She was raised in a monastary with dozens of other children who'd been similarly abandoned. Think orphanage not the Dursleys. As for the cage. Yes living with the Vallieres is a better living standard than her monastery (because they're filthy rich). But do you honestly think Henry will allow any of his Void mages to leave his control or act against him? Letting them leave his sphere of influence defeats the purpose of collecting them.

If the presumed-dead Josette learned of her parents and decided, "I want to meet them in person, right now." Do you think Henry would allow her to travel to Gallia and undermine the stability he created? Or if any of them for some reason wanted to join Vittorio, do you think Henry would allow them to make that decision for themselves?

You're not thinking like a Shade. Or a SV'er, for that matter.

If Siscon Shade's little sister thinks of joining someone Shade considers a danger to her, he would tell her everything about that person, so that she can make the decision with full knowledge of just who she's dealing with. If she still decides to join them, that person will be torn to shreds by a random pack of wolves in a forest that has never had any wolves in it. A tragic and very unfortunate fate, to be sure.
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You're not thinking like a Shade. Or a SV'er, for that matter.
If Siscon Shade's little sister thinks of joining someone Shade considers a danger to her, he would tell her everything about that person, so that she can make the decision with full knowledge of just who she's dealing with. If she still decides to join them, that person will be torn to shreds by a random pack of wolves in a forest that has never had any wolves in it.
So that's a no on letting them make any decisions he disagrees with.
So that's a no on letting them make any decisions he disagrees with.

Freedom is nice. Freedom is good.

When you're letting someone under your care be manipulated, used and potentially killed for the sake of the power of someone who doesn't care about them, in spite of knowing all that, you are not giving them freedom. You are neglecting them.

Seriously, you seem to be arguing that a brother should let his sister drown in a lake, because she wanted to swim yet never learned how, simply due to her having the right to choose what to do.
Either that, or letting her commit suicide because she has the right to kill herself, and her brother interfering with that is wrong.

Hell, it's even worse than that.
It's like trying to arrange things to give your sister a happier life and indirectly push her away from suicide is a bad thing, because then you're steering her away from her right to kill herself, simply because you don't approve.
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Wait, why is Charlotte being sent to the same academy as she was in canon? My understanding is that her unique circumstances with Joseph caused that in canon. In this story, I figured she would either be tutored or sent to a Gallian school. After all, Kirche notwithstanding, isn't it a bit unusual for high-ranking medieval nobles to send their children to other nations to be educated? I mean, friendly ties aside, I would think that they would want to trust their own teachers to educate their children and their own soldiers to protect them, no?

EDIT: And Charlotte's situation has changed even more considering her twin sister was just 'murdered' due to her parents not protecting her enough. That, above all else, should convince Charles and Marie to hire private tutors to educate Charlotte rather than send her off to a foreign academy where they will have less power than they did even over the nunnery that Josette was staying at.

In Canon Joseph murdered Charles, drove Charlotte's mother insane and used Tabitha as a Super Tyke Agent

We still have to see if things will escalate like that

Thought its high likely Henri might pull a Revolution and make himself King
Wait, so if by chance I stop updating for a week, you'll go one whole week without bathing or eating?


I must use this power responsibly.

But if instead I make three updates rapidly, will you bath, eat and then bath again?


Hell No!!!

If you are going to be so abusive to me, I'll do the smart thing and rely on Clock Chan rather than Shade Kun .

It's not like I'm obsessed with you Baka!
I think its pretty safe to assume this won't be a fic with much drama.

Some? Sure, yes. Shade still needs us to sit at the tip of our seats.

But I doubt its going to become anything more than cliffhanger material, or something that can be fixed in the next couple of chapters.

This simply doesn't feel like an Angst genre fic. Shade's just teasing us with a random comment here and there.
2.) Josette figures it out, and wants her birthright.
Technically speaking, her "birthright" is to be killed for being a twin. Now, mind you, she does have something of a claim, in the sense that she's related closely enough for it not take that many hurdles to justify, but nonetheless, she doesn't really have any inherent "birthright" to the throne or to any particular title, nor is she likely to become particularly ambitious while being raised the Valliere family.
A few chapters back, Matilda expected her mysterious benefactor to be one of those doddering old men with a magical bird familiar and twinkly eyes.

