Alright, what weapon should Akemi have?

  • Let her keep the gun!

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Give her a sword!

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • More Magic!

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Hand to Hand!

    Votes: 2 7.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Omake: Food for the Soul, Sweets for the Void (semi-canon)
I am 100% certain I went Overboard. Sorry in Advanced.

Food for the Soul, Sweets for the Void
By SolarGemX​

The Afternoon sun hangs high in the big blue sky, the sounds of people milling by birds flying and the occasional sounds of animals scattering about. You've never been that attentive of all the little details that compose the tapestry of Shinjuku City, which is honestly a shame. But that's not Important at the moment, todays your Birthday! Yor going to be 10! You're a Big girl, dad said so! Due to this, Mama is planning on taking the family to the park today! You always did like going out when it was sunny, not as much as [???] and [???], but at least your more animated than [???], [???] and [???]. Two of them prefer reading boring books or listening to weird music, they say you would understand when you were older, as for [???]…well she was always shy, she needs to come out of her shell if she wants to make new friends, well that's what mama says anyways. Speaking of which, mama is cooking a lot of yummy food for the trip! Mama is so smart and talented… she's a professional one-woman Kitchen, which is weird since Mama was always just Mama, but she just laughed when you said that. You always wanted to learn how to cook, just so you could be just like her. Maybe if things were a little bit different you could have learned from her… but…


Wonder, Excitement, Curiosity…

Confusion, Color, nervousness…

Mom's Voice, Screaming, Why is she screaming?

Colors, Confusion, [???] grabs me and tells me to run.

Fear, Panic, Explosions…pain…

Darkness, silence… what's going on?

Mama…? Why aren't you moving? Why is no one moving?

Mama? [???]? MAMA!!!

"Hmmm… ugh…well now, Haven't had that dream in a while. I hope that's not a warning of things to come, I just want a normal Saturday" – A mature voice says groggily.

The individual who speaks is a 40 something year old Woman. A tone body covered in sleepwear, fair skin, a bit of muscle defining some of her features. Metallic grey hair reaching below her shoulders, small white highlights can be seen here and there. Moving towards her face you can see a mature face, healthy looking, even for her age. A small scar lining her left cheek, almost connecting towards the base of her grey eyes.

Miyabi Otoha: Ugh… what time is it? Its only 8? *Groan* I wanted to sleep in… writing and checking student projects took all night…ugh, might as well get up, no way I'm going to sleep again. Hopefully the others are still asleep, they helped a lot with finalizing the scores of the semester. Maybe I should make something heavy for breakfast?

As the adult woman wonders her apartment, freshening herself up and dressing herself you can see a variety of things. Various stacks of papers, all of pertaining different nutritional data, papers pertaining to new exercise regiments, letters from a couple of kids towards "The Best Nutrition professor EVER! Thanks Prof. Otoha!" A couple of picture Frames,1 of a Much younger Miyabi alongside an Older Adult Male, Both smiling towards the Camera. The Second Frame had a Picture of a Young Miyabi Surrounded by her Siblings and Mother. The final Frame seemed to be the most recent one, It showed Miyabi alongside another Woman, in front of a bakery called "Shadowy Treats," Miyabi seemed to be staring at the other Woman is disbelief, as the other individual had the Biggest smuggest smile possible, looking straight at Miyabi with a sense of…rival superiority?

Miyabi: Ok…lets see… eggs, milk, cheese, batter, berry salad… Maybe I should indulge a bit? I think everyone would like a little bit of everything right now… I know I would. Maybe I should make a spread?

???: Oh Oh! It seems I'm the first awake! Oh You making breakfast Miyabi? I recommend pancakes, we got some fresh blueberries yesterday, it would be "berry" tasty!

Miyabi: *snort* That was bad, hey Miharu. Good Morning…Hmm that sounds good actually, thanks for the recommendation.

Miharu: Always here to help! So any plans for the day? The garden seems good, we could go for a walk, make it a us day with everyone!

Miyabi: I think some of the others would agree… eh, why not, it beats staying here and triple checking grades. Let me make some batter so we can eat, hopefully the others find the taste good. Once their more active, that is.

Miharu: You know we love anything anyone one of us make, so I don't think there will be any complains.

Miyabi: Hmm… yeah… Anyway… Thanks for the food!

Miharu: Thanks for the food!!!
30 years ago…

*Beep* *Beep* *beep*

Noises…a constant beeping. Why is it so noisy?'

"Her vitals are stable," everything is clear, oh the poor dear…

Voices? Who is talking? Why is it so dark?'

"Wait… is she moving? Hurry call the doctor; I think she's waking up!"

More talking… is someone in your room? Why is it so hard to move?

"There's definitely some activity. It's a miracle! Such rapid recovery in less than a week? She was in the epicenter of a wild Glyph!"

Ugh… more voices… let me sleep… FINE. If you are going to be noisy at least let me, see who is… AGH TOO BRIGHT!!!

???: She's opening her eyes! Miss Otoha, Miss Otoha, please open your eyes, don't close them!

I'm Trying!!! Its too bright! What's going-

Miyabi: …on? What's goi- *Cough, Cough*

???: Careful Miss Otoha, easy there. Here have some water, small sips. There we go, How are you feeling?

Miyabi: It's Miyabi… and… fine, I guess? Where… where am I?

Dr. Tanaka: Your in the hospital, Miyabi. My name is Dr. Tanaka, the nurses and I have been treating you for the past few days.

Miyabi: A hospital? Why am I in a hospital?

Dr. Tanaka: …Miyabi… you are in a hospital because you were injured… you were caught in an incident and needed treatment…what… What do you remember?

Miyabi: An…incident? What…? That cant be… Mama and everyone were supposed to be in the park, we were going to eat, and play and…wait… where's mama? Where's Mama?

Dr. Tanaka: *Looking at the nurse* Please call Mister Ryoma quickly. Please calm down Miyabi, everything is going to be ok, you're safe, so please ca-

Miyabi: No! Where's mama? Why Am I here? Where's Papa!? WHATS GOING O-

"Fun, Wonder, Curiosity"

Miyabi: What's…

Dr. Tanaka: Miyabi?

"Confusion, Color"

Miyabi: No…no…

Dr. Tanaka: Oh no… Miyabi, please listen to me, everything is going to be okay, your safe. Your Safe!

"Mom's Voice, Screaming, Colors, Confusion"

Miyabi: No…No. No… NO. NO, NO!

Fear, Panic, Explosions…pain… Darkness, silence…

*Beep!!!* *Beep!!!*
*Beep!!!* *Beep!!!*

Dr. Tanaka: SHIT! Her pulse is increasing too rapidly, we need to put her under, NOW!

Mama? MAMA!!!


And then… Darkness.

???: ?

You don't know how long you were in the darkness, but the next time you wake up you see your father standing next to you.

Miyabi: Pa…pa?

Otoha: Miyabi! Oh thank the gods you're awake! My little one… I'm here.

Miyabi: Papa? Papa!*Hugs him trembling* What…What's going on?

