My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 30, 2017 at 5:58 PM, finished with 16 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    -[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
    [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    -[x] See if you can find a shirt from that "Deficient Tempo" thing she's always on
    [x] First day
    [x] This park is peaceful…let's just talk here.
    [x] Well Greg is working at his restaurant right now…you're sure he wouldn't mind the extra customers.
    [x] There must be something good in the nearby town…let's check it out.

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 30, 2017 at 5:58 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    -[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
    [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    [x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
    -[x] See if you can find a shirt from that "Deficient Tempo" thing she's always on

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 31, 2017 at 2:18 PM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 1, 2017 at 8:11 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
One of us one of us one of us...
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if you can find a shirt from that "Deficient Tempo" thing she's always on
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if you can find a shirt from that "Deficient Tempo" thing she's always on
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
Kingdom of Shade
A little something to tide you guys over since I probably won't be able to get the update up tomorrow.
The Kingdom of Shade is a Dark Realm regarded as a place of misery and fear by the majority of Fey most of whom value the beauty of the world, a rare sight in this land as only the most ugly and horrific of creatures are visible in the perpetual darkness. It is in fact this ugliness that has prevented the Kingdom from being acknowledged as a Fey House or if it's actual strength was taken into account a Fey Court in it's own right. Even nature within the Kingdom of Shade seems a little less then natural when compared to the other realms as the dead trees still grow and the graveyards remain empty and yet full at the same time. Still the Kingdom of Shade flays a crucial role in the daily lives of the Fey as it is it's magic as well as that of the realms ruler that enables and enforces the contracts that the Fey are prone to make, and it is the shadow of this kingdoms wrath that keeps them from abusing the power of contracts any further then they already do, for any Fey that missteps when making a contract or attempts to make a contract that is forbidding may find themselves dragged off to the Kingdom never to be seen again. For this reason many mortals familiar with the Fey have nicknamed the realm 'Fey Hell' a title the Fey themselves see as all too appropriate. Fortunately for the inhabitants of many worlds conquest seems to be last thing on the mind of the ruler of this kingdom, though his at the moment enigmatic desires do leave some room for worry.
I'd be happy to do more of these posts tomorrow or some other time you if guys are interested, it's the last thing I could do to thank you for being so patient.
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[x] Mary is a gamer…we could attend that tournament that's running right about now.
-[x] See if there's a crude joke t-shirt you can buy to mess with her.
So what I gathered from that is that the wolf's mother wouldn't be able to nullify a contract on her own or without serious consequence?
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 1, 2017 at 10:12 AM, finished with 23 posts and 16 votes.
PC's mother and Contracts
So what I gathered from that is that the wolf's mother wouldn't be able to nullify a contract on her own or without serious consequence?
Pretty much.

Mind you out of the major Fey your mother makes use of contracts the least so it isn't that much of a problem for her.

After all if she makes a contract with a peer that generally means she can't tear there faces off and where's the fun in that?
Current votes: We are willing to go to Mary's tournament... But we want to see if there's something we can do to mess with her. And two of us had an idea what game this is a tournament for...
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 1, 2017 at 10:12 AM, finished with 23 posts and 16 votes.
Gaming Turnament
[x] Gaming Tournament

"So." You begin letting a small smile cross your face. "What do you think about going over to that gaming tournament they're holding today? I heard they'll have some pretty intense stuff."

"I know! I've even heard they have Mega Mash Monsters!" Mary excitement is quite literally visible to you, not that she knows as far as she's concerned you don't have the magical potential to spot her radiance. "….but are you sure your up to it, you've been looking kind of tired lately."

"I'm never too tired to beat you at gaming." Your smile grows into a smirk. "The question is are you ready to lose?"

"If your dreams." She blows a raspberry at you. "It'll play you under the table!"


The two of you quickly make your way over to the gamming tournament the place is as big as ever and the two of you have split up to get some snacks and use the bathrooms.

Now is your chance to put your devious plan into action.

Making your way over to the pseudo shop that many of the event runners have set up you make sure to by yourself a 'I'll push all of your buttons T-shit' not exactly the most classy but you're sure it'll get a rise out of her.

"Hey Jonathan that's a nice T-shirt you've got." You turn to Mary's voice to see that she's wearing a 'I'd love to play with your analogue stick' T-shirt and giving you a wicked smirk.

Clever girl.

