What is the gender of the Kage

  • Male

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Female,

    Votes: 4 44.4%

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Thought I'd talk about tech trees.

A Sign of the Time:Develop a new working Hand Sign-Unlock Hand Sign Tech Tree,
The World Tree-Unlock thr Chakra Plant Tech Tree.
Making of a Monster:Unlock Chakra Beast Tree, Unlock Psudo-Jinchūriki Tech Tree.
Eye of the Beholder:Unlocks Sharingan Tech Tree, Byakugan Tech Tree and Eye Creation Tech Tree

Tech here representing Jutsu, Buildings, Wonders and Unites. Yes you could create artificial Uchiha its happened in canon (Even if I do not use Boruto I see it as possible). Any number of things are possible such as creating whole new Eye Powers from scratch or with examples to use as material. You cannot mass produce Sharingans but you could clone a Uchiha and you cannot create a Rinnigan at all even with a example of one or a sharingan but you could create whole new powers with them though that requires the Eye Creation Tree.

Psudo-Jinchūriki/Psudo tailed beasts are more then possible. And if you ever want to become a Great Ninja Village you might find it necessary
So I just finished the Warp Eye merit and considering making some pseudo Jinchūriki merits anyone want to see that?
I would make them for each of the chaos gods and the God Emperor and Chegorach the eldar laughing god.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Apr 25, 2024 at 10:35 PM, finished with 10 posts and 5 votes.
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Apr 25, 2024 at 10:35 PM, finished with 10 posts and 5 votes.
Alright. Risky very risky this could easilly end in us getting killed early on. We are gonna need every weapon at our desposal.
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Apr 25, 2024 at 10:35 PM, finished with 10 posts and 5 votes.
Alright. Risky very risky this could easilly end in us getting killed early on. We are gonna need every weapon at our desposal.
Nah, we just need a fuck ton of shuriken, active life support, and an artificial lake.
prologue:Chapter 7
[X] East:Close to the land of Water/Hidden mist
[X] Eldar Lexicon
[X] Battle Signs
[X] Mist-Tongue

The ship was closest to the land she had left which meant she was most at risk here, a danger that could easilly cost her and her companions there lives, but if the spoils were great enough she could survive, she thought this as she looked threw the ship, seeing the dead body of a warior who was clearly and evidantly not human. It was not a great leap of thought the musculature did not match any human she seen. It had a ridged head and brown skin, he was clearly a warrior with his boomerang shaped blade having dropped to one side. A hole was in his chest from a blade and it must have been a massive one.
She looked to another dead warrior a slender, lighter skinned, blueish haired individual who's body was angular and sharp, her ears long and pointed, she wore little and her weapon was as well a sharp blade though more traditionally shaped. To the side was a strange device made of metal and black glass which when Kasumi touched it to examine it, it pricked her with a black needle like protrusion then came the thoughts.

A stream of thoughts, emotions and ideas flooded her skull, from what she could only assume were gods and warriors to ettifices made of metal a strange plastic like substance and pure thoughts it took everything she had for her head to not be broken by the thoughts but they started to make sense these angular creatures were called the Aeldari or Eldar and this one in specific a Drukhari or Dark eldar, their speach flooded her mind or rather the movments, gestures, thoughts and symbols they considered words, it would take some time but she thimks she could understand what they say and how to speak back.

She also insantly knew these dark eldar were dangerous in the extreme but in what ways she did not fathom...yet.

Merits limit 20 points

20 points to spend on merits.

Physical Merits
Legerdemain (1pt. Merit) ( )
You're extremely good at sleight of hand and other physical tricks. Difficulties when using Subterfuge for physical trickery, shell games, card tricks, and so forth, are decreased by two.

Dexterous Toes ( )
Merits 1pt
Hands tied? Too many things to hold? Not to worry--with Dexterous Toes you can work equally well with hands or feet. A Pirate with this Merit can do anything she can do with her hands (fire a gun, play a musical instrument, etc.) just as well with her feet. Of course, a Pirate carting items with her toes will be unable to walk.

Acute Sense (1pt. Merit) ( )
One of your senses is exceptionally sharp, be it sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.

Bruiser (1pt. Merit) ( )
Your appearance is sufficiently thug-like to inspire fear (or at least disquiet) in those who see you. While you're not necessarily ugly, you do radiate a quiet menace, to the point where people cross the street to avoid passing near you. All Intimidation rolls against those who have not demonstrated their physical superiority to you are at -1 difficulty.