Ryoma: Oh Miyabi… My sweet little child. Its going to be ok… its going to be ok.

"Papa continued to whisper those words to me, over and over again. The Hospital staff eventually came again and explained what happened. A freak Accident, A wild elemental Glyph appearing near her family…The odds, the effects, some of the words were advanced, they tried to simplify it, but I wasn't listening anymore. After being told what happened… I just… shut down. Didn't talk. Barely responded to anything. They kept me around for another week in order to make sure the Glyph haven't done any other damage, but probably to make sure I was ok. Things like PTSD and Depression were tossed here and there, but it was just white noise. After the first 3 days I was allowed to move around the hospital, mostly towards some areas with other recovering children, they hoped it would help, but I didn't interact that much… until the 3rd​ day, when something happened".

"Another day, the white noise continued to mount. You didn't want to do anything, you didn't want to HEAR, anything. It hurt…It hurt so much, and she didn't want to do anything… didn't want to FEEL anything. She just sat in a corner of the room and stared at nothing, waiting till the doctors came for her again.

???: This is sad… I don't like it.

"Something penetrated the haze of my mind… a voice?''

???: The doctors are trying to help… heck some of the other kids want to help, we should play with them, even for a little while, it would make them happy.

"Why should I? I don't want to be happy"

???: Wait… can you hear me? That's… wait what do you mean? Who doesn't want to be happy? That's sounds stupid.

"Stu- Stupid!? Its not! So shut up!"

???: But it is! Being miserable all the time? That's just bad… The doctor said is ok to be sad, but I don think this is healthy…right?

"Healthy…Mama always said we should value being healthy. Some people can't be healthy and that's bad."

???: Yeah… YEAH! She always said that didn't she? Especially when she cooked stuff… Right?

"…right. She always cooked stuff, making sure we were healthy, so we could play a lot. Its… why I wanted to learn how to cook, but now…"

???: ABABA, But Nothing! We can always learn to cook! We can make a lot of people happy, right? Let's do that!

Miyabi: But I don't… know how.

???: …me neither. Darn, but maybe The Doctor knows how or mister Papa! But they wont be here for a couple of hours. Maybe we can play with other kids until then?

Miyabi: But… I don't know what to do. What could we "play"?

???: I can help with that! I got tons of ideas!

Miyabi: You do? Can… can you help me?

???: Of course, lets go play!

If anyone were to take a look towards Miyabi at that moment, they would notice a sudden shift in her posture and demeanor, those that were more magically inclined would have notice some of her hairs changing to a greenish color, or the fact that her eyes had change color as well. But as neither had occurred, the most noticeable change was…

Miyabi(?): Hello, could I play with you guys?

Was the fact that she started to engage with the other children. That was the day (Miharu) Miyabi was fully born.

Present Time

Miharu: Hey~ Earth to Miyabi? Your foods getting cold, eat it! I'm hungry.

Miyabi: Oh sorry Miharu, just…reminiscing. I'll eat now.

Miharu: Oh… Ok! Just… be careful, ok?

Miyabi: Always, Miharu. Always.

Miyabi quickly finishes her meal, some blueberry pancakes, with a side of eggs and a glass of water. Rinses and dry the plates, and goes over the counter to grab her keys, music player, Wallet, and a necklace. The necklace was in the shape of a crossed Fork and Knife, the pommels at the end shining with an iridescent jewel. She always made sure to never leave without it, not after LAST Time (You are never Drinking one of Tsuki's Concoctions ever again, Smug little…). She needed to clear her mind, and hopefully a jog would do the trick.

Miyabi: Ok… Let's go.

Miyabi had a specific route she always used when she wanted to run or clear her mind, it usually went around some of the less crowded areas in Shinjuku and near a park that's usually clear during the day. The walk was peaceful, as she walked, she picked up her music player and headphones and decided to hear some music as she exercised.

???: Its always nice to hear some music when exercising, it helps keep the rhythm going. Hmm, I recommend a jazzy beat, or something with "movement," as much as rock or classical is good, probably not the best for now.

Miyabi: I thought you would be next. Good morning Mikoto. Also sure I got something good.

Mikoto: Heeeey Miyabi, nice to hear you. Also, Blueberry Pancakes? Good, but you could have always had something hardier, Rice and fish ARE part of a happy Japanese diet. Maybe we can have some Katsudon for lunch? We do have that new sauce we all wanted to try…

Miyabi: *Rolls eyes* Why did I know you would recommend that… But that does sound good, but I think we are out of pork cutlets, so we probably need to go to the market to buy some. We can all go after my jog, is Miharu still in there?

Mikoto: Fuck Yeah!!! Also yeah, Miharu is over in her section of the hill, I think she's going to see Miu. So expect her to wake up soon, probably will help with organizing the shopping list.

Miyabi: Noted.

As she continued to hear the music Miyabi remembered when Mikoto came to be…
29 years ago, I year after the incident.

(Miharu) Miyabi: Ouch!!! Stop it! Why are you being so mean?

???: Told you she was freaky. She flip flops between "peppy" and being "Brooding" its like she can't keep her head straight! And she doesn't do anything about it! So ~Miharu~ you want me to stop? Make. Me.

*Sigh* Children can truly be cruel, cant they? Its been a year since the "Incident" Miyabi has been slowly…ever so slowly, getting better. She is no longer silent, and even talks from time to time. Her "Friend" Miharu has done wonders for her psyche, helping her feel more confident, happy, and energetic. But even when she went to a new school, rumors of "The Weird Girl without a Mom" circulated and the kids, and remember they ARE kids. Pounced on what they considered weird with gusto, not completely internalizing that their actions were harmful. Name calling, pushing, and even taking some of her stuff. The usual bullying you see here and there. The difference is that, while Miyabi and Miharu are a lot… lets say "calmer" they DO feel anger, even if its Jaded most of the time. And anger can sometimes lead to… interesting consequences.

Miyabi: "Why do they keep picking on us? Don't they have anything better to do?"

Miharu:" I don't know, but I don't like it! What does being mean do except hurting people?"

Miyabi: "Ugh… What can we do"?

???: Well for starter's you can stop being a pushover, and you know, Fight back?

Miyabi and Miharu: Who?

???: Ababa, quiet down and listen. These idiots are being mean because they can. They think you are an easy target, so they pick on you. What you need to do is to show them whose boss! Like in those TV shows you've seen.

Miyabi: "But Papa said that not all things that appear on the T.V are real…"

???: True… True… But didn't he also say that you shouldn't let other people hurt you? Not only that, but he Did also say that some of the lessons in The TV are useful, like standing up for yourself and defending those that can't defend themselves!

Miyabi: "…Maybe… But how do I do that?"

???: Let ME deal with that. Time to show these guys what it means to be a tough girl!

It perhaps was to be expected after this little mental exchange that something was bound to happen. The fact that It involved breaking an 11-year old's nose, body tackling another and then tumbling around on the floor for 10 minutes, maybe less so. Everyone involved got into trouble, especially the boys. But on the bright side, you were never bullied again! Bad news, people now were slightly scared of you and Papa grounded you for a week, with no Katsudon as well. If you ask (Mikoto) Miyabi, it was worth it. At least she found out that she really liked music during that period.

