Jessica grumbled. "One more time… Food?"
John sighed but confirmed it. "Check."
She moved down the list. "Stuff you treat as food?"
And on. "Check."
This was like the third or fourth time. "Bottled water?"
Which was fine. "Check."
After all, he understood the need to check one's Pocket. "You packed ALL your clothing, right? I know you don't use the tagging or folder or tab features, but you have shoes and suits and casual and extra socks and…"
Damn it, this was so embarrassing! "CHECK! Check check check!"
She winced. "Sorry John, just… Maybe I'm a bit nervous about this."
No idea why, if anything went wrong his System would take care of it or they would all die. There was no middle ground of 'hurt but survived', now that he was fully out of 'emergency evacuation mode' all the safeties were on and all the backups checked and contingencies in place… If anything overwhelmed that, death would be instant.
Potentially retroactive, even.
Which meant everything would be fine OR it wouldn't be their problem any more! "It will be fine! I promise."
Plus, if John was wrong? No consequences! Woo!
Jessica sighed. "Right… Right." She straightened up. "Alright, let's do this."
Kay. "Here we go!"
She vanished.
John Doe V̟̯͙̮̬͇͢ͅa̡̤̩̹̠n̵̡̡̬̘̗i̶̪̟̮̜̝̯̘̼͓s͏̣͙͇̖̀͡h̗̝͍͈͈͘ę̴̘̦̞d͉̗̺.̧̻͕͍̩̯̝͘͜
~~~Pocket System~~~
[[System connection reestablished.]]
[[Deploying HOST.]]
~~~Pocket System~~~
What a RUSH!
He couldn't hold back a grin as his body flickered back and forth a few feet as things synched up. This was like ALL the sugar! WOOO! Feel the tingle, feel the burn… Look out world, it's now JOHN'S turn! "HOORAH!"
In all likelihood John couldn't dance, and he certainly hadn't practiced doing the worm before, but by all that was holy he was going to give it a try! "Oh yeah, oh yeah, Pocket travel is BEST travel! Self containment for the WIN!"
And he was up, absently Collecting all the dirt and stuff that had attempted to stain his awesome outfit! "I'm going to do that again. Like… ALL the time! Hell yeah!"
Could he do that locally, like as a fake version of teleportation!? Or maybe SLEEP in his Pocket, with Spike too, like the best security blanket ever!? Or maybe…
"Um… Excuse me?"
John Doe blinked and turned to the side, seeing a young girl close to tears wearing VERY dirty clothing. "Yes? Can I help you?"
Oh wait, he still had one hand thrust up mid-disco dance and was half twisted.
Right, uh… Adjust a bit, and NOW he looked like a proper gentleman! "I mean, uh… No wait, I had it right the first time! Can I help you?"
A bit of a smile crossed her face before she became serious again. "Do… Do you know how to get to number 17, Cherry Tree Lane from here? I'm… I'm a bit lost."
What a coincidence! "Hey, isn't that cool? I'm lost too! Do you want to be lost together?"
She blinked at that. "I… I'm sorry?"
John nodded! "Yeah, I am sort of wandering my way back to where I came from but I have to go lots of places until I can get there. But unlike me, you only want to go somewhere nearby right? Like within a few million miles or so?"
At least she looked so confused she wasn't about to cry now. "I… My home is here in London."
Like the London in Arkansas or California or Indiana or Kentucky or Michigan or Minnesota or Ohio or Texas or…
[[HOST is currently located within London, England, on a variant of Earth.]]
England? Not America at all!?
Oh! "So we are in THAT London!? I've never been to England! My friend's dad came from here, well sort of anyway, and I've heard all SORTS of neat things about this place!"
Now she was looking at him in utter confusion. "One second, let me figure out where we are, then we can find out where we want to go, then we can get to… Uh. Where did you want to be again?"
She shuffled a bit. "Number 17 on Cherry Tree Lane. My brother and I were supposed to be going home, but Michael ran ahead and I… I got a bit turned about…"
Huh. "Brother, huh? I have a sister! I mean, she sort of adopted me unofficially and I don't think I actually ever had parents or siblings before that, but I'm pretty sure it counts anyway. What's it like having a brother?"
System, where are we? And how do we get to that place she mentioned?
[[Generating map and suggested route.]]
Thank you. "Right, I know where to go now, so you can tell me about having a family while we get you home."
The girl blinked but seemed relieved that SOMEONE had an idea what to do now. "Oh… Alright. And um… Mother and Father are awfully busy most of the time, so we mostly spend time together. Me, my brother, the twins and little Annabel I mean."
They began walking down very tight and winding streets, the dirt and grime absently Collected and recycled as they passed. Pointedly ignoring how their surroundings and her clothing were rapidly becoming perfectly clean, he hummed. "Holy cow, four siblings! My Sister was an only child and I don't really remember being a human that long, so I can't even imagine how chaotic that must be!"
The girl blinked as if caught off guard. "I'm sorry, what?"
Oh wait! "Before I forget again, Introductions! I can't keep calling you 'cute girl' in my head… Well I mean, I could but names are kind of important. My name is John Doe! I was given it after being born and my surgeries! What is YOUR name?"
Yep, for some reason she WAS caught off guard. And blushing? Huh. "I'm Jane Victoria Winifred Banks? I… It is nice to meet you?"
WOW! "You have FOUR names!? We can DO that!? That is so cool! Maybe I can get my sister to give ME four names! Or two I mean, if I added four I would have six names and that feels a bit greedy to me, you know? Other people deserve to have names too."
Oops, have to turn left here. "Does everyone in your family collect names, or are you just lucky?"
Idly he felt like he was forgetting someone, someone who would be very exasperated when he remembered to bring her out of his Pocket, but that felt pretty unlikely.