Catlike Balance (1pt. Merit) ( )
You possess an innately perfect sense of balance. Characters with this Merit reduce difficulties of all balance- related rolls (e.g., Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge) by two.

Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit) ( )
Your character prefers to fight with a chosen weapon in a manner that favors agility over power. With that one weapon (a rapier or katana, for example), you may substitute your character's Strength for Dexterity when making damage rolls.
This Merit may be purchased multiple times to gain agility with more weapons, one for each purchase.

Enchanting Voice (2pt. Merit) ( )
There is something about your voice that others cannot ignore. When you command, they are cowed. When you seduce, they swoon. Whether thundering, soothing, persuading, or simply talking, your voice commands attention. The difficulties of all rolls involving the use of the voice to persuade, charm, or command are reduced by two.

Crackshot (3pt. Merit) ( )
You've trained extensively with firearms, to the point where the gun feels like an extension of your own hand. Spend a point of Willpower to make impressive trick shots. You still need to roll your Dexterity + Firearms if attacking someone. You can make bullets ricochet off a spittoon before hitting your target, shoot the lock off a door, or the cigarette out of someone's mouth.

Daredevil (3pt. Merit) ( )
You are good at taking risks, and even better at surviving them. When attempting exceptionally risky non-combat actions (such as leaping from one moving car to another), characters with this Merit add an additional three dice to their rolls, and negate a single botch die that may result from such a roll. Generally, such actions must be at least difficulty 8 and have the potential to inflict at least three health levels of damage if failed.

Huge Size (4pt. Merit) ( )
You are abnormally large in size, at least 6'10" and 300 pounds in weight (well over two meters tall and over 130 kgs). Aside from making you extremely noticeable in public, this extra mass bestows an additional Bruised health level. Characters with this Merit may also gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc.

Social Merits

Sexy 2 Points Merit ( )
Your character is particularly attractive to those who would be attracted to your sex normally. You have that special something that just drives these people wild. Characters should be aware, however, that people with the Jealousy Flaw will likely not get along well with your character. Add one die to all Presence and Socialize rolls when dealing with those attracted to the character's sex.

Soothing Voice 3 Point Merit ( )
Your voice tends to be soft and soothing. You gain +2 die to social encounters to inspire calm and trust. You lose this bonus if you try to inspire violence or passion of any kind.

Black Market Ties 1-5 Point Merit ( )
You have ties to the underground's market place. This Merit reflects the additional die you can use for any rolls to find, buy, and sell items. It doesn't give you an instant in with the rest of the Underworld, only in the commercial aspects of acquisition of items.

Mental Merits
Celestial Attunement (1pt. Merit) ( )
You innately know what time of day it is and are able to accurately guess the hour of sunrise and sunset within a few minutes. With a moment's concentration, you may also estimate the position of the stars, even without the aid of a star chart.

Untamable - 6 Point Merit ( )
You are immune to any kind of mental control, and you can't be broken in interrogations, by drugs, and hypnosis are useless against you. Even the most powerful of Genjutsu cannot control you though you can still be put into sleep.

Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit) ( )
You remember, with perfect detail, things you see and hear. Documents, photographs, conversations, etc., can be committed to memory with only minor concentration. O

Berserker (3pt. Merit) ( )
You possess the ability to willingly enter a berserker state for a scene. While berserking, you ignore wound penalties and reduce the difficulty of all combat rolls except for dodges by -3. You also can take no complex actions other than combat, dodging, or running.

Entrepreneur (2pt. Merit) ( )
Making money comes naturally to you, and you know what it takes to succeed. All rolls involving acquiring money through business dealings have their difficulty reduced by 2.

Peacemaker (2-pt. Merit) ( )
You have a reputation for having a good head on your shoulders and the honor to keep your word no matter what. As a result, your allies and sectmates ask you to mediate their disputes, even with other sects. This Merit allows your character to use her reputation as leverage to keep the peace during tense situations. Reduce the difficulty of all social rolls to keep the peace or to mediate honestly between factions (even other factions like marines and a pirate crew) by 2.


Nine Lives (6pt. Merit) ( )
Fate has granted you the opportunity to come as close to Death as anyone can get and still survive. When a roll occurs that would result in your death, the roll is made again. If the next roll succeeds, then you live — and one of your nine lives is used up. If that subsequent roll fails, then another reroll is made, until either a successful roll occurs or your nine lives are used up. The Storyteller should keep careful count of how many lives the character has remaining.

Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit) ( )
The ninja life is one fraught with vices, both to compromise enemies and to enlighten initiates. Ninja tend to build up a tolerance to the substances they take directly. You are unusually resistant to alcohol, narcotics, and similar addictive substances. You can pretend to be far more under the influence than you are in order to take advantage of an opponent. All rolls to resist the effects of such substances are at -2 difficulty.

Addictive Secrets (3pt. Merit) ( )
You don't just peddle narcotics; through the blessings of the occult, your revelations of occult secrets are the perfect drug. Once per Arc you can share an occult Secret with a single individual. During any subsequent scenes that they meet you they must spend a Willpower point to avoid the pangs of craving more knowledge and following you. These cravings add +2 difficulty to any Mental or Social rolls.
These Secrets can stack going from +2 Difficulty to +4 and so on.

Call of the Sea (2pt. Merit) ( )
There is something about the sea that makes you feel at home. You are in tune with the tides and rhythm of the ocean. When on a boat in the ocean or on a river, you may add a die to all your dice pools to sail, repair or upgrade that boat.

Prophetic Dreams (2pt. Merit) ( )
You have dreams during your daylight sleep. Dreams you remember. Sometimes, they even come true. By spending a Willpower point upon rising for the day, you may have the Storyteller give your character a lucid dream featuring foreshadowing about upcoming events, characters, and situations.

Cold Read (3pt. Merit) ( )
Whenever you meet someone for the first time, you may spend a number of points of Willpower equal to your Perception. For each point spent, you may ask the Storyteller one question about the character. The Storyteller must either answer truthfully or if he cannot grant a reward to the Questers.

Long Fingers (1pt. Merit) ( )
You have been blessed with unusually long and graceful fingers. This means you have an easier time with fine manipulation as well as grappling, gaining an extra die when attempting such actions.

Monstrous Maw (1pt. Merit) ( )
You have either oversized tusks for fangs, or a huge mouth full of sharp teeth. Whatever form it takes, your mouth is that of a monster. When attacking with a bite you do an additional point of damage. You may also add a die to your Intimidation dice pool when you smile.

Piscine (1pt. Merit) ( )
Water is a far more comfortable environment for you, be it the sea or sewer effluent. Rolls involving swimming or underwater movement have their difficulty reduced by 1.

Slimy (2pt. Merit) ( )
You secrete an ooze, which is as disgusting as it sounds. The ooze covers your entire body and soaks into your clothes. It makes you slippery and difficult to hold, requiring opponents to gain two more successes to grapple you. The dampness also makes you a little fire resistant, reducing your difficulty to soak fire damage by 1.

Ship Rat (1-3pt. Merit) ( )
You are remarkably adept at moving through the ship that you call your home. When attempting to hide, escape, or track through the 'Ship' you gain 2 additional dice for every point you have in this Merit.

Ship Affinity (3pt. Merit) ( )
You are the ship. The ship is you. The home Steel calls to you. You give to it, and it gives to you. Your connection to the body of 5(3 ship grants you an extra die to all dice pools when operating there. It also acts as a mystic beacon, allowing you to home in on its location with a standard Perception + Survival roll (difficulty 6), +1 difficulty when a state or country separates you; +2 if you're halfway across the globe. This applies only to the space hulk.

Legendary Attributes ( )
Requirements:The Attribute at 5 dots
6 pt. Merit
You may exceed the capacity for one Attribute Trait. That Trait is automatically made into 6 dots and can go up to 10 with training

Heavenly Marks ( )
1pt merits
You were born or conceived perhaps both during a very important stellar event perhaps it was a comet in the sky, a meteor fell near you or a constellation. During a starry night sky an event the st will mention, you can spend a Willpower to access that nature gaining starry eyes, a glow of the sun, a moon's face at this state you gain +3 for social rolls to seem like a holy individual such as a priest, god or spirit this lasts until you can't see that event or the night ends.

Uzumaki Bloodline (Locked out)
(7 dot merit)
Prerequisite:Water Affinity, Yang Affinity
You are descended from the Uzumaki clan from the Whirlpool village they have a potent life force and typically a affinity for Yang as a result as well as possessing a innate skill in Sealing arts
Effect: You gaim 1 power point in Sealing.

