Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

On a side note, I'm not sure about a tech deal with the allies/soviets. Our early tech advantage is one of the few bonii we have.
we dont give them the more valuable things but we can discuss what we give dependent on what we get really for it
On a side note, I'm not sure about a tech deal with the allies/soviets. Our early tech advantage is one of the few bonii we have.
Actually, i agree. I just want them to feel like jackasses when they leave us out of this. A strong opposition to their two-way deal may create a crack in their teams later on and create strife. Far as i am concerned, we do not have any allies and just ourselves.
I'd say that the Caseless Ammo would probably be the best tech to trade from this turn's actions, if we get it...

It's a case of we want to trade research that raises their abilities by levels, not magnitudes...

As an example, it matters less if we give another group a weapon that kills a soldier every .8 seconds, if they already have one that kills one every full second.

Sure, more die faster than before, but it matters less than if we gave the enemy a weapon that could kill two soldiers at once every full second.

One more question. Is VK a reference to something, or is the name something you made up as a placeholder to make the properties of the object not obvious from the start.
Yeah, I know that's what the name stands for. I just don't know if that's a reference to some obscure thing.
It is from the book "The coming race" from 1870. It is a subterranian superrace called Vril-ya who use a mystical/technological/magical fluid called "Vril"
welp I have some EGGCELLENT new super science ideas to use ....... hehehehehehehehebwhahahahahahahahahaMWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
You're not the only one with designs waiting in the wings.

We shall fulfill the myth of being a blitzing high-tech mechanized juggernaut. :V
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anyone ever heard of centrifugal force?

I have my doubts. They claim much, but I'd rather wait for more information, evidence, verification and professional review before thinking of trying that. The way they promote the product sounds... off to me. It sounds too good to be true.

Besides, that's highly experimental today. What more, with the kind of tech Nazi Germany has?

There was a steam-powered version during the American Civil War. The Mythbusters tried making a replica of that, and it proved to be unreliable.

There was an electric powered version made during World War One. It was evaluated to have horrible accuracy.

All in all, it sounds like an attempt at a Wunderwaffe for me, and I have my doubts on the odds of its success. Let's get more of the practical stuff first before dabbling in the things that are exotic or esoteric even to modern militaries.

(Except for VK. That one has plenty of potential, and is nice to research. I wonder if it could make railguns usable in the field...)

What you could try to do instead is to do research on how the mechanisms, materials and propellants of our guns can be improved. If you could also come up with an automatic grenade launcher and a Gatling autocannon, that would be highly appreciated. You'll have a higher chance of succeeding with those.
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Here's something interesting for our future panzers.

Wikipedia said:
A new technology called electric reactive armour (also termed electromagnetic reactive armour, or colloquially as electric armour) is in development. This armour is made up of two or more conductive plates separated by an air gap or by an insulating material, creating a high-power capacitor.[4][5][6][7][8] In operation, a high-voltage power source chargesthe armour. When an incoming body penetrates the plates, it closes the circuit to discharge the capacitor, dumping a great deal of energy into the penetrator, which may vaporize it or even turn it into a plasma, significantly diffusing the attack. It is not public knowledge whether this is supposed to function against both kinetic energy penetrators and shaped charge jets, or only the latter. This technology has not yet been introduced on any known operational platform.

An alternative design to ERA uses layers of plates of electromagnetic metal with silicone spacers on alternate sides. The damage to the exterior of the armor passes electricity into the plates causing them to magnetically move together. As the process is completed at the speed of electricity the plates are moving when struck by the projectile causing the projectile energy to be deflected whilst the energy is also dissipated in parting the magnetically attracted plates.

This could theoretically be possible for us via a power source derived from the use of VK. It might be expensive to deploy though.

Explosive Reactive Armor bricks could probably be developed by us too, since it's basically two plates sandwiching an explosive layer.
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