Wonder what she thought when she learned that it was Henry.
A few chapters back, Matilda expected her mysterious benefactor to be one of those doddering old men with a magical bird familiar and twinkly eyes.

Wonder what she thought when she learned that it was Henry.
"Well, it's a powerful creep as suspected, but at least it's a young and not too ugly one." :p

Edit: And before I forget: It probably also depends on how much of a fan she is of those books Siesta liked so much in the canon future.
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I think its pretty safe to assume this won't be a fic with much drama.

Some? Sure, yes. Shade still needs us to sit at the tip of our seats.

But I doubt its going to become anything more than cliffhanger material, or something that can be fixed in the next couple of chapters.

This simply doesn't feel like an Angst genre fic. Shade's just teasing us with a random comment here and there.
I rather like having something to make me smile during the drudgery of daily life.
Ah right... Siesta.

Kind of forgot she existed.
I wouldn't be surprised if she became a fan of Henry´s literature.
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty

As I watched Tiffania run in circles playing a game of tag with Louise and Josette, I sipped the coffee that came from the plants of the greenhouse, and exhaled in relief. The taste was there all right, perhaps with a bit of a slightly pepper-like aftertaste, but it worked fine.

Mathilda remained standing by my side, the pitcher still in her hand. "Do sit," I said with a sigh, "There's no need to act like a servant."

"That's still..." Mathilda swallowed and then obeyed, taking the seat by the other side of the small table. "Your kindness is appreciated, but...I have no titles, and-neither does Tiffania. If the Albion government had wind of our presence here, they'd demand our heads."

"And?" I remarked offhandedly. "If they demand the heads of innocents, then my answer will be a strongly worded try to come and get them followed by a swift if you declare war, I'll raze everything you have to the ground," I hummed nonchalantly, taking another sip. "Perhaps said with a bit more of decorum, but still, the point has been made."

Mathilda furrowed her brows, "Going to such lengths...did you perchance owe something to my father, or to the Archduke? Your grace's father-he didn't know, but said not to worry." She swallowed, her hands folded on her lap. "Or are we prisoners? I...I admit I haven't been told I cannot leave, but..."

"You can go wherever you please," I said offhandedly, "And so can Tiffania, for what it matters," I continued gently. "If you'd rather be elsewhere, then I won't mind. Only, keep in contact, and stay safe, that is all that I ask."

"Then...why?" Mathilda stressed out, "To help us like this, to know where we'd be, why help us in this way?"

"Do you want to know what my dream is?" I asked gently, "It is for a world where children aren't forced to watch their parents die because of a mere aesthetic difference in their ears," I smiled, "A world where innocence is something that must be protected, and not broken to be replaced by the sad reality of life's miserable existence," I chuckled. "It is, I admit, a pathetic, naive and utterly foolish dream to be had, but it is my dream, and thus-I am allowed to dream whatever I damn well please." I glanced at her. "You ask me if I knew your father, and the answer is no. You should have asked me if I knew Tiffania's mother," I said softly. "Because in that case, my answer would have to be yes."

It was a tiny lie, but one that could not be corroborated.

"As for finding you, my Raven had been looking everywhere for your tracks. He is my familiar, and once he realized what direction you took, he simply waited for you in the forest," I continued unashamedly. "Yet, I am sorry," I said with my hands placing the empty cup on the table, "I should have done something sooner, but-but I did not have the power to do so. One year ago-I did not have the power to stop anything, and even now, I still lack enough power to right the wrongs that were incurred," I took a deep breath. "Which is why, rather than you owing to me, I should be the one owing to you."