Dark Chakra ( )
(1 to 5 point Merit)
Your chakra is tainted and dark in ways that those who are sensitive to chakra can sense your malevolence and it is very intimidating
Whenever someone senses your chakra you gain a permanent plus 1 dice to intimidate them per points in this merit this does not stack.

Poison Chakra ( )
2 to 6 point merits
Your chakra has a strange almost sickly or noxicous nature to it that has strange effects on it those who attempt to absorb it and who you share it with causing -1 dice to Awareness, Athletics and Brawl for a Month. For 4 this dice is instead -2 for 6 this dice is -3.

Eye Powers
Wapugan ( )
'Warp Eye'
(7 to point merit)
You posses The third eye of Human Navigators from 40k
You posses an eye which replaced one of your old ones this eye is conduit for the warp.
Will be implanted into the pc if chosen.
By spending a dot of Willpower the pc Can Perform one of the following actions by spending an event point.
Watch:Watch the flowing tides of the Warp giving you some indication of what some Warp Entites are doing, roll perception + Awareness.
Navigate:Allow yourself to Navigate using the Warp, unless your in the Warp this does nothing.
Gaze:Force a single individual to gaze upon your Warp Eye uncovered and unfiltered forcing them to look into the Warp, doing so forces them to spend willpower or go insane, this insanity is a permanent flaw and you cannot control how they go insane, some are immune to Gaze.


Bad Taste ( )
2 Point Merit
Animals instinctively know that you aren't for eating. They will automatically shie away from attacking you from hunger, and those that are forced into combat with you will rarely bite into you. Seakings are even hesitant to sink their fangs into you, should they notice you.

Jack of all Trades ( )
5 Point Merit
You have a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge either through wide travels, an interesting life, or just practical know how. You are considered to have one dot in all Abilities, even if you haven't taken the them to simulate this knowledge base. If you want to gain an Ability that you don't actually have, you must pay the experience cost to gain it the first time.
Power Levels and Power Types
This is my current list of power levels and powers. Powers are over arching archatypes of Jutsus and other abilities.
Any comments or additions would be welcomed

Power Level, name, typical rank, jutsu example
1 Basic-Academy Student-Nothing
2 Learned-Genin-Clone Jutsu
3 Skilled-Chunin-
4 Advanced-Tokubetsu Jōnin-
5 Expert-Jōnin-
6 Journeyman-High Jonin, Low Kage-
7 Master-High Kage-
8 Grand Master-Legendary Kage, Ōtsutsuki Member-
9 Primal-Kaguya, End Canon Madera-
10 Ultimate-None yet-None-Terraforming of an entire planet in an instant

Power Types
I consider each power type a forest full of tech trees.

Raw physical damage such as Chadori, Water dragons, Dynamic entry,

which better encapsulates genjutsu which can deceive the mind, and techniques like chakra sensing or metal sensing Kasumi would be capable of from magnet chakra nature.

"Sealing Arts" it covers not only summon but also things like manufacturing explosive tags and storage scrolls, as well as a slew of other Fuinjutsu related activities.

encapsulate both general travel jutsu like reverse summons, as well as high speed options like body flicker and body replacement.

Healing Jutsu, Sharing Chakra, absorbing chakra, physical mental and social empowerments such as Tsunade Senju's strength.

Examples including a jutsu to produce light, light flashes, chakra strings,
[X] my skills are mad crazy
-[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Sexy (2 Points Merit)
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)
-[X]Legendary Attributes ( Intelligence)
-[X]Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)

this make us break the cap on int to become crazy smart and crazy skill in combat or running from a fight we can't win and eye candy can help us in social
[X] my skills are mad crazy
-[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Sexy (2 Points Merit)
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)
-[X]Legendary Attributes ( Intelligence)
-[X]Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)

this make us break the cap on int to become crazy smart and crazy skill in combat or running from a fight we can't win and eye candy can help us in social
Smart sexy scientist nice.
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Apr 28, 2024 at 5:03 PM, finished with 16 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Leviathan
    -[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)(6pt. Merit)
    -[X]Legendary Attributes (Intelligence)(6pt. merit)
    -[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Prophetic Dreams (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
    -[X]Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)
    [X] my skills are mad crazy
    -[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Sexy (2 Points Merit)
    -[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)
    -[X]Legendary Attributes ( Intelligence)
    -[X]Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)
    [X] Plan In Deep Water
    -[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)
    -[X]Legendary Attributes ( Intelligence)
    -[X]Call of the Sea (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Entrepreneur (2pt. Merit)
    -[X]Daredevil (3pt. Merit)
    -[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
[X] Plan In Deep Water
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)
-[X]Legendary Attributes ( Intelligence)
-[X]Call of the Sea (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Entrepreneur (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Daredevil (3pt. Merit)
-[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
[X] Plan Leviathan
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)(6pt. Merit)
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Intelligence)(6pt. merit)
-[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Prophetic Dreams (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
-[X]Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)

