I wonder if you'll hold off on updating the Fanfiction.com version of this story on your usual Wednesday update (that you seem to have skipped for two weeks now, despite having a couple or so chapters for
A Certain Droll Hivemind ready to go to be posted there as they've been SV for at least a month, though I guess I missed the fact that you just updated it a few hours ago a few days late for your usual update schedule) in favor of those Misaka -11111 diary fic chapters because it's hilarious to inadvertently (or purposely? I dunno) troll your idiot fanbase even more over there.
I mean, there's an anonymous "Guest" commenter there bitching every time you update
A Certain Droll Hivemind (and apparently your Worm fic too, though I don't read that one) instead of
Overlady, which I guess he feels deserves update more? I dunno his reasoning. The muse is a fickle thing, I understand. But when he posts shit like:
Boring. This has 143, now 144 reviews. Work on something else you haven't touched in a few months.
You STILL won't update your other works. Jesus christ...
You still aren't writing for anything else.
Once again, more crappy short updates, and not even to the right story. Seriously.
it's great to see him continue to fulminate, and others calling him out on it. The last one was the first reply to you posting the recent update to Hivemind.
But even when you posted that Interlude for this fic a couple weeks back, I believe the same guy was the Guest commenter who was bitching that
Overlady still needed updates more than your other fics (as if you could just crap them out or something) continued complaining that you only gave him an interlude after five months:
An entire /third/ of a year, only to release an interlude? Great. Just... great. Sigh.
Or rather, no, five entire months just to release an interlude. While Imago and that dumb Toaru Majutsu story consistently get more chapters and more substance to them. That's just amazing.
As if you owed him updates or something. So much entitlement from an anonymous person...