"What...what nonsense are you saying?" Mathilda exclaimed, "Your grace," her hands trembled, "For a year-for a year Tiffania and I ran from the men of the king. For a year we hid, and moved, evading pursuit-I was scared, but-but I kept pushing Tiffania on, because it wasn't right for her to suffer like this. Such a dream that you have, please-if possible, let me help you achieve it. I don't want to see Tiffania cry any more-I don't want to see people in pain anymore," she clutched her chest with her left hand, "Whatever I, Mathilda of Saxe-Gotha, can offer...I will. You have my oath of fealty, your grace-now and forever."

I smiled, and then nodded, "Then, apologies if I may sound patronizing but...I will ask you one simple thing. Enjoy your life, and be happy," I gestured at where the trio of children were still laughing, "at the same time, please, in my absence...protect those children's smiles."

"That-it still feels too little," Mathilda muttered. "I might be young-but your grace...pardon me for being blunt, are you not young yourself?"

"I have always been considered wise beyond my years," I answered dutifully, fingers clasped together. "Though I am one year older than you," I added. " year can feel like a decade, depending on circumstances...can it not?"

"I...I can't deny it," Mathilda murmured, taking her own cup of coffee and sipping it softly. "Your grace is happily married?"

"Indeed," I said with a bright chuckle. "She's just an earnest and good child-it honestly pains me to be apart from her, but for some things, it's better. She doesn't know any of this. This...all of this...only myself and my father know. Well, perhaps mother managed to find out, but she'll feign ignorance because my mother is like that." I swallowed nervously, "Although..." I exhaled, "Would you like for Tiffania to attend school?"

"School? Tiffania..." Mathilda looked at the laughing child, "For such a thing-even with the money we receive, that still...she can do magic, but her magic-it's different. It doesn't work on everything."

"In any case," I said offhandedly, "I'll have Raven deliver you enough money to comfortably put her through the three years of education at the Academy of Tristain. Whether she wishes to attend or not, that is up to her." I smiled.

"Your wife must be a very lucky woman," Mathilda muttered.

"I suppose," I said. "Although...if, one day, it was possible-would you like your lands back?"

"I-my father no longer has any right to it," Mathilda said. "If-if the king changes his mind-even then, I wouldn't trust such a king and his word."

"And if the king was a different one?" I mused, "Would you?"

"It would depend on the king," Mathilda acquiesced. "Is it your Grace's intention to..."

I shook my head. "No. I do not wish to topple monarchies, but the situation in Albion-it might topple itself. Depending on what you wished for, perhaps I might have queried the new government for your lands back. Again-it depends on you."

"I need to think about this, your grace," Mathilda muttered.

"Then think as much as you like," I answered easily enough, "put letters into my familiar's pouch. He's the one trustworthy messenger I'll send. Trust no others, especially those who come saying they are my messengers, but aren't Raven." I grimaced, "I think the King of Albion will have better things to do than worry about hunting you two down outside of his kingdom, can never be too sure."

Mathilda nodded at my words, and then took another sip of coffee. I filled my cup once more, and then drank, basking in the glow of the morning sun.

The laughter of children lulled me to sleep, and I smiled as I allowed myself a quick power nap.

When the people we love laugh in mirth, then truly-we feel at peace with the world itself.
I think its pretty safe to assume this won't be a fic with much drama.

Some? Sure, yes. Shade still needs us to sit at the tip of our seats.

But I doubt its going to become anything more than cliffhanger material, or something that can be fixed in the next couple of chapters.

This simply doesn't feel like an Angst genre fic. Shade's just teasing us with a random comment here and there.
Nah, I figure out what their game is.
See, the brothers are having a bet among themselves. They're tempting each other with possibility of angst while writing fluffs and the first one to cave in to the temptation to write angst lose.
I don't know what they're betting though, maybe the loser have to go for a week without coffee? :V

I filled my cup once more, and then drank, basking in the glow of the morning sun.

The laughter of children lulled me to sleep, and I smiled as I allowed myself a quick power nap.
You know, I'm actually concerned with Henry's health. Several cups of coffee and then he's gone to sleep still?
he is going to annex albion isn't he ? I'm getting all kind of Napoleon vibes from him (army, political prisoners, relaxing religious stranglehold on peasants)