Current plans are pretty good, but acute senseis a must, as is drug resistance with mist nearby and Danzo as an enemy. Given very high danger, Prophetic dreams will come in handy, and being able to melee with dexterity instead of strength is something I've been planning for a while now.
[X] Plan Leviathan
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)(6pt. Merit)
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Intelligence)(6pt. merit)
-[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Prophetic Dreams (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
-[X]Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)

Current plans are pretty good, but acute senseis a must, as is drug resistance with mist nearby and Danzo as an enemy. Given very high danger, Prophetic dreams will come in handy, and being able to melee with dexterity instead of strength is something I've been planning for a while now.
You do have a point. Prosthetic dreams could be the only way to save our pc from becoming a memory or worse, in this world she could be killed and that's the least horrid of fates.
You do have a point. Prosthetic dreams could be the only way to save our pc from becoming a memory or worse, in this world she could be killed and that's the least horrid of fates.
It's gets better. Mist ninja are more likely to ambush or attack near sources of water, and with acute senses lowering the difficulty to sense them by two I can see them coming and use Piscine to gain an advantage fighting them in their perfered battle ground. Fighting finesse makes Melee almost as good an option as ranged, and drug resistance will help against poison tactics. It's a solid anti Mist and anti root merits kit.
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It's gets better. Mist ninja are more likely to ambush or attack near sources of water, and with acute senses lowering the difficulty to sense them by two I can see them coming and use Piscine to gain an advantage fighting them in their perfered battle ground. Fighting finesse makes Melee almost as good an option as ranged, and drug resistance will help against poison tactics. It's a solid anti Mist and anti root merits kit.
Once we get down with Merits I'll do Powers though I'm going to have something special for either Powers or one of the things you get build for your village as a result of your origin (Rouge Nin of Mist) I'm using civilization 6 as a base since it's the logistics Simulator I play the most (that isn't stellaris)
We have Buildings (a sub type called wonders), Tech, Resources and Unites.
Obviously being a Mist Nin you'll get ascess to training Water based Unites such as a type of Nin.
Buildings not sure maybe Harbor.
Tech wise no idea could have it be based on weapons beacuse the seven swordsmen.
You wouldn't get any resources or anything.

This is gonna be fun but take time for me to write.
List of all Buildings and Wonders
This is a list of buildings you can eventually construct some require specific Prerequisites such as Tech, Population, Unites, Resources, Location, Event, skills or language to be able to build.
Some can only be constructed in a certain time frame or with a specific individual helping or you can only build one of something for example you can only construct a single 3rd Ninja War Memorial and only after the war ends. Some buildings require you to have prerequisite buildings.
This does not include the ones you have already created that's on the village page.


Elemental Temple (locked) required Monk Origin.
Techs Unlocks:Element (of temple) mastery,
Ethics unlocked: Form Cult,
Unites Unlocked:Elemental Monk
Successor Buildings:Great Elemental Temple,
Requires:Holy site (unless Elemental Monk Origin)
Cost:2 fund,






Water Mill




Training Ground





Art Museum
Archaeological Museum


Ninja Academy



Sea Port

Film Studio


Flood Barrier

Stasis Chamber

Spawning Pool

Holy Site



Dragon Nest
Requires:Draconic, Temple,
Cost:10 Faith, 10 Production, 10 Funds,

Sacrificial Temple
Requires:Jashin Tech Tree, Holy Site
Every 5 turns it Sacrifices 1 Population for 20 Faith. Can produce Bloody variations of Faith unites,

Posthumous Employment Center

Xenos Zoo


Hive City
Prerequisite:Crashed Ship, Hero with Craft 4
Cost Hypertech 1, Production 10
Population Amount Unlimited
Generates +1 population per turn.
-1 Faith per turn.
Great Elemental Temple
Requires:Elemental temple unlocked, Great Propthet, Elemental Monk origin


Great Wall


Great Ninja Institution

Great Bath

Great Lighthouse

Great Bridge


+5 Faith per turn

Astral Beacon

Stone Army
+2 Production per turn.
+1 Hyper Tech per 3 turns
-1 Population per turn.

