One advantage of the weather sat promise is that we can't actually launch to geosynchronous orbit yet, so any weather sat will be launched over the whole world.

edit: Or is the promise referring to this thing?
[ ] Weather Studies (Phase 4) [PHYS] - With the weather observation program started, keeping it going is now almost a given. The returns have been very valuable for the meteorological community at large, and the PAO has received numerous calls from various localities across the globe asking for the IEC to put up instruments where they are, each hoping to reap the rewards of more accurate weather prediction. (10R per die, requires a 2-Stage Sounding Rocket, requires Mobile Launch Operations, 146/240) (+5 PS on complete)
Because we can easily afford a handfull of sounding rockets.
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The moon telescope is an incredible cool idea though. No air up there to interfere with precise measurements! But idk if it's any better than an orbiter; Hubble-like?
I can't see why it would be better than an orbital, and I have a few ideas on how it could be worse.
One advantage of the weather sat promise is that we can't actually launch to geosynchronous orbit yet, so any weather sat will be launched over the whole world.
I don't think it works like that. We'd probably have to launch multiple satellites whose orbits are such that each location gets roughly the same amount of coverage as if there were geosynchronous satellites in orbit.
This is a fairly light weight plan meant to give us a long term goal, opens up the possibilities of nuclear power, provides greater flexibility with engineering and science options, and gets us a budget slightly higher than last years.

[ ]Plan: Tracking, Flexibility, and Atomic Power
-[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)
-[ ] Complete all stages of Tracking Facilities by 1957Q1 (+10PS, CPAL moves 6d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Conduct Transistor Computing Investigation in Mombasa by 1957Q1. (+5PS, CPAL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[ ] Commit to building a telescope on the Moon by 1975. (+15PS, FWW will move 20d10 steps towards Favor on completion.)
-[ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. With the initial investigations into the possibilities of nuclear power complete, they have provided you with a dossier you can use to argue the case for the benevolent usage of the atom. Your Outreach department has also started doing groundwork to combat the stigma around nuclear power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[ ] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
--[] 20 PS
-[ ] [GRAD] Engineering
-[ ] [GRAD] Engineering
-[ ] [GRAD] Science
I know we technically we can make the numbers work, but that -70 PS looks like a clear signal from the Council that we should downscale this year. Numbers don't always have to go up. We can still make good progress even if we go down in funding a bit for now.
[ ] Plan: Nuking, Rebuilding, and Freedom
-[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)
-[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in industrialized regions (+5 PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[ ] Conduct Design Studies (Alternative Launch Systems) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)
-[ ] [GRAD] Politics

Pretty simple plan. We do our part to help rebuilding what the FAS destroyed, and get going on Nuclear stuff. We also do a project that is almost done for an additional +5 PS. In exchange, we hit 90 PS, and are free to do almost whatever we like during the next year. Not bad if I do say so myself. We also grab a politics die so our Director's area of expertise doesn't fall behind.
You're missing the [ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power option.
I know we technically we can make the numbers work, but that -70 PS looks like a clear signal from the Council that we should downscale this year. Numbers don't always have to go up. We can still make good progress even if we go down in funding a bit for now.

It's only 10 PS more than it took to keep it in the first place, and that increase can be easily explained by the fact that the total world budget went up rather considerably.

Current WCC Budget: 32,000RpT//128,000RpY
Current IEC Budget (without extras): 320RpT//1280RpY (1%)
Current PS: 68

Funding Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope

Current WCC Budget: 40,000RpT//160,000RpY
Current IEC Budget (without extras): 600RpT//2400RpY (1.5%)
Current PS: 70

Incidentally, that also means that reducing the budget to 1% is a mere 80 rpt cut compared to the previous turn, instead of a 160 rpt cut if the global budget had stayed constant.
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[ ] Plan: Nuking, Rebuilding, and Freedom
looks over all like a good plan. also we need way more ppl to start working for us in not onsite things
lots of ppl doing projects and maybe a little less direct spaceflight right now and more pre-flight
Another 1% plan, adapted from @DracoDracul . Pretty rough so far but I'm open to tweaks. This plans are complicated man!