The sudden change in attitude WAS noticed by the Doctors and her Father, but they mostly let it slide since it seemed to be helping, they just had to make sure to keep an eye on Miyabi and see how it developed. Ryoma Otoha has kept in contact with Dr. Tanaka, and is updating him whenever something new occurs with Miyabi. After the appearance of "Mikoto," Dr. Tanaka diagnosed Miyabi with plurality, most likely a way for her brain to internalize the trauma she had suffered. Some of his associates recommended potential "medicines" that could help with the "problem," but he ignored them wholesale and recommended Ryoma a Psychologist that he knew. Saying it could help with Miyabi's condition, if she had someone to whom she could talk. With. Not only that, but the fact that Miyabi seemed to become more emotional after Mikoto appeared, made him theorize that Miyabi's jaded emotions may come back in the form of other "Alters," which could actually help her mental state in the long run. Ryoma took those recommendations to heart and continued to treat her Daughter (or I guess Daughters) as always, with love, care, and a guiding hand. He had no idea how much that choice would help in the future.
Present Time

Mikoto: Yo! Miyabi I'm going to bounce for a bit, I need to check my section of the "Inner World." Make sure not to hit something like an anime protagonist, because you weren't looking.

Miyabi: *Rolls Eyes* Yes, yes. Don't worry, I'm nearly done anyways. Just need to head back home, take a shower and then we go to the grocery store.

Miu: Oh does that mean it's my turn? Great! I can compile a list of everything we need to buy, I notice we are running low on eggs, we might need to buy some ham and fish, The Pork Cutlets as well obviously, and I'm pretty sure we are almost out of juice. Oh Also. Good Morning Miyabi! Although it may be noon soon…

Miyabi: Oh hey Miu. Good morning to you too. Jeez, I guess we really do need to go shopping. Thanks for the heads up.

Miu: No problem! Always happy to help. A good list is a happy list!

???: Umm… I think we are low on bread as well… Although I think it's better if we make it ourselves. Or buy it from "Shadowy Treats." It might be nice to see Yorumi too.

Miyabi: Oh, good Morning Miku. Yeah, I always prefer the bread we make ourselves… But it has been a while since we saw Yorumi…But its Yorumi… Ugh. You make friends with biggest weir-, smuga-, sexy psyc-, Yorumi. You make friends with a Yorumi, and suddenly they are one of your closest confidants…even if you want to punch them in the face…repeatedly.

Miku: …At least she isn't stealing and eating peoples emotions anymore… or at least innocent people emotions. She does go occasionally after criminals or shades, but she's calmed down a lot in the years. Although it would be better if she didn't keep Shade territories, she found secret until they are about to burst. Getting a "stockpile" is important, but very dangerous.

Miyabi: On that we can ALL agree…Ugh, might as well. Need to make sure she isn't doing something weird with her powers… again.

Miu: She wasn't THAT bad…right?

Miku: Umm… didn't she punch us in the face and proceeded to use her powers to temporarily weaken you and Miyabi? And didn't she later admit that after eating the chocolate she made from it she thought it was very "Tasty"? Which ended up with her attacking us every so often?

Miu: ….Ok she WAS that bad, But she got better! And we teamed up with her a lot in the following years! Besides, It was a nice distraction from schoolwork and the occasional Shade attack.

Miku: ... I sometimes worry that the most organized of us is so optimistic…

As Miu and Miku debated the Pros and Cons of befriending a Dark (?) Magical Girl during your Teenage years, you slowly remember how THAT little introduction went. It was… 27 years ago? You were 13 at the time and were… in the 8/9th​ grade? If you take American school grades into the equation. You had a Massive School Project with a couple of other students, and they were NOT doing their parts. Constant excuses, breaking promises, being late…it was a hassle. Not only that, but the Shades.

You somehow got recruited by what at the time looked like a chibi wolf, with a weirdly masculine voice. They gave you a basic summary of what being a Magical Girl was all about, and he was honestly surprised to see the normal Transformation sequence tm​ change after a while because Miharu felt weird afterwards. The fact that I was basically the equivalent of 3 Magical Girls at the time further complicated things. (I'm pretty sure Miu and Miku formed because of a combination of stress, anxiety, and a need to keep a tight schedule). Thankfully, he put a little bit extra in the transformation trinket after hearing a bit of my story… he was honestly very kind and a great listener, reminded me of my psychologist.

Sadly, he couldn't stay for long since apparently there was a MaGi Mascot shortage at the time, so he had to take care of a MaGi team that was a lot "greener." Apparently, the fact I could transform so easily, had an interesting grip on my emotions and had different options for combat, made them think I could handle myself. He was…half right. I was somewhat decent in fighting shades, and everyone pitched in when things got tough…and then I received a Jawbreaker to the face.
27 years ago, Miyabi age 13

Miyabi: "I don't like this, I don't like this, I DON'T LIKE THIS! Why did it have to be BUGS!? Why did had to be GIANT BUGS!!!

"And the day had started so well too. Wake up, have breakfast, talk with dad, do assignments, and carry on with my day. Then suddenly a weird looking Glyph appeared while I was out on my walk, and out came a small squadron of Insect Shades." - she thought as she dodged.

Miyabi: AND STAY DOWN! Ugh…that's 2 down, 3 to go. Now where did that grasshopper go to? AHA! There you are you little…WHOA!!! What the heck?

If you are wondering why Miyabi was suddenly surprised? It's the fact that the Shade she was following got covered in a dark liquid substance out of nowhere. She observed as the liquid began to coalesce around the creature, its struggles not even registering to the viscous mass (Mikoto: Wait… Is that freaking Chocolate?). After the creature had expanded all its energy, the "chocolate" covered the shade, forming a solid sphere. From the top of it smaller spheres sprung from the main body, changing colors before dispersing skywards. As for the main body? It began shrinking until… *CRACK*, it became a miniscule marble, crushing the minor shade within. (Miku: EEP! That is NOT right!)

After that particular display Miyabi followed the trajectory of the smaller "chocolates" and that's when she saw her. First, she saw a pair of black boots, then A Black dress that seemed to incorporate a patisserie apron in the design, the edges of it looked like it was melting. Then a pair of black gloves, one was holding a long purple stuff-like object, the head looking like a Whisk, In the other hand the small spheres floated gently above it. Finally, the face. She looked young… maybe a year younger than her? She had long brown hair wrapped in a ponytail, and from the angle she was looking at she seemed to have black eyes.

Miyabi: A…magical girl? Oh my… I know Wolf said that there were more MaGi out there, but I never expected to meet one. Hello! Nice to meet you, My name is Magical Girl Nouvelle, what's yours?

The girl slowly turned to look at her… the movements slow and methodical. She slowly moved her eyes, as if she was judging her… before scoffing.

Miyabi: What the…?

Before Miyabi could internalize what she saw, The Magical Girl (?) threw the spheres into her mouth and swallowed. As the "chocolate" went down her throat, she grimaced a bit. And in a flurry of movement, she jumped towards Nouvelle, her staff raised!

