My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
You close your eyes for a moment and put some focus into your sense of smell. No matter how well hidden these 'land minds' landmines maybe they are still no match for your formidable detection capabilities, well that and they happen to have a really strong smell. In all honestly it's one of the major advantages that you have held a first grasp on when it comes to dealing with this sort of things. They may be immune to most types of magical detection, and they may be able to resist being detonated prematurely via area of effect attacks, but everything comes with its own trade off and the rather distinct smell of the mines seems to be the one this situation.
"Hey!' You call to Mary. "I can detect the mines, any place I step in is safe as far as those traps are right."
Maybe, "as far as those mines are concerned, ok?"
"Exactly." You smile. "It should be a fun time should it not time, no?"
"You have a very strange idea of fun." Mary says with a deadpan look on her face. "But I suppose it's better than trying to get through a bunch of land minds landmines."
You dark dart between the mines, managing to expertly weave between them and avoid another case of 'blown several feet into the air' interrupting your attack pattern. Mary naturally follows closely behind you also avoiding the mines with an unnaturally grace that only you're New Moon form can match, as your Full Moon form is far too animalistic and your current form just doesn't have the unique 'boost' that a Fey who is at home during the daytime hours has during daylight.
The General does his best to try and blast the two of you with ranged attacks but they don't seem to be his area of skill and you have no problem avoiding them, which in turn means that Mary with her far greater dodging ability agility and reaction time has an even easier time of keeping out of the magic blasts reach.
Ordinarily that would be a huge let down of a powerful, but given the raw skill he manages to display with just one you actually feel kind of threatened, especially if this new form enhances his other abilities in some way.
Did you mean "superpower"? "secret power"?
[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
[x] Try and push him out of the mine field, if you can neutralize that advantage the two of you should still be capable of overcoming him.
Force him out
[x] Force him out

"Come on." You try and get inside the generals guard only to be forces back a few feet by a swing from one of his swords. "We need to get him out of this minefield and soon or we'll never beat him while he's like this."

Mary for her part wastes no time in going after the Homunculuis general with his illusionary long sword. It might not be a 'real' sword in the conventional sense but any damage done by the thing will damage the target as they had been hit by a 'real' sword weather they had known it was an illusion or not, you actually have some resistance to that sort of thing yourself due to your relation to your father but that means that you don't have an appreciation for just how deadly the 'force' illusions employed by Mary's house are.

Sadly though the illusion doesn't manage to do all that much. It seems that the Homunculus general's nonsensically dangerous swordsmanship gives him the power to parry and block illusions, even though the illusion in question should have had no problem bypassing even a magical sword and doing damage to the wielder either way. You swear if he starts doing things like cutting spells or conceptual attacks in half you're going to get really angry, sure you may be a Savage Fey/Shadow creature hybrid that somehow has a completely human form in spite of the fact that you have actual human ancestry but even you have to call nonsense on potentially crazy and illogical things when they go too far for even your admittedly skewed standards.

'Come on.' You think to yourself as you try and close in on the general once again. 'Come on'

If the expression you get from the times you glance over at Mary is anything to go off of she's feeling the same combination of anger, exasperation, and complete panic that you are.

Pffft at least she has a reach weapon! You don't have a weapon affinity so you're stuck trying to punch this guy out with your fists. It may not seem like much at this level of fighting but that reach disadvantage is still a very painful and irritating thing to try and overcome.

Still you've got to hand it to the General he's holding off rather well even though both Mary and yourself are putting everything you've got into trying to push him out the minefield.

Thankfully in this case 'rather well' isn't enough to keep you from forcing him back and out of the minefield.

It's actually amazing how much simply not having to worry about suddenly exploding due to hidden mines beneath your feet does to improve your chances against this guy, and soon enough the two of you are once again getting hits on him in spite of his vastly increased reaction time and utterly absurd skills with those two swords of his.

"Damn it!" He jumps back from the two of you. "Things are going south."

"You bet they a" Before Mary can finish the general teleports away. "What?! How rude!"

"I know." You cross your arms as a look of great disapproval and disappointment creeps across your face. "Teleporting away from a battle of the middle of banters? Who even does that?"

"Not me!" The general's voice from an are behind you causes you to turn.

He's currently standing over the Homunculus Brawler who seems to have suffered a defeat at the hands of the magical warriors, and judging from the scotch marks around the two of them the general probably had just deflected what would have been a finishing blow.

"I've just got a friend of mine to rescue." The general comments as he knocks back the rest of your friends team with a single swing of his sword that had way more powerful than his normal swings. Was he just holding back or a move he can only use sparingly? "I've got a boss to report back to!"

With his part said the general cuts a hole in reality right above him causing both himself and the Brawler to disappear from the battlefield.

….A victory is a victory….and you'd better go change back before the others spend too much time looking for you?

