My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

I will say that the PC actually has ways of predicting his fits of madness so it won't be 'snap your evil' and more 'this is building up. I'd better get prepared' and that you will have ways to influence him during crazy mode without outright voting for evil options if you don't want too, though it's a little less direct than normal gameplay.

ie: If you guys want to do so you can actually influence a madness driven scientist PC into putting a weakness on say a death robot that he wouldn't otherwise.
Okay, that's actually pretty sweet.
One of the big things with the werewolf is the raw authority they have over lesser fey. In this setting fey can actually polo there powers relatively easy to accomplish very powerful spells with the help of a patron, in the werewolves case he can either be a patron for a ritual from lower fey or he can beseech his parents to aid in ritual of his.

He's also one of the few beings (His father is another) that can outright nullify a fey contract/curse without the fey party in question agreeing to it, and even inforce a penalty on the fey in question if they don't agree to it...though you can only do so during the new moon.

I don't care if it's "only" 13 times a year... That's fucking nuts! Contracts and their enforcement is the Fey's entire Schick! They're a race of Rules Lawyers! Is the Lord of Shadows the High King or something? Also being able to make or nullify any contract we get into if "diplomancing" the other side while we "hide" as the Wolf Prince... Fuck that's powerful.

On a separate note, fey magic, collab bullshit. In other words, the one who is most obviously synergistic to the "best friend" fairy princess's magic. Full moon is Wizard and Tank. New Moon is Wizards doing a colaberation paper on "the basic methods of making the universe your bitch."

Or if they're fighting... (because let's face it, it's probably going to happen at some point.) New Moon means Wizard vs. Wizard... And those fights are always a spectacle.

And finally, by the sounds of it, the wolf prince acts more like his mother when the moon is brighter. How's she? Besides "I can eat dragons if I feel like it"?
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So, basically, "Of course my super weapon needs a weakness! It gives it character!" AKA the Oticon approach.

Or possibly even "Of course it needs a self destruct button! What kind of super villain would I be otherwise?" AKA the Doofenshmirtz approach.
"And I shall put it where no one will ever look! Under the robot's foot!"
So, basically, "Of course my super weapon needs a weakness! It gives it character!" AKA the Oticon approach.

Or possibly even "Of course it needs a self destruct button! What kind of super villain would I be otherwise?" AKA the Doofenshmirtz approach.
Whatever is most amusing at the time.

I don't care if it's "only" 13 times a year... That's fucking nuts! Contracts and their enforcement is the Fey's entire Schick! They're a race of Rules Lawyers! Is the Lord of Shadows the High King or something? Also being able to make or nullify any contract we get into if "diplomancing" the other side while we "hide" as the Wolf Prince... Fuck that's powerful.

He's more like Hades was in greet mythology. Extremely powerful but nobody outside his kingdom likes him and they all prefer to pretend that he doesn't exist.

And finally, by the sounds of it, the wolf prince acts more like his mother when the moon is brighter. How's she? Besides "I can eat dragons if I feel like it"?
I'll try and come up with a more detailed explanation sometime later, maybe tomorrow when I wake back up but she's basically the mother of monsters as far as the Fey are concerned as well as being one of the most powerful warriors in all of the three major courts.
So, with that we know that there are 3 Courts. Obviously, the Magic Girl one is separate from the Mother Of Monsters court. The question becomes if the latter is also separate from Lord Shade's. If so, I actually wonder which court the Wolf is Prince of.
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 26, 2017 at 12:56 PM, finished with 119 posts and 37 votes.
[x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
Pros: Very powerful physical combatant and your later appearance means that you have plenty of time to study up on the other evils.
Cons: Fey politics and all the entails.
[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks

Let's go the fairy tale route.
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The Fey Courts
Some info on the Fey courts.

General: The Fey Courts are the main governing body of the Fey and have been so since the time of the Ancient Empires. While the methods, power, and even the goals of the Fey differ from Court to Court and individual to individual the Fey are collectively considered one of the greatest threats that humanity has ever faced easily surpassing the Demons of the Infernal Wasteland...though some more recent events such as the Birth of the Avatars of Sin have brought some new challengers to that position.

