'Myself' is a good stylistic choice, both for emphasis and to break up the '... me well me and ...'
Um, no it isn't. I think it's a shit stylistic choice because it probably won't be inferred as grand standing ("I painted this picture myself" is quite clear that emphasis is added), but rather the author not knowing. Heck, there was even that list thing, which would reinforce that theory.
And honestly, how many people would even remember that kind of thing? IIRC, I was told in fourth year of elementary school to place myself last in a list. How many people in this thread would remember all those details or even what reflexive pronouns are? Vague memories at best.
Still, it's a stylistic choice up to Shade. I may not think it a good one, but it's his.
... But the protagonist is high nobility, so... I guess it does make sense?
I don't make much sense at 4 AM.
but now it was simply a big beast good only for parades, and the occasional flight.
for parades and
You probably decided to place a comma before "and" because of the Oxford comma. Thing is, you use the Oxford comma in a list of three or more items. You had two here, so there's no reason to add it.
Karin might, and this is a big IF, execute one of her children if they turned traitor so hard it would make Judas clap his hands in approval.
But wouldn't Judas approve of it only if they hanged themselves?
newly minted Duchess of Agincourt."
activate my stealth field of absolute non-existence
The AT field makes a striking reappearance!
If I had less self-control, I'd be pinching her cheeks going wubbly-cutely-yes you cute little girl! but I had self-control the size of a Death Star, so there was no way I'd do that.
I've figured it all out--you're actually a Karen expy.
Except you're not shipped off to another franchise, but rather another country.
... Karen proxy it is, then.