What is the gender of the Kage

  • Male

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Female,

    Votes: 4 44.4%

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Voting is open for the next 6 days, 23 hours
I'm of course writing the next chapter to this but I have another story which is in one peice about playing a mystic.
Act 1, Turn 9
Act 1, Turn 9
[X] Plan: diplomacy & money
-[X] Rest
-[X] Attack: Go bountryhunting Dexterity + Marksmanship 10, difficulty 6. 0 difficulty.
-[X] society: Negotiate, make diplomatic connections with other villages nearby that are not ninja villages. Charisma + Politics. 5. Difficulty 8. 2 successes.
-[X] Research: Light Release Tech.
-[X] Got MIT Uns

Kasumi went back finally to her bed, it wasn't much simply a place to rest that she was assured of being safe but after all those meetings between the most prominent members of assume to be village council where she was speaking with them about their goals and progress in pushing forward to guard their growing territory. Honestly, she was tired a lot less then she had thought maybe she was getting used to giving political speeches.

That's when she looked slightly to her left and saw the pile of papers. It was her first pile of papers it carries with it the promise of more, the future of a Kage buried under paperwork, graft and council idiocy. Clearly something to be avoided but she choice to avoid it in the most tactical way…..by hiding under the blanket and going to sleep.

Kasumi was on the hunt for targets, her black book was slowly being filled out either by her or by the complexities of the war that was waging. Spies and traitors all were being systematically hunted down by the internal intelligence agencies of each village, if a village didn't have such a extensive organization before then they did now or did not even exist anymore.

As she looked threw her updated book she saw her own portrait staring back at her……she was far less livery but yes that was her. They used a accurate picture of Kasumi that being her last picture in the village, she was staring off into the distance but they got her in full. This sent a chill threw out her spine, this was a sign that her days could very well be numbered. She stared back at her younger self who was lost in thought, a thought of something better, of wealth and empty promises unfulfilled.

Kasumi had to sit down and think about this for quite some time, hunting for bounties was not even a thought in her head right now, no she needed to contemplate the future and the past

Kasumi knew that she needed to talk to someone specifically any other nearby villages or settlements to gain more people coming in, trade and even eventually compiled together to become a country onto themselves. Checking with her traders she got a not so decent but functional understanding of the situation with nearby settlements.

Deep to the swamp land their was a settlement of swamp people, a village of people that were unconnected to the hidden mists but only threw secrecy as they lived in the dark and wild swamps where beasts nearly prehistoric roamed freely. The swamp was a place of ambition and predatory strength and its people were no less predatory, being trappers of swamp crustaceans and those who got to close to their territory.

Luckily she had no reason to harm them in the past which the mist as a whole made their mission in part of absorption as the war meant stretching closer to the other great ninja villages. Allies who did not like the mists but didn't have affiliation with another great village was something she could not turn down. Kasumi looked to the messengers with a smile and a nod, they were not the most reliable, she needed to start training some messenger Nin but the man left with the scroll she signed.

Eventually the same messenger came back with a scroll which after being examined for traps she read. The Village of Holy Flies was willing to negotiate an alliance in exchange for protection and trade, which had become harder as they were prayed upon by both Nin and the same rigged headed warriors she recognized as Klingons. They seemed to have been leaving the ship far enough to cause problems for others.

She and her students had begun making headway into the ideas and higher mechanics of a artificial nature Release and attempting to replicate it in nature.
Clearly it was a Kekkei tōta that's to say a combination of three chakra natures, it was in this particular instance a chakra nature combination of Fire, Lightning and Yin together. Some Kekkei tōta exist such as the mythical dust release of the Earth Nation which could render even the greatest defense to nothing but ash if even that. Perhaps similar powers could be possible or at least strength.

Their first regiment led by that cross dressing militia member turned soldier was gaining popularity and with it political strength but beyond that the village has helped the, gain strength from better equipment or better options for retirement, this had positive effects on the regiment. They might start adopting their leader's own clothing habits soon, how curious.

