Some info on the Fey courts.
General: The Fey Courts are the main governing body of the Fey and have been so since the time of the Ancient Empires. While the methods, power, and even the goals of the Fey differ from Court to Court and individual to individual the Fey are collectively considered one of the greatest threats that humanity has ever faced easily surpassing the Demons of the Infernal Wasteland...though some more recent events such as the Birth of the Avatars of Sin have brought some new challengers to that position.
The Court of Clear Waters: The Youngest of the Fey Courts this court only ever came into existence after the last of the Ancient Empires feel though the signs of it's eventual creation where apparent long before then. In terms of disposition the Court if Clear Waters is considered the closest thing to a 'benevolent' group of Fey that there is, though most who have had extended contact with the Fey express doubts that such a court truly exists. Still the Court of Clear Waters is well known for possessing an exceedingly large number of human/Fey hybrids among it's ranks so there may be more motivation then simple whimsy for the courts benevolent disposition.
The Court of Thick Jungles: The Court that most think of when they think of the Fey. The Court of Thick Jungles is well known for it's mercurial attitude switching from kindly to fiendish and back again at the drop of a hat. Out of all the groups that one can see making a deal with mortals this group is it, though once again intentions very from Fey to Fey. In terms of power this Court is the Oldest and the second largest meaning that it has quite a bit of power behind it, and though it's smaller in size than it's nearest rival that does not make it inferior in any way....age and wisdom are very potent weapons to wield when it comes to battles between the Fey after all.
The Court of Black Weeds: The most malevolent and the largest of the Courts many member of this Fey Court are Fey born from negative emotions or made using human souls. Due to this the Court has done all it can to make humanities life as possible in any way they can, this in turn has swelled the groups numbers to around three times the size of that of the Court of Thick Jungles. Still divisions have appeared with on the Court with one group led by the Queen of Cruel Vines seeking to destroy all versions of humanity utterly and another led by the Lord of Thriving Fungi who wants to keep the species around for further name and soul harvesting. The presence of a third faction led by the Lady of Savagery who in her own words 'Just wants to kill stuff' does not make matters any better. Soon enough the Court of Black Weeds my end up splitting from one Court into three different Ones.
Other Fey factions such as the Kingdom of Shades and the New Courts exists but they would be best discussed separately from the main three.