"Look!" You point behind the Homuculus Brawler. "A distraction."
"Well there's clearly nothing of importance but it would be rude just to ignore such polite words." The Brawler says as he turns around "I mean it's not like you won't find some other way to outsmart me anyway."
The general on the other hand is less then amused, somehow managing to miss the presence of a technology based fey warrior as well as the Homunculus Brawler getting ready to fight with her, you have to admit you didn't expect to see that technology based fey are rarity only seen on worlds populated with humans for multiple generations and even then only after several generations of interbreeding between humans and fey makes it possible. "As if you really expect me to fall for"
He's interrupted by the sound of a powerful energy blast cooking off behind him as the Brawler manages to block a powerful magical shot from the tech fairy girl.
"Hold it evil villain!" The girl should. "I the beautiful Fey Warrior of Computers and the Realm of Data shall stop you before you use your evil powers to terrorize the innocents of this park!"
You think you've met Mary's nerdy magical friend….and you don't like that lustful glance she occasionally shoots your way. Honestly could she at least be a little more subtle about all that. After all a wondering eye is only natural but that doesn't mean you have to be ok with them being so brazenly blatant about the whole thing.
"Well well." Arrogant Von Crack looks at the sparks flying between the homunculi and the Fey warror. "It seems that our little groups have stumbled upon a bigger fight."
"Gee. You think?" Mary hisses back at the Von Crack siblings, the lot of them have always had a bit of a rivalry and that hostility has never really died down. "It's almost like magical explosions are not a normal occurrence."
"Mary." You cross your arms and give her a glance. "I don't think that now is the best time to get into a fight with the Von Cracks, they are offering us an olive branch if not for a day then at least as long as it takes us to get to safety from the fight, you know the fight that involves a pack of unstable and magically powerful monsters. I highly suggest that we take it right Molly?"
You get no response from your friends close relative.
When you turn around to see what's happening you find that Molly is currently trying desperately to force Arvan Von Crack into some form of headlock, and failing at the task badly as the young man manages to casually avoid each and all of her attempts to get at him with her short ranged grapples.
"Molly!" You hiss causing the bigger girl to stop her attempted attacks. "This is not the time to start fights with the Von Cracks, we clearly have bigger issues to deal with right now."
Molly crosses her arms and lets an unhappy huff as Arvan Von Crack blows an angry raspberry at her…something that you can't blame him for doing.
Why are you the rational one here? You're the son of the literally personification of savagery you should not be the sane and reasonable one under just about any circumstance and yet you've somehow found yourself stuck in the position of being the responsible one. You should not be the responsible one under in any circumstances!
"So Jonathan?" Molly asks you. "We aren't fighting, what do we do now?"
What do you do now?
[x] Split up and run for it….you'll naturally transform and immediately head back.
[x] Split up and run for it….you'll go and get your new friend from yesterday to join in.
[x] Split up and run for it….you'll keep an eye on Mary and Molly.
[x] Split up and run for it….you'll keep an eye on the Von Cracks.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Nov 7, 2017 at 8:21 PM, finished with 899 posts and 11 votes.
[x] Split up and run for it….you'll naturally transform and immediately head back.
"Ok." You begin letting a small amount of steel into your voice as your resolve hardens. "I have a plan but it's extremely complicated and difficult to follow all the different parts so I need you guys to listen carefully when I say it."
The assembled ground leans in closer to you anticipation in their eyes, clearly eager to find out the tactic that you've devised for handling the hostile homunculi.
"This the plan takes advantage to the homunculus current distraction." You begin. "And as such I suggest we run away. Screaming is not required but it is approved of."
The assembled group is immediately thrown of balance and Molly ends up hitting the ground face first…that cannot be pleasant.
"Really Jonathan." Mary raises an eyebrow at you. "While I don't doubt that running away is the smart choice here…. Did you really need to make such a big deal of your plan when that's all it was?"
"Yes." You reply flatly.
"What?" Mary just looks more confused. "Why would you do that?"
"Because." You cross your arms. "It amused me."
"As good a reason as any." To your shock and repressed horror Arroganta expresses approval. "I cannot say that I'd be hesitant to do that same thing where I in your position."
Darn it. The one person you wanted to mess with most with that stunt is the only one that approves of it. You suppose that this is just your luck, it has been rather bad recently if the Lord of Fungi's persistant incursions into your mothers territory are anything to take at face value, or for that matter that time when you got hit on the head by an enchanted silver baseball but during a half moon, it wasn't even a fight just a normal game of baseball in which case someone happened to have a bat made up of one of your weaknesses.
"Well anyway." You begin deciding to move the conversation along before you end up distracting yourself or being distracted by the others. "We should probably get running right."
"Right!" The assembled group nods as the Homuculus attempts to smash the magical knight in the background. "So how do we start?"
Eventually you manage to get a safe distance away from both the others and from the fighting homcului and magical warrior and giving you're the room you need to transform.
Stepping into the darkness of a nearby ally you undergo your transformation enhancing your body with magic and creating your costume over yourself in order to better hide your identity.
"Well." You comment casually as you crack your knuckles. The sounds of fighting are still clear in the distance and they don't seem like they'll be calming down any time soon. "It looks like the part is in dire need… OF JUSTICE!"
Even if no one is around to hear your justice based justice speech with a filling of justice, justice, and even more justice it's get into character for your soon to be appearance!
When you arrive you see that Mary has arrived and taken on the job of fighting the Homunculus general while her nerdy assistant and Molly try to take on the Crusher. Mary is a powerful fighting no doubt about it, but from what you can tell the Homunculus general is far more experienced and is fully adept at using that experience to keep the upper hand in the fight between the two. The Homunculus crush also has the edge over his two oppoenents except instead of taking it through superior skill his raw power seems more then make up for the two on one disadvantage and he's far from unskilled himself.
Well this is a pain.
What do you do?
[x] Join the fight against the general.
[x] Join the fight against the Crusher.
[x] Bombard both enemies from range.
[x] Write in.