When you de-transform what you suggest the grounds does from that point?
[x] "Let's go to Greg's place…I could use a nice meal after this fiasco."
[x] "Wanna go to the arcade? The place always cheers me up after a moment of mortal peril."
[x] "Well we could always just take a quite walk around town. Mayby torment the Von Cracks if we run into them again?"
[x] "I think that's enough excitement for one day, you mind if we head back to my place and just hang out?"
[x] "Well we could always just take a quite walk around town. Mayby torment the Von Cracks if we run into them again?"
[x] "I think that's enough excitement for one day, you mind if we head back to my place and just hang out?"
[x] "I think that's enough excitement for one day, you mind if we head back to my place and just hang out?"
[x] "I think that's enough excitement for one day, you mind if we head back to my place and just hang out?"
Ok I'd written the update when the Arcade option won but since you'd rolled nothing on the encounter table the only real differences between the two options are that you bonded with Mary and Molly a little.

That said I'm perfectly willing to delay the update for a few days and rewrite if needed.

You guys have a preference?
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Ok I've got a bit of work coming up this week so it may take my a while for me to rewrite the update.

I can post the update I've already got but it's for a different option though as I've said the main different is that you get some bonding in the existing one, but I do want to make sure it's ok with you guys before going with it. If not expect the update sometime late in the week, or next week.

Some feedback would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I'll just rewrite it later this week and hopefully get it up in the next.
[x] Arcade

Soon after you mind Molly and Mary the three of you decide to head one down to the Arcade, apparently they had a fourth friend that wanted to join up with your little group but she had a rather excessive workload to deal with…You have a feeling that it's that one perverted magical warrior that you'd encountered earlier today at the park. Oh well at least that means you won't have to deal with them, and though you'd also encountered the Von Cracks again they'd clearly been heading in a different direction then you'd had. Hopefully that means that you won't be doing any more fighting today, sure you actually kind of like fighting, but even you have your limits and you've been doing more than enough of it today.

"So." You begin as you enter the Arcade with Molly and Mary following close behind. "You guys want to play some Bug blasters? They just released the sixteenth game in the series for Arcades and this one's got it. The games as whole have a rep with quality without a single 'bad' entry in the entirety of the franchise so I'm sure that it'll be a fun time to be had all around."

"Bug blasters?" Molly asks raising a finger up to her chin in thought. "Is that the one that has you playing as a bug blasting other bugs, the one that has you playing as a robot blasting bugs, or the one that has you playing as a bug that's trying to fight off a swarm of killer robots?"

"The one with the player being a killer robot fighting buts is insecticide." Mary explains to her cousin. "It's more of a first person shooter while the one Jonathan's talking about is a top down shooter."

"The one with the bug fighting off killer robots it's exterminator extermination." You add as you cross your arms know lightly. "It's franchise of beat em up games with a surprisingly dark and complex backstory, no really you wouldn't believe it but that game has some deep lore behind it."

What you don't mention is that these games are based off of events that actually happened in other universes, honestly you were shocked to find that part out and even more shocked when you had to go on a mission to one of em….that was some crazy times all over to say the least.

"Anyway." Mary crosses her arms to match your own. "Bug Blasters is the bugs verses bugs one, it's actually a really fun franchise if I remember it correctly."

"Well." Molly begins. "I can't believe I forgot that you two where total nerds?"

"Like you have any room to talk." Mary snarks back at her relative. "I know you still spend the majority of your time playing tabletop RPG games with dice and a bunch of weenies, you really need to keep that fact in mind before you ever go calling other people nerds…come back me up Jonathan"

"I'm backing Mary up." You reply flatly. "She has my full and enthusiastic support in her argument and I am not saying this because I know she'll nag me if I just shrug and go 'eh' or even so much as attempt at taking a neutral stance."

"…Don't let that deadpan voice fool you." Mary lets out a mock glare at her cousin. "He's only pretending to give half-hearted support because he really does think I'm right but he can't help the urge to mess with people."

"Please." Molly rolls her eyes and laughs. "I know better to make stupid assumptions like that, Jonathan's shenanigans aren't exactly new to me. He clearly supports you through thick and thin."

You just give the two of them a small smile.


After a day of gaming fun you retire to your home for the night.

What do you do?
[x] Investigate one of the new warriors. (Choose between Skullcrusher or the Nerdy One)
[x] Make a monster.
[x] You feel tired and you've done a lot of hard fight, you think you'll take a nap.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[x] This is going to be boooring, but you'd better patrol and try and curtail the Lord of Fungi's expansion.
[X]Make a monster

We haven't done this yet. While all the options other than sleep are technically things we haven't done before, patrol and seek out other warriors both continue types of things we've done before, while this is an entirely unexplored area of our character.