"Dark it." You chuckle. "I should have known you'd try and pull something the moment you had the chance."

"I know!" She laughs. "Not that I don't mind the element of surprise."

"You always have the element of surprise." You cross your arms. "It's a good thing you wear your heart on your sleeve or I'd be worried that you were hiding a dirty little secret from me."

"Yeah." She laughs in a manner that while natural to the untrained eye is obviously forced to anyone with training in Fey politics."It would be terrible if I was keeping one of those all right!"

It's not the nicest thing ever to do to a young magical warrior…but you just can't resist the urge to mess with people even on a good day…you'll find some way to make that little stunt of hers up to her later on.

"Hey Mary! Hey Jonathan!" You turn your attention to see a pink haired girl with pigtails and a shy looking boy with blue hair walking up to you. "It's good to see you two can make it!"

"We both had the time off!" Mary smiles happily. "It has to be some sort of miracle with how busy things have been."

"I know that." The girl a friend from your home town named Anna laughs. She's an excitable sort and a bit of a gearhead, but that doesn't make her any less sweet and she's been in consistent relationship with her nerdy boyfriend for longer than anyone else at collage. "So are you guys going to participate in the Mega Monster Mash tournament? I know I am I've been practicing for this for weeks! I came all the way over from our old town just to attend!"

"Well." You smile. "We both are but quite frankly you'll probably crush both of us, your fine motor control is inhuman."

"What can I say?" Anna shrugs. "Genetics had to throw be a break at something."

You open your both to speak but find yourself interrupted as one of the TV monsters flips on and changes to the news.

"This just in." The news lady whose name you always forget begins. "Strange monsters have been spotter attacking the downtown area, residence are recommended to stay indoors and avoid all contact with these unusual attackers."

A look at the TV reveals several humanoid shapes resembling stick figures made out of metal and wearing strange red fabric to cover the parts of their body that aren't exposed. The heads of the creatures consist of a strange loop like that of bubble wand with a plate of metal inserted to resemble a face.

The most basic of Homunculus and the only one to take to the battlefield before the Steel Empires fall. In a fight the Wire men are only slightly better than a basic human soldier armed with low level magical weapon but make up for it in raw numbers. It was during the first attempted purge of humanity that these the first of Homunculi made their battlefield appearance swiftly out numbering and swarming over the Fey armies sent to stop them even though the majority of the Empires human inhabitants had been killed and it's industry all but gutted. Were it not for the need of a vulnerable to assassination human leader to keep them effective on mass the Fey armies may very well have been repulsed from the Steel Empire far earlier than they had been. As it was it was not until the remaining citizens of the empire sacrificed them in a Bloody Ritual and empowered the Wire Men with a temporary boost of supernatural abilities that the Fey Legions where repelled. Though the Empire itself has clearly fallen by the point the Wire Men would go on to do countless damage to the two major Fey Courts before the rulership could muster the force needed to have them all destroyed.

Homunculi? The human empire that first made those was wiped out by the combined forces of the Black Weed and Thick Jungle Courts long ago, what could they possibly be doing here?

"Oh no!" Mary explains in surprise. "I completely forgot my controller at my home…say Jonathan can't you hold our place while I run back and get it…pretty please?"

She's going to fight the monsters.

You want to follow her you really do, but she is really looking forward to this.

What do you do?
[x] Stay and hold your spots for her.
[x] Go and follow her at a distance.
[x] Offer to go get another one for her.
[x] Offer to let her use your spare.
My thoughts on the options...

[]Stay and hold your spots for her.
Nice Guy. Very little threat of exposure. Though we have a good shot that she'll never come back in time. Though if she does then we get to play.

[] Go and follow her at a distance.
Let's be miserable together. Much greater threat of exposure. But we get to share the "didn't get to play" feel bads. Though we look like a bit of an idiot.

[] Offer to go get another one for her.
[] Offer to let her use your spare.

These two would be nicer... If we didn't know that the controller isn't why she's running off. She'll probably make something up about how hers is either lucky or the only one she could find that feels right.

I don't think the homunculus is that likely to take her out. But it also wouldn't feel right to have fun while she risked her life.

[X]Go follow at a distance.

Plan kill things as needed!
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 1, 2017 at 11:38 AM, finished with 2 posts and 2 votes.
Man I wanna just troll (geddit? Troll, fae, no? Okay) her with the controller but the bloodlust speaks to me

[X]Go follow at a distance.