Socialize ( )
Talk to someone on your ship or who you can got a hold of. Must be willing to talk to you. If you want to convince a person of something you will need to role a skill such as Intimidation or Subterfuge.
You don't need to know this person to socialize with the, for example exploring a town and talking to a random person
Cannot socialize with the same person twice that month/turn
Runchu ( )
The Disgraced Sumo, hates Farm work. He leads the militia.
Farmer Po ( )
Formerly a spy, he has some insights.
Ehuang ( )
a former Kenochi of Earth. A taijutsu specialist. The head of the ninja academy,
Di Ping ( )
The highest ranking member of the first platoon a cross dressing women trained to use a sword and spear.
First Class ( )
The first class of students.

Klingon Warriors ( )
Klingon Chef ( )

Village of Holy Flies ( )
A jungle village, its secluded and slightly xenophobic but needs help and is willing to make a deal.

Train ( )
Experience Points: 18
Spend experience points to increases a skill, Attribute or Power. You gain experience by socializing, exploring, fighting, research, dreaming. You can use experience on a Named unit.
Example:Gaining the next dot in survival.
Experience Costs
Attribute: Current rating x4
New Skill: 6
Skill upgrade:Current rating x4 (for example if you have the 4th dot and want the 5th you'd need 16 experience)
Power Upgrade: Current rating x 4
New Power: 4

Units we can create.
Cost: -1 Population , Turn 1
Melee 1, Movement 1

Cost: -1 Militia, Production 1, Turn 1
Melee 2, Movement 1

Makes a team of the level indicated
Academy Level
Genin Level (Locked), Requires 12 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Chunin Level (Locked), Requires 24 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Jonen Level (Locked), Requires 48 month wait time currently till unlock.
Ninja are split into two unite types the Spy (Have a versatility in what they can do) and Assassins (Pure killing power)

Existing Units
Di Ping's very manly Regiment.
A group of men who's unit is headed by Di Ping who was a rather well (cross) dressed women.
Melee 3, Movement 2

Research ( )
Research a topic by using your skills, people on your crew can allow access to new subjects of research or help you research. Such subjects include but are not limited to gaining new Powers, discovering new information, and studying information you gained such as Secrets. Combining lore into Rites is done under research not training. Most information such as books and tablets require an occult roll to get a Lore out of them.
Example:Finding out what Yin Yang Release is.
Example: Studying Alien Plantlife, Alien Animal life or Alien Weaponry.

Research Seed Religion ( )
Create a religion using th faith of you people. Make sure you indicate what this religions focus will be such as yourself as a godly figure, scientific advancement and so on.
Cost:Faith 5

Light Release Tech ( )
Fire and Lighting are but expressions of heat and light perhaps with this as an insight Light can be found. The Chakra Nature of Light is possible, though not an easy act.
Cost:Turns 1 left

Dark Eldar Drugs Tech ( )
Using the dark elders alien drugs to experiment and create new types of drugs and medical knowledge.
Cost:Adrenalight or Hyper Tech 1, Turns Unknown.

Explore ( )
When you want you can explore a location when you do this you get to choose two skills of your choice I roll, you must put down the skills with the location you want to explore. You can add a part of a location I mention such as the Church in a town
Example:She wants to explore a private office using Larceny (to steal something) and brawl (to attack a guard)
Swift Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce the difficulty on a explore action you can do this a number of times per dexterity (6) per turn. Example:You wanna explore a Dark Ship (dark eldar) so you spend 4 chakra to reduce the difficulty of exploring that this turn by 4.

Green Ships ( )
The Green ships are relatively easier to navigate and do not give off much menace.
Dark Ships ( )
The Dark Ships are very hard to navigate and give up a high level fear to the population.
Surrounding Jungle ( )

Swampland ( )
Village of Holy Flies ( )?