Temple to The Watchers
Requirements:Only a Pc can create,
Cost:2 turns, 10 funds,
A temple dedicated to a pantheon of strange and unknowable gods simply known as the watchers in truth these are....You! The Questers. Probably gives dark wisdom or talks to the priests in memes.

Dragon Wall (locked)
Requirements:Wall, Draconic, Hero with 4 Craft.
Effect:Choose a single base Chakra nature at construction the Wall is immune to all damage of that type (yes including tailed beast level Jutsu)

Kage Wonders
Our hidden village can only construct one single Kage Wonder ever. If destroyed these wonders can be rebuilt but you cannot create another Kage Wonder. Like other wonders once taken by another village these are locked.

Kage Palace
Throne of Want
Requires:Dedication Hedonism and Dedication Wealth,
Kage Tower (locked, taken by the Hokage)

DEldar Tech is not replicable but can be used to make Other things.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Leviathan
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Dexterity)(6pt. Merit)
-[X]Legendary Attributes (Intelligence)(6pt. merit)
-[X]Fighting Finesse (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Drug Resistance (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Prophetic Dreams (2pt. Merit)
-[X]Piscine (1pt. Merit)
-[X]Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)
I decided once we are finished with our pc I'll begin creating our rival, who will also be creating their own ninja village though I'll be using a Monk Origin not sure which though. Perhaps we can vote on that another time.
So my current idea for how tech works is that each tech is able to provide a number of things such as Jutsu, Equip meaning equipment and a unit. My current list of tech is her and an example of one of the techs.

Alien Hybridization
Artificial Evolution
Artificial Intelligence
Chakra Familiar
Chakra Metals
Chakra Beast
Dark Networks
Defense Grid
Designer Lifeforms
Eldar Lifeforms
Exotic Matter
Genetic Design
Gravity Release
Meme Release
Neural Uploading
Organic Printing
Organic Weapons
Swarm Intelligence
Swarm Robotics
Synthetic Thought
Soma Production
Sun Release
Star Release
Tactical Robotics
Tissue Engineering
Transcendental Math
Vertical Farming
Vampiric Practice
Wraith Bone Singing
War Indoctrination
Weaponized Teleportation
Weaponized Forcefields
Youth Endowment

Name:Soma Production
Description:Soma is an ancient mythical drug believed to instill Immortality, incredible strength and increased senses it was believed to be first created by Indra the founder of Ninjutsu.
Jutsu:Yin Chakra Mode
Building: Soma Distillery
Wonder:Indra Statue
Ethic:Higher Understanding
Will these techs have degrees of mastery that unlock things or is more like you do initial research and than we get to see a list of things we can research from there, like jutsu, equipment, procedures, etc.

Presumably production of advanced equipment or performing medical procedures will need special Buildings or Units, will there be jutsu that can only be learned with the aid of special infrastructure or is it more like you can recruit units and those units know that/those jutsu?

Kind of wondering how long until we can create a half human half klingon group and set them up as a clan of the village. That seems like a relatively easy start to this.

Klingons with chakra and ninjutsu.
Will these techs have degrees of mastery that unlock things or is more like you do initial research and than we get to see a list of things we can research from there, like jutsu, equipment, procedures, etc.

Presumably production of advanced equipment or performing medical procedures will need special Buildings or Units, will there be jutsu that can only be learned with the aid of special infrastructure or is it more like you can recruit units and those units know that/those jutsu?

Kind of wondering how long until we can create a half human half klingon group and set them up as a clan of the village. That seems like a relatively easy start to this.

Klingons with chakra and ninjutsu.
No degree of mastery though obvously a lot of tech have prerequisits such as Chakra Beasts (needed to make artificial Jinchūriki) requiring Chakra Familiars.

As for the hybrid idea theres a tech for that but with how i run chakra the Klingons and Dark Eldar will given generations be able to produce children with chakra networks as their bodies keep coming in contact with chakra usage its why not everyone who's a ninja is descended from Kaguya.

There are Jutsu that have specific requirements such as the corresponding tech or someone to teach them or in some cases peices of their dna.
Voting is open for the next 6 days, 23 hours