[x] Introduction
"Oh come now Fair Lady." You begin as a smile creases your lips "You of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
"Awwww can you at least let me get a little look at you?" Mary says directing her eyes to your arms. "Maybe take of your shirt or something…just so I can a better look at those nice mus….get a better reed on your character!"
You do your best to keep from gasping in shock….your best friend is a pervert!
"No." You say flatly as you cross your arms. "I'm a warrior not some piece of eye candy, if you want to see me shirtless you'll just have to wait for the beach episode."
"Beach episode?" Mary looks at you in confusion. "What's that?"
"It's something that will happen later." You say putting on your most mysterious voice. "Almost certainly as some form of breather in between the variety of horrible and dangerous trials that you will soon face."
"Oh….that' good to know I guess." Now Mart just looks confused. "So is this a onetime thing or are you going to show up later?"
"That my dear friend is a mystery that will be solved another day." You say as you turn to a shadow filled wall and walk into it, disappearing almost on contact. "Have a nice day."
"Well." You comment to Octobro as you return to your home. "That was fun."
"It certainly looked like it was fun." Octobro replies happily. "Still you are a bit of a dork…you know that right?"
"Hey." You shrug. "When you've gotta be a goofball you've gotta be a goofball. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy and I have no intention of making myself into a dull boy…because they're always so boring….both to be and to be around….don't you agree?"
"Certainly!" Octobro adds. "But I do have one question."
"Yes?" You turn around and look at your Octopus like familiar. "Feel free to speak your mind."
"Are you going to go out tonight?" Octobro asks with a hint of concern in his voice. "You are still wounded pretty badly…things could turn out less than idea if you get into a fight with an enemy that can actually do something to you while you're out there…and Night generally is when the more powerful enemies are out and about."
Hmmmmm….he does have a point.
Do you go out?
[x] Yes.
[x] No just stay in and focus on healing.
If you do go outside tonight how do you spend your time?
[x] Training.
[x] Searching for something of interest.
[x] Getting to know the local Fey.
[x] Tracking down some of the homunculi…you know that they're out there…you can smell it.