I feel iffy about the moon telescope so I've made versions with and without it. Aside from that, I took the promises to recruits astronauts from Africa and the Pacific- the latter lets us double dip with the CPAL and FWW. I also took only 1 set of GRAD for now since we'll be a bit resource limited anyway and I don't want to slow world reconstruction too much.

[ ]Plan: Cooling down and making astronauts
-[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)
-[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and South America. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Complete all stages of Tracking Facilities by 1957Q1 (+10PS, CPAL moves 6d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Conduct Transistor Computing Investigation in Mombasa by 1957Q1. (+5PS, CPAL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[ ] Commit to building a telescope on the Moon by 1975. (+15PS, FWW will move 20d10 steps towards Favor on completion.)
-[ ] Hire a spacefarer from the Pacific Islands. (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Hire a spacefarer from Africa and the Pacific each. (+10PS, CPAL moves 4d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. With the initial investigations into the possibilities of nuclear power complete, they have provided you with a dossier you can use to argue the case for the benevolent usage of the atom. Your Outreach department has also started doing groundwork to combat the stigma around nuclear power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[ ] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
--[] 20 PS
-[ ] [GRAD] Politics

[ ]Plan: Cooling down and making astronauts (no moon telescope)
-[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)
-[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and South America. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Complete all stages of Tracking Facilities by 1957Q1 (+10PS, CPAL moves 6d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Conduct Transistor Computing Investigation in Mombasa by 1957Q1. (+5PS, CPAL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[ ] Hire a spacefarer from the Pacific Islands. (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Hire a spacefarer from Africa and the Pacific each. (+10PS, CPAL moves 4d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. With the initial investigations into the possibilities of nuclear power complete, they have provided you with a dossier you can use to argue the case for the benevolent usage of the atom. Your Outreach department has also started doing groundwork to combat the stigma around nuclear power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[ ] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
--[] 20 PS
-[ ] [GRAD] Politics
I know we technically we can make the numbers work, but that -70 PS looks like a clear signal from the Council that we should downscale this year. Numbers don't always have to go up. We can still make good progress even if we go down in funding a bit for now.

You're missing the [ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power option.
Damn, side effects of writing a plan whilst tired I suppose. Regardless, it's fixed now.
Okay, trying to make the skeleton of 1% work with no other funding requests (as a start):
  • MR5 - +25 PS, 650 progress before the additional progress requirements. We have a 17+6 bonus to MATSCI at present (it can get better), so if we allocate all three dice and assume the progress requirement is 750, we have a 90% chance of succeeding at this. Cost is 60R/turn
  • Venus Probe - +5 PS, and no additional requirements for our funding this year. The +2 to MATSCI synergizes well with taking the MR5 promise.
    • I think this is doable because right now, our rocket is really not that great, and a big part of that is our tanks aren't taking advantage of any matsci bonuses. If we switch to making the tanks out of the fancy stuff we've discovered, we should be able to put around a ton into orbit; that's enough for a Venus flyby and we'd want to increase capabilities anyways for bigger and better satellites.
  • New Delhi AND Beijing - +10 PS for things we want to do anyways. This sucks up 180R/turn, though, being by far the largest resource sink.
  • Nuclear Power - if we pick all the promises here, it breaks even on PS, and it helps out the world. There's no RNG with NPPDS, so we just have to write off the 25R/turn for two years and we're good.
  • Transfer APCP - +5 PS for nothing.
  • Alternative Launch Systems - we're not short on eng dice, and this could be finished off with 2-3 rolls at 5R/roll. This is the best return after transferring APCP.
This is a net +60 PS, at a cost of roughly 270 R/turn. Our satellite development is 35R/turn locked in and our current upkeep is 35R/turn as well; at 1% funding, we'd work out to have 60 resources per turn to spare for either 1) taking more promises or 2) fooling around on other stuff.

