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[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
You close your eyes for a moment and put some focus into your sense of smell. No matter how well hidden these'land minds'landmines maybe they are still no match for your formidable detection capabilities, well that and they happen to have a really strong smell. In all honestly it's one of the major advantages that you have held a first grasp on when it comes to dealing with this sort of things. They may be immune to most types of magical detection, and they may be able to resist being detonated prematurely via area of effect attacks, but everything comes with its own trade off and the rather distinct smell of the mines seems to be the one this situation.
Maybe, "as far as those mines are concerned, ok?""Hey!' You call to Mary. "I can detect the mines, any place I step in is safe as far as those traps are right."
"Exactly." You smile. "It should be a funtime should it nottime, no?"
"You have a very strange idea of fun." Mary says with a deadpan look on her face. "But I suppose it's better than trying to get through a bunch ofland mindslandmines."
Youdarkdart between the mines, managing to expertly weave between them and avoid another case of 'blown several feet into the air' interrupting your attack pattern. Mary naturally follows closely behind you also avoiding the mines with an unnaturallygrace that only you're New Moon form can match, as your Full Moon form is far too animalistic and your current form just doesn't have the unique 'boost' that a Fey who is at home during the daytime hours has during daylight.
The General does his best to try and blast the two of you with ranged attacks but they don't seem to be his area of skill and you have no problem avoiding them, which in turn means that Mary with her far greaterdodging abilityagility and reaction time has an even easier time of keeping out of the magic blasts reach.
Did you mean "superpower"? "secret power"?Ordinarily that would be a huge let down of a powerful, but given the raw skill he manages to display with just one you actually feel kind of threatened, especially if this new form enhances his other abilities in some way.