He could be honest and tell Charles and his wife, he moved Josette because He was told there were plans to have her killed.

Of course that would mean the whole circus as the Marshall looking for Josette is going to make his relationship with Charles even worse (duel to the dead).

Trying to pin the blame on others will make everything worse IF found out, and Josette can unravel the whole lie easily, so honesty is the best policy.
Yes... yes. Further the experiments. Immerse yourself in the 'herasy,' and create a custom mount for your army.

Anyone fighting you wont know what the hell to do when your forces ride up on these.
(Note lower right corner)
Ride? You just have to bring one of these and have it start feeding ...
Soo, How is he going to avoid implicating himself after this and earning the emmity of Joseph brother?? Because wouldn't Josette talk to her parents or let it slip that she knew Henry alias "brother" or where she was (Valliere state)?
He could say that he found her later, and the trickery was just until he could stop a threat to her life or something like it....
Not sure if it's been said earlier in the thread, but forgive me if that's the case, but whilst taking a nice hot shower, I had a spark of inspiration.

I'd be willing to make a bet that Ise's spy, is in fact... Raven!

Unwilling, or unknowing. It's canon that two people can share a familiar after all, and she did kiss him.
It's canon that two people can share a familiar after all
Not quite, two people can summon the same being as familiar.

It would mean two sets of magical runes. Given Henry's fondness for petting Raven I would think he'll notice the addition very soon.

Oh don't worry yourself, Josette. In your case, your powers are just one tiny regicide away. Nothing to sweat at, really.
Say Shade, maybe I'm remembering canon wrong, but isn't killing the familiar enough to make the void jump host?
I'm not sure your SI could off someone in cold blood, but at least killing the myzonot... killing whats-her-face instead of your father in law should be easier, yes?
Not quite, two people can summon the same being as familiar.

It would mean two sets of magical runes. Given Henry's fondness for petting Raven I would think he'll notice the addition very soon.

Say Shade, maybe I'm remembering canon wrong, but isn't killing the familiar enough to make the void jump host?
I'm not sure your SI could off someone in cold blood, but at least killing the myzonot... killing whats-her-face instead of your father in law should be easier, yes?

Saito died (stopped being a Familiar) and Louise was still the void mage of tristain, so you are likely remembering some fanon.

Besides why give Josette void magic? Its a curse more than a blessing, and likely plays a part in the fact that all known void mages lose SAN as they get older :p

Brimir eventually became a genocidal mad man that had to be murdered by his wife.

Joseph (the oldest known void mage) has clearly been losing his marbles overtime.
And Louise, Victorio and Tiffania are not shining examples of sanity either :)
Soo, How is he going to avoid implicating himself after this and earning the emmity of Joseph brother?? Because wouldn't Josette talk to her parents or let it slip that she knew Henry alias "brother" or where she was (Valliere state)?
I think if he changed the lie from "I found her dead" to "I found her kidnapped but knew she'd be killed, so I lied and hid her away for her sake", they might accept it. The end result of that is that they may interact with their living daughter which should be a pretty big upside to the whole situation, I'd think. Of course, Josette would have to maintain that lie in order for it not to screw Henry over.

Uh, another thing, did I read everything correctly? Joseph hired a water mage to inspect the bones and when they turned out to prove the bones were impostrous, Joseph had the mage to make sure they didn't spill the secret?
Say Shade, maybe I'm remembering canon wrong, but isn't killing the familiar enough to make the void jump host?
I'm not sure your SI could off someone in cold blood, but at least killing the myzonot... killing whats-her-face instead of your father in law should be easier, yes?

Nope, you have to kill the Mage. Louise didn't lose the void when Saito died
I really liked Joseph in this story. Henry is right, both he and Isabella need someone to help curb their more dangerous quirks and actually guide them towards something better. For Joseph, his parents failed royally at that. That transferred to his treatment of Isabella. Henry is really the best thing that the father and child need.

However, Henry really have to be more firm with Isabella. Letting her walk all over him isn't exactly good in the long run. Be a more responsible husband, Henry!
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Henry could always just get memory loss potion from shadier parts of his nation and pretend that Josette got natural memory loss from traumatic kidnapping or something.
Well, Henry is in a pickle right now, but there is a way to come out of this not smelling like crap. And well, he does has someone to help him out. Who? Well, the politically savvy Isabella, of course.

Now, Henry has to break this news to her. No way out of that. Best have it come from him instead of any other source. His image in her eyes might also take a hit. But as long as she doesn't get too upset (I can't believe be was cheating on me!) (Or Henry might have to actually cool-down kiss her), both Henry and Isabella can get to planning on how to handle this... problem.
I think you should put these links in your sig Shade. Better visibility would make more people aware of it.

I enjoyed this fic so much - with the rapid updates and high quality - that I decided to both buy your book (after reading the blurb and finding the premise interesting) and become a patron. I'd definitely consider reading anything you write in the future.
I feel like the people in this thread have greatly exaggerated when they talk about edginess and angst. Like, are people talking about past fanfics or something?


Shade has a handful of fluffy happy stories and a bucket of soul crushing angst and misery.

Perfect example: SAO/Darksouls crossover

It reads like a punch to the hope at least once every three chapters if not every chapter. Its well written but I honestly had to stop reading as it was starting to get a bit hopeless. That fucking KingMaker AI is both well written and greatly skilled at relentlessly destroying or tainting every hint of hope in that story.
So it took actual pain for Joseph to realize things? Huh.

Ya, have seen people in a similar situation to Joseph. Usually having too much time to sit, brood, and dwell on past wrongs ends poorly. Also can include a bit of self esteem issues, self hate and sociatial alienation.

Trick is they tend to massively assume and overthink things as well as make great leaps of assumption with little logic.

In sort, some crazy people(and not so crazy) are really out of touch with reality and get wrapped up in their own imaginary and exaggerated drama. A reality check on those a bit out of sync tends to be tricky as you have to chip away at the foundation of their bitching.

In this case a cornerstone of the delusion is the flawless brother favored over him by all others. This was broken by the scandal of the hidden twin and the sorrow of her loss. This provided solid proof to him that is brother had flaws, and the finger breaking....That honestly just broke a silly train of thought about emotional numbness with the sort of solid Yes No answer that cut through bullshit and drama.

Pain hurts. Mental feelings tend to be a bit off from physical.

Sadly in real life this sort of realization fades quickly without reinforcing it and building upon it. A bit like a whale surfacing for air before they dive again. That and denial is a hell of a drug,
even when they realize if only for a moment that they might have an inaccurate perspective of the world they may well ignore the fuck out of it due to being ill at ease in a world that is not as miserable as they once believed.