I did not know I needed this but you are a beautiful person. I was thinking John and magic would be entertaining but I never would have thought of Marry Poppins just enough magic and characters with just enough stiff upper lip to deal with John and his insanity. Well assuming they have enough sherry. Also, I do love the back and forth between Jane and John I read it, and I started to grin so hard my face hurt it still hurts because of the rest of the chapter.
Oh wait! "Before I forget again, Introductions! I can't keep calling you 'cute girl' in my head… Well I mean, I could but names are kind of important. My name is John Doe! I was given it after being born and my surgeries! What is YOUR name?"

Yep, for some reason she WAS caught off guard. And blushing? Huh. "I'm Jane Victoria Winifred Banks? I… It is nice to meet you?"

WOW! "You have FOUR names!? We can DO that!? That is so cool! Maybe I can get my sister to give ME four names! Or two I mean, if I added four I would have six names and that feels a bit greedy to me, you know? Other people deserve to have names too.
Oh my, I knew it, eating all those musical numbers did have an effect on poor John.
Now he will have to learn to sing and dance with the best chimney sweepers this london has to offer.
Once the nanny is back.
First, Sherry. Because it clearly will be needed in large quantities.
Time to pocket some.
Time to learn some high level reality bending through the wonders of dance and song! John honestly got quite lucky here. You'd normally need to be a level 20 bard before you even begin to attempt any of what Mary Poppins does.
... Am I the only one also wanting to see Dick Van Dyke in all his singing and tap-dancing glory being a father figure to young John? Teaching him "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!"

FYI, he is still alive at 96 years old.
What happens if they go into one of the side-worlds? The chalk animated ones?

Will the kids get along? So many Mary Poppin moments.

Hmm.. if Mary went into the Pocket, what would be studied? She carries a lesser pocket herself within her bag?
Keep Calm and Carry On.
Jessica Doe gave another sigh. "This is delicious, Mrs. Banks."

The woman apparently felt more in her element, here in her home and surrounded by more usual circumstances. "Yes, our Mrs. Brill always impresses! And it is so rare that I have time to be home with my little ones, what with my responsibilities with society and everything…"

Jane and Michael were fully distracted talking with John, while the younger twins John and Barbara were being carefully spoon fed by Ellen, a polite but stereotypical maid… And apparently there was another baby, young Annabel, off in a crib taking a nap upstairs.

Yeah… Five children? No WONDER they needed help.

Mrs. Banks smiled at her distracted mini-army, and sighed. "Honestly, I try to spend what time I can at home, especially considering how busy their father is most days… George invests much time in his job at the bank."

Her mind flickered back to a childhood film, one that didn't quite match this world exactly but was clearly related… And about one specific scene from that movie, towards the end.

The lonely and heart broken man walking home on the dark streets of London, having lost something he had treasured and held up as a monument to his life's work: His career.

She hummed. "Which bank?"

Mrs. Banks blinked. "Why the Dawes Tomes Mousley Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank right here in London, of course!" Her face broke into a wide smile… "My George nearly danced the entire night away with me when he was able to gain employment there… We married not long after, in fact."

She waved at the opulence that still felt like a home. "He wanted to be able to provide stability, as one could guess. I loved him for his drive and passion nevertheless, and never concerned myself about how his social status may not be up to what some may consider to be par like some have argued… But it was his dream, and he was all the more beautiful for it."

Jessica couldn't help but smile back at the weary woman who was still glancing towards her eldest daughter, confirming that she was home and safe. "It sounds like he is quite the man."

Mrs. Banks softly smiled. "I am very lucky we found each other." The smile drifted away though. "That said, attempting to support him through social connections requires… Quite some time and effort. Higher society doesn't necessarily approve of the 'Nouveau riche', as it were."

Jessica wasn't SURE the musical film she remembered mentioned the wife being an heiress or high society woman or whatnot finding a romantic love connection with a hard working but lower class man aiming to gain control of a massive Fiduciary Bank…

But then again, the entire movie had focused on the children who didn't understand why or how the resources they enjoyed were connected with their parents being extremely busy.

After all, compared to the actual starving children out there on the street, the orphans, the harsh working conditions… Well, the love was being expressed if not potentially conveyed in more usual ways.

