most important of these new alternative crop options was the potato. Potatoes yielded about three times the calories per acre of wheat or barley, due in large part to only taking 3–4 months to mature versus 10 months for wheat. On top of this, potatoes had higher nutritive value than wheat, could be grown in even fallow and nutrient-poor soil, did not require any special tools, and were considered fairly appetizing. A single acre of potatoes could feed a family of five or six, plus a cow, for the better part of a year, an unprecedented level of production. By 1715 the potato was widespread in the Low Countries, the Rhineland, Southwestern Germany, and Eastern France, but took a little bit to spread elsewhere…]]
It went on and on like that.
Her eyes narrowed, and she scribbled another note.
The response was quick.
[[...Yeah, I may or may not have asked System and it may have downloaded a lot of stuff from the internet over the last few trips… But this is all technically true, for at least ONE variant of Earth! Not like I know much about farming and stuff anyway, I'm like less than a year old or something chronographically although I'm cute enough to get away with it. Although I'm like 10 or so biologically and like… An indeterminate number of years old spiritually? Whatever, I'm going to go back to playing with the kids over in our dormitories.]]
She snorted. Ever since the Banks' children and John had seen the small army of tiny tots that were now under her 'employ' they had been visiting near constantly for weeks now. Of COURSE they would go back to playing.
Suddenly the paper vanished from her fingers and was replaced.
[[Wait, are we going to make a farm!? NO, are we going to get ANIMALS!?!?]]
Oh dear.
Within moments a small blizzard of paper fragments and strips began to rain down on her. 'Can we get cows', 'Goats are scary', 'Lambs are cute', message after message began to make a big mess of the area as they began to spawn FAR too quickly for one boy to actually write such things by hand.
Which means he had the ability to convert thoughts into text.
A paperwork ability.
She needed it NOW.
Jessica waved at the assistant the bank had provided, the poor man baffled by her new aura of drifting paper slips raining down within the room. "Cancel my meetings for the rest of the day, I have an unexpected incident I must take care of."
He didn't respond due to his shock, but he probably heard her.
Now John! Tell your older sister how to never get cramped wrists from writing thousands of lines of text! She'd never suffer from triplicate forms again!
With purpose Jessica strode to the dormitories. The children were likely near the fourth floor, the windows were bigger up there and it was easier to get sunlight.
~~~Pocket System~~~
John grinned! "So MAYBE we are going to get baby cows! I hope so, I've seen them before in books and things and I love how they taste, though my big Sis keeps giving me weird looks when I ask for an edible pet…"
Strange looks like those ones, yes.
The smaller girl on the left frowned. "I've seen horses and cats and dogs stuff, but I haven't seen a cow. Lived in London my whole life."
One of the scrappier boys snorted. "Eh, you ain't lived in London till ya lived on the streets. Bad times, wat that."
Jane had adapted to having a massive army of new friends after only a few days, and managed to not wither under the gaze of the crowd. "Is there room for animals?"
John shrugged. "Probably? If not, I'll just help make some space below ground or something. Or have Sis buy more properties and maybe set up a shipping industry or something."
Adults could do things like that, right? Phineas managed something similar with only a few forms back on the last world, so it shouldn't be THAT hard to pull off.
The 'streetwise' boy, Charles, huffed. "How rich ars you two? 'Buy more properties', I'm still chuffed over a full stomach and clothing what with no holes in em!"
Jane sighed. "Mother thinks they both are secretly old money out having a bit of a look a bout holiday as it were… But I'm not sure about that."
John blinked. "I mean, you could always just ask me? I haven't exactly been keeping much secret from anyone."
Nor had anyone asked him to do so, either. Why anyone would hesitate to ask him something was beyond confusing to the boy, but people be strange sometimes.
The little girl, Susan, wasn't even eight yet. "How rich are you? Can you buy like… ALL the cake!?"
Uh. "No, because some of it hasn't been baked yet and a lot of the old stuff went bad or was eaten. Also, if I buy cake from far away it would go bad before I could get access to it, and if I went to collect it myself there would be more to pick up behind me as I gathered them. I mean, the stuff I put in my Pocket wouldn't go bad or get cold or anything, but even if there were only five hundred places that sold cake in the world… Well, the first place would have a WHOLE LOT of cake by the time I got to the fiftieth."
Could I set up a cake purchasing/teleportation network? It'd have to work across dimensions and Realms and stuff though, so his friends could get it for any of Phineas and Ferb's parties.
[[The needed resources and power requirements would be astronomically…]]
But like, COULD he do it?
[[It would require reallocation of System priorities. Security of Pocket materials will need to be degraded by at least seven orders of magnitude, and while representing only a negligible amount of safety degradation prior opinions of HOST imply…]]
Lower the protections around Poppy the Balloon and Spike the Pinecone!? Never!
Shaking his head, he turned back to Susan. "So no, I can't buy all the cake. I can however purchase all the cake or whatever in a single store without problems… So uh. How rich is that?"
The street worn boy whistled. "Pretty bloody rich, mate."
Huh? "But I mean, buying all this property and stuff costs WAY more than a shop of pastries. Unless they are French pastries, because the French tend to add additional costs to French food depending on how French they want it to be and how badly you ticked them off."
Seriously, that fancy French cafe charged SO MUCH money for only a thin half a slice of French Toast! Mind you, that was an American restaurant and when you go to a fancy restaurant the expensive cost of dishes is half the point of going, so you can brag to people how much cash you wasted, but STILL!
Where was his 'All-You-Can-Eat' Coq au vin and Chocolate soufflé bars!? The endless Bœuf bourguignon and mountains of Confit de canard!?
Curse you other nations and your reasonable portion sizes! CURSE YOU!
Suddenly John blinked as the kids went quiet and a hand of iron gripped his shoulder.
Jessica turned him slowly around. "So apparently my little brother knows a trick for generating text? One that could have saved me hours of terrible penmanship and cramped muscles?"
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