Most importantly, this plan doesn't sacrifce our long-term targets. We're building facilities, and have a solid five-year plan for putting large stuff into orbit that should be achievable thanks to MR5 this year and EPS3 next. We've got a bit of slush to handle other programs as well. I think that if we did this, plus asked for some extra money so that we could maintain a launch tempo of a R-4 every quarter, we'd be golden.
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This is a net +60 PS, at a cost of roughly 270 R/turn. Our satellite development is 35R/turn locked in and our current upkeep is 35R/turn as well; at 1% funding, we'd work out to have 60 resources per turn to spare for either 1) taking more promises or 2) fooling around on other stuff.
Um, can we even get more than 100 PS? That's usually the maximum in these quests.
I think we're over a year ahead of o t l right now, having lit a sputnik-alike in orbit in 1954.
[] Plan: Second Five-Year Plan
-[ ] [FUND] 1.5% (-70PS)
-[ ] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)
-[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and Europe. (+10PS) (Int(M-L) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Launch a Venus probe before 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre's bonus)
-[ ] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering North America. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Launch a probe to Mars by 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Long Beach Propulsion Research Complex's bonus)
-[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and South America. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Launch a Lunar Impactor before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to New Delhi Physics Institute bonus)
-[ ] Build the New Delhi AND Beijing Scientific Complexes by 1956Q1. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 4d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[ ] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Conduct Prototype Spaceplane research (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)
-[ ] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Build and test-fly a spaceplane before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to Sao Paolo Aerodynamics Centre's bonus)
-[ ] Transfer APCP formula to the UWF for use in military rockets. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Oppose)
-[ ] Build the New Delhi Institute for Physics by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)
-[ ] Research Support (-5PS, +3 to all Science and Engineering dice until 1955Q1)
-[ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[ ] [GRAD] Facilities
-[ ] [GRAD] Engineering
-[ ] [GRAD] Science
-[ ] [GRAD] Science

This is a revised version of my initial "Net Zero" proposal.

A lot of promises, but we stand to gain quite a lot in terms of Favor and dice bonuses for accomplishing our stated objectives, plus a net +5 to PS. The amount of promises is itself somewhat deceptive; at least two of them are straight repeats, while another is researching a technology that we'd need to do the other promise anyway, and the satellite requests have overlapping areas of coverage.

I understand that it's ambitious and locks in what we intend to do for the next five years, but I think that's important and healthy. A focus on orbital rocketry helped focus the IEC's efforts and build it up; by shifting our efforts to lunar and planetary probes, we can keep that edge and stay on target rather than flail back and forth.

Besides, look at all that Favor. Our PS might be reasonably high, but the amount of actual support we have in the World Congress is not that impressive. We want to build a strong, enduring base of support in the legislature to counter the inevitable anti-space Earth-first nonsense that will inevitably arise.
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[X] Plan Ironically, Not Moonshot
-[X] [FUND] 1.5% - (-70PS)
-[X] Launch a Venus probe before 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre's bonus)
-[X] Launch a probe to Mars by 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Long Beach Propulsion Research Complex's bonus)
-[X] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and Europe. (+10PS) (Int(M-L) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build the Sydney Microelectronics Research Centre by 1956Q1. (+10PS, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build a Launch Facility in the Pacific Islands by 1957Q1. (+10PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Complete all stages of Tracking Facilities by 1957Q1 (+10PS, CPAL moves 6d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build the Big Ear by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Conduct Design Studies (Alternative Launch Systems) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)
-[X] Conduct Jet Research (Phase 3) (+5 PS) (Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 towards Oppose)
-[X] Conduct Supersonic Jet Research (Phase 3) (+5 PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Conduct Prototype Spaceplane research (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[X] Hire a spacefarer from Eastern Europe. (+5PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Transfer APCP formula to the UWF for use in military rockets. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Help sponsor the construction of 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in colonized regions (+5 PS, CPAL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[X] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[X] Redirect Funding to Africa
--[X] Industry (-5 PS)
--[X] Infrastructure (-5 PS)
-[X] [GRAD] Science
-[X] [GRAD] Science
-[X] [GRAD] Engineering
-[X] [GRAD] Engineering
-[X] [GRAD] Politics

