[x] Go over there but remain hidden…you want to see how this unfolds.
I am against immediately helping out unless there is a dire emergency. A "bad" guy directly helping a good guy is something that is suspicious to anyone if we dot play the mystery stranger angle right. This is something I feel we should feel out first to not rush it.
[x] Go over there but remain hidden…you want to see how this unfolds.
I am against immediately helping out unless there is a dire emergency. A "bad" guy directly helping a good guy is something that is suspicious to anyone if we dot play the mystery stranger angle right. This is something I feel we should feel out first to not rush it.
I am against immediately helping out unless there is a dire emergency. A "bad" guy directly helping a good guy is something that is suspicious to anyone if we dot play the mystery stranger angle right. This is something I feel we should feel out first to not rush it.
No one has any reason to suspect that this other identity of ours is a bad guy except our father, and our father does know that we consider our best friend to be our best friend and that the enemy she's fighting is also our enemy, so I think we are sort of safe here.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding standing something? Are just going to incorporate having one arm into our disguise somehow, just say we have we have a rare regeneration power/ otherwise important enough in the fey to have it healed, rip out our own arm to remain consistent, or just persistently never acknowledge the discrepancy even if asked? We could just hit and run without anyone getting a good look at us but the question is would after that effort really what we benefit us?
I'm also under the impression if we do interfere with the battle already under way we will have introduce our persona in some way to our best friend or risk our best friend not trusting us / attacking us. It just seem high risk and reward situation especially if she doesn't need our help in the first place or are ready wounded she actually needs to save us.
"Well." You comment to yourself as you stand up. "I did get this disguise so I could better interact with my best friend in the first place….it would be downright wasteful of me to let a little flesh wound get in the way of that."
"Well my octodad isn't known for giving things to people when he knows they won't use them." Your octobro comments waving one of his shadowy tenticals absentmindedly. "Soooo I'm not going to argue against you on that point, I mean it was made for you to use it so it would be silly of me to question you on this….naturally I'll be waiting in the wings to help you if you actually do end up in major danger…I am here to help you after all, and you are wounded even if you've mostly just shrugged it off."
"So in a nutshell." You begin crossing your arms. "You're telling me to go for it?"
"Yes I'm trying to go you to go for i." Octobro concludes crossing his tentacles as if they were arms. "But no really you should do it…it'll be fun and I know you want too."
"Well your right on that account!" You begin summoning the disguise onto your body. "Nothing better than a good fight to help oneself cheer up after a brief swing with complete and utter terror after all!"
When you arrive at the scene of the battle you find that the Shredder Homunculi and your friend have been joined by a third figure. A very strong looking third figure at that, and pretty handsome too going from what you can see.
Like the Homunculi preceding it this one is mostly human with a grey skin tone. Unlike the others this one is dressed in what can best be described as a recreation of an old military uniform from an ancient human empire. It's a fine looking thing light blue in color with a red square like emblem at around the chest area, as well as some buttons that serve to keep the entire thing together. On each of his hands are a pair of white gloves…likely enchanted so as to make them far more durable than not only most cloths but most armor as well. While the unfirm normally comes with a hat this homunculi seems to have eschewed using it in favor of leaving his head bare….and showing off that unlike the first male homunculi to make himself seen this one isn't bald…his brunet hair actually manages to compliment his grey skin well…somehow. Like most uniforms of the time the pants on the one he is wearing do well to cover up his legs without restricting his movement. Due to the lack of hat or any kind of mask the Homuncili's face is clearly visible. He's got an decent face with nor clear scarring and a pair of beautiful green eyes…darn your fey ancestry and its tendency to make you think of things in the most flowery way possible, you aren't even sure which side of your family the habit comes from!
"Well well." The Homunculus general sneers at your friend. "So you're the stupid Fey that killed my job…it seems that nearly destroyed humanity wasn't enough for you monster."
He then summons a knife in his hand. "Very well I'll put you down here and now!" he finishes before throwing the knife.
You blast it out of the air mid-flight.
"Hold it!" You shout as you crack your knuckles. "I cannot allow a travesty against justice like this to occur on my watch…prepare yourself villain!"
How do you start the fight?
[x] You rush him…all melee all the time!
[x] You try and blast him at range.