Miyabi: WHAT THE HECK! What are you doing!?

???: The chocolate that shade made tasted horrible, and I'm in a bad mood. So I need some stress relief, and you just volunteered. I recommend you clench your face!

Miyabi: Clench my Wh-


And that is how you met Yorumi, or as she called herself; Shadow Chocolat. With a literal Jawbreaker Punch to the face. It took a combination of Your more offensive moves and Miu's fruit-based explosives in order to tie with her, and it was just barely.

After a while Shadow Chocolat got bored and left after using her powers on you and Miu. Apparently, she took a liking to our "Flavor" which led to future confrontations. And what followed were 3-5 years of literal food fights, smug provocation, and weirdly enough? Friendship.
Present Day

"Hmm… Those were the days. Even after getting my Teaching Degree and Yorumi opening her bakery, we still work together on occasion." – Miyabi thought.

Miyabi: Might as well, lets go grab some bread over at the "Shadowy Treat."

Other Mi's: Yeah!

And that was that, Yorumi's place wasn't that far, but she did want to stretch her legs a bit. Besides if you had superpowers and didn't use them to basically do super parkour, are you really enjoying them? All and all it barely took 5 minutes to get near the Bakery, de-transform and enter.

Shadowy Treat's was Yorumi's brainchild that she thought of when we were…in our twenty's, I think. It had been a slow week, no shade attacks and Miku wanted to bake something, Yorumi's got interested and decided to help. She apparently really enjoyed it, since a couple of days later, she began taking baking lessons and a couple of years later, the bakery was born. Well, Bakery and candy shop. Yorumi apparently developed a fine pallet for sweets and decided to share her tastes with the rest of the World.

Cashier: Oh hello Ms. Otoha! Nice timing, the Boss was just talking about you, let me get her. Miss Ametani, your (girl) friend is here! She will be here shortly.

Miyabi: …well that's convenient. (Great that means she wants to do something). Thank you, I'll take a free seat then.

???: Nonsense Miyabi! Come towards the back, we have a lot to talk about.

Upon hearing that voice, you stop your movements, there she is, Yoromi Ametani. For a 39-year-old, she was still as spry and beautiful as ever. A black suit covered her frame, black gloves, and boots with little chocolate bars on them, and a winning smile.

Miyabi: (Huh… she's wearing purple lipstick and eye shadow today). Nice to see you Yorumi, it's been a while.

Yorumi: It truly has. How has the school year been treating you, finally rung the neck of one of those students of yours? *Moves towards the back*

Miyabi: *Rolls Eyes* Not yet. My current class is well behaved. They turn in their assignments in time, better than last year's class. *Follows*

Yorumi: Good to hear. Let's enter my office and…ok activate some sound proofing spells, and we are alone. *Turns towards Miyabi a small grin forming on her face* Now Miyabi…Dear, sweet, helpful Miyabi.

Miyabi(?): No.

Yorumi: *pouts* Oh! Hello Miki. Nice to see you again, but you didn't even let me finish.

Miki: Hello. Too much Buttering up.

Yorumi: *Sigh* Yes perhaps I was laying it a little thick there, But can you blame me, a couple of complements never hurt anyone. Besides, I would never do something to hurt all of you, not intentionally at least.

(Miki) Miyabi: …True. Are you in trouble?

Yorumi: *Giggle* Oh cold and to the point as always. No love, I am never in trouble, I cause it. Anyways… its nothing really, I found a Territory forming. I was planning on dealing with it myself, but since you are here, why don't we deal with it together? Maybe grab something to eat afterwards so we can catch up?

(Miki) Miyabi: That's sounds lovely Yorumi. Where is our target?

Yorumi: *Giggle* good to hear. Follow me.

As you followed your friend towards the last known location you slowly remember the turning point in your rivalry, you were 17 years old to Yorumi's 16. The Patisserie had gotten the idea of converting a Greater shade into a confectionary so she could eat it, while ignoring the fact that it was swelling with a malevolent feeling (Which much, much later you would find out is something called the Void). Shadow Chocolat and Nouvelle has confronted each other on multiple occasions, and you had managed to piece together Yorumi's idea from some of the things she had said in previous fights. Every single part of you had rushed in after her, since you were almost sure it was NOT going to end well. Letting Miki (Who had only appeared a week before then) take the charge, you confronted the Dark Magical Girl just as she was nearing the location of the Greater Shade. During that battle you both pulled all the stops, and you nearly lost. However, you were able to push beyond your limits, not wanting her to die and manage to pull a last-minute reversal, unleashing a potent burst of energy that let you manifest all aspects of yourself for a while, eventually beating Yorumi and The Greater Shade. It took Yorumi 2 years to admit it, but when we struck the final blow, her final thoughts were "what a beautiful sight"… and then she fell unconscious. She started to mellow out after that, even sharing her real name. And the rest is history as they say.

Yorumi: Here we go, That's our Target. Ugly thing, isn't it?

(Miki) Miyabi: Without a doubt… Let's kill it.

Time to prepare a feast! Magical Girl Nouvelle, Reporting For Duty!

Hah! May all Sweets fill the Void! Magical Girl Shadow Chocolat is here to Devour!

Authors Note: There we go… Hopefully this looks good. Here is my combo of a Magical Girl, Dark Magical Girl combo (These two are totally a married couple, even if both wont admit it). Magical Girl Nouvelle and Dark Magical Girl Shadow Chocolat have entered the kitchen! I had this idea for a while ngl. Hopefully, it sticks the landing.

Just as a little bonus here if you want, Novelle's "Stat Block." I don't know how to balance stuff, so feel free to COMPLETELY ignore Bonus 1 if you want. Bonus 2 is more related to Yorumi.


Miyabi Otoha- A 40-year-old College Professor that's Specializes in Nutrition. Has a rare mental condition called Plurality/Multiplicity, or Multiple Personality disorder (Not really a disorder in her opinion), due to Trauma that occurred in her youth. Thanks to this she developed 5 additional Alters, which ended up influencing her Magic once she became a Magical Girl. Miyabi is capable of switching with her alters during combat, changing her entire loadout, move set and weaknesses. These are:

1. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Miyabi)

Weakness: None

Resistances: None

Damage Types: Slashing, Piercing, Crushing/Blunt


[I Need a new Ingredient, STAT!] - Miyabi can Switch with one of her Alters once during Combat without spending Awakening. (Usable by all Alters)

[Preferred Enemy: Ingredients] - If an opponent could be reasonably classified as a Fruit, Vegetable or Animal, Miyabi can deal additional damage towards those targets. (Humans don't Count)

[The Right Tool for the Job] Dealing Damage increases the Awakening meter, permitting access to more abilities. Bonus damage if it hits a weakness.


Cutlery Barrage: Launch a wave of Knife and Fork Based Projectiles, dealing either Slashing or Piercing Damage towards their enemies.

The Pan of DOOM- Manifest a (Non-Stick Coating) extra durable Pan and hit your opponent with it and Dealing Crushing/Blunt Damage. On a Successful DC, the opponent is disoriented lowering their rolls.

