My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

Hanging Out
[x] Healing

You want to go out…you really do…to prowl the night and bring terror to your enemies…but at the moment you're wounded. Today you've already lost your arm, to anyone else that would be a neigh crippling injury, but to you it's basically a minor inconvenience, basically the rest of the nights worth of trouble and time at the most…if even that. Still taking the sort of injury is still quite a big sigh…one that you should slow down...for the rest of the night at least, after all you don't really have a set lifespan…there's plenty of time for you to try and take it slow every once and a while.

"So you're just going to chill tonight." Octobro places a comforting tentacle on your shoulder. "That's cool…say why don't we fire the old gaming system of yours and play some co-op….I've got more than enough arms to spare while you're grows back…and after that point maybe we can even get a little competitive?"

"Sure." You say as a smile begins to spread across your face. "I'd be up for it….I just hope you're ready to loose once my arm grows back, I have not intention of going easy on you just because you've been with me for most of my life."

"I certainly hope you have no intention of going easy on me!" Octobro glances a tentacle in front of his chest as if trying to imitate a humanoid placing a hand over their heart. "If I do end up beating you I want to have been fair and square! Not some sort of silly and pathetic pity win!?

You smile with your most toothy grin…a row of razers sharp canine teeth flash in your mouth for a moment before turning into those resembling a human as you close your mouth.

The two of you then spend the better part of the night just playing games with one another and having a good time together. It isn't very long, about midway into the night before your arm grows back, the powerful of the moon having helped to restore your body….you're also still running off of plenty of excess from the New Moon the night before and actually forget to go to sleep…you don't mind even with that little mistake on your part the Moon has more than recharged you enough to make up for the small decrease that would ordinarily come from forgetting to get any sleep.

Ahhhh……life is good….life is good.

And tomorrow…you'll be operating with a full arm and everything!

You'll be….armed and dangerous!



Unfortunately the next day marks the end of your relative wealth of free time and you soon find yourself back in morning classes….and some afternoon classes as well, but they tend to be less numerous and annoying so you don't mind them as much as you do the morning ones, still it is a bit a annoying but a good education is important to just about anything so you'll just bear with it and get on with things for the moment.

Still at least none of the classes gave you any homework….so that leaves you with pretty much the rest of the day to hang around and do whatever you want to do…whatever that may be.

What do you do?
[x] Spend some extra time studying, you do want to get good grades after all.
[x] Spend some time in the park…nothing is quite as satisfying as the peace of nature.
[x] Greg's place is always open, and you're likely to encounter friends there.
[x] Go to the gym and work out a little….a little exercise never hurt anyone.

OOC: Congrats on making it to episode 3 guys!
[x] Spend some extra time studying, you do want to get good grades after all.
Don't suppose we can study with friends? Study groups are totally a thing.
yours edit: added context
no intention
Possibly "places a tentacle"
I want to have been fair and square
Possibly "I want it to have been"
Not some sort of silly and pathetic pity win!?
There is no question here, so !? doesn't work.
the powerful of the moon
The power of the
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[x] Spend some extra time studying, you do want to get good grades after all.

We should train next time we get the chance
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[x] Spend some extra time studying, you do want to get good grades after all.

Lets be smurt!
[x] Spend some time in the park…nothing is quite as satisfying as the peace of nature.
[x] Greg's place is always open, and you're likely to encounter friends there.

Plot hook?
[X] Spend some time in the park…nothing is quite as satisfying as the peace of nature.
So how close we we to failing? It got a bit hairy a few times
The biggest one was the nat 1 on your encounter roll, but you guys still managed to evade that one in the end, the next closest could have shown up tonight if you went out, but it wasn't a certainty.

Anyway I've got something I need to work so I may not be able to update this weekend...or even Monday if things get complicated enough...sorry.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HavocKeeper on Sep 24, 2017 at 11:04 AM, finished with 646 posts and 15 votes.
[x] Study

Well as school day is a school day, and you do have quite a bit to study for. A good education is the key to a successful future, and though your mother doesn't exactly care for education herself she knows that your father places more than a little value in intellectual arts and wants to raise you in a manner that would make him happy. Once again you find yourself shocked and surprised at the mutual love between your mother and father…the two of them are so incredible different have almost conflicting priorities in many cases….yet between them is a love more intense and pure than just about anything you've ever encountered…more than once you've found yourself wondering how the two of them met.

The topics you study are fairly interesting in their own right. The humans of this world has always had such a strange yet fulfilling history in spite of how comparatively short and limited it is compared to their mostly extinct brethren in other worlds or that of other species such as the fey. That's not to say that it isn't a fascinating history just that they haven't been around as long and as a result haven't had time for as many events to go down. Still history in itself always has been and almost certainly always will be a very complicated topic so it still manages to be interesting anyway….though you really wonder what your mother would think of the Mongels if you told her about them….it would probably give her ideas which may or may not be good for whoever she's got a grudge against at the time. Than again mother has a grudge against most things most of the time so it may just flat out not be good for anyone but her husband and family.

Well either way with all of the studying you've been doing you feel like you'll have a much better chance when time for exams comes.

+20 to rolls for exams.

Still it seems that you've used up most of your day and there was a fight between your friend and a monster…and from what you can tell a new magical warrior has joined her in her fight. Mmmmm front the looks of that second magical warrior in the report it looks like she's new to the position as well. She certainly doesn't carry herself as having the same competence and abilities that your friend has, you wonder what the source of the second ones powers are. Mary has Fey ancestry herself but the lady of Gears and a few other magical warriors you know of that protect the planet draw their power from different sources and different aspects of the universe. Heck there are so many Fey that even if this second warrior did draw her powers from some sort of Fey ancestry that the aspects and abilities that are granted to her from it could be totally different. It might be prudent for you to take advantage of the night and try and track this second warrior down, your sense of smell is impeccable after all and it was a key part in you figuring our Mary's secret identity. Alternatively you could create a monster yourself and send it out to gather attention tomorrow, it would let you see both Mary's growth over these last few days as well as learn more about the new girl, and making a monster weak enough to no arouse suspicion from the many of other factions would be an almost trivial affair…Then again you already sense another Fey presence from the Court of Black Weeds running around so you may want to spend your time investigating that….so much to do so little time.

What do you do?
[x] Investigate the new warrior.
[x] Make a monster.
[x] Investigate the other Fey presence.
[x] Eh your lazy…just spend the night practicing magic.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Sep 27, 2017 at 12:56 PM, finished with 15 posts and 13 votes.

  • [x] Investigate the other Fey presence.
    [x] Make a monster.
    -[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
    [x] Investigate the new warrior.
    [x] Study
    [x] Investigate the new warrior.
    [x] Make a monster.
    [x] Investigate the other Fey presence.
    [x] Eh your lazy…just spend the night practicing magic.
[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.