Now onwards! Into the (disturbingly sooty) world we go!
~~~Pocket System~~~
Mrs Banks wrung her hands… Oh WHY did this have to happen on one of the few day's when Mary Poppins was off? Or perhaps it was the other way around, and such things would happen every day at all hours without her near magical ability to help keep the little ones occupied and cared for.
She paced, fully unwilling to consider her other responsibilities. Not until little Jane was found. She may find herself dreadfully busy attempting to keep the family image up and prepare the way for her children's future, but none of that mattered when one of her little ones was missing.
Especially considering that her husband was forced to work to the bone at the bank as it was… Both of them were so busy they rarely got moments to spend together. It made times like this, when a crisis was unfolding, so much more stressful…
The others were in their rooms, with only the older of the children, Michael, aware of how concerning Jane's absence actually was. His older sister very rarely went off on her own or failed to keep an eye on him… Her not being behind him when he came home had been devastating apparently.
Should she contact the police? The constable was always a reliable man, but if Jane was just a bit lost or taking her time, or if she was playing with those other children from the park and just assumed Michael was nearby or… Or something…
A glance at the clock, once more… Twelve more minutes. It would be the usual time the children knew to return home, if Jane was not back by then she would reach out for further help.
Her heart felt too tight as she attempted not to stare at the clock once more, as she slowly paced.
Because Jane would be fine. The children often ran off, being quite rambunctious, but always came home (often enough with assistance), and she would receive a stern note to be more careful when out playing and to not lose sight of her siblings and… And she would be fine.
When there was a knock at the door, she didn't even bother to wait for the help to answer it! Please, please, please…
Door opened wide, and her baby was there! "Mother!?"
Mrs. Banks realized that she may have failed with the 'stern, please act like a responsible adult' act halfway through the slightly too tight hug, but that was a concern for later. "Oh I was so WORRIED when Ellen said you hadn't come home with your brother, I wasn't sure what to DO and…"
An unknown young boy's voice came from the door. "Wow, she's a fast hugger! I better make sure my sister doesn't take any notes about… Uh. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting…."
Twirling around to look over her clutched daughter, she saw a young boy of uncommon cleanliness (How was it even possible for a child to not be dirty after even glancing outside?) as he seemed to have remembered something.
Oh dear, how embarrassing! "I… I'm sorry, that was very impolite of me. Please pardon my outburst."
Refusing to let go of her daughter even for impropriety's sake, she gave a slightly teary smile at the child. "Hello there, I am Mrs. Banks, Jane's mother. Are you one of Jane's friends?"
The boy smiled! "Yes! We met each other when we were both lost and since she was looking for here and I happened to be in the area we decided to have a bit of a walk back!"
He pointed outside somewhere. "There were ALL SORTS of neat things out there, even if most of it was covered in soot or trash and stuff. And we saw a puppy! It ran away though."
Her daughter's giggle made everything a little bit better. "I… I see?"
The boy nodded! "Yeah, some dogs and puppies are busy I guess. Anyway, my name is John! John Doe!" He pointed. "And she is Jane, which I think you knew, but she is ALSO Victoria, Winifred, AND Banks… Just like you, but without the 'Mrs' part. But don't ask if you can have one of them because I think she wants to keep all the names and build up a collection or something."
…Sigh. Mrs. Banks just didn't understand children these days. "I see."
No. No she did not.
Still. "Thank you for helping my little girl find her way home, John. I was very worried."
The boy smiled! "Aww, it's no problem, I know that my big sis would want me to help people! When they aren't trying to maim, kidnap, or kill me, I mean. But I still feel that is sort of self evident and didn't require all the extra rules and promises and stuff."
…Alright then. "Still, you must come in for a bit… I'm sure Mrs. Brill has a bit of something, and I'm sure you are both hungry and tired after such a long afternoon. And Jane, I'll send Ellen up to let your siblings know you made it home safely."
John lit up! "Ooh, I hope she has cookies! Or painted lead chips, I'm not picky either way."
Nope. As a proper British woman, she moved on and attempted to roll with the… Whatever that was. "I'm sure she'd have tea and a biscuit or two, at the very least."
As a matter of fact… "Would you like to join us for dinner? I could have Ellen ring your family, I would love to tell them how helpful you've been to both of us today."
John waved her off. "Nah, it's fine! My sister would love to oh no I forgot I left her in my Pocket and sheIsGoingToBeSOMAD!"
Mrs. Banks blinked. "I'm sorry?"
John held up one hand. "One moment, please? Thank you."
And the door closed, leaving a confused woman holding a very worn out (but also confused) little girl.
Then the door opened, and next to John was a very lovely woman wearing extremely darring clothing… Who seemed as confused as everyone else in the room. "Huh!? John, where are we..."
John grinned, two billion percent innocent! "We made it! Just now! Totally just arrived right here, at Jane's house, at this moment, at this place!"
The woman seemed to rapidly begin collecting herself… And then examined her surroundings. And her eyes seemed to pierce through Mrs. Banks like a lion debating how dangerous the local prey would be towards her cub.
Then the feeling vanished and a smiling lady of standing was present. "Good…" She glanced outside. "...Evening! My name is Jessica Doe, and before we go any further I would just like to say: Whatever my younger brother has done, I am so, SO sorry."
John slumped. "Aww, sis…"
Her hand half petted his head, half held it in a grip. "And if you will please give me a moment, we'll be right back."
Then the door closed for a third time, and fierce whispering could be heard outside the front door to her home.
Jane whispered in her arms. "John's sister is pretty."
Well… To be fair, that was true. "Just in case, let us both inform Mrs. Brill that we may be expecting two more for dinner tonight while they converse, I feel like your friend may be delayed temporarily."
Was it too early for a glass of sherry? Or even more than one, perhaps.