He impression was that or a caring if not somewhat silly father figure doing his best to care for his son while at the same time dealing with all the problems of being a single parent.
He impression was that or a caring if not somewhat silly father figure doing his best to care for his son while at the same time dealing with all the problems of being a single parent.
It's another Fey from the same court that basically acts as you commanding officer while you are around.
Neither your father nor your mother like him very much (He's basically been imposed by the other members of your court to help keep mum in line), and backstabbing him then eating him to take over that role is well within the cards.
Also, another question I have is, how do we get stronger?
Your already stronger than the majority of what you'll be expect to face at this point, you'll get chances to increase your power but don't expect them to show up later on.
It's another Fey from the same court that basically acts as you commanding officer while you are around.
Neither your father nor your mother like him very much (He's basically been imposed by the other members of your court to help keep mum in line), and backstabbing him then eating him to take over that role is well within the cards.
Your already stronger than the majority of what you'll be expect to face at this point, you'll get chances to increase your power but don't expect them to show up later on.
Not sure how I feel about being even more involved in Fae politics though.
I want to get stronger because the 'late season three to mid season four' thing bugs me so much. Like seeing a stat you can customize at a three or four when the rest are at fives and zeros.
"Well." You begin letting out a sigh. "My best friend is actually a magical warrior and I can't interact with her in my true form because I work for one of the forces of eviil….do you have a disguise that would let me get more involved with the crazy side of things?"
"Of course." You father gives you they biggest smile. "What kind do you want? The dashing mysterious stranger? The hammy superhero? The armored warrior, or the wizened sage?"
Which one does interest you?
[x] The Stranger
[x] The Superhero.
[x] The Warrior
[x] The Sage
"Thanks dad." You comment. "You've always been kind to me."
"Hey it's not a problem." You father wraps you in a bear hug. "I LOVE making disguises, especially with the intent of fooling other Fey! It's so much harder to do then with most beings…still not that hard but at least not pathetically easy like with most things.
Ah there's your fathers fun prankster side. You love it when that part of him shows itself, probably because you have a nigh unending appreciating for pranks yourself…and you doubt that you inherited it from you mother….unless she does have one and she's just hiding it, that would explain a good part of why the two have not only managed to stay together but have had a downright healthy marriage up to this point.
Well either way you love your family…even if mother is so terrifying she actually seems to get scarier when she's trying to be reassuring.
When you arrive back in the city you immediately pick up the foolish Fey's scent.
Out of your two parents your father is the one that in all honestly you think you'd want to anger the least. Sure your mother is a brutal piece of work but usually the worst she'll do is rip someone limp from limp….father tends to be more creative. In fact you're kind of surprised he doesn't have any plans for this Fey after you kill her, there must be some kind of mitigating circumstances because he's not usually that forgiving about this sort of thing…well either that or he's in a very good mood at the moment. Well whatever the case this Fey is going to get off far easier than most tomb defilers….she should definitely rejoice at that fact because there are many, many, many others who have committed the same crime and wished that could have gotten the same treatment.
Soon enough you arrive at her location…the park….shockingly enough the city managed to repair all those craters from just earlier this day too.
Let's see, she's constructed the ritual circle and placed several pieces taken not from the desecrated tomb but from the tomb of a nearby Fey of the same court. Great desecration and theft, she really is digging her own grave with this bit of shenanigans isn't she?
The Fey herself is humanoid in shape…but that's where any resemblance to humanity ends. Her entire body is made up of pitch black vines that are covered with glowing green thrones, from looks along one wouldn't even know she was a she if she wasn't vaguely shaped like a female. The only features beyond the vines are two glowing red eyes looking out from the mass of vines that passes for her heads.
The mainline spellcasters of the Court of Black Weeds the Vine Witch focuses on creating and commanding twisted versions of plants to do their bidding. A small warning to those interacting with them Vine Witches are petty and mercurial creatures even by Fey standards so one must be extremely careful not to awaken the creatures spiteful side.
A Black Vine Witch…well well this should be interesting.
It looks like she's trying to resurrect another member of her courts…not actually something entirely banned by your father since death is different for the Fey, but what she did to get the regents needed is very much worthy of punishment.
The question is how do you do it?
[x] This ritual is bound to attract attention, wait for someone else to start a fight and then kill her while her focus isn't on you.
[x] This is an Eclipse…you have more than enough magical power to…manipulate the ritual in far more amusing ways.
[x] Just jump in there and tear her to shreds.
[x] Mock her! If you can get under her 'skin' you probably lead her on a while goose chase across the whole city…you want to have some fun before you get this over with.
[x] The Warrior
[x] Mock her! If you can get under her 'skin' you probably lead her on a while goose chase across the whole city…you want to have some fun before you get this over with.
We are the Prince of Werewolves. We are a hunter. Let us call our allied fae and revel in the glory of a new moon hunt. Let us laugh and be merry, for tonight the Wyld Hunt rides again! And our target is someone whose despicable actions have made her a perfectly acceptable Prey. This is not something you get to enjoy every night!
It looks like she's trying to resurrect another member of her courts…not actually something entirely banned by your father since death is different for the Fey, but what she did to get the regents needed is very much worthy of punishment.
How big are the chances that the resurrection will go horribly wrong and summon some evil eldritch thing?
I am half of a mind to let the thing complete, then kill her afterwards. Dad seems to think she has a good reason for this, so maybe she deserves to be at least succesful?
How big are the chances that the resurrection will go horribly wrong and summon some evil eldritch thing?
I am half of a mind to let the thing complete, then kill her afterwards. Dad seems to think she has a good reason for this, so maybe she deserves to be at least succesful?