Society Events
Recruit (kidnap, Control or charm someone into working for you or promote someone from your forces, this isn't done personally that is socialize)
Strike (a attack or mission done by your agents)
Negotiate (a social role done by diplomats)
Order (establish a rule, law or cultural practice that has effects on your village)
Build (create a group, building, weapon or other thing such as for example an all female body guard unit)

Rest ( )
Requires 1 Event Point per rest, every rest heals your stamina in health, this also heals your unites, you can rest as many times as you want.

Order ( )
Reminded you can only inact one Order per action.

The Meatgrinder ( )
"If you need Ninja fast then put them threw a constant meat grinder. Might cause future problems."
Costs:1 Turn, -1 faith per turn, Sometimes randomly reduced population by 1.
Allows you to while active reduce Ninja learning time by 4 Turns and reducing unkock time to the higher ranks of Nin by 4 turns per turn active.

One (Wo)Man, One Vote ( )
Costs:6 turns. 5 Faith
You are the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't Law and true, your village will adopt a simplified democracy known as one (Wo)men, one vote. (This is a dictatorship Order). You no longer take Bureaucracy Penalties and can execute anyone in your village.

The Leviathan ( )
Costs: 2 Faith, Have Biological Children, 12 turns.
The choice to make a ninja village a family run affair is not a easy one it can be done but doing so puts Ninja those who stay away from lords at a impasse.
Upon death you instantly have a successor Kage. Upon death you get a randomized Flaw set for your successor.

Money Grows On Trees ( )
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 funds per month.
Trade is good and so is opportunities to turn food into riches. It isn't much but money is money.

Feeding the Workhorse ( )
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 production per month.
Strong backs and filled belies are needed to turn an industries wheels, a few more shipments and progress will increase.
Pact of Thorns and Flies ( )
Make a deal of protection with the Village of Holy Flies, such a deal would require protecting them against attack but open up trade.

Repeal ( )
Costs 1 faith per order.
Remove an Order you can repeal as many orders you have a month per your dots in Politics.

Food 8 (if you are in negative every turn you have a minus to food you cannot raise population or recruit or Order.)
Faith 5
Defense 12
Housing 4 (can house 7 population)
Production 6
Funds 0
Hyper Tech 0
Population 4

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Grants:2 defense per turn

Water Mill
3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1
Time:meant to be 1 turn.

Training Ground
Time:2 Turns

Ninja Academy
Cost:Funds 1, Production 4
Time:4 Turns
Grants:Spy, Assassin,
Requires:Training Ground, Barracks

Build ( )
You can build 1 building per event point but you can spend another event point on that to reduce construction time by 1 turn.
Magnet Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce building time by 1 turn per chakra point spent you can do this a number of times per Strength (2) per turn.
Building Upgrades-You can upgrade a building adding a upgrade to it, doing so counts as building however you can only upgrade a building as many times per your dots in craft skill.
Example:Craft 2 equals 2 upgrades per building

Wall Upgrades
-Thorned Walls
Cost:4 Production
Time:3 Turns
Grants:+2 Defense.

Cost:Funds 2
Time:4 turns
Grants:Heals all unites in the village 1 health per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:3 turns
Grants:2 Faith per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
+1 Food
+1 Production
+2 Food from local bonus resources improved by Farms.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:2 turns.
Grants:1 production per turn

Water Mill
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
Grants:3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1,
Time:1 turn

Klingon Disruptor
Marksmanship Weapon, Laser Weapon
Does 2 health levels per success.
Adrenalight 2
Can be used as an action on a captured subject killing them or used to Research:Dark Eldar Drugs or Turned into Hyper Tech using a turn each to do so.

All Together
5 points to spend
1 on Reward choice.
New Items

New Order.