Hell, when the young boy Michael from the film pretended to be a chimney sweep coated in dangerous ash, he almost got away with it! Probably because apprenticeships were still a thing here.

How YOUNG were some of the people on these streets? It was around 1910 or so (apparently), so… Strikes were very recently legalized, and unions were gaining traction? Maybe? Honestly history hadn't been her best subject to begin with, muchless interdimensional time traveling divergent reality history.

Jessica blinked at her younger brother doing or saying something that made the young twins giggle and spit up their food to the exasperation of the maid. "Well, at least you have some good help! I know the orphanage I grew up in was run ragged when us kids were being all out and about."

Mrs. Banks paused, her elegant eating on hold. "Orphanage?"

Those were a thing here, right? Or was it only workhouses and stuff!? Shit, just roll with it. "Yeah, I only adopted John when we found each other much later in life. He was hurt and needed medical care, and I decided to protect him… Then things got a bit out of hand, we helped each other and…"

She shrugged. "Sometimes when you don't have the family you were born with, you find the family you can gather. Besides, as annoying as my new brother can be from time to time… He's a good boy, you know?"

Well, when he wants to be a boy, child, human, etc. A vague memory from the past implied pretty heavily that John could theoretically be ANY species as desired with some effort and a bit of biological paperwork, but for some eldritch entity that was thrust into humanity?

He pulled off the 'annoying kid brother' act VERY well.

Mrs. Banks glanced at the boy and her children. "I must say, it is very impressive that the two of you managed to overcome such difficulties… I've heard even minor health problems can have disastrous results, and George doesn't like to mention some of the concerns that can arise when one has little support as a young man."

Jessica grinned, perhaps a bit too sharply. "Well to be perfectly honest, I wasn't going to give life a choice. I was going to succeed and it would just have to accept it and stay out of my way."

It certainly didn't hurt that women had more rights in her universe and time period, or that she had dedicated her life towards self improvement and preparing for the future as a youth.

Escaping poverty and near homelessness was a MASSIVE motivation for reaching towards the stars, in her opinion.

Oh, right. "By the way, is there a hotel or some such you would suggest? My brother managed to run off and have an adventure with your daughter before I could arrange anything." Also may have to go find the underground markets and exchange some goods for local currency, depending on what was needed.

Mrs. Banks blinked… And then waved it off. "At this hour? Never. I'll have Ellen freshen the sheets in the third and fourth guest room, we can discuss such things in the morning after a nice breakfast."

Jessica blinked. "Wow, that's… Thank you, that would be very helpful and convenient. Are you sure it won't be a bother?"

The older woman chuckled. "Not at all! It is clear your brother, while perhaps unusual, seems to be adored by my children. Very few of their peers are free to visit, after all. Besides, I suspect you are in more dire straits than you have implied… Do you have your luggage being held somewhere? I can send out for it."

That… That may not be good. "Unusual?"

Mrs. Banks rolled her eyes. "Until you have met the other help I have hired, do not assume that I would believe your sibling is the only one in this world that has strange habits or quirks. Perhaps I should mention our neighbor Admiral Boom? The man who insists on having that pirate 'crewmember' of his, Binnacle, help him set off that blasted cannon every day to help mark the time."

Oh. Well, yes: that was pretty unusual.

Somehow, Jessica felt touched by the concern. "No, that will not be required." She waved at the door. "When I found were John had gone I ensured our luggage would be available."

Mrs. Banks glanced at the door, unconvinced… But let it go. "If you say so. Do you have room for afters? A bit of something sweet feels like a good ending to today's stress, considering how improper it would be for me to attempt to partake in something stronger."

Woah, hold up. "You have alcohol?"

The woman paused. "A small cellar of options, though I only prefer a glass of sherry now and then."

Jessica's grin grew a bit. "You know that sounds lovely right now? After the runabout today, it sounds near heavenly."

Mrs. Banks smiled back. "After a bit of dessert then." And then winced. "After Ellen finishes with the twins… For such darlings they can be fussy at best at meal times."

