Togegakure (Village hidden in the Thorns) was a strange name for this village to be but on the other hand her skills with bladed tools were enough to make a name of it, still it was better then village hid in the ship, too obvious but still suggested. Most of the jungle and marsh locals got along with the people she brought. But where to bengin...probably best to build some farms, explore the ship.
Health 6, Funds 10, Chakra 12, Population 4
Currently you can sustain 3 population per turn thanks to followers.
Personal Events
2 points
socialize (talking), Explore (exploration), train (spending experience), Attack (you personally attacking someone or something), Research (studying such as studying Jutsu or making one or studying an enemy)
No matter what you choose you have to include what you want to do this requires a combination of an Atribute and skill
Example:you want to attack a enemy ninja with your sword roll melee + strength.
You target is to beat a difficulty for that check. 1's are botches taking away a success while 10's are two suceesses
On a successful roll or rolls at the end of a month you'll gain points of experience to spend on training.
Socialize ( )
Talk to someone on your ship or who you can got a hold of. Must be willing to talk to you. If you want to convince a person of something you will need to role a skill such as Intimidation or Subterfuge.
You don't need to know this person to socialize with the, for example exploring a town and talking to a random person
Cannot socialize with the same person twice that month/turn
Train ( )
Experience Points: 0
Spend experience points to increases a skill, Attribute or Power. You gain experience by socializing, exploring, fighting, research, dreaming. You can use experience on a crew mate instead of Seagear.
Example:Gaining the next dot in survival.
Experience Costs
Attribute: Current rating x4
New Skill: 3
Skill upgrade:Current rating x4 (for example if you have the 4th dot and want the 5th youd need 16 experience)
Power Upgrade: Current rating x 4
New Power: 4
Research ( ).
Research a topic by using your skills, people on your crew can allow ascess to new subjects of research or help you research. Such subjects include but are not limited to gaining new Powers, discovering new information, and studying information you gained such as Secrets. Combining lore into Rites is done under research not training. Most information such as books and tablets require an occult roll to get a Lore out of them.
Example:Finding out what Yin Yang Telease is.
Example: Studying Alien Plantlife, Alien Animal life or Alien Weaponry.
Explore ( )
When you want you can explore a location when you do this you get to choose two skills of your choice I roll, you must put down the skills with the location you want to explore. You can add a part of a location I mention such as the Church in a town
Example:She wants to explore a private office using Larceny (to steal something) and brawl (to attack a guard)
Swift Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce the difficulty on a explore action you can do this a number of times per dexterity (6) per turn. Example:You wanna explore a Dark Ship (dark eldar) so you spend 4 chakra to reduce the difficulty of exploring that this turn by 4.
Green Ships ( )
The Green ships are relatively easier to navigate and do not give off much menace.
Travel time 1 action
Dark Ships ( )
The Dark Ships are very hard to navigate and give up a high level fear to the population.
Travel time 1 action
Surrounding Jungle ( )
Travel time 2 Actions
Marshland ( )
Travel Time 3 actions
Village of Eddies ( )
Travel time 9 actions
The former village of the uzumaki clan. They were skilled in sealing and it might be valuable to go there.
Or Society Events
2 points
Recruit (kidnap, Control or charm someone into working for you or promote someone from your forces, this isn't done personally that is socialize)
Strike (a attack or mission done by your agents)
Negotiate (a social role done by diplomats)
Order (establish a rule, law or cultural practice that has effects on your village)
Build (create a group, building, weapon or other thing such as for example an all female body guard unit)
Rest ( )
Requires 1 Event Point per rest, every rest heals your stamina in health, this also heals your unites, you can rest as many times as you want.
Order ( )
Build ( )
You can build 1 building per event point but you can spend another event point on that to reduce construction time by 1 turn.
Magnet Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce building time by 1 turn per chakra point spent you can do this a number of times per Strength (2) per turn.
Time:1 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)
Cost:Funds 1
Time:3 turns
Grants:1 Faith per turn.
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
+1 Food
+1 Production
+1 Food from local bonus resources improved by Farms.
Cost:Funds 1
Time:3 turns
Grants:2 Production per turn.
Cost:Funds 1
Time:2 turns
Grants:2 defense per turn
You can make a wall around you area of inhabitation.
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
Water Mill
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
Cost:Funds 1,
Time:1 turn
Training Ground
Time:2 Turns
Ninja Academy
Cost:Funds 2, Production 2
Time:4 Turns
Grants:Spy, Assassin,
Requires:Training Ground, Barracks
A short start but here we go you can do whatever you want except train since you don't have experiance yet. I think I got everything.