Appealing Peeler- Manifest a Peeler and deal Slashing damage towards your opponent. If the target is armored, it will lower their defenses.

The Right Chef for the Job- Use 10/15 awakening to switch to have Miyabi switch to one of her Alters. Once the switch occurs, Miyabi cannot switch to the previous immediately, she will need to pick another Alter Before the one she used Previously can be used again. (In other words, if you go from Miyabi to Mikoto, you need to switch to another Alter like Miu, before Miyabi can be used again. (Usable by all Alters)

[Ultimate Move] Summon all Chefs!!!

Requires the use of 50 Awakening and that Miyabi uses 3 Unique alters during combat.

Summon a Body made out of Magic for Every Single Alter Including Miyabi. These Summons can use all of their Moves and Function as Allies till the end of the battle or their HP Reaches 0.

[Ultimate Move] Steel Kitchen!

Can only be used after Summon All the Chefs!!!

Manifest a Ginormous Pot of Boiling Water and throw your opponents in it, hitting them for a mix of water and Fire damage. If this move is used after Summon all the Chefs has been activated, all the Alters will add a 1D6 Dice of their respective elemental damage to the ending result.

2. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Miharu)

Weakness: Fire

Resistances: Wind

Damage Types: Piercing, Wind


Pea-Gatling! – Summon a Gatling Gun That shoots Wind infused Peas at their opponents. Dealing a Combination of Piercing and Wind Damage.

Heavy Carrot Jousting- Manifest a very Large and Very Sharp Carrot and thrust it towards your opponents. Dealing Piercing damage.

Potato Mines!- Throw a bunch of Potatoes that burrow into the Ground. If an opponent wanders near them, they explode, creating a gust of wind that launches foes skywards, dealing wind damage as they fall.

3. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Mikoto)

Weakness: Wind

Resistances: Electricity

Damage Type: Slashing, Electricity


Fish Bone Guitar: Strum a guitar made out of Fish Bones in order to launch sound-based attacks that leave cutting gashes on their opponents.

Sound Tenderizing: Strum a Heavy Wave of sound To bash your opponents, Weakening the foes muscles and making their Physical attacks weaker.

Jellyfish Sonata: Strum your Guitar and generate a wave of Electricity in order to damage your foes.

4. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Miu)

Weakness: Water

Resistance's: Fire

Damage Type: Fire/Explosions


Cherry Bomb Blast: Launch a pair of Cherries that explode when coming into contact with their foes, dealing Fire damage to those caught in the blast Radius.

Don't Slip!- Throw a Bunch of banana peels into the field, enemies that fail the DC will end up slipping, lowering their combat related rolls.

Frag Grape-nade!- Launch a Bushel of grapes that explodes into smaller fragments dealing Potent Fire Damage in an AOE.


5. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Miku)

Weakness: Wind

Resistance's: Earth, Fire

Damage Type: Crushing/ Earth


Bread Shield UP! – Form a massive loaf of bread in order to defend yourself and your allies from incoming damage.

Bread Counter! – When receiving Physical damage, Roll a 1D20 and deal counter damage equal to that roll.

Rice Ball Shower! – Launch A massive Rice ball that explodes into smaller chinks, dealing Earth Based Damage to all enemies caught in the blast Radius.

Muffing Button! – Bake a Muffin and eat it. Healing 1D20 damage. (Can only be used once per battle).

6. Magical Girl Nouvelle (Miki)

Weakness: Electricity

Resistances: Water, Ice

Damage Types: Crushing/ Ice


[Your Pain is My Gain] -Dealing damage in this form fills up a Milk Drink Counter, which permits the usage of some moves.


Milk Bottle Hammer- Hit your Opponent HARD with a Massive War hammer. The head of the Hammer is shaped like a Milk Bottle and every time damage is dealt the head is filled with a magical substance, dubbed Milk Drink.

Ice Scream Ball- Form a giant ball of Ice cream and launch it towards your foes in high speed. Dealing Ice damage to the Target.

Churn The Butter- Trap your opponent's inside of an ice structure which rapidly spins around. Dealing Crushing and Ice Damage as they are spun.

Milk Drink: Use the accumulated "Milk" in order to heal you and your allies by that amount. Can only be used once per battle and only if Nouvelle (Miki) is in control.

Bonus 2:

Yorumi Ametani (Dark MaGi Shadow Chocolat) – Currently 39 years old and owner of the Shadowy Treat's Bakery and Sweet shop. Yorumi Became a Dark Magical Girl after making a wish when she was young. That wish? "I wish to never go Hungry Again." Yorumi's Home life wasn't exactly the greatest. Born to a divorced Couple and Stuck living with an extremely Busy Mother, it was not rare for Yorumi to go hungry. She would have probably starved to death if it weren't for the help of a kindly Elderly couple that lived a couple of doors from her apartment. They taught Yorumi how to cook, clean, deal with money and more. Yorumi's preferred treat was the chocolates they made in occasion. Everything was going well until an incident occurred. A Criminal broke into the elderly seniors home and ended up hurting them badly. The elderly couple survived, but had to move since they could not pay for the damages caused by the criminal, leaving Yorumi alone once more. This event combined with the fact that she would need to find a way to provide for herself led to a… "creature" offering a wish and a contract, which she took. As a Dark Magical Girl, Yorumi's first action was to track the criminal that hurt the elderly couple and killed him. Using her Magic to create candy made out of his fears, despair, and other negative emotions, before eating them.

Yorumi's Magic involves the Creation of candy, chocolate, and other desserts in order to hurt her opponents. Melted Chocolate that could be manipulated in different ways, Jawbreaker Knuckle's in order to beat her enemies to submission and much, much more. Her deadliest power was her ability to convert her targets emotions, and even personality traits into candies or chocolates in order to empower herself. Targets would temporarily lose those traits/emotions and eventually recover them after a while. Yorumi took advantage of this to hit pretty much everyone she wanted, be it civilian, shade or Hero. After a while She was beaten by Miyabi and turned for the better. She reduced her scope of targets towards Shades or Unredeemable Criminals (Just Without the Killing) and she eventually created a Bakery where she now sells all kinds of confection's (Including bread) and even donates some of her stock towards local Orphanages and even give free Baking lessons on occasion.
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Omake: New, Japanese Things (canon)
Don't mind me...

Omake: New, Japanese Things (Extra)

The first thing Trista does after the two of you sleep for TEN THOUSAND YEARS is slap you into your nicest suit (and lose twenty minutes just kinda staring at you) and then drag you to a ramen joint. Now, you're a Michigander, your idea of a hole-in-the-wall is a tiny place "downtown" without a proper entrance which might not have its hours posted right. This is an actual hole in a wall, like, some building rented part of its front space so an old dude could set up a kitchen and a counter space and sell ramen. There are stools. You protest in vain that you've had ramen, real ramen, before, that there's this place down in Adrian that does it up nice (its sister city has been Moriyama, out in Shiga, for longer than even your uncle's been alive), but your complaints fall on deaf ears. Is ramen even breakfast food? Trista does not care. Her ass is not paying attention. Plenty of other people are, though, to the two foreigners dressed up like they're about to hit a high society ball while Trista gabbles on at you in Japanese about what you've been missing out on.

