And today has been a long and exhausting affair. You had a monster fight early in the morning and another monster fight later at night….it was so incredibly tiring, what could those monsters have been doing at this time of night anyway? It's not like anyone was wondering around or even awake for them to terrorize or harvest for resources, and they at least had the dignity not to invade people's homes, so there really shouldn't have been any reason for them to even show up…so what did they want? They weren't idiots or mindless beasts so they had to have had some reason for roaming around like they were.
"My Lady! May Lady!" The frantic call of your magical rat familiar breaks you out of your thoughts. "You look very tired! What happened to you?"
"I fought some new monsters." You let out a frustrated groan. "Stupid grey person thing?"
"Grey person thing?" The rat thinks for a moment and then its eyes widen. "Tell! Me! Everything!"
Oh….ok this must be pretty important if he's getting that worked up over the whole thing. I explain to him my encounter with the Grey Wrecking Ball guy, and then my encounter with the just as grey ninja throwing star buzz-saw guy….honestly I have to admit that the later guy was kind of cool looking even if he was my enemy. Still they really seemed to hate the fey as did The Lady of Gears, though you were fortunate enough to only run into the latter once, she's way too smart to fall for the same trick twice, and she's far too strong for you to stand an actual chance of beating her in a fight…Great now you wonder where she gets her powers from, you have yours because your part Fey and up until today you'd assumed partial Fey heritage was responsible for her powers too… but now that you've seen her in person you very much doubt that it is the case."
"This isn't good." The rat comments in a worried manner. "This really isn't good."
"Yeah." You say leaning back." A new monster type already…I wasn't supposed to start fighting until the Court of Black Weeds makes its own move."
"No these aren't just random monsters!" The Rat exclaims in panic. "Those are homunculi! They fought against the Fey back in the wars of old….only a very powerful human mage could have recreated them like you described….and I can promise you that whoever it is has a big vendetta against all Fey good or evil!"
….I crawl into bed.
I can't deal with this right now….I just can't deal with it.
All I wanted was a nice day of no monsters and just hanging around with friend.
Could that really be too much to ask these days?
You wake up with a spring in your step the next day.
Hello world! Would you like to be terrorized today!
"Someone's in a good mood." You Shadow Ocotpus comments happily. "It's good to that the New Moon was able to work its wonders!""
"I'll say!" You laugh happily. "I spent the majority of yesterday half dead….it feel soooo good to feel so alive again!"
"And on a weekend too!" Octobuddy adds in. "You have the whole day to do whatever you want!"
"I know!" You say happily, and you have so many options too. You could see if Mary is up to hang out again. You could try on your new disguise and go out for the day. You could try your hand at summoning another minion. Heck if you wanted you could even see about checking up on deer old mom….though it would be a scary ride.
What do you do?
[x] Try out the disguise.
[x] Call Mary.
[x] Go for summoning.
[x] Visit Mom.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Aug 27, 2017 at 7:27 PM, finished with 17 posts and 17 votes.