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Trauma, lots and lots of generational trauma is my best guess.
I assumed personally that Satine's security forces (Totally not an army of Mando Protectors who stole all the Judical's stuff once the war ended) are quite busy putting out house fires every so often, and the clans killing eachother over pride probably helps somewhat (You know blood fueds and all)
Well, the sad thing is, given the protection philosophy adopted by the order, it's possible that some of the Jedi might have helped through their own actions...
Yeah, The Sith made the Jedi's own nature into a weapon agenst them.
I assumed personally that Satine's security forces (Totally not an army of Mando Protectors who stole all the Judical's stuff once the war ended) are quite busy putting out house fires every so often, and the clans killing eachother over pride probably helps somewhat (You know blood fueds and all)
With war exaustion likely having taken some of the heavy lifting, given the brutal civil war they just finished. But for all it worked, it was very much temporary. Given the exhaustion and scars were likely what kept the peace at home while other factors kept outside threats from having a go at the planet.
Satine must have also been genuinely popular. Death Watch, in the Clone Wars series, is depicted as a diminished minority of the mandalorian population that needs two years of worsening condtions (due to the galactic war) to become a serious problem. Even then, their coup fails and they only achieve power because of the support of external actors (Maul).

Also, wasn't the whole destabilization of Mandalore a Sidius plot?​
Proposal for next law; remove the tax exemption from the Trade Federation to help pay for stuff like anti-piracy operations in the Outer Rim
(I figure we can get the Outer Rim, Militarist and probably Federalist votes for this if we try, and it'd help rim stability, militarizing operations and maybe social cohesion)
Not just that but Death watch in some ways had to wait for the generation born after the civil war to grow up. The ones willing to believe in the good old days without being aware of what deathwatch had done. Honestly if the two choices weren't Death Watch or New Mandolorians Satine would have never been able to take power. Death Watch was that bad. There is a reason the True Mandolorians were slaughtered in a Sith/Death Watch plot.
The only real problem Satine had was her inflexibility. During the pre-Clone Wars period the republic was at peace (a peace that had endured for a 1000 years) so her pacifism must not have been all that unreasonable but the Clone Wars put all hopes of another 1000 years of peace to rest. I imagine that a good number of mandalorians were radicaliced because the galaxy was a warzone and their government insisted on being unarmed bystanders. If Satine had transitioned to armed neutrality, she could have assuaged her population's fear without participating in the war.​
I also imagine Satine had a whole heaping pile of unaddressed trauma as well, seeing as how therapists apparently don't exist in Star Wars. She was 13 during the Mandalorian Civil War and had lost her father to assassination.

I kind of see her like the post-Great War French. In WW1, about 4% of the entire population had just died and about the same amount was wounded. Interwar France actually had a large societal shift towards pacifism due to the wide-spread trauma from the war.
I also imagine Satine had a whole heaping pile of unaddressed trauma as well, seeing as how therapists apparently don't exist in Star Wars. She was 13 during the Mandalorian Civil War and had lost her father to assassination.

I kind of see her like the post-Great War French. In WW1, about 4% of the entire population had just died and about the same amount was wounded. Interwar France actually had a large societal shift towards pacifism due to the wide-spread trauma from the war.
A lot of people ask why Appeasement was even considered and kept going for so long in the lead-up to WW2. Why it wasn't dismissed as obviously stupid from the start.

But it makes perfect sense when you consider that the political Leadership of Britain and France had lived through and often fought in the absolute worst War in human History up to that point, the scars of which were still being felt at home, and where thus absolutely DESPERATE to avoid a repeat of that at any and all cost...unfortunately, to the point of deluding themselves that peace was still achievable if they just gave Hitler one last thing, even though it was clear by then that he would never stop.
A lot of people ask why Appeasement was even considered and kept going for so long in the lead-up to WW2. Why it wasn't dismissed as obviously stupid from the start.

But it makes perfect sense when you consider that the political Leadership of Britain and France had lived through and often fought in the absolute worst War in human History up to that point, the scars of which were still being felt at home, and where thus absolutely DESPERATE to avoid a repeat of that at any and all cost...unfortunately, to the point of deluding themselves that peace was still achievable if they just gave Hitler one last thing, even though it was clear by then that he would never stop.
Even then appeasement bought the British time to rearm to defend their island very effectively once they abandoned the continent.

