My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] Hunt down the other Assassins on your own, if you kill enough it should derail things.
Think of it as a warm up for when we go to kick house fungal out of our territory.
What can Mary do that we can't in this situation?

[X] Post minions around the vicinity of your friends to guard them from assassins and tell them to be discreet.
[x] Go fetch Skullcrusher, she's the only other magical warrior Mary hasn't had contact with an you have a feeling the help will be needed.
[x] Hunt down the other Assassins on your own, if you kill enough it should derail things.
[x] Call Mary…now she needs to know about this.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Dec 27, 2017 at 11:41 AM, finished with 1160 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] Call Mary…now she needs to know about this.
    [x] Hunt down the other Assassins on your own, if you kill enough it should derail things.
    [x] Transform into your disguise and monitor the situation.
    [X] Post minions around the vicinity of your friends to guard them from assassins and tell them to be discreet.
    [x] Go fetch Skullcrusher, she's the only other magical warrior Mary hasn't had contact with an you have a feeling the help will be needed.​
    [x] Transform into your disguise and monitor the situation.
[x] Call Mary…now she needs to know about this.

She didn't reeeaally need to know about us being Best Werewolf. Her (other) friends and family being in danger, though? Yup, this shit is serious, and we should probably volunteer our Best Werewolf services so she can Not Permanently Panic.
She didn't reeeaally need to know about us being Best Werewolf. Her (other) friends and family being in danger, though? Yup, this shit is serious, and we should probably volunteer our Best Werewolf services so she can Not Permanently Panic.

Yeah I think it has now reached the Godzilla Threshold since friends and family are now in danger we can deal with the fallout of spilling our secret later but now we have to focus on keeping people safe. Mary will likely feel a little betrayed since the courts us and mary are a part of might be enemies or at least not on good diplomatic terms but that will be dealt with after this.
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Yeah I think it has now reached the Godzilla Threshold since friends and family are now in danger we can deal with the fallout of spilling our secret later but now we have to focus on keeping people safe. Mary will likely feel a little betrayed since the courts us and mary are a part of might be enemies or at least not on good diplomatic terms but that will be dealt with after this.
Yeah. By my guess, we've been keeping it to avoid political shit from getting in the way of our friendship. So if she gets angry-

Best Werewolf: "They started it!"
Call Mary
[x] Call Mary

Darn it. This is bad, this is really bad. You may have been able to easily handle the Homunculus Assassin sent after you, but you're almost sure that a good deal of Mary's other friends won't be so lucky, though you're sure her direct family is mostly safe, they are all Fey of decent strength after all.

The Phone is ringing.

Ok thank goodness, she remembered to charge it today; this whole ordeal is bad enough when it's just dangerous, you'd rather not suffer the humiliation of failing to get your warning through because Mary's forgot to charge her Cell again.

Come Mary. Pick up, pick up, pick up!

"Hello?" Ok than goodness she was paying attention, she can be very absentminded sometime. "What's up Jonathan?"

"Mary" You begin "Do you remember that really homunculus you fought earlier today?"

"The sword guy?"

"No." You say as a small amount of exasperation mixes in with your worry. "The other one."

"Oh the ninja?" Mary finally get the right one. "What about her."

"Another one just threatened my life and tried to take me hostage!" You practically shout into the phone. "She said that there were others. Mary they're going after your family and friends!"


Your sentiments exactly.

"The ninjas are targeting your friends." You repeat the phrase just to make sure. "The one attacking me was dealt with by a wandering magical warrior but you've to go check on the others before they get hit."

"Thanks!" Mary's running so hard you can hear her footsteps from the other side of the phone. "Stay safe until I call you later ok!"

She hangs up.

Well… Unfortunately you don't think you'll be able to keep true to your word on that part.

The House of Thriving Fungi has been on the mover for quite a while after all, and Fey verses Fey fights are infamous for how bitter and bloody they can get.

And you know that the fight between the House of Savagery and the House of Funngi and going to happen sometime, maybe not today, maybe not this week, maybe not this month, maybe not even this year but it will happen eventually.

For the moment however? It may be best if you lay low and not draw too much attention to your activities.


The fight from what you manage to gather actually goes fairly well for Mary's group. As you'd suspected pretty every attempt on one of her family members fail miserably due to them all being powerful Fey themselves. In all honestly you kind of sad that you weren't able to see the spectacle, it must have a hilarious surprise for the poor Assassins to say the least, well not hilarious for them more like hilarious for everyone else, especially those watching but still.

Sadly, the attacks on her friends do much better. Mostly because only one of them was a magical warrior with the experience needed to fight off the Assassin in question so aside from you the majority of them wound up kidnapped.

Fortunately Mary manages to marshal the rest of the magical warriors sans yourself Skullcrusher whom she has no method of contacting and launches an all-out attack on the Assassin hideout. The Assassin's did managed to hold out long enough to threaten one of friends but hot-stuff from yesterday decided to make his appearance right then, vaporizing the Homcunulus with a blast of fire before her blade could slit Mary's friend's neck.

What a drama queen.

Anyway after that rather intense day you return home to find a letter from your father.

His precognition has told him that Mary' intends to launch an attack on the Homunculi tonight, before they can snowball out of control…He's also got a mission he'd like you to take but seeing as mom also has a request he's fine waiting.

Darn it and you wanted to finish of the Thriving Fungi presence tomorrow too.

What do you do?
[x] Help Mary, she intends to attack the Homcunli on their home turf, something that would be dangerous even if both yourself and Skullcrusher were present.
[x] Help out your Mom.
[x] Help out your dad.
[x] Go kill those Fungi Fey! You've been waiting to exterminate them for too long!
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 29, 2017 at 8:33 PM, finished with 1178 posts and 11 votes.
[x] Help out your Mom.
Sorry Mary but family first and dad did say he could wait... plus I feel like we haven't been around with dear old mom for awhile so we should probably just pop in if only to say hi.