My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

... we should just keep creating threat 1 monsters and holding them in reserve until we need to Zerg rush.
[x] Enter your disguise and wait by the area the Homunculus is set to emerge from.
[x] Assign a monster to watch out for the emergence. (Write in which one/ones and what you want them to do, can be taken with any of the above options.)
-[X] Dopplehound. Set to tracking the monster.
--[X] No confrontations, the monster is not to engage.
[x] Enter your disguise and wait by the area the Homunculus is set to emerge from.
[x] Assign a monster to watch out for the emergence. (Write in which one/ones and what you want them to do, can be taken with any of the above options.)
-[X] Dopplehound. Set to tracking the monster.
--[X] No confrontations, the monster is not to engage.
[x] Enter your disguise and wait by the area the Homunculus is set to emerge from.
-[X] When they do appear, loudly decry them as "Desecrators and Despoilers of Nature!"
[x] Assign a monster to watch out for the emergence. (Write in which one/ones and what you want them to do, can be taken with any of the above options.)
-[X] Dopplehound. Set to tracking the monster.
--[X] No confrontations, the monster is not to engage.
[x] Enter your disguise and wait by the area the Homunculus is set to emerge from.
-[X] When they do appear, loudly decry them as "Desecrators and Despoilers of Nature!"
[x] Assign a monster to watch out for the emergence. (Write in which one/ones and what you want them to do, can be taken with any of the above options.)
-[X] Dopplehound. Set to tracking the monster.
--[X] No confrontations, the monster is not to engage.
[x] Waiting

You relax on a bench in the part in your human form. If a fight with a homunculus is going to happen today you want to be in the right place to see it happen. You're fathers blood in you may dilute her influence, but you are very much your mother's son with all the love for carnage that goes with that fact. Not that your life is dominated by it mind you, but you've definitely got an unhealthy love of violence flowing through your veins.

I mean how can you help yourself? Violence has so many wonderful traits. You love carnage of a great beast screaming in horrible agony as dozens of its smaller competitors ruthless tear it to shreds in the name of their own survival. You love the crunching sounds that erupts when a large created causally crushes something that is so much smaller then itself into an unrecognizable mess of bone and gore. You love the roars as two monster tear into each other each one desperately trying to gain the upper hand in a violent and merciless battle force survival!

….And now you've discovered the results of your dad's flowery nature mixing with your mother's hobbies.

To think your lil sister is growing up to be even more carnage happy than you are too.

Well that's going to be horrifying.

Hmmm oh look you can smell Mary in her magically warrior form disguised and waiting for an ambush. It seems she's caught onto the pattern of Homunculus attacks always hitting the park too. You probably shouldn't be as surprised as you are, Mary is nothing if not smart after all it would be stupid to think she lacked something as common as basic pattern recognition.

"Ok idiots it's time to clear out." Your thoughts are very rudely interrupted when a Homunculus with a shield and sword appears through a portal. "I'm hunting fey!"

"Halt villain!" Mary wastes no time in making herself known. "I will not let you terrorized the people of this city without a fight!"

The Homunculus look at Mary with a glare and opens his mouth to speak.

And then he spontaneously combusts.

Wait what?

"Wait what?" Mary articulates your thoughts on the mater outload.

"Fairy Princess Alera." An extremely soothing voice catches your attention. "I have come to challenge you."

You turn you head in the direction of the voice to see…a very handsome young man. He's got red hair and a slim build, though not entirely without muscle as his opposed arms and the abs showing from his midriff demonstraight. His eyes are as red as his hair and though he doesn't seem to be wearing much more than a shirt and some sweatpants you feel a certain flare from his very presence.

Hmmm if you had to guess you'd say this is happening because you showed up and allied yourself with Mary's magical warrior disguise fairly early on. Clearly this wound up asserting yourself into the role of the main heros second in command, but do to your own darkness based nature your designed role in the team would have been the enigmatic guy that shows up to occasionally help or to fight with her only eventually joining the team after a long drawn out story arc….and so the person who would originally have been her second in command has found themselves instead fulfill you're old designated role due to a sort of…narrative vacuum.

Or he could just be a guy.

Before you have much time to do anything else you feel a ring of fire tight around you and lifting you up.

"Meet me in the burnt woods in two hours." Fire guy says. "Then we will see if you are truly worth of standing guard over this realm."

Oh so you're being kidnapped them.

What a novel experience.

Two of you vanish in a burst of fire.

What do you do while being help captive?
[x] Heckle your kidnapper, heckle him without mercy!
[x] Just make conversation, you'll be rescued soon anyway.
[x] Transform and bust out, no one hold you hostage.
[x] Try and escape without transforming, you may not be using magic, but you are in no way obliged to make things easy for this guy.
[x] Heckle your kidnapper, heckle him without mercy!
[x] Just make conversation, you'll be rescued soon anyway.

Did he take us because we were the only person around or does he know something?
[x] Just make conversation, you'll be rescued soon anyway.

What if we form a team with this guy?