Operation Weihnachtswunder (A CK2 Style Quest to Save Christmas!)

Voting is open
Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.

I want her so that she can work with Jack. Diplo and Intrigue often work hand in hand and both being cold users will help each other massively if, for whatever reason, they need to be in the field together fighting or otherwise. Also, the occult secondary is big considering our problems largely lie in the supernatural. Is the voting actually open btw? I'm not seeing brackets by the options.
Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.

I want her so that she can work with Jack. Diplo and Intrigue often work hand in hand and both being cold users will help each other massively if, for whatever reason, they need to be in the field together fighting or otherwise. Is the voting actually open btw? I'm not seeing brackets by the options.

Voting is open! I'll put the brackets in
[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.

I know this won't win, but FEY SUKABAN! HOW CAN I NOT?
[X] Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.
I want her so that she can work with Jack. Diplo and Intrigue often work hand in hand and both being cold users will help each other massively if, for whatever reason, they need to be in the field together fighting or otherwise. Also, the occult secondary is big considering our problems largely lie in the supernatural. Is the voting actually open btw? I'm not seeing brackets by the options.
Hard veto on working with the Romanov scion, sorry. Which means approval-voting literally everyone else.

[X] Xistoria (Secondary Stat: Stewardship) Krampus' mom. Succubus. Owns a nice brothel in Europe. She'd probably be one of my first choices for both the Chair of Mouths and Coins. She knows how to make deals, make sure people keep those deals, and it's hard to get anything past her. However, she won't abandon her employees. So they'll come with her. Might need to pay for some hotel rooms for a bit.

[X] Jonas Houghton (Secondary Stat: Learning): You might actually know him. Rather boring man who works for Her… wait, it's His Majesty now. But that's the trick. He can be so boring that you agree with whatever he says. It's not 'till later you realize you've been had. Also, might want to keep Wesley away from him. Jonas' a fan of Brighton & Hove Albion.

[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.

[X] Evangeline (Secondary Stat: Occult): Alright, so honestly she's a bit creepy. Oh, she's not a bad person. In fact, she's mainly just serene and really nice. But you'll also want to do whatever she asks by being around her. While I'm sure you'll be immune, most of those you point her at won't be. And they will feel bad if they disappoint her.
[X] Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.

*once upon a december starts playing.*
Jacob Marley, The Hand of Scrooge
Spirit, Christmas

Martial: 17 (14 + 3 AGoC)
Diplomacy 15 (12 + 3 AGoC)
Stewardship: 31 (25 + 3 AGoC + 3 Spirit Boss)
Intrigue 5 (2 + 3 AGoC)
Learning 17 (14 + 3 AGoC)
Occult 30 (25 + 3 AGoC + 2 Spirit Boss)

A Ghost of Christmas (The Herald of Scrooge) - +3 to All Stats. +10 to Diplomacy Rolls involving changing a person's ways, or respecting Christmas. Ebenezer Scrooge, as well as all other Ghosts of Christmas, gain an additional +10 to all rolls against that being on the same night you have made a Successful contested roll against them. Double this during Christmas.

Spirit Boss - +3 to Stewardship, +2 to Occult. When hiring, firing, or dealing with Spirit Employees, double any Stewardship Bonus. If a Diplomacy Roll is required during this, you may use your Stewardship instead. You can become solid and spectral at-will.

Loyal To The End - Any attempt to cause you to betray or harm Ebenezer Scrooge Auto-fails. Any attempt to cause you to betray or harm another member of the Council of Christmas, A Ghost of Christmas, or Wesley Auto-fails if attempted by a non-Deity.
Double any Stewardship Bonus when dealing with employees.
When such an Action uses half Marleys Stewardship that would mean instead of a 31/2 it would use 31.
Oh and If we use the personal action that uses Scrooges stats as bonus?
Thats a 31 Stewardship. Doubled.

And Marley can use his Stewardship for Diplo rolls in such situations.

Should make explaining the unseen world to our Employees much easier.
You have filled at least half of the Council of Christmas. +1 Stewardship and Learning Action. Hidden First Tier Unlocked Before Rolls: ½ of Santa's Stats are added to all Actions made
1/2 of Santas stats passively used.
[ ] Xistoria (Secondary Stat: Stewardship) Krampus' mom. Succubus. Owns a nice brothel in Europe. She'd probably be one of my first choices for both the Chair of Mouths and Coins. She knows how to make deals, make sure people keep those deals, and it's hard to get anything past her. However, she won't abandon her employees. So they'll come with her. Might need to pay for some hotel rooms for a bit.
Unless we want to start giving very unapropriate gifts to horny teenagers, those Employees probably need to be re-trained to gift-making. (Or to be seductive spies)
For retraining them to gift making, we'd have a ridiculous Stewardship Bonus if we use a personal action to boost it.