The Court of Clear Waters: The Youngest of the Fey Courts this court only ever came into existence after the last of the Ancient Empires feel though the signs of it's eventual creation where apparent long before then. In terms of disposition the Court if Clear Waters is considered the closest thing to a 'benevolent' group of Fey that there is, though most who have had extended contact with the Fey express doubts that such a court truly exists. Still the Court of Clear Waters is well known for possessing an exceedingly large number of human/Fey hybrids among it's ranks so there may be more motivation then simple whimsy for the courts benevolent disposition.

The Court of Thick Jungles: The Court that most think of when they think of the Fey. The Court of Thick Jungles is well known for it's mercurial attitude switching from kindly to fiendish and back again at the drop of a hat. Out of all the groups that one can see making a deal with mortals this group is it, though once again intentions very from Fey to Fey. In terms of power this Court is the Oldest and the second largest meaning that it has quite a bit of power behind it, and though it's smaller in size than it's nearest rival that does not make it inferior in any way....age and wisdom are very potent weapons to wield when it comes to battles between the Fey after all.

The Court of Black Weeds: The most malevolent and the largest of the Courts many member of this Fey Court are Fey born from negative emotions or made using human souls. Due to this the Court has done all it can to make humanities life as possible in any way they can, this in turn has swelled the groups numbers to around three times the size of that of the Court of Thick Jungles. Still divisions have appeared with on the Court with one group led by the Queen of Cruel Vines seeking to destroy all versions of humanity utterly and another led by the Lord of Thriving Fungi who wants to keep the species around for further name and soul harvesting. The presence of a third faction led by the Lady of Savagery who in her own words 'Just wants to kill stuff' does not make matters any better. Soon enough the Court of Black Weeds my end up splitting from one Court into three different Ones.

Other Fey factions such as the Kingdom of Shades and the New Courts exists but they would be best discussed separately from the main three.
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Quite interesting. Which court is the princess from then?

Also the werewolf prince can command bwsically all fae short of his parents right?
Quite interesting. Which court is the princess from then?
Clear Waters

Also the werewolf prince can command bwsically all fae short of his parents right?

Those who follow the same rulers yeah and the ones from other courts are more likely to listen just by sheer dint of raw power.

The weaker Courtless fey are also very likley to capitulate and fall in line if you give em some orders.
[x] The Mad Scientist
This one will offer most drama and action. Also it's more of a tactical, got-to-hide-my-identity type of play.
[x] Lady of Gears
It'll look cool with the scientist friend.
[x] The Mad Scientist
[x] Lady of Gears
We'll have our monsters weakness to be Jam who would think of throwing Jam on a monster!
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[x] The Werewolf Prince:

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!

If only because you put a lot of work into them all so I sort of know they'll all be in the game. And I would rather we have a good position.

Gluttony's also a good choice, but I feel it'll be pretty hard to hide being a Sin from someone who's fighting evil.
I've written Pride given an Avatar before. Hiding that's um... Impossible.
And while choices make it sound like we're trying to take over or something, it also feels like keeping it a secret from said magical warrior best friend is um... Gonna be important.
Ok so how are votes looking so far?

Also darn it forgot to put on of the options in the Hero choices...oh well.
We want the Fairy princess. Beyond that it's close.

EDIT:Looks like 14 total for the Wolf Prince, and 11?... for Gluttony (I guess some people changed votes.)
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 26, 2017 at 12:56 PM, finished with 119 posts and 37 votes.
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Ok then I'll give it another day and then try and get the next update up tomorrow.

Edit: Fun the option I forgot to put down was a dragon warrior. As you'd expect using that power she'd have access to a lot of fire attacks and have the power to turn into a dragon form in combat.
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Edit: Fun the option I forgot to put down was a dragon warrior. As you'd expect using that power she'd have access to a lot of fire attacks and have the power to turn into a dragon form in combat.
I'd change my vote right now if you put it down XD

Werewolves fighting dragons/friending with dragons?
@BungieONI any chance you'll swap back over to the werewolf prince? Mad Scientist is getting abit close and Werewolf *does* have a lead over Sin and iirc your okay with either of them winning.

And i'd really like to not be yet another RnD PC in a Quest frankly. SV chooses them a lot.