[x] You make a sneak attack against the Shredder while everyone else is distracted.
[x] Write in.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Sep 13, 2017 at 3:27 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.
[x] You make a sneak attack against the Shredder while everyone else is distracted.
[x] Get over there!
[x] You rush him…all melee all the time!
[x] You try and blast him at range.
[x] You make a sneak attack against the Shredder while everyone else is distracted.
[x] Write in.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding standing something? Are just going to incorporate having one arm into our disguise somehow, just say we have we have a rare regeneration power/ otherwise important enough in the fey to have it healed, rip out our own arm to remain consistent, or just persistently never acknowledge the discrepancy even if asked? We could just hit and run without anyone getting a good look at us but the question is would after that effort really what we benefit us?
Just show up with both arms next time, don't say anything about it, and if anyone asks simply say that in a universe as filled with powerful magic and technology as this one there are many, many ways to regain an arm and that we have no interest in sharing how we did so at the present time.
We'll let see you have the perfect set up for a close ranged duel of epic proportions between you and the general, one that will likely lead to the two of you developing an intense and long lasting rivalry and become enemies that face each other more often than not.
Or you could do this!
You teleport behind the Shredder and deliver a right hook to her face before she can react. The look of complete and utterly surprise on her face and your fist smashes into her is truly something to saver, it's like watching a carefully orchestrated prank or overly convoluted plan unfold…expect you know it's not all that convoluted.
The force from your blow sends her flying into a conveniently empty car making it explode in the process.
…Wow you weren't expecting that to happen? What was even in that car to make it light up light that?
"Hey Steve" A mysterious figure asked to his equally enigmatic counterpart.
"Yeah." The affirmation 'Steve' replied.
"Where exactly did you part that car full of high explosives and flammable liquid again?"
"Right where those magical being are fight right…ooooooh……oooops."
"Darn it Steven! This is the third time this week!"
Eh you suppose it doesn't matter, the explosion was amusing anyway! And it sent her approximately 20 feet into the air too! That's some nice distance considering how heavy homunculi are supposed to see…and she was still on fire when hit the ground too! That was just the best!
Sadly though Homunculi are tought and it doesn't take her very long to peel herself off the ground.
"That was a cheap shot." She says in a low voice as she wipes some blood of her lip….while still on fire. "Don't you have any sense of respect?"
"Nope!" You say giving a happy smile. "In all honesty the main reason I actually went for you was because I thought it'd be funny!"
"….Well at least you're honest." The Female homunculis shrugs while still not putting out the flames.
"Hey boss." She glances at the general. "Should we still go for it….or do you think the element of surprise has been…well lost here?"
"It's been lost." The general replies giving you an analytical look. "It's definitely been lost."
For a moment you actually think he sees you for what you are…but you dismiss the thought soon enough, he'd have at least some kind of tell if he did considering how much stronger than him you actually are.
"It's time we retreat." The general says after pausing for a moment.
He then snaps his fingers causing a ton of metal wires to spring from the ground and then fuse into some of kind of arc….and arch which then creates a blue shimmering portal within its frame….wait generals aren't supposed to be able to do that? Whoever it is that's been running around with all these homunculi designs has clearly been making their own improvements. Not that you can complain since you can't count of all your enemies begin stupid or something like that, but as things currently are these will almost certainly end up making your job much harder to do.
"So boss can we have pizza when we get back." The Shredder asks to the general as the two of them walk into the portal.
….She does know that she's still on fire because of the whole car explosion incident right?
Apparently not as she the portal closes and vanishes with her on fire….wow homunculi are actually pretty tough.
""So!" Mary takes you out of your thoughts….ooops you'd forgot that she'd wonder who you where. "Who are you!?"
What do you answer?
[x] Write in.
How do you answer?
[x] Enigmatically.
[x] Excitedly!
[x] In the most edgy way possible!
[x] Write in.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Sep 18, 2017 at 11:25 AM, finished with 28 posts and 23 votes.
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[x] Enigmatically.
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Criptic as possible.
[X] "You wish to know of me? Very well then: I am he who has mastered the mightiest of magical arts, specialist of supreme sorcery, and worker of weighty wizardry! I am a most marvelous magician of muscle, known as THE WIZARD OF PUNCH!!!"
[X] As hammy as possible.