1/2 Marleys Stewardship (action in his area)+ 1/2 Scrooges Stewardship (half finished council) + Scrooges Stewardship (personal Action).
Then comes Marleys Spirit Boss, doubling it.
Marleys Stewardship + Scrooges Stewardship + 2*Scrooges Stewardship.
You know, plus the whole 1d100.
[X] Xistoria (Secondary Stat: Stewardship) Krampus' mom. Succubus. Owns a nice brothel in Europe. She'd probably be one of my first choices for both the Chair of Mouths and Coins. She knows how to make deals, make sure people keep those deals, and it's hard to get anything past her. However, she won't abandon her employees. So they'll come with her. Might need to pay for some hotel rooms for a bit.
So something to consider is whether we want to specialize or diversify.
[ ] Xistoria (Secondary Stat: Stewardship) Krampus' mom. Succubus. Owns a nice brothel in Europe. She'd probably be one of my first choices for both the Chair of Mouths and Coins. She knows how to make deals, make sure people keep those deals, and it's hard to get anything past her. However, she won't abandon her employees. So they'll come with her. Might need to pay for some hotel rooms for a bit.
This would be doubling down on our very impressive Stewardship heroes between Scrooge and Marley, while also possibly having some Krampus synergy and a bit of a "fight fire with fire" approach to Amazon, using her expertise with contract law to help counter their own legalistic approach.
[ ] Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.

[ ] Evangeline (Secondary Stat: Occult): Alright, so honestly she's a bit creepy. Oh, she's not a bad person. In fact, she's mainly just serene and really nice. But you'll also want to do whatever she asks by being around her. While I'm sure you'll be immune, most of those you point her at won't be. And they will feel bad if they disappoint her.
These two would be stacking up on Scrooge and Marley's incredible Occult expertise, and might have synergies in terms of Unseen Diplomacy. If we want to go that route I'd favor Tasha for the thematic coherence and because mind manipulation risks backfiring pretty badly.
[ ] Jonas Houghton (Secondary Stat: Learning): You might actually know him. Rather boring man who works for Her… wait, it's His Majesty now. But that's the trick. He can be so boring that you agree with whatever he says. It's not 'till later you realize you've been had. Also, might want to keep Wesley away from him. Jonas' a fan of Brighton & Hove Albion.
Frankly, I'm the least interested in this one. I actually do like "really boring" as a character gimmick, but I'm just not clicking with this guy.
[ ] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.
This would help support our somewhat mediocre Martial lineup and also provides an expert in fighting faeries and potentially breaking their magic.

While I like Xistoria and Tasha, I think I'm going to have to go with Étaín for shoring up some of our weaknesses.

[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.
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[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.
[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.
Wonder if employment law (seen and unseen) could be considered a Stewardship matter.

Probably would.

Which reminds me, making a roll for how many Spirits and Ghosts you employed. There is a minimum floor, since you cleared all of the tiers

33 Employees. Hero Units? (Yep)
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Employees Total: 33
5 5 9 9 4 4 3 3 9 9 3 3
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Hero Units Total: 144
61 61 22 22 61 61
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 6 20-faced dice. Reason: Stats +2 / Highest is Steward Total: 33
1 1 13 13 2 2 4 4 4 4 9 9
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Positive Traits Total: 92
13 13 62 62 17 17
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Negative Trait? (Low is Worse) Total: 89
89 89
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[X] Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.

Let us get Anastasia At Home
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oh, ok i guess the council is a whole thing then, fair enough :)
unsure who to hire, but i feel like krampus's mom is a bad call? sure she seems nice and there's a connection to krampus and we don't hate them or anything, but unfortunately (especially since these are some pretty unjolly arguments) her nature as a demon may lead to difficulties with groups/people that'd be leery about that? same for any mundane ones, for that matter
if you're interested in recruiting them to be nice to krampus, I wouldn't worry *tons* about that? it'd bring them closer together but they should still be able to interact without that

ideally we'd want someone who'd work well with the various characters we have as heroes/will be doing diplomacy with with and that is able to do diplomacy stuff well/round out our capabilities. i want to say one with an occult specialisation would be good(as in, someone who can practive magic for a range of basic purposes is always relevant, and could also be useful to defend themselves if things go sour/have more respectability with particularly magic-centric individuals), though admittedly we still have someone to hire for an advisor, so the problem has a solid chance of being addressed anyways?

of course, that partially depends on what we're doing. from experience an advisor/councilor needs to lead general efforts (so someone overspecialised isn't ideal) but diplomacy heros are the ones sent out to others to talk to them (and until we're deploying heroes on stuff(which might not be this quest's style) the advisor would probably have to be able to go out and do that?)

Xistoria wouldn't be *too* bad if they're mostly operating indirectly, since that way her advantages with administration and internal management+some supernatural stuff like contracts would shine (other than perhaps them and krampus's views/preferences having more influence because they'd probably support eachother to when making decisions). i think we can deal with having to find work for some prostitutes fine (thankfully nobody here's a massive prude) just so long as they don't need to be the one interacting with any angels and stuff, if that makes sense?
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[X] Xistoria (Secondary Stat: Stewardship) Krampus' mom. Succubus. Owns a nice brothel in Europe. She'd probably be one of my first choices for both the Chair of Mouths and Coins. She knows how to make deals, make sure people keep those deals, and it's hard to get anything past her. However, she won't abandon her employees. So they'll come with her. Might need to pay for some hotel rooms for a bit.

[X] Étaín Uí Macháin (Secondary Stat: Martial): Ever hear about the woman who beat down a Faerie Princess with her own two hands? Yeah, she's pretty powerful. But she also absorbed a good amount of her diplomatic skills from that Princess. Though I should warn you, she should probably not be left anywhere near Blitzen. At least, not without talking to him about it first.
[X] Tasha Nikitovna Yermushina (Secondary Stat: Occult). So, you know the legends of Anastasia surviving? Yeah, they're true. This is her granddaughter, and she knows how to deal with people in power. Kings, princes, all that. Also wields cold magic, which is cool! She's currently in London, but only for a bit. If you want her to take the Chair of Mouths, you'll have to do it now.
Voting is open