Thank fucking Christ for the translation spell.

You have to admit, it hits different. Maybe it's a New York Bagel kinda situation, something in the water or the ingredients is unique in a way you could only get in Japan; it's both richer and spicier than you were expecting, with a pleasant tingle that warms the part of you that's always, at least a little bit, dead. And the old guy behind the counter, who usually serves locals, is pleased as punch to have a couple foreigners gushing at him, jovially upselling ingredients and complimenting Tristra's gold-and-black dress and asking where the two of you are going this early in the morning, dressed like such princesses.

"We're still deciding," Trista teases coyly.

"She's going to the manga store," you answer flatly, earning yourself a slap on the shoulder. "If she doesn't buy at least one a week the vessel that holds her soul will shatter."


"Whose fault is it that you're a lich? Whose? Whose exactly? How's that nine-decade-late fan sequel to Sacrifice coming along you goddamn undead wizard?" The older gentleman gives you a reproachful look, and you smile guiltily. "Sorry, grandfather, American manners. We forget ourselves in the presence of real food."

"Don't let her fool you, this is the Irish part," Trista corrects, seizing the initiative and the last word, which you let her have because holy god this broth -

The two of you end up thoroughly suckered into buying seconds.

"Seriously though," Trista says, turning to you. "C'mon, there's gotta be something you're curious about."

"There's tons I'm curious about, but we do need to bow to the needs of our work schedule," you point. "I can't exactly go hiking through Hokkaido right now, can I?" She opens her mouth and then shuts it with that angry pout she gets when you're right and she knows you're right. "Not to be, you know, American or anything, but I do wanna hit up a bar sometime, try out the Japanese Highball, some real sake, maybe...that thing you mentioned. Do you know any...?"

"...Any Japanese drinks?"

"Dyke bars, Trista, dyke bars - I just said that in front of our host didn't I?"

"You did!" He announces, clapping his hands together. And then he writes something down on a slip of receipt paper and slides it across the 'bar'. "Luckily for a pair of visiting princesses, I am a man with daughters who made me understand that to teach must also be to learn. These are the establishments they've mentioned."

You favor him with a shy little smile. "You're cool, grandfather," you tell him, as you take the slip of paper and pocket it. "You got any other suggestions before I make a dumb tourist of myself?"

He shrugs. "Why be other than as you are? It seems foolish to come to a country for the first time and avoid things simply because its people now take them for granted. Besides, another of my daughters is on the tourism board."

"Why are you making ramen?"

He laughs. "I like making ramen!"

There are a few more ideas bandied about, and then, as the two of you get up to leave, Trista does that thing she does where she zips through a stack of cash - yen, in this case - to count it fucking instantly, and then leaves it on the counter while your host has his back turned. She hurries you away, and you follow, bemused.

"Was that expensive?" you ask, only to be interrupted by Some Manner of emotional yelling from the direction of the ramen stand.

"I may," Trista says primly, "have left enough to buy out his business with. Three times."


"Bitch, how rich fucking are you?"

Trista waggles her fingers at you. "Trap-filled dungeons to guard my reliquary don't build themselves, Sailor Bathwater."
Omake: Tales of Truth and Deception Part 1 (semi-canon)

Tales of Truth and Deception Part 1
By SolarGemX
???: Oh? Well Hello There! I didn't Expect an audience this early! I do apologize, but the show isn't ready yet, still need to set up the lights, the props and all those Silly Billy things that need to be arranged. *Sigh* good prop hands are soooo hard to find these days let me tell ya, they are either late, lazy, or just to stubborn for their own good. Not only that they are sooooo stiff and can't even follow instructions right even if I guide them. But what can you do? Experienced professional's don't grow on trees, so a little "growing" pain here and there is to be… expected.

Now, now, don't worry I wont make you wait for the SHOW, all bored and all that. Come here and sit. Good? GREAT! Now you see my good audience, If you don't mind me tooting my own horn a bit, I'm known as quite the Entertainer. Dances, Pirouettes, Juggling, Card Tricks, Puppet Shows; oh I know them all. But If I could indulge a bit? I always did have a fondness for… stories. Tales of grand adventure, mysteries of deception, Tragedies of the greatly Misunderstood… those kinds of things. There are many tales out there, and I do not want to bore you with something you've heard before and I DO need to "kill" some time before my guests of honor arrive…OH! Yes, that would do nicely. This is what we will do, while we wait for the stage to be set and the guests of honor to arrive, why don't I spin you a tale? Or 4 to be exact, tales of magic, might and valuable lessons. It will be GREAT!

Hmm… Which one should I start with…eenie meenie miney YOU!

The Tale of The Bountiful Sage
There once was a Sage, with hair fair as snow, she was kind and just, I'll let you know. The sage was powerful, willful, and fair, her only dream? To give those she met "love" and "care." She went along in her merry way, granting wishes and giving gifts. A nice tale you say? Just you wait, it wont remain that way. The sage became known far and wide, for her boundless generosity never seemed to run dry. Until one day, when it all changed, The Sage decided to climb a mountain in order to pray. What she sought in those tops you ask? Nobody knows, a mystery iron clad. The suns light began to settle, as evenings glow began to meddle. The Sage was calmed and serene, until she heard someone speak.

Mother Spider: Oh Great Sage, I found you at last, Tales of your generosity wider spread they are, so this humble Mother Spider has a request to ask.

The Sage turned and looked at the Spider a serene smile without an ounce of trouble. With a twist of her hand a mirror appeared, and she asked the Spider "What is it dear?"

Mother Spider: Oh great Sage of Ivory Tones, Winter Is coming, and I am lacking food. My little spiderlings are so hungry, would you mind feeding my entire family with food?

The Sage took a step forward and with practice ease gave the Mother a meal fit for a Queen. "Here you go my dear Guest, hopefully this will help feed your guests."

The Spider took the meal with glee, feeding herself and her nest of 3. But it wasn't enough, the Mother now saddened, for 3 more spiders had joined the luncheon.

Mother Spider: Thank you my dear, my first 3 are feed, but could you spare a little more so all could be fed?

The Sage spun once more her magic a flourish, and a meal worthy of a King was given. But oh dear it seems it wasn't enough, for 6 new spiders came for brunch. Perhaps if the Sage wasn't so willing, she would have noticed the danger approaching.

She fed 12, 24, 48, 96 and more without missing a beat, but as the numbers grew and grew, she started to get weak. Hours and Hours seemed to pass, but the numbers continued to grow, with no end in sight. The Spiders Hunger knew no bounds and before long, even the Sages Endless Bounty grew to be no more.

The Sage weak and tired, was saddened because of the situation turned dire. "I do not have more to give" she said with sadness, "My Bounty runs dry, and I need to get more, would you mind waiting here so I can bring expand my stores?"