IEC Budget: (without extras): 575RpT
PS: 15
.. Seriously, can we have plans that aren't ALL THE THINGS for ALL THE MONEY?
Sure, here's mine
[X] Plan: Nuking, Rebuilding, and Freedom
-[X] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)
-[X] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in industrialized regions (+5 PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[X] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[X] Conduct Design Studies (Alternative Launch Systems) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)
-[X] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power.
-[X] [GRAD] Politics
[X] Plan: Second Five-Year Plan
-[X] [FUND] 1.5% (-70PS)
-[X] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)
-[X] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and Europe. (+10PS) (Int(M-L) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Launch a Venus probe before 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre's bonus)
-[X] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering North America. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Launch a probe to Mars by 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Long Beach Propulsion Research Complex's bonus)
-[X] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and South America. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Launch a Lunar Impactor before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to New Delhi Physics Institute bonus)
-[X] Build the New Delhi AND Beijing Scientific Complexes by 1956Q1. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 4d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[X] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[X] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Conduct Prototype Spaceplane research (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build and test-fly a spaceplane before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to Sao Paolo Aerodynamics Centre's bonus)
-[X] Transfer APCP formula to the UWF for use in military rockets. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Build the New Delhi Institute for Physics by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Research Support (-5PS, +3 to all Science and Engineering dice until 1955Q1)
-[X] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)
-[X] [GRAD] Facilities
-[X] [GRAD] Engineering
-[X] [GRAD] Science
-[X] [GRAD] Science

.. Seriously, can we have plans that aren't ALL THE THINGS for ALL THE MONEY?

Thank you for this endorsement of my plan. I agree that it's bold and ambitious, and appreciate that people aren't deterred or tempted to resort to unhelpful foot-stamping because of it.
If there's any era of space development to be bold in, it is in this one. Keeping our momentum up will let us coast comfortably in later decades.

Yes, but.. let's be kinda honest by comparing the IEC to NASA (which I know far more, sadly, than the Soviet program)

We're already blowing it out of the water, and I'm under the impression we have a comparable manpower situation. I think pulling back for a year to focus on infrastructure and building is not the worst idea. I mean, it took NASA several years to get through Mercury and Gemini.
[X] Plan: Achievable Goals, Long Term Growth
-[X] [FUND] 1%
-[X] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)
-[X] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(C) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)
-[X] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

-[X] Build the New Delhi AND Beijing Scientific Complexes by 1956Q1. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 4d10 steps towards Favor)
-[X] Build the New Delhi Institute for Physics by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

-[X] Launch a Venus probe before 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre's bonus)
-[X] Launch a probe to Mars by 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Long Beach Propulsion Research Complex's bonus)

-[X] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)
-[X] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)
-[X] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. With the initial investigations into the possibilities of nuclear power complete, they have provided you with a dossier you can use to argue the case for the benevolent usage of the atom. Your Outreach department has also started doing groundwork to combat the stigma around nuclear power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)

-[X] Build 2 points of Industry or Electrification in the Pacific or Africa (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion) (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Build the Big Ear by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

-[X] Transfer APCP formula to the UWF for use in military rockets. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Oppose)
-[X] Research Support - You have a network of scientific institutions to whom you send a variety of data and perform experiments for. By putting a little extra pressure on those institutions, you can get some help for your internal purposes. (-5PS, +3 to all Science and Engineering dice until 1955Q1)

-[X] Hire a spacefarer from South America. (+5PS, UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

-[X] Conduct Design Studies (Alternative Launch Systems) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)

-[X] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
--[X] 15 PS; 75 R

-[X] [GRAD] Science
-[X] [GRAD] Politics

Gives us 70+45 PS and enough resources for completion of our promises for this year and at least a rocket launch each quarter (that's what the redirected funding is for). Uncertain projects like hiring spacefarers or building industry are only done once because we don't know what the requirements are. Next year, we can go to 1.5% and pick an appropriate number of hire astronaut decisions once we know how difficult they are to do and if we have enough dice; likewise, we can launch a whole crapload of weather satellites with an unrushed design.

[X] Plan: Second Five-Year Plan
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