Apparently. "John, since you've finished eating…" As if, he could literally consume things forever thanks to his Pocket. "Can you please get our luggage from the front porch? Just leave it by the door."

Her brother didn't get the hint at all. "What luggage?"

She didn't even flinch. "Our bags and such that we brought with us for when we head off to find a hotel. Mrs. Banks has agreed to let us stay the night in one of her guest rooms, so please go bring them in."

John blinked. "Huh?"

Oh for pete's sake! "The perfectly normal luggage that normal people have when they visit a normal location such as here, normal luggage that we can use in our normal rooms to access our normal things like normal people. Since we need those normal bags to get our normal things just like normal people, please bring our bags in from the porch since we left them there." And she gave him a glare.

John Doe hesitated… Then flashed a knowing grin! "OH!" He looked at the confused children and the bemused older woman sitting next to his sister. "Oh. Riiiiiight."

The boy then proceeded to wink. With both eyes, because he hadn't quite gotten that down right just yet. "I'll just… Go get our normal luggage then, shall I? Yep! No problem, be right back everyone!"

Mrs. Banks watched with amusement as the boy headed towards the front door. "I see that, despite the adoption, both of you happen to share certain traits."

Nope. "Like I said, this is perfectly normal."

The door opened and then instantly slammed shut somewhere in the distance. "Okay sis! I got all the normal and unsuspicious bags and stuff, I just put them in the hall. Can Jane and me go play now? She says she's got like a HUGE model of a house for dolls and stuff."

Damn it John, at least PRETEND to be moving things around first! "If Mrs. Banks is alright with her children doing so, you may."

Mrs. Banks gave the children with overeager looks a sigh. "Go wash your hands again first, then you may go play with young Mr. Doe."

Jessica ignored the looks she was getting from the maid and the mother as the children were about to get up and run off… And then she blinked. "Wait a second…"

Checking her memory of the inventory, she wanted to smash her face into her palms. "HEY JOHN!"

A closer 'Yeah?' at least informed her that he could fix this. Jessica tried to stay calm. "You only brought in our FOUR bags of luggage, yes? Because we only have four? Right?"

An awkward silence… And everyone could hear him walking back towards the front door. "Yes sis!"

Jessica ignored all the looks the adults were giving her as her brother went to unblock the entryway from the hundreds of backpacks, luggage carriers, hampers, hat boxes and more that had been filled with random stuff to look 'normal' and then wedged into place. "Anyway… I believe someone mentioned dessert? And a drink?"