It wasn't just a desire to prevent war but an effective strategy that almost beat the German war machine.

But we're getting off topic.

The only real problem Satine had was her inflexibility. During the pre-Clone Wars period the republic was at peace (a peace that had endured for a 1000 years) so her pacifism must not have been all that unreasonable but the Clone Wars put all hopes of another 1000 years of peace to rest. I imagine that a good number of mandalorians were radicaliced because the galaxy was a warzone and their government insisted on being unarmed bystanders. If Satine had transitioned to armed neutrality, she could have assuaged her population's fear without participating in the war.​
Satine and her pacifism are both invaluable assets to her people currently.

It's how mandalore will rebuild.

Problem is… papa Palps needs the mandos to be a factor
And of course, the Mandalore Tradition also means rearmanant could very well raise the pressure to go to war, never mind how the last time that happened, the republic slammed the panic button and shelled Mandalore.

Their situation is COMPLICATED. Between the ancient generational scars caused by Raven that never healed, the more recent ones, and the whole galaxy being terrified of them possibly starting another crusade.
And of course, the Mandalore Tradition also means rearmanant could very well raise the pressure to go to war, never mind how the last time that happened, the republic slammed the panic button and shelled Mandalore.

Their situation is COMPLICATED. Between the ancient generational scars caused by Raven that never healed, the more recent ones, and the whole galaxy being terrified of them possibly starting another crusade.

One of the funny things about the Mandalorians...they were probably the only faction that came out of the New Sith Wars better than they went into it. The Republic was being held together with duct tape and spit by the Jedi, the Sith completely collapsed to infighting ala Darth Bane, and the Hutts more or less kept the same level of strength throughout the conflict.

Before, there hadn't been a unifying figure for them since the Great Galactic War and the Mandalorians existed mostly as scattered clans that supported Republic or Sith in small numbers at the direction of their respective chieftains.

After, Aga Awad (appropriately named Mandalore the Uniter) brought the Mandalore sector together as a unified power and turned it into a technological and industrial powerhouse in the century before Ruusan. That and the expansionist policies adopted in the aftermath of the NSW (long after Awad's death) were the reasons the Republic, which was still rebuilding and reclaiming old territories some centuries after Ruusan, saw them as a threat to stomp down before it got out of control like the Sith had.
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Satine is the head of mandalore right now…

She would not allow it.

Any Mandalorian who says otherwise is deathwatch.

Would it be possible/not political suicide to more or less poach the deathwatch and any other dissatisfied mandalorians?

Like hiring them as mercs to hunt down slavers and the like? Hopefully having a productive alternative to distract them and likely thin out their numbers in the process would get them to chill out a bit instead of just sulking on the moon.

Hiring on some famous warriors to hunt slavers seems like it could be a good PR move if nothing else.
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Would it be possible/not political suicide to more or less poach the deathwatch and any other dissatisfied mandalorians?

Like hiring them as mercs to hunt down slavers and the like? Hopefully having a productive alternative to distract them and likely thin out their numbers in the process would get them to chill out a bit instead of just sulking on the moon.

Hiring on some famous warriors to hunt slavers seems like it could be a good PR move if nothing else.
...That may have problems, namely the fact that almost certainly includes MANY PR nightmares, that could cause a wide array of incidents that would reflect poorly on us.
Would it be possible/not political suicide to more or less poach the deathwatch and any other dissatisfied mandalorians?
The Deathwatch are pretty much every single bad example of how Mandalorians act all brought together under one creed. Trying to make them allies would not turn out well, and probably get our messenger shot. At the least.
Like hiring them as mercs to hunt down slavers and the like? Hopefully having a productive alternative to distract them and likely thin out their numbers in the process would get them to chill out a bit instead of just sulking on the moon.

Hiring on some famous warriors to hunt slavers seems like it could be a good PR move if nothing else.
The problem is that the Death Watch's whole "unga-bunga we proud warriors" schtick means that they see themselves as being above such things. Hell they basically take slaves themselves from what I understand. Basically if they want it, they'll take it. And "it" can be your favorite blaster, your house, your speeder, or your wife and daughter. And if you protest? They'll just kill you for it.
You know what would be funny, we hold a contest between the Senate guard"s and some gungan warriors on who could protect jar jar better. (Am putting my money on the gungans)
Edit: I thought about just having them fight...but that might make things to easy for the gungans.
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