"Indeed," I said with a bright chuckle. "She's just an earnest and good child-it honestly pains me to be apart from her, but for some things, it's better. She doesn't know any of this. This...all of this...only myself and my father know. Well, perhaps mother managed to find out, but she'll feign ignorance because my mother is like that." I swallowed nervously, "Although..." I exhaled, "Would you like for Tiffania to attend school?"
Won't Tiffania being an elf get in the way of this idea? You know with her very visible elf ears...
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Won't Tiffania being an elf get in the way of this idea? You know with her very visible elf ears...
Tiffania stopped as soon as she saw us arrive, and while Louise and Josette descended and nimbly ran towards the green-haired girl -perhaps they knew each other already- I was glad I told father to buy a similar trinket for the young girl. With her elf heritage hidden thanks to the necklace around her neck, she could play without worries.
Freedom is nice. Freedom is good.

When you're letting someone under your care be manipulated, used and potentially killed for the sake of the power of someone who doesn't care about them, in spite of knowing all that, you are not giving them freedom. You are neglecting them.

Seriously, you seem to be arguing that a brother should let his sister drown in a lake, because she wanted to swim yet never learned how, simply due to her having the right to choose what to do.
Either that, or letting her commit suicide because she has the right to kill herself, and her brother interfering with that is wrong.

Hell, it's even worse than that.
It's like trying to arrange things to give your sister a happier life and push her away from suicide is a bad thing, because then you're steering her away from her right to kill herself, simply because you don't approve.
I'm not going to engage if you insist on strawmanning. I never once said or implied any guardian should let their wards commit suicide because of free will.
Still not sure how Henry can recognize flesh and blood people from having seen only cartoon drawings of their faces, many years ago, but I'll take it as a conceit of the story.

If you're referring to Agnes, from this last update, her name was written down. If there were a picture included it would be a sketch, as photographs are not widespread in Halkeginia, and sketches in anime tend to look very similar to the character design.
and i quote

This tune was hummed, without variation, over and over, for seven minutes, to establish the underlying pattern.

Then began the elaborations upon the theme. Phrases hummed too slow, with long pauses in between, so that the listener's mind helplessly waits and waits for the next note, the next phrase. And then, when that next phrase comes, it is so out of key, so unbelievably awfully out of key, not just out of key for the previous phrases but sung at a pitch which does not correspond to any key, that you would have to believe this person had spent hours deliberately practicing their humming just to acquire such perfect anti-pitch.

It bears the same semblance to music as the awful dead voice of a Dementor bears to human speech.

And this horrible, horrible humming is impossible to ignore. It is similar to a known lullaby, but it departs from that pattern unpredictably. It sets up expectations and then violates them, never in any constant pattern that would permit the humming to fade into the background. The listener's brain cannot prevent itself from expecting the anti-musical phrases to complete, nor prevent itself from noticing the surprises.

The only possible explanation for how this mode of humming came to exist is that it was deliberately designed by some unspeakably cruel genius who woke up one day, feeling bored with ordinary torture, who decided to handicap himself and find out whether he could break someone's sanity just by humming at them.

I know it's not what you're talking about and is both slower and more acceptable, but...

What does Muse-chan like? I want to send her a gift basket or something.

Depends on the muse. Many people's muses thrive on the despair of those they "inspire".

I'm pretty sure Shade has a legion of them tied up in his basement, though...

EDIT: Dammit, shade kidnapped- Erm, adopted everyone else's muses, didn't he...
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I smiled, and then nodded, "Then, apologies if I may sound patronizing but...I will ask you one simple thing. Enjoy your life, and be happy," I gestured at where the trio of children were still laughing, "at the same time, please, in my absence...protect those children's smiles."

"That-it still feels too little," Mathilda muttered.
Henry: "I wouldn't call being asked to guard three void mages a 'little' task."

Mathilda: <choking noises>