God she needed that drink.

~~~Pocket Space~~~

John grinned! "This is incredible! And all the rooms can open up like this?"

Jane couldn't help but smile back. "Yes! It can be hard to keep it all clean and dusted, but that just makes it feel more like a real house for my dolls. Plus, Mary Poppins says that taking care of one's things is a good habit to nurture."

Oh right. "She's your nanny, right?"

A nod from the child. "Mhm. Mother and father are awfully busy, and Ellen can't handle how energetic we can be… So we wrote a letter for a new nanny and…" She winced as she remembered how her father reacted to that. "Anyway, Mary Poppins somehow got it even after our letter was… damaged… And she's been awfully lovely! She takes us on outings and knows all sorts of interesting people and things."

Neat. "Is that her room over there?"

The little girl blinked. "I'm sorry? Oh. Yes, yes it is! But today is her day off, so she's not here today." Then she caught something. "How did you know?"

John shrugged. "I can feel some dimensional folding and minor amounts of reality modification, but it's mostly focused in one room instead of spread out all over your house. I mean, I can detect energy traces on your bedroom and the toys and such that was utilized to manipulate them or clean or whatever, but most of the power is over there."

Jane wasn't sure how to respond to that. "I… I don't know what that means."

Oh! No problem. "Have you seen her use a closet that was too big on the inside or maybe a pouch that could hold too much?"

And the girl's face lit up! "Her carpet bag! She had a whole mirror and lighting and all sorts of things in there! It was amazing!"

John shrugged. "Well, I feel stuff like that over there, and from some of the unusual adventures you told me about it made sense if that was related."

And that was just the basic stuff his Pocket System could detect in that direction too!

Still not sure why a reflective dimension was bonded to the wall over there pretending to be a mirror, nor why a subjectively existent entity was constantly gazing through it… But it didn't feel dangerous to anything four dimensional or below, and it seemed happy to slowly devour the air pollution that intruded into the home.

Still, he'd have to warn Jessica that at least one 'mirror' in this building might actually be a transmogrified existence pretending to be your reflection. It felt like something his big sister would want to be aware of.
Still not sure why a reflective dimension was bonded to the wall over there pretending to be a mirror, nor why a subjectively existent entity was constantly gazing through it… But it didn't feel dangerous to anything four dimensional or below, and it seemed happy to slowly devour the air pollution that intruded into the home.

Now I can't help but imagine Mary Poppins as a benevolent demon summoner, perhaps one that is making amends for past transgressions.
Fuck that mirror.
Now I can't help but imagine Mary Poppins as a benevolent demon summoner, perhaps one that is making amends for past transgressions.
It's honestly the only way I could explain how her reflection stays in the mirror when she looks at it during that song about a spoonful of sugar. That reflection is God damn alive and everyone knows it!
You know, Marry Poppins was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. Still is. However, I never thought of her being a strange eldritch warlock binding abomination to mirrors and coding the fabric of reality like a blanket. I just thought, ooo magic and went on my day. You have for ever tainted marry Poppins with eldritch abomination now and I don't know what to do.....
It dos not help that lots of little things in the movies help support the eldritch insanity. Turning chalk into a gate way to a magical pained world or a minor psychic plane of eldritch beings devoted to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, the being with a long name. Or uncle Rupert is a being beyond the stars that forgot that humans aren't supposed to float due to alien joy. Is the parasol actually an umbrella or a parrot that was tricked into being a parasol and shown eldritch truth. To say nothing of the carpetbag, I put money on it being made of sloggoth skin or just being one tricked into being a bag....
I don't know if this ruined my childhood memories or made them better. It is to early to drink where I am but thank you for inspiring a binge. And continue the good work in the name of Yog Sothot.
Still not sure why a reflective dimension was bonded to the wall over there pretending to be a mirror, nor why a subjectively existent entity was constantly gazing through it… But it didn't feel dangerous to anything four dimensional or below, and it seemed happy to slowly devour the air pollution that intruded into the home.
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I now hear the Bling Guardian song "Mirror Mirror" in my mind.
I wonder if its on their vevo page... actually not sure if they HAVE a vevo page..
I'm relatively certain she's a timelord, she simply ticks too many of the boxes not to be. Now, whether she is in her home universe or left when things turned violent is another matter.
"The perfectly normal luggage that normal people have when they visit a normal location such as here, normal luggage that we can use in our normal rooms to access our normal things like normal people. Since we need those normal bags to get our normal things just like normal people, please bring our bags in from the porch since we left them there." And she gave him a glare.
Petunia Dursley, is that you?!
This chapter had me in stiches, good job :D
I'm hoping this includes the theory that Mary Poppins and IT are in the same reality and that she is a being that feeds on and encourages positive emotions in opposition to Pennywise fear and despair consumption, just so Pennywise can encounter John and find out he's no longer the predator but the pray.
You might be thinking about this one, but if not then I'd be interested in whatever story you were thinking of: As I Always Say by threeguesses
It doesn't look like it, it didn't have quite so non-linear experiences as a main focus, if at all. I don't think it had Ms. Frizzle in it, but not I'm not sure at all.

That's the trouble with only vaguely remembering details. The issue I think, in finding it, is I think it might not have been marked as being a crossover. Or it was tucked away in a compilation of other one-shots, thus much harder to search for. I vaguely want to say it was a pre-2013 fic, but I can't be certain on that.

Ah, if only there was an Inator to find vaguely recalled stories.
. . . . Uh... you... you guys seriously just now being exposed to the Mary Poppins a witch theory? That one's been running around since about a decade after the film's release. The time lord one since the resurgence of Dr. Who in America with the latest iterations. Though, I don't rightly remember when the Eldritch Horror theory gained traction other than late 2000's and/or early 2010's.

But seriously, you guys are just now getting exposed to the Mary Poppins ain't right theories?

Man, I think you just added two decades on to my Old Meter.