The Mother Spider's eyes began to narrow and in a dark tone she began to mutter. "Oh you have no more to give? So much for the Sages Boundless Gifts, and I still have so many more to feed, that is quite the tragedy, but don't worry I know a remedy."

"You say you have no more to give." The Spider Grinned with malicious intent, "But there's is something still left…YOUR LIFE!" And a mighty lunge, a snap, a pop, The Spiders devoured The Sage and everything she's got.

Perhaps If the Sage was less Generous, she would still be alive to this day, oh well, her idiocy was the spiders gain.


???: Oh poor Ivory Sage, her death was so, so Lame. She really should have known better than to trust anyone she met. Oh well, lets continue with our tales, now come the story of…

A Sleepy Angel
I got to ask, what do you know about Angels? The biblically accurate, the cartoonish? Or maybe you prefer the more alluring? Well this tale is about a mighty angel, Protector of the Weak. You see this angel was very adventurous, going around protecting all with love and affection. She would protect the weak and downtrodden, making sure their dreams could reach their zenith. But her duty was an un-appreciated task, going many nights without sleep, the poor lass. But what could she do? Her task WAS important, protecting the dreams and future of many unspoken. But one day while doing her task's The angel met a sheep, a question he wanted to ask?

Sheep: Why do you work so hard oh Angel? When many don't appreciate your work, your talent, your measure.

The Angel still working, turned to sheep with and answer well spoken. "Because I have to" she said. "I need to fight so others can rest, my job may be hard, but if the littles ones can dream. Then it's a job well done."

The Sheep looked at the angel with confusion in its eyes, how could somebody work with any reprieve? It shakes its head, dismissing the Angels words and with "concern" he asked once more.

The Sheep: That may be true, but aren't you deserving of rest too? You have many allies last I heard; can't they help you with what you endure? Work and Work and no rest, It must be quite grating.

The Angel pauses for a moment, listening to the sheep. And with a calm voice she responds "Perhaps, but they have their own work to do. I can't bother them with my duty." Besides… not many know how to this job as I, So it's a moot point my dear Aries, now move along, I need to keep at it.

The sheep does not move noticing the Angels pause, it seems she was getting tired as the conversation carried on. "Just a little more" the sheep thought, "Just a little more and she will fall."

The Sheep: But I do say that isn't fair, you deserve rest just like any other. I have an idea if you don't mind, me and my flock and hard workers, making many people sleep, maybe we can help you, so you can dream?

The Angel's move began to become sluggish, the sheep's voice quietly humming. "I… cant, I need to work," she said with a pause, but Its obvious to everyone that she is beginning to fall. The Rose Angel tried her best, but after so many Weeks? Months? Years? Without rest, the chance to dream was quite tempting I bet. She struggled oh she did, those of her caliber are not easily dismissed. But after a long while she had met her match, as the sheep guided her to dreamland.

"Maybe… just for a few minutes? It's not like anyone will know I am missing." The oh so tired angel said with a frown… and to sleep she went, without making a sound. Alas this was a trap set by an enemy so vile, who they were? Who knows, but the sheep did help to conspire. As The Rose Angel went to sleep… she would never wake up from her eternal dream.


???: *Yawn* Man this story makes me sleepy every time I read it, Knowing how an Angel is tricked gets boring after the first few dozen readings. But maybe you would like something more action packed? Well do I have a tale and instead of one we have two "Heroes" to bear. Let's us talk about…

The Emperor and The Knight

A long time ago, In a kingdom so far way, there once an Emperor and a Knight. These two individuals covered in steel, where warriors unparalleled, with strategy and might. The Infernal Emperor was a mighty warrior, crushing his foes with frightening ease, a single slice of his flaming axe, cutting enemies to pieces. Many of his foes called him a demon, he laughed at their fear, simply saying "If you plan on destroying the Kingdom, The Community I built? Why wouldn't I bring my whole might to bare? Call me a demon all you want, I'll crush you all, Now BRING IT ON!" Quite The brute, isn't he? But he did not lie, a fierce protector is he. Perhaps only matched by his silent companion, an Onyx Knight of great esteem. The silent warrior was injured when young you see, robbed of his voice and many of his dreams. But even with this disability it did not hamper him, not one bit. He was beloved by all…especially by the ladies. Say what you will, but dark and brooding can be quite alluring, but we are getting sidetracked, now where was I… Oh Right! This mighty warrior was without equal with a sword, a 1 handed sword of incredible beauty, but watch out, its quite deadly. With nary a movement the knight could cut dozens of foes into twain, but sadly he and his friend would eventually meet their end. As they grew older, more powerful, better known. Many foes clashed with them and loss to the duo.

Until one day a grave tragedy struck, A mighty Behemoth, a Demon in the Flesh, came to their home and began kill without remorse, its power overwhelming, even to these heroes. You see the town, the kingdom, the community had grown slothful and lazy, always thinking that their heroes would be there to beat their foes, who were plenty. But these heroes cant be everywhere at all times, and during one night the Demons struck with a surprise! Carnage followed and many were injured, but then came the heroes, oh those misters. They slew a handful of grunts and few higher ranked demons, but sadly as the night grew longer, they knew they were not winning. The Community's sin was empowering the demons, and as more innocents died, the Demon Tide swelled, chipping away the mighty heroes Advanced Armor. As the fight grew harder and harder, the heroes had a choice, continue fighting and die, making sure the civilians escaped, or run themselves so they could fight another day.

The fools… the oh so foolish FOOLS, stayed. With a shaky grimace the Emperor said "Well this F***ng sucks, but I lived a good life. And that's what is important, well are you ready my friend? Time to be Heroic."

The Knight turned to his brother in arms and with a Nod, they both descended into the abyss ever so dark…


???: Alas that is the last I've ever seen of the two… those idiotic fools…why didn't they run. Why did the Angel trust, and why couldn't the sage be greedier… Had they not been so STUPID!!! They would still be He-


At the sound of bone breaking the announce turned around, a lifeless body now rest on His floor. Many other "puppets" looking at the body in the floor with horror.

???: Well darn…I let my emotions get the better of me, sorry dear audience, I should have been more professional. That was careless of me… although it seems my dear guests are getting closer as I speak, hmm perhaps I have enough time for one more tale. Always save the best for last, as they say. This final tale is about a humble, handsome, charismatic, adventurous, and trustworthy Hero…ME!

The Tale of the Harlequinn
You see dear my dear audience, a long time ago there was a group of powerful heroes, An Emperor, A Sage, An Angel, A Knight, and a Scholar. These 5 individuals were the run of the mill heroes you would see in any tale. Protectors of "Hope," "Love" and "Justice." They fought together, ate together, dreamt together, played, studied, etc....