So I'm giving this another week and I think that's where I'm going to keep it only updating once a week that should be good.
I got this done a day ealy hopefully you guys enjoy it.
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Aug 17, 2024 at 5:33 AM, finished with 12 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush
    -[X] Socialize: Ehuang, discuss about the current happenings of the hidden thorn village during a visit to the Ninja academy, Charisma + Academics
    -[X] Order: Money grows on Trees
    -[X] Research: Light Release tech
    -[X] Build Upgrade: Thorned walls
    --[X] magnet release: 1 Chakra
    -[X] socialize: Runchu, discuss about the current state of the training for the militia, Charisma + Awareness
We need some cash, and to meet some socials; get to see the mood of our little nation. Thoughts on having a future monument as a tribute to flowers? I'm thinking an obelisk wreathed in all manner of stone flowers.
Hmmmm that can work, and we can have the monument be built with thorns as well. Since we are the hidden thorn village. So social with a random citizen or merchant or Do ping as she should have our character's interest, we could socialize with the first class and invite them to see the results of light tech with our main character, since if we are going to have it practiced as one of the main jutsus unique to our Village, we would need to know if any of them can master it. I already considered order for Money grows on trees, it won't be much but it would provide a stable income. I have a question @RookDeSuit after we stabilize our economic situation do you think we should make contact with the Klingon, like with the warrior first as I am interested in our hidden village being the only one to have extraterrestrials as part of our hidden village. They seem to be warriors and could help with advancement in technology and research.
[X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush
-[X] Socialize: Ehuang, discuss about the current happenings of the hidden thorn village during a visit to the Ninja academy, Charisma + Academics
-[X] Order: Money grows on Trees
-[X] Research: Light Release tech
-[X] Build Upgrade: Thorned walls
-[X] socialize: Runchu, discuss about the current state of the training for the militia, Charisma + Awareness

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions to change in my plan I would very much appreciate it you guys.

@Redleo I have a question when it comes to a part of the society events mechanic. When there is an option to build in the society event does it have to be like this?

[] Example:

-[] society event: build, establish research department
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Well for the time being we would need to build up our forces, and when we do meet them we will have a position of strength that, even if they can kill us, we will make them bleed to death before they even think of a counter attack.
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[X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush

If I may could you swap out the militia action for a second social?
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Ehuang is the taijutsu teacher, which is why I choose socialize with.

But if it is allowed to have two social actions then I will consider social with the sumo wrestler.
So guys I have a question that would be related to our long run plans in this quest. Since this quest is in the third great ninja war, should we try to keep it low key, take out our hidden pressures and emerge from the war as a strong nation, having potential to become a 6th great hidden village. Or should we simply participate in the war in ways that are within our ability to affect the war effort, and that we would change some cannon events that would make the cannon timeline much different after the third great ninja war?
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Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Aug 17, 2024 at 5:33 AM, finished with 12 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush
    -[X] Socialize: Ehuang, discuss about the current happenings of the hidden thorn village during a visit to the Ninja academy, Charisma + Academics
    -[X] Order: Money grows on Trees
    -[X] Research: Light Release tech
    -[X] Build Upgrade: Thorned walls
    --[X] magnet release: 1 Chakra
    -[X] socialize: Runchu, discuss about the current state of the training for the militia, Charisma + Awareness
[X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush
-[X] Socialize: Ehuang, discuss about the current happenings of the hidden thorn village during a visit to the Ninja academy, Charisma + Academics
-[X] Order: Money grows on Trees
-[X] Research: Light Release tech
-[X] Build Upgrade: Thorned walls
--[X] magnet release: 1 Chakra
-[X] socialize: Runchu, discuss about the current state of the training for the militia, Charisma + Awareness

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions to change in my plan I would very much appreciate it you guys.

@Redleo I have a question when it comes to a part of the society events mechanic. When there is an option to build in the society event does it have to be like this?

[] Example:

-[] society event: build, establish research department
Yes and yes you can have multiple socials but no cannot use a release to reduce a event turn to 0 so you can squeeze a fifth one in, you still need the event point/actions. So take on down please.
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