They would have each other's back always, fighting dangerous foes all over the world, from dangerous shades to evil overlords and all that Jazz. But sadly all these heroes were Idiots of the highest caliber, they were too helpful, too trusting, too…good. And it came to bite them in the end, The Scholar was supposed to guide them, he was the most knowledgeable you see, and 9.9 times out of 10, they would follow his plans to the letter, succeeding every time. But there was always that 0.1 chance were it could all go wrong… and it did. The idiotic scholar and his friends were to merciful, sparing some foes that should have died a long time ago. During their long time as heroes they made a lot of enemies, and eventually… those enemies made friends and allies of their own, and slowly began picking the heroes one by one. First was Ivory Sage, she was blunt and to the point, but always willing to help. Until she helped someone she shouldn't, was it a shade? A Yokai? Who knows, but the end was all the same, a dead Magical Girl, a lost friend.

Five become four.​

Next was Rose Angel, a fair friend, her powers over dreams was always a blessing in fights, especially when she weaken the powers of stronger foes. Sadly she didn't know the definition of rest, she didn't have the greatest "Civilian" life or work life, and that bit into her Magical girl life far more than she would admit, and her enemies pounced at that weakness, draining her lifeforce until she never woke up again.

Four become three.​

Then there were the Riders Infernal Emperor and the Onyx Night, the most powerful of the group. Nobody would have ever thought they would fall in battle, but you know what the say, if you cant surpass an obstacle, go around it. Their enemies didn't care if "Civilians" were hurt, they just wanted the Riders dead. So their little community had to go, it was so easy as well. If there is any solace in that fiasco, is that those 2 manage to take ALL their enemies with them…

Three becomes two, Two Becomes one​

And what of the little Scholar you may ask? Well he was injured before much had occurred, his body unresponsive, too broken too move correctly, so all he could do was watch. Watch as all his allies died one by one… it was too much, the weak, pathetic scholar could not take it and began to waste away… until one day it all changed. His heart, void of all emotions, began to beat one day. Rage and Hatred feeding the body once more.

Why were they so foolish?

Why was he so weak?

Why did they have to die?

"No more" he said. If the world would decide to take those he held dear, then maybe he should take from the world in turn… and that is when it happened. "It" appeared; a disgusting figure, pretending to be an animal, an emissary of something far worse. It gave him a deal, a wish and after much deliberation the Scholar took the deal.

What was his wish? you may ask. Quite simple really.

"Theres is much I could wish for, but there's is only one thing I need…power." "Give me the power to destroy it all, to reshape this tale as I see fit. And we have a deal." And with a grin filled with hundreds of knife-like teeth, the wish… was granted.

Performa Scholar was no more… and The Weaving Harlequin was born.

Name:&^%$#@# (That names doesn't matter anymore)

Dark Magical Boy Name: Weaving Harlequin

Age: 24

Past: Magical Boy Hero

Present: Dark Magical Boy/ Monster

Health: &^%$# (Ahh not sharing that)

Stats: &^%$# (You wish, but I was always Magical you see)

Weakness: Light, Cutting (need to make it fair right?)
Resistances: Dark, Piercing

The Show MUST go on!- Weaving Harlequin is a Showman at heart and will always make sure his enemies know it. When fighting multiple foes at once if he's has more than &^%$# HP left and an Attack would bring him to zero, he can endure with 1 HP, and then restore 10 HP. This passive only works once per battle.

Knowledge IS Power- Weaving Harlequin used to be a Magical boy that preferred studying his opponents and exploiting their weakness. This mind set has not gone away with his descend into darkness. By rolling a D6 he can tell one of the attributes of the opponents he faces, These attributes include: Stats, Weaknesses, Resistances, Passives, Attacks or Skills.

Woops your Harlequin is in another Castle!- Weaving Harlequin is a skillful puppeteer among his many talents. When he would take fatal damage, he can switch with one of his puppets in order to avoid damage, these puppets can be magical in nature or "Volunteers" in his audience.

Hero? No more- He was a hero once, he and his allies. Even if they are gone, a sliver of their power remains with him to this day. Has access to special items that give access to special moves.

Ivory Mirror- Grants Access to the Ivory Reflection Skill

Wilted Rose Crown- Grants access to the Dreams of Weakness skill.

Chipped Handle- Grants Access to the Infernal Axe Skill

Broken Hilt- Grants access to the Shade Strike Skill.

Damage Types:
Variable (Bond moves)

Is this your card?- Throw a bunch of razor-sharp playing cards at your opponents, dealing cutting damage to all foes hit.

Company March… Stab!- Piloting a group of puppets made out of magic, these constructs pierce their opponents with sharp spears made of paper, but sharp enough to puncture even Rider Armor.

Company March… Fire- Piloting a Group of puppets made out of magic, These constructs pierce their opponents with a collection of toy guns…with actual bullets. Deals Piercing Damage.

Have you heard of String Theory?- Harlequin generates a group om dark magical strings in order to slash at his opponents dealing cutting damage, on a successful DC, Harlequin can pierce his opponents with his strings and move them around like puppets. Cut the strings with a Cutting attack or burn them with light or fire damage to destroy them.

Dance poppets dance!- While Weaving Harlequin has an opponent as a puppet, he can drain the captive of their HP in order to heal himself. Does D6 Dark Damage and Health Steal. Don't get caught.

Bond Moves:
Ivory Reflection: Flash an enemy with your mirror, creating a puppet copy of the opponent. This creature has some of the originals stats but has Drastically lower HP than the original, so much that a good hit could break it. This move can only be use once.

Dreams of Weakness: Create a small stream of wilted flower petals that lower an opponent's Physical by D4 during battle. Can only be used once.

Infernal Axe Skill: Create a small hand axe made of pure Magma, dealing Cutting and fire damage to opponents. Can only be used once.

Shade Strike- Create a magical blade of Darkness that floats around the user. If an opponents were to use a barrier type skill, the sword would fly towards the barrier and attack it until its destroyed, dealing Dark and Cutting Damage all the While. This ability can be used Twice per battle, but the second usage damages the user for D8 damage.

Shows End- Set the Stage, take a bow and turn off the lights of hope. All opponents captured within the collapsing stage take massive Dark Damage.

I was bored. Say hello to my first Dark Magical Boy(?), Weaving Harlequin! This little hero turned monster was based on entertainment, tales and well Harlequin's. I wanted to make a much more dangerous character in comparison to people like KR Chimaera, or The Magical Girls. This not so little monster is probably more in line with a later level boss. Harlequins modus operandi is usually grabbing a lot of civilians and stumming them like puppets using his magic, he is NOT a good person, not anymore. He will do anything in his power to infuriate you in order to make the following disemboweling much easier. So try to keep your cool and beat his tricks.

The main idea was there for a while but after a couple of sentences (and making the Spider story) I think I might have made a reference to a character of a gacha game I played. So I went a bit with it, his dead teammates are also references to some characters in that gacha game. And help establish a bit of why Harlequin is the way he is. As for where he would be allegiance wise?

He is mostly independent, taking measure of his area and causing chaos after planning, he does NOT rush when planning. He may be an irritating individual, but there's a strategists mind in there. While he does work alone, he has met some Low-Level Umbra mooks (Who he then killed) but after hearing some of the things they said, we wont lie and say he isn't interested in learning more.

He does have a Magical Boy Counterpart, but this has gone long enough, and I Honestly need to do some stuff before The new Semester